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Newslinks for 6/30/2004

Supreme Court bars reading 'Miranda' rights after suspect confesses
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Supreme Court ruled Monday that police officers cannot use a tactic that detractors have dubbed the 'Missouri two-step' to elicit confessions from suspects before advising them of their right to remain silent."

"In a 5-4 decision, the justices ruled that investigators cannot question a suspect twice - once before the so-called Miranda warning is given - and use a confession from the earlier interrogation to extract an admissible confession in the second."

So 4 out of 5 Justices feel that interrogating a suspect without informing them of their rights is perfectly fine. And somehow we aren't headed towards police-statehood?

District of Columbia: D.C. Robbers Strike Sixth Bank, Police Say
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Heavily armed robbers struck a Washington, D.C., bank this morning -- the sixth bank robbery in the area that authorities have attributed to the group, D.C. police said." ...

"No one was injured. Police officials have expressed concern about the sophisticated nature of the robberies and the amount of firepower the thieves are carrying."

"WTTG-TV (Channel 5) showed video of a masked man carrying an assault rifle, crouching outside a minivan parked alongside the bank. A few seconds later, two other men -- also masked and carrying automatic rifles -- ran out of the bank. One stumbled but recovered before falling to the ground." ...

Notice how the media are calling the full-auto guns "assault rifles", perhaps hoping people will confuse them with "assault weapons".

Civil rights milestone achieved: 10th Anniversary of Concealed Weapons in Arizona
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Major civil-rights legislation reaches its tenth anniversary one month from today, and prospects for a vigorous future seem strong, according to industry experts. 'None of the hoplophobic (weapon-fearing) horror stories released ten years ago turned out to be true,' said Alan Korwin, author of The Arizona Gun Owner's Guide. 'Widespread reports about impending shootouts in traffic or in restaurants can now be seen, in 20/20 hindsight, as virtually delusional, or just tasteless anti-rights bigotry,' he observed." ...

Feinstein Battles to Renew Gun Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer held a joint news conference in San Francisco Tuesday morning to call attention to the struggle to renew Feinstein's federal assault weapons ban, which is set to expire Sept. 13."

"The ban was Feinstein's response to the tragedy that occurred 11 years ago this week in which a man opened fire with an assault weapon at 101 California St., killing eight people and injuring six."

"It was signed into law 10 years ago by former President Bill Clinton as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, but Feinstein said today prospects for its renewal are bleak." ...

Feinstein vows political battle to extend assault weapons ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Warning of a new wave of violence among "grievance killers, gang bangers and juveniles" if a federal ban on certain assault weapons is allowed to expire, the bill's author called on President Bush and Congressional Republicans to allow the ban to be renewed or face political backlash otherwise."

"'Mr. President, I implore you – help us renew this legislation,' Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said Tuesday at a news conference, where she was joined by Sen. Barbara Boxer and San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom. 'If this president refuses to do so, the time has come to elect a president who will.'" ...

NRA clout is outgunning Feinstein Assault weapons ban renewal in doubt
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"Sen. Dianne Feinstein knows the odds are increasingly daunting as she tries to win congressional renewal of her 10-year-old assault weapons ban before it expires Sept. 13, and she warns that if the law lapses 'you can expect the market to become flooded' with such guns as AK-47s and Uzis." ...

"On its legislative action Web site, the NRA tells its members it is girded for action. 'The stage is now set for a showdown, and you can be sure we're in for a sustained political battle over the next three months,' it said."

Ban on assault guns: A test for Bush
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a presidential candidate in 1999, George W. Bush was outraged when a man used an assault weapon to wound three people at a California community center. 'It makes no sense for assault weapons to be around our society,' Bush said at the time, vowing to uphold a national ban on such weapons, which had been instituted five years earlier."

"Bush's words are now being put to a test in a way that could become a major campaign issue this autumn. The 1994 ban on assault weapons will expire at midnight on Sept. 13, unless the Republican-controlled Congress extends it and Bush signs the legislation." ...

