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Newslinks for 6/25/2011

GOA call to end BATFE
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment group Gun Owners of America isn’t known for pulling punches at all. Considered by many in the 2A culture to be a much more principled alternative to the NRA, they tend to take a 'no compromises' role on issue regarding our right to keep and bear arms. Now, they’re taking it to a whole new level. Now, they want to eliminate the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE)." ...

Holding the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) Accountable
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you're coming to HumaneWatch for the first time today because you saw an editorial that criticized us in today's Los Angeles Times, welcome! It seems our hard-hitting national ads, including a recent one in the Times, have struck a nerve. Tinseltown is fast becoming the Humane Society of the United States's power center, so we're not surprised to learn that its leaders apparently persuaded the Times to take a closer look at our campaign to keep them honest." ...

Helmke leaving Brady Camp; Melson clings to ATF post
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Paul Helmke, president of the anti-gun Brady Campaign, who tried to stir up a boycott of Seattle-based Starbucks Coffee last year because it caters to armed patrons, has announced he is leaving his job in July."

"At the same time, Kenneth Melson, embattled acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, appears to be hanging onto his job, perhaps by his fingernails, according to the Los Angeles Times. One major reported reason for his resistance: He does not intend to be the 'fall guy' for the agency’s botched Operation Fast and Furious." ...

Helmke to Step Down at Brady Campaign
Submitted by: John Pierce

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"Paul Helmke, Yale Law graduate and former Republican mayor of Fort Wayne Indiana who has served as the president of The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence since 2006, has announced that he is stepping down effective July 10th."

"Despite his highly respected resume, during his tenure at the Brady Campaign, Helmke has presided over a steady decline in the organizations relevancy." ...

Sportsmen Win Major Courtroom Battle Over Hunting on Public Lands
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The lengthy battle over hunting access on dozens of units of the 100 million acre National Wildlife Refuge system has ended—and hunters can declare VICTORY!"

"In April 2011, federal Judge James S. Gwin ruled for sportsmen across America by granting summary judgment in favor of the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance Foundation, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and other defendants while denying a lawsuit aimed at closing hunting on National Wildlife Refuge System parcels. After this ruling, an appeal process was opened, and the appeal clock began ticking. On Monday, that appeal period came to an end with the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) failing to file any appeal." ...

Wannabe terrorists are here, and they don’t shop at gun shows
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The arrest of two suspected would-be terrorists who allegedly plotted to attack a Seattle-area military recruiting office shows that the Pacific Northwest is not immune to dangerous nutballs, and also revealed one other thing: they did not go shopping for weapons at a local gun show." ...

Rare Pistol Owned by Howard Hughes and Used in Epic “Hell’s Angels” To be Auctioned
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A rare German Luger pistol once owned by aviation pioneer Howard Hughes could reach new heights when it goes up for auction in Solana Beach, Calif. on September 1, 2011 from Craig Gottlieb Militaria Auctions."

"The iconic handgun was used in the 1930 epic World War I film Hell’s Angels, which Hughes directed."

"The gun was used in the final scene of the Hollywood blockbuster that introduced actress Jean Harlow to the silver screen. ..." ...

Rep. John Campbell, "Gun-Owning Animal Lover," Finds Himself in NRA Crosshairs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Campbell and the NRA agree on this: managing wildlife and wildlife predators costs millions of dollars annually. They just disagree on who should pay for it. Of course, the NRA can't couch its argument that way, as it sounds like support of a government give-away. ..."

"So, to rile up the NRA card-carrying masses, the gun lovers labeled the legislation an 'anti-hunting bill.' And its sponsors, like the Humane Society of the United States, are 'radical anti-hunting groups.'" ...

Submitter's Note: I dunno, any group that states on its website that "[s]port hunting—the killing of wild animals as recreation—is fundamentally at odds with the values of a humane, just and caring society" probably qualifies as an anti-hunting group.

Time to target gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... the [Obama] administration would do better to accept the ATF's faults and those of US justice department, which oversees the agency, and instead, channel the current public and political momentum against assault weapons to improving the security of the US and its partner Mexico."

"While the [NRA] ... outspends gun control advocates by a factor of roughly 3 to 1 – making congressional backing for gun reform highly difficult – the president can use his executive powers to prohibit the import of assault weapons to the United States and increase the regulatory capacity of the ATF (especially in the states that supply the largest numbers of weapons to Mexico)." ...

Submitter's Note: Here is the "logic" of the antis: The ATF trafficked thousands of weapons to Mexico causing countless deaths, so we should give the agency more power?!?

WI: Fundamental right? Hardly
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I feel compelled to respond to June 8 letter headlined 'Scare tactics,' which is what the writer apparently feels 'liberals' are using to bad-mouth the concealed carry law. The writer obviously is unaware that he is using that very tactic when he states that the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment guarantees this as a 'fundamental right.'" ...

FL: Doctors Seek To Block Fla. Gag Law On Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" Thousands of Florida doctors and an anti-gun violence group want a Miami federal judge to immediately block enforcement of a new state law barring physicians from discussing firearms with patients." ...

Submitter's Note: No matter how many times you repeat a lie, it is still a lie! The law does nothing to prevent "physicians from discussing firearms with patients", it only prohibits them from specifically asking about gun ownership unless they believe it is relevant to patient care.

MS: Gunfire exchanged in Jackson home burglary
Submitted by: Jeff Pittman, MSFOA

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"Two men are in custody after allegedly burglarizing a house and exchanging gunfire with a homeowner, a Jackson Police Department spokeswoman said."

"JPD’s Colendula Green said just after 4:20 p.m., a witness in the 2100 block of Alta Woods Boulevard saw a window open at a neighbor’s house and told the homeowner about it."

"Suddenly five males came running out of the home, Green said, and fired shots at the homeowner, who returned fire." ...

OH: Dayton CCW Holder Defends Himself, Forgets to STFU
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Adam Fox is damned lucky. Despite poor situational awareness and not having his gun on his hip, he was able to successfully defend himself against two BGs who attacked him at a Dayton gas station. Then he decided to get on line…" ...

Submitter's Note: My carry instructors told us all: The only thing you say is "I wish to speak to my attorney, I do not consent to any search."

Sharyl Attkisson On Another Murder Linked To Gunwalked AK's (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sharyl Attkisson reported on-air on the CBS Early Show this morning about 2 AK-47 variants that were found at the scene of a shoot-out between Mexican police and narco-terrorist thugs implicated in the murder of the brother of the former Attorney General for the state of Chihuahua ..."

WA: Fast and Furious (third letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Government officials have been running a 'Fast and Furious' operation in a fast and loose manner."

"... In the light of the expressed outrage which followed [the Tucson] shootings, how did an administration, especially the Justice Department, in favor of limiting the scope of the Second Amendment when it comes to law-abiding citizens, become so deeply involved in the unconscionable action of directing the sale of large numbers of assault weapons to drug traffickers? ..." ...

A 'Conservative Problem-Solver'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"No Republican presidential candidate stirs more curiosity than Jon Huntsman. 'What about Huntsman?' You hear it all the time. Who is Jon Huntsman and where is he coming from? ..." ...

"Jon Huntsman, a discursive talker, brings a lot to the table. What remains to be seen is how he presents it all in a way Republican voters will want to buy. ..."

"'When people look at what we've done,' he says, 'they're going to say, 'He's a conservative problem solver.' I'm going to point people in the direction of what we've done as governor. I'm pro-life, strongly pro-Second Amendment. I think there are enough voters who will say, 'I may not like everything, but there's enough here to like.'" ...

H.R.2252 -- Citizens' Self-Defense Act of 2011
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The text of HR 2252 - Citizens' Self-Defense Act of 2011 - is below."

"The key section of the bill is Section 3. It asserts that individuals have the right to obtain a firearm for self-defense (unless otherwise prohibited) and to use that firearm in the defense of self, family, and home. To enforce this legal right, the individual has the right to sue in U.S. District Court for both damages and injunctive relief from any Federal, state, or local governmental body or individual who violates this right to self-defense." ...

NC: Victory NC Governor Signs Castle Doctrine & Carry in Parks Bill – HB 650
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congratulations! Your calls and emails have proven once again the power you wield."

"Despite an orchestrated effort by anti-gunners and their associates in the media to depict this bill as dangerous with little public support, HB 650 has been signed into law by Governor Beverly Perdue." ...

Wisconsin set to legalize concealed carry; Illinois stands alone
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wisconsin is about to become the 49th state in the nation to legalize concealed carry, leaving Illinois as the only state left without such a provision." ...

"Meanwhile, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn doubled down on his opposition to concealed carry and said it was unlikely to pass in Illinois anytime soon."

"'About two-thirds of the people of Illinois are strongly opposed to that proposed idea and public safety comes first,' Quinn said. 'We should listen to the everyday people of our state when it comes to their safety that carrying loaded, concealed weapons by private persons in public places is something that is not going to enhance public safety.'" ...

IL: Central Illinois Lawmakers Call For Local Option Concealed Carry Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Representatives Bill Mitchell (R-Forsyth), Adam Brown (R-Decatur) and Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) want to see Illinois adopt a local option concealed carry law. The lawmakers are sponsoring legislation that would allow for the issuance of concealed carry firearms licenses on a county-by-county basis." ...

Submitter's Note: Which would open up non-issuing counties to equal protection lawsuits. Very clever.

IL: ISRA Responds To Chicago Police Head's Racist Rant Against The NRA And Gun Owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Richard Pearson, Executive Director of the Illinois State Rifle Association, released this alert and statement regarding Chicago Police Superintendent Gerry McCarthy's racist rant against gun owners, Sarah Palin, the NRA, and Federal firearms laws delivered to the primarily African-American congregation of St. Sabina's Catholic Church in Chicago. If you haven't seen the video, I posted it here a couple of days ago." ...

PA: Protest Causes Emmaus man to Drop Plan to Sell Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"David Gardner appeared before the Emmaus zoning board on Thursday to request a special exception that would allow him to use his residence on State Road to sell firearms over the Internet. By the end of the hearing Gardner withdrew his request in response to the comments and protests from the audience, his neighbors." ...

MI: NRA supports ownership of all types of firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On June 20, Curtis Jacobson of Detroit (formerly Muskegon) asked Chronicle readers to do two things: Tell the Legislature that the state needs to require motorcycle riders have a 'strong' insurance policy and to seek a total ban on handguns." ...

"My concern in responding to Jacobson's letter is his fear of handguns and his erroneous comment that the NRA (National Rifle Association) 'does not stand for any handgun carrying, only rifles and shotguns.' Nope, not true." ...

NC: Change to concealed weapons law worries some
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some aren’t totally sold on them, but the state’s expanded conceal and carry laws seem to strike a nerve with the general public."

"The Associated Press reported last week that legislators approved measures to ease access to concealed weapons and give gun owners more assurance that they can protect themselves or family members from an intruder entering homes, businesses and vehicles. The final version did not, however, include a controversial provision allowing concealed weapons in bars and restaurants where alcohol is served." ...

AZ: Liberalism spreading like wildfire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After watching the news on the Wallow fire and knowing that environmental groups sued to stop forest thinning, it made me realize liberalism is spreading like the Wallow fire with the same results. Here are just a few of the ways liberal ideology has changed our country."

"... Even after the Second Amendment was upheld by the Supreme Court, they are still trying back-door tactics through agencies like the IRS and EPA to bypass the court to impose gun controls. Dirty tactics including lawsuits, protests, name-calling and intimidation are their norm, then you are labeled a racist or bigot if you dare to disagree." ...

A Bill of Rights that means what the majority wants it to mean is worthless. — Justice Antonin Scalia

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