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Newslinks for 6/28/2011

'Project Gunrunner' Whistleblower Says ATF Sent Him Termination Notice
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The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms is being accused of retaliating against an agent who helped publicize the agency’s role in allowing thousands of guns to cross the U.S. border and fall into the hands of Mexican drug gangs.

The agent, Vince Cefalu, who has spoken out about the ATF's so-called "Project Gunrunner" scandal, says he was served with termination papers just last week, and he calls the move politically motivated.

“Aside from Jay Dobyns, I don't know of anyone that's been more vocal about ATF mismanagement than me,” said Cefalu, a senior special agent based in Dublin, Calif. “That's why this is happening.” Dobyns, an ATF special agent based in Tucson, has appeared several times on Fox News to discuss the scandal

PA: Father shoots robbery suspect in W. Phila.
Submitted by: jac

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WEST PHILADELPHIA - June 27, 2011 (WPVI) -- A father came to the aid of his son Sunday night when three people tried to steal the teenager's dirt bike in West Philadelphia.

It all unfolded shortly before 10:00 p.m. on the 4000 block of Green Street. Police say the father was nearby as three men tried to steal his son's dirt bike. Officials say two of the suspects were armed with guns.

The teen's father allegedly pulled out his own gun and shot one of the suspects, critically wounding him.


VA: Open Carry Coming to Virginia State Forests July 7th
Submitted by: John Pierce

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In addition to the new gun laws which take effect in Virginia on July 1st, there is an important administrative code change that will take effect on July 7th. The change modifies 4VAC10-30-170 to remove the prohibition against both open and concealed carry on land under the ownership and management of the Department of Forestry.

‘Day by Day’ does best Gunwalker cartoon yet!
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Chris Muir, who produces the popular webcomic Day by Day, features a 'Project Gunwalker' storyline in today's strip—hands-down the most on-target and brilliant skewering I’ve seen to date..."

New Eminem video continues entertainment industry’s ugly portrayal of guns
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"No, what strikes me as curious about this piece—aside from the profound hypocrisy of the music industry when it comes to guns—is the gun itself used in the video: Is it real or is it a prop?"

AZ: Assault weapons linked to ATF strategy turn up in Valley neighborhoods (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The ABC15 Investigators have uncovered new information showing weapons linked to a questionable government strategy are turning up in crimes in Valley neighborhoods."

"For months we've been searching through police reports and official government documents to uncover whether assault weapons linked to a controversial ATF plan put Valley communities at risk." ...

Submitter's Note: The program in question is, of course, Project Gunwalker.

Gun Review: Smith & Wesson E-Series SW1911Sc
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The 1911 is the dictionary definition of 'been there shot that.' Especially now, during the centennial celebrations marking its debut. You could equip an Army unit with all the variants clamoring for a modern gun buyer’s attention, none of which is particularly noteworthy in terms of its mechanical innovation. But familiarity with John Moses Browning’s design does not breed contempt. And some gunmakers have viewed the 1911′s resurgence as a challenge: to improve on a classic without losing its fundamental strengths. To wit: Smith & Wesson’s new 'E-Series' 1911′s . . ." ...

How to Fight A Flash Mob. Or Not.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'If you have a pistol, please make sure it is a modern high capacity weapon with a couple of spare magazines in your belt. The Suarez International company gun, a Glock 17 with three magazines, yields a sum total of 52 rounds. Figure three rounds per man, and you can reduce an angry mob of panga swinging killers into a fleeing group of bloodied bad guys. Draw it and yell, 'Get The F*** Back!' If they do, run away. If they do not, shoot the first man in the face. The rest will take care of itself.' This from, where TTAGonist Gabe Suarez holds court. While I appreciate the fighting spirit, and understand the strategy (speed, surprise and violence of action), I disagree on a few points . . ." ...

Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... The $300 (or less from a dealer) 9G INPRINT BIOMETRIC SAFE is simple to set-up, holds a full size handgun and a spare mag, and opens reliably with a practiced swipe of any designated digit. No key. No code. Need I say more? Let’s start with this . . ." ...

Order Up (cartoon)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Submitter's Note: Day by Day's Chris Muir continues to lampoon the ATF's 'Operation Gunwalker'.