"A White House spokeswoman, Claire Buchan, said that the president's pos

Voting Against Libertarians is a Wasted Vote!
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"A letter has been circulating among Libertarians advocating supporting the Democrat in order to oust George W Bush from office. If you haven't seen it yet, you will. I'm not sure whether the author is a saboteur or just misguided, but no matter-he is wrong. Voting for or supporting Democrats is a sure-fire way to lose the freedom effort. There is no way a Libertarian should ever make that mistake. Both Republican and Democrat candidates will take our country in the wrong direction, neither being much better or worse than the other." ...

CA: Shooting of dog raises questions in small California town
Submitted by: John Byrne

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"Guadalupe residents and at least one city official expressed concern Monday after police shot and killed a vicious dog in a residential neighborhood over the weekend."

"The pit bull was shot at 12 times by officers - it took five bullets to put the canine down - in a drawn-out incident that started at the intersection of Ninth and Olivera streets and ended in the Police Department's courtyard Saturday afternoon." ...

KABA wonders what the police response would have been to a 'civilian' accidentally putting a bullet through a school office window?

NY: Dead still licensed to carry in NYC
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In New York, even the dead are packing heat."

"An audit of the NYPD license division found that 160 deceased New Yorkers are licensed to carry weapons, the Daily News has learned."

"From January 2000 to August 2003, 160 of the 40,009 active licensed holders were listed among the dead but kept their NYPD-issued gun permits - a lapse that the city controller's report called dangerous." ...

Australia: Panicking cop claims he 'feared for his life'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"SERGEANT Shane Cribb was so terrified by the stolen car speeding towards him he could not recall how many shots he fired at the ramraiders inside."

"Recounting later how he feared for his life, Cribb, 33, told police he had fired 15 shots from his Glock semi-automatic pistol in an Abbotsford car park on January 2, 2001."

"In fact, three bullets were fired, one of them lodging 1mm from the heart of criminal Shannon Johnston." ...

"In an interview with police, Cribb said the stolen Subaru WRX was headed towards him and in a panic he fired his gun, fearing he would die." ...

"But Crown Prosecutor John Kiely said evidence from both Johnston and Cribb's partner Constable Patrick Summers contradicted that version."

"It was alleged the Subaru WRX was not speeding towards Cribb, but attempting to move around the police vehicle to the exit." ...

Australia: Last chance to hand in illegal firearms: amnesty ends 5pm
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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TODAY is your last chance to hand in illegal firearms to police, the no questions asked firearms' amnesty ending at 5pm., The amnesty was originally due to end on March 31, but was extended until today, because of its success., Licensing officer for Chifley Local Area Command Senior Constable Barry Cash urged people to take advantage of the last day of the amnesty., "People can hand in guns or ammunition unconditionally, but as of July 1 those in possession of illegal firearms face severe penalties,” Senior Constable Cash said. "People have no excuse for having illegal weapons, they have been given every opportunity to surrender them,” he added. The penalty for possessing illegal firearms is up to 14 years in prison. Since the amnesty began last year, 9423 firearms have been handed in across the State. As of June 4, 40 shotguns and 60 rifles have been handed in to Bathurst Police.

UK: Sniper put on standby in big cat hunt -- Irish army set to tackle puma threat on border
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE gardai has deployed its helicopter to search an area of Monaghan near the border for a puma-like big cat with an Irish army sniper on standby to shoot the animal if it is spotted again."

"The presence of the jet black cat, which was reported to have been seen in the Tully area on the outskirts of Monaghan town yesterday, was today being treated seriously as the latest sighting was made near a large housing estate."

"In one of its most unusual missions to date, the Garda "eye in the sky" conducted an aerial sweep of the Tully area, where the animal was spotted by a local man and his wife on Sunday night and again yesterday at around 11.15am." ...

How many hundreds of thousands of pounds are being spent on this 'mission' which, in a free country, could be taken care of by a little girl saying "Daddy, daddy, shoot the mean cat!"

South Africa: Last-ditch bid to thwart gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"South Africa's tough new gun control law could close down security firms, including armed response companies, gun owners told the Pretoria high court this week in a bid to stop the implementation of the new Firearms Control Act." ...

"The law also makes it compulsory for gun owners to carry a firearm licence, and failure to do so can result in 10 years imprisonment."

"Firearm owners are also obliged to carry an identity document with the firearm licence or face the prospect of a year in prison, and the firearms registry must be informed of a change of address within 30 days, or the owner can face a prison term."

