FL: Open-Carry Advocates Say Cops Treated Them Criminally. Police Say They Did Their Jobs.
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David Williamson
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Six men who openly carried guns on their hips as they walked onto a Miami Beach pier with fishing equipment Sunday say they told Miami Beach Chief of Police Daniel Oates they would be coming. The police who detained them committed assault and battery, they claim. Oates tells a different story. Through a spokesman, he said that the members of Florida Carry gave no notice before dropping in on South Beach's South Pointe Park Pier and that officers' actions fit the situation.
Delaware Gun Ban Bill Dies in Senate
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David Williamson
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A committee vote on Senate Bill 163 didn’t result in enough ayes to get to the Senate floor in Delaware. The death knell came when two Democrats voted against the measure. S.B. 163 was introduced in March by Sen. Bryan Townsend, D-Newark. It called for blocking the sale, transfer or import of about 60 specific makes and models of firearms, including the AR-15-platform rifle.
Thompson Auto-Ordnance Offers 1911 in 9mm
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David Williamson
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Thompson Auto-Ordnance, maker of the famous “Tommy Gun” and other classic firearms throughout history, is excited to introduce the new 9mm 1911 pistol. The 1911 pistol is the iconic American Military handgun, serving members of the United States Armed Forces for over 100 years. Its dependability and stopping power are legendary, in no small measure demonstrated by the fact that many shooters today select it as their primary form of self defense. |
10 Years After Heller: Fiery Gun Rights Rhetoric, but Courts Back Second Amendment Limits
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David Williamson
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The Supreme Court decided the landmark Second Amendment case District of Columbia v. Heller 10 years ago Tuesday, recognizing for the first time an individual right of “law-abiding, responsible citizens” to have a gun in the home for self-defense. But as students from Parkland to Chicago focus our attention on the scourge of gun violence, it’s important to remember what Heller also made clear: the constitutional right to keep and bear arms is not absolute. Despite efforts by the National Rifle Association to distort the meaning of that right, courts of all ideological perspectives around the country have overwhelmingly confirmed that there is no conflict between reasonable, commonsense gun laws and the Second Amendment. |
A Slippery Slope to Second Amendment Discrimination
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David Williamson
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In the wake of recent mass shootings in Las Vegas, Florida and elsewhere disturbing news reports have emerged that some banks and credit card companies are exploring ways to enact gun control from the private sector by developing ways to flag, and possibly restrict, gun purchases. By “coding” purchases made, as these companies already do for restaurants and department stores, the credit card companies would be able to see when and where a customer purchased a firearm. This is a slippery slope to discrimination and violates people’s Second Amendment rights as well as their privacy.
Is WA Gun Control Measure Trying to Undermine State Preemption?
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David Williamson
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Buried in the text of a controversial gun control initiative now gathering signatures in Washington State is a proposed change in the language of a pamphlet published by the state Department of Fish and Wildlife that would eliminate notification to gun buyers about the state preemption law that essentially nullifies local laws and ordinances on firearms. |
WaPo: ‘More Guns Than People’ … And So What?
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David Williamson
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A recent lengthy article in the Washington Post declared there are “more guns than people in the United States,” as if that were a bad thing, but anybody attending the monthly Washington Arms Collectors’ gun show at the Puyallup Fairgrounds in Washington State over the weekend might have said it’s a good start. |
Video—ARTV: Hornady Manufacturing's American Gunner Line
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David Williamson
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Since Hornady's inception, it has developed numerous handgun and rifle loads, in popular calibers, that proved to be top performers across a wide range of ballistic pursuits—target shooting, competition, hunting and self-defense. Similar to these loads were the company's time-tested bullets—the renowned XTP for handgun cartridges, and the accurate hollow points and boattail hollow points in the rifle loads. Developed in the late 80s, the XTP bullets were the first hollow points on the market that gave consistent, reliable terminal performance, thus becoming the centerpiece for Hornady's American Gunner Ammunition line. |
Texas Governor: ‘Gun Control Debate was Settled in 1791’
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David Williamson
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Gov. Greg Abbott (R) affirmed his commitment to defending the Second Amendment Monday by tweeting, “The gun control debate was settled in 1791. 1791 was the year in which the Second Amendment was ratified. Abbott’s tweet was a follow-up on his school security plan, which some feared would contain gun control in the wake of the May 18 Santa Fe High School shooting.