NC: Legislative session was fruitful
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Early morning on Saturday, June 18, 2011, the North Carolina Senate adjourned. Out of all the terms I have been here, this was the most efficient, active, and fruitful long session. It took many long and late night sessions to achieve the earliest adjournment date since 1973, but we all worked hard and got the job done.


The Second Amendment rights of North Carolinians have been protected with legislation that would protect property owners who use a weapon in self-defense and expands the places where conceal-carry permit holders are allowed to carry their firearms.

Do We Have the Right to Life Without the Right to Self-Defense?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Imagine yourself in that pharmacy. You are facing an obvious threat from a man with a gun. You cannot retreat because the gunman is too close. You have no weapon, because the State of New York has made it extremely difficult to posses any sort of a weapon, and certainly not a gun. Hence, your only means of self-defense is to plead for compassion from a soulless thug. At that point, with your right to life materially impaired by the government restricting your right to self-defense, you simply die.

CA: California Legislature To Consider Bill To Force Open Carry Of Long Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In both cases, the availability of unloaded open carry allowed the court to determine that sufficient alternative avenues existed for citizens to exercise their right to self-defense. Once unloaded open carry is no longer available, future challenges will likely find that a may-issue permitting scheme cannot pass constitutional muster.

Another consequence of AB144 will be to force those citizens who wish to exercise their rights to do so by openly carrying long guns, which are not affected by the handgun ban in the bill. Portantino and those who support AB144 should expect to see shotguns and rifles carried on the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica and in Starbucks from San Francisco to San Diego if AB 144 passes.

CA: Robber Had Jeweler at Gunpoint When Co-Worker Opened Fire, Police Say
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When a robber from Los Angeles shoved his pistol into the stomach of a San Juan Capistrano jewelry store manager early Friday, the store's owner drew a gun and opened fire, killing the would-be thief and one of his accomplices, authorities revealed Monday.

"At this point it looks like self-defense," said Orange County Sheriff's Department spokesman Jim Amormino.

Left dead was 39-year-old Robert Earl Avery, who reportedly brandished his weapon after being buzzed into Monaco Jewelers and holding the door open for accomplices Desmond Brown, 39, also from L.A., and a third man who fled after the shooting.

MI: Carrying a handgun in Michigan
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Our second amendment gives us the right to keep and bear arms. But each state has its own stipulations on how and where someone can carry a concealed pistol.

A state can claim to be "no issue," "may issue" or "shall issue" when it comes to concealed pistol permit policies. A state with a no issue policy prevents private citizens from carrying a concealed handgun. A may issue jurisdiction leaves it up to local law enforcement to decide who can and cannot carry a concealed handgun. A shall issue state writes the granting of a concealed weapon permit right into the law. A private citizen needs to meet certain criteria to obtain a permit. Michigan just became a shall issue state in 2001.

PA: Expansion of self defense law before the governor
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Legislation that expands Pennsylvania’s self defense law, the Castle Doctrine, to eliminate the requirement that victims retreat from their attackers before using lethal force is before Governor Tom Corbett. The governor is expected to sign the bill into law.

The legislation pitted gun-control advocates and the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association (PDAA) against the NRA and the Republican-controlled House and Senate. A Republican House member from Allegheny County, Rick Saccone, wrote in a recent editorial that Pennsylvania now has a weak law that favors attackers over victims.

IL: Top Chicago Cop Targets Palin
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Speaking to the choir, literally, about gun control, Garry McCarthy, former police chief of Newark, N.J., told an audience at St. Sabina Church in the Windy City about leaving a homicide scene in Newark, returning home and flipping on the TV to find an episode of "Sarah Palin's Alaska."

"She was caribou hunting and talking about the right to bear arms," McCarthy said. "Why wasn't she at the crime scene with me?"

We know. We don't see the connection between hunting and gang violence either, but gun-control advocates do.

Sarah Palin was not at that crime scene because she had nothing to do with the crime.

Freedom Rings – At Least In Some States
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This is the situation revealed starkly in the latest study, Freedom in the 50 States, just released by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University in Virginia. As explained by authors William Ruger and Jason Sorens, its purpose is to examine “state and local government intervention across a wide range of public policies, from income taxation to gun control, from homeschooling regulation to drug policy.” The picture of freedom the authors paints is not a pretty one for much of the United States.

IL: Illinois Only State Without Concealed Carry Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Wisconsin legislature recently passed a law that allows individuals to obtain a concealed carry permit, making it the 49th state to give its people full Second Amendent Rights. Not surprisingly, the 50th and only state left supressing Second Amendment rights is Illinois.

"It's embarrassing. We're the last ones," said state Rep. Brandon Phelps, D-Harrisburg. "Every other state tends to believe this is a right, not a privilege, and they have let their law-abiding citizens do it, and I don't know why we should be any different.

"We're not going to go away. We're going to keep pushing it."

HI: Do Hawaii's Strict Gun Laws Fuel a Black Market?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Through various provisions, Hawaii keeps guns in check much more than the vast majority of U.S. states.

States that appear to have some the most lenient legislation include Arizona, Alaska and Mississippi, with most other states following close behind.

Those states don't require prior authorization for purchasing a firearm, allow individuals to carry concealed firearms in public without a permit and maintain pro-gun legislation like workplace protection laws, which protect employees’ right to bear arms on the employers’ property.

In at least 10 states — including New Hampshire, Oregon, Louisiana, North Carolina and Idaho — carrying a firearm openly is allowed.

Ed.: More like 28 states.

Hoplophobes Think Nobody Should Have A Gun
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Given all of the conversation and buzz that my previous week’s article, “Who Should Not Carry A Gun,” generated, I thought it appropriate to address this week the topic of Who Should Carry A Gun to set the record straight.

A number of folks raised legitimate concerns about how my article could conceivably be used by card carrying and Machiavellian anti-gun rights people.

Certainly gun banners could pervert my words and use them to achieve their own ends. After all, I am a clinical psychologist and a “gun guy.”

TX: Throckmorton Murder Investigated, May Be Self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A man is dead after a confrontation in Throckmorton. According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, 63-year-old Brian Blair, of Midland, was shot and killed by 48-year-old David Sprawls, of Throckmorton, on Saturday.

DPS told KTXS when Blair went to Sprawls home on Minters Street, they got in an argument and Blair attacked Sprawls with a knife. That’s when Sprawls shot and killed Blair.

The Texas Rangers are investigating this case. As of Monday afternoon, no charges had been filed against Sprawls because the shooting appears to be self-defense.

Does the NRA Support Gun Owners?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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You would think that the National Rifle Association, the NRA, would naturally back the Rand Paul amendment on exempting firearms records searches under the Patriot Act. But you would be wrong. The NRA criticized Senator Paul's amendment to exempt gun purchases from search provisions of the Patriot Act in e-mails to Congress while apparently sitting on important information showing the need for Paul's amendment. And it continues to defend its opposition to the Paul Amendment after The New American published information about that betrayal of Second Amendment principles.

WA: Inslee makes it official; his nagging ‘F’ rating stands
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Congressman Jay Inslee made it official today that he is running to succeed fellow Democrat Christine Gregoire as Washington’s governor, and it remains to be seen how much the vote will be influenced by his “F” rating on gun rights issues by the National Rifle Association.

As this column noted here, the Evergreen State recently set a new record on the number of active concealed pistol licenses, and thanks to some high-profile incidents recently involving dog attacks in Kirkland and Stevens County, the practical use of firearms for personal and property protection has gained momentum.

WI: Robert Haack Diamonds Owner at Center of Concealed Carry Controversy
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Many said they'd take their business elsewhere and encouraged others to do the same.

"I guess I will have to spend a few thousand dollars at some other jewelry shop for that engagement ring and wedding band set," Bronson Smith wrote. "I don't do business with businesses that are anti gun. You lose!"

"No guns in the store means no money from people that believe in our Second Amendment rights," Jim Popp added. "Criminals will have no fear when entering your store."

The essence of constitutionalism in a democracy is not merely to shape and condition the nature of majorities, but also to stipulate that certain things are impermissible, no matter how large and fervent a majority might want them. — George Will

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