"Failure to report personal details, such as a change in marital status, to the central firearms registry can be punished by a two-year jail term."

"However, problems at the central firearms registry, where officials nationwide are facing allegations of corruption, such as its failure to handle a backlog of 80 000 applications, has led many to question how it would handle the influx of licence renewals required by the new legislation." ...

So once the nanny-state permits you to exercise your right to self-defense, you have to depend on a government bureaucrat to properly file your paperwork, because if s/he doesn't, you face up to ten years in prison?!?

South Africa: Nqakula speaks on 'gun control'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Stricter gun-control measures do not undermine the rights of people to own firearms,' says Safety and Security Minister Charles Nqakula."

"Firearm owners will seek a court interdict on Wednesday to stop the government from enacting legislation to control the ownership of guns."

"SA Gun-owners Association spokesperson Martin Hood said on Friday the Firearms Control Act was a threat to the country's security and its citizens."

"'They protect the right of people to be safe from firearms abuse and every peace-loving and law-abiding citizen should support such measures,' Nqakula said in the national council of provinces on Tuesday." ...

Same thing they said in the UK, Australia, Nazi Germany . . .

South Africa: Made to beg for his life - then shot - and the government wants to leave its citizens disarmed to face brutal thugs like these
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Robbers shot a Pretoria security guard through the back of the head on Monday moments after making him beg for his life."

"Michael Mokwele, a security guard working for Fidelity Cash Management Services, was attacked by three robbers, armed with handguns and semi-automatic weapons, when he walked into Game in Centurion on Monday to fill an ATM machine."

"It is believed that as Mokwele walked towards the machine, one of the gunmen grabbed him from behind while another pistol-whipped him, forcing him to the ground. The third robber forced Mokwele to put his hands behind his head and beg for his life before shooting him at point-blank range." ...

South Africa: Have you seen any purple people?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gang of cash-in-transit robbers were professionally inked as they made their get-away after an attack on a security guard in Pretoria on Monday."

"The four armed robbers homed in on the Fidelity Cash Management Services guard as he walked from the Sunnypark shopping complex to his cash van."

"They grabbed his service pistol and the cash box, which is believed to have contained a substantial amount of money, before fleeing. They fired several shots as they ran towards a red Volkswagen Polo Playa." ...

So in South Africa you can have a permit to carry a gun to protect your employer's money, but not your child's life.

PA: A Gift From Grandma, and A Life-Long Memory
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a true Pennsylvania outdoorsperson, I begin to look forward to the beginning of each new season as soon as the old season expires. The guns are cleaned and placed carefully in the cabinet, the leather boots are treated and I begin to anxiously await the next hunting season."

"This past rifle season I was able to invite my brother-in-law, Darryll, to share the hunt with me. ... What a great opportunity to share an experience and develop a greater friendship. Darryll decided to bring his 5-year-old son, Micah, on the hunt. I obtained permission from the landowners."

"Shortly before he left, Darryll was given an early Christmas gift by his grandmother: his grandfather's Winchester .30-30. Everything seemed to be perfect." ...

Berger Bullets in .17 and .20
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Designed by Hall of Fame shooter Walt Berger, Berger Bullets' line of custom competition and varminting bullets is offered from .17 caliber through .30 caliber. The company introduces its expanded line of .20-caliber bullets--30-, 35-, 40- and 45-grain boattails--which provides similar recoil benefits to the .17 caliber while being easier to reload and offering velocity of 3,000 to 3,950 fps. All bullets are available with conventional or moly-coated jackets. Contact Berger Bullets, Dept. RS, 4275 N. Palm St., Fullerton, CA 92835; (714) 447-5456

At last, a .17 "Long Rifle"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hornady has expanded the ranks of rimfires once again with the introduction of yet another .17 cartridge, the .17 Mach 2. Following up on its phenomenally successful .17 Hornady Magnum Rimfire (HMR), which the company unveiled in 2002, Hornady has brought to market a rimfire concept that has been experimented with for years, the .22 Long Rifle necked down to .17. More specifically, the Mach 2 is based on the LR Stinger case, which is slightly longer than the standard .22 LR. It is loaded with the same bullet as the .17 HMR, a 17-grain, polymer-tipped V-Max. Muzzle velocity is around 2,100 fps, which, as the name implies, is approximately twice the speed of sound and about 400 fps less than the HMR. ..."

NY: Fear Beneath Wall St. as One Subway Rider Opens Fire on Another in "Gun-Free" New York City
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A distraught man with a handgun confronted another passenger on a downtown No. 5 subway car yesterday as it entered the station at Broadway and Wall Street in Lower Manhattan, the police said. Then, as the doors opened and the other passenger fled down the station's platform, the gunman shot at least once, missing his intended victim." ...

"The police said the gunman responsible for the incident yesterday under Broadway and Wall Street remained at large early last night." ...

UK: Schoolgirl, 15, tells of panic at gunman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Telford schoolgirl who was shot in the face with an air rifle has told a jury of her panic moments before a pellet was fired into her face above the left eye."

"Kathryn Davies, of Corfield Crescent, Oakengates, had to have a pellet removed from her forehead after being fired on in Priory Road, Oakengates, on August 10 last year."

"Ian Williams, 21, of Priory Road, Oakengates, appearing at Shrewsbury Crown Court, denies assault occasioning actual bodily harm. He also denies assaulting 18-year-old Carl Reynolds on August 7, when he allegedly shot him in the back with an air rifle." ...

AL: City collects one on gun turn-in strategy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Mercy/ No Mercy Strategy didn't get off to a rousing start, but it did net one gun."

"The pistol was collected during the drive by a local minister."

"According to Selma Police Chief Robert Green, the weapon was a .25 caliber semi-automatic handgun, belonging to an elderly woman." ...

"The program is a response from the mayor and Selma pastors to help end violence in the community. Last week, the mayor and several pastors announced they'd be canvassing the community to get people to turn in their illegal weapons."

"'Everybody is concerned about the recent crimes of violence,' Green said." ...

So one elderly woman is now defenseless. This will help . . . how?

IL: Pekin police officer shoots self in accident
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Pekin police officer was hospitalized in fair condition Monday after accidentally shooting himself while off duty and getting out of a canoe Sunday."

"Patrol officer William Taylor, a 13-year veteran of the Police Department, was being treated at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria."

"Taylor, 42, and fellow off-duty Pekin police officer Chuck Barth, 33, had been canoeing on the Mackinaw River when Taylor's .22-caliber pistol discharged as he tried to exit the canoe about 5 p.m., Tazewell County Sheriff Department records said."

"'I didn't even have my hand on (the gun),' Taylor told sheriff's deputies."

"The shot punctured Taylor's stomach and "nicked" his liver, Police Chief Tim Gillespie said." ...

But only cops are cautious enough to have guns, right Sarah?

India: He made cheap pistols for self-defence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With a view to provide a cheap and country-made weapon to the common people of the country for their self-defence, he had manufactured the weapon. This fact was revealed after interrogating Mahesh Sav, the person who had sent a pistol and a cartridge to President APJ Abdul Kalam last week in a parcel. Sav was brought to the Capital by a police team. He is likely to be produced before a court."

"The police said that during the interrogation, it was revealed that Sav has no criminal background. He is a small-time shopkeeper in Mojahidpur village near Patna and the idea to make a pistol struck him all of a sudden. He said he has been working on it for many years. He wanted to make an indigenous, cheap weapon for self-defence of the common people. A senior police official said that he got this idea a few years ago when he saw an advertisement of a country-made pistol in a newspaper." ...

NY: Local Handgunners Win Title [Second Story on Page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Harvie Loomis of Berkshire won the New York State Master Class pistol championships this spring with a score of 2,591-81x shot at the Binghamton Rifle Club in Conklin.

Tioga County Sportsmen's Association teammate Gary Spear of Harpursville won the state's Open Indoor championship at the same time with a 2,625-87x. They combined with TCSA teammates Mark Williams and Steve Savacool of Owego to win the state indoor championship.

The association's entry of Loomis, Spear, Williams and Rick Eickhoff finished third in the National Indoor Open Pistol Championships in March. The competition was among 195 teams from the military and law enforcement ranks as well as the civilian sector.

Mexico: Boxing champion pummels gunman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Mexican boxing champion beat up a gunman who shot at him outside a gym in a crime-plagued city on the U.S. border.

Prosecutors in Ciudad Juarez said a man armed with two pistols shot at light-heavyweight champion Arturo "The Graduate" Rivera as he left the gym early on Monday.

Rivera, a stocky brawler with 16 knockouts from a 26-fight career and ranked 98th in the world, fought back with his fists and the attacker was treated in hospital for head injuries.

"The Graduate was unharmed in the attack, which we are treating as attempted murder, although we can find no motive," Mauro Conde, a spokesman for local prosecutor said.

But guns are banned in Mexico!

NJ: Gun locks for Bayonne
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Free gun locks are available for adult Bayonne residents through the Project Childsafe gun lock program, police announced.

Project Childsafe is a nationwide program developed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation and is supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice.

"The gun locks will be available at the Bayonne police pistol range in 16th Street Park.

Those interested in obtaining one or more locks should contact the pistol range at (201) 339-5555 to arrange a pickup time.

Members of the Bayonne Police Crime Prevention Unit will hold a gun lock giveaway from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on July 10 at the lower level parking lot of 16th Street Park.

Each lock will come with an instruction sheet and gun safety brochure.

KABA Note: "Paid for by the taxpayer" is not the same as "free".

Ecuador: 33 Escape, 5 Killed in Ecuador Jailbreak
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thirty-three prisoners, some armed with assault rifles and knives, battled their way out the front door of Quito's main prison early Tuesday in an escape that left four inmates and a guard dead, police said." [emphasis added]

"Police sent 100 officers after the fleeing inmates Tuesday morning, recapturing 13, police Col. Gonzalo Mancero said. The search for the remaining fugitives was continuing."

"The weapons had been smuggled into the rundown Garcia Moreno prison, hidden in incoming food shipments by an inmate cook who masterminded the escape, Mancero said." ...

But Ecuadorian 'civilians' should depend on the men who guarded these prisoners to guard their safety?

MI: Allegan sheriff offering gun locks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The Allegan County Sheriff's Department is offering gun safety kits, including free gun locks, through its participation in Project ChildSafe, the nationwide firearms safety education program.

The locks are designed to fit most types of handguns, rifles and shotguns.

Project ChildSafe is a program developed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, and is funded by a U.S. Department of Justice grant, with additional funding provided by the firearms industry.

For more information, contact the sheriff's department at 673-0500

IL: The Wild West lives on!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The rootinest-tootinest, surest-shootin’ bunch of desperadoes and cowpokes this side of the Mississippi – or at least this side of the Vermilion – regularly form a posse in La Salle County to let loose with loads of lead."

"Using aliases such as 'Chance Slocum,' 'Whiskey Jack' and 'Cole Blackheart,' and wearing cartridge belts and 10-gallon hats, these gunslingers show their stuff with shooting irons that were known in the Old West as peacemakers – because, if a varmint didn’t keep the 'peace,' the guns were used to send him to his 'Maker.'"

"These deadeyes belong to the Vermilion River Long Riders, the Illinois Valley-area chapter of the Single Action Shooting Society ..." ...

UK: Train Yobs Chaos
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"British Transport Police have revealed that Flintshire has the worst record for vandal attacks on the railway lines."

"Recent attacks have seen train windows smashed and drivers’ cabs pelted with stones in broad daylight as trains pull into Flint and Shotton railway stations."

"Children and adults are also risking their lives and the lives of others by crossing train tracks as a short cut."

"British Transport police sergeant Andy Hemmings said: 'Flintshire has the most reported incidents of trespass and damage to trains than anywhere else in North Wales.'"

"'Yobs throw stones, shoot air rifles, suspend objects from bridges and place objects on the track in what seems to be fun.'" ...

Just ban bad behaviour!

Japan: Police to arrest man for attempted murder in metro shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police are planning to formally arrest a man on suspicion of attempting to rob and murder a subway station employee in Tokyo's Shibuya district last Wednesday, investigative sources said Tuesday.

Tokuhisa Kumagai, a 64-year-old unemployed man of no fixed abode, turned himself in Saturday when he showed up with a gun at the Metropolitan Police Department in Chiyoda Ward, telling the police he was the perpetrator of the Shibuya incident. He was then arrested for an alleged violation of the firearms control law.

UK: Traffic Officer Shoots Himself at Police Station