Firing A Gun Relieves Stress, Says Priest
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AS CHURCH officials criticize priests who reportedly keep firearms for their own protection, a priest in the Archdiocese of Cebu says owning a gun can be helpful. A competition shooter for many years, Fr. Marty (not his real name) said that for him, a pistol is not meant as a tool to harm others, but for use in a healthy and liberating sport that helps relieve stress.
MI: Gun Rights Rally to be Held July 7
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The Ottawa Sportsmen’s Club and Baraga County Republican Party will be hosting a gun rights rally on Saturday, July 7th at the Ottawa Sportsmen’s Club in Pelkie. The event will take place between 1 and 3 p.m. Guest speakers include numerous candidates, local gun rights activists, and a representative from the National Rifle Association. “We feel that our Second Amendment rights are under attack and think it’s time to speak up and do something about it,” said Brenda Turunen, Vice President of the Ottawa Sportsmen’s Club.
AK: A Question With No Answer on Guns
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Corey Salo
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Mass shootings seem a very recently conceived activity, but if you do a little research, you can find one "starting date" is Sept. 6, 1949, with Howard Unruh's "Walk of Death" in Camden, New Jersey. He used a Luger, which has a semi-automatic action that fired every time he pulled the trigger. Nearly 20 years later, on Aug. 1, 1966, Charles Whitman climbed the tower at the University of Texas, Austin, packing an arsenal with which he efficiently shot dozens of people. So what's new with these now near-monthly massacres?
A month or two ago, I wrote to the National Rifle Association, asking them to pose the question to their membership as to how to both protect the public from slaughter and protect the Second Amendment. |
OH: Moms Urge Lawmakers to Ditch "Stand Your Ground" Bill
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A controversial gun bill in the Ohio Statehouse could be passed into law but people against it urged lawmakers Monday to change their minds. House Speaker Ryan Smith, R - Bidwell, said last week he believed there were enough votes in the Republican majority to pass the bill. Smith said the series of gun reforms backed by Governor Kasich had less support among lawmakers than the bill many call "Stand Your Ground". Ohio law allows people to defend themselves in their home or in their car without any duty to retreat. The bill would extend that protection to anywhere someone is legally allowed to be. |
Anit-Gun Group Cancels Disney Die-In Fearing it Will Traumitize Children
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David Williamson
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An anti-gun group called off its staged die-in demonstration at Disney World, fearing backlash for scaring children, the student-led organization announced Monday. The demonstration, planned by the organization National Die-In and scheduled for sometime in June, was meant to protest Disney for contributing to political committees supporting Adam Putnam, Florida’s current agriculture commissioner and a GOP gubernatorial candidate. |
Trump Aides Urged to Get a Gun
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David Williamson
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Facing a new wave of potentially dangerous threats, called for by a top Democratic lawmaker, legal and gun experts are calling on top Trump aides to get their concealed carry permit and back it up with a pistol. "There are simply not enough police in D.C. or Virginia or Maryland to protect all Trump officials at their homes and when they go out to restaurants. Getting a concealed handgun permit would be helpful to protect themselves and their family,” said John R. Lott Jr., president of the influential Crime Prevention Research Center. |
D.C. Police Questioned Over Controversial Search for Guns
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David Williamson
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A video of a recent search for guns conducted in the District of Columbia is raising questions about the tactics police used to search several young black men sitting outside of a barber shop. The men being searched recorded the video. They say the search happened in the 5200 block of Sheriff Road NE last Wednesday. Officers appear to find a gun on one man standing near the group, and then explain to the rest of the men there that they will need to search them for weapons as a result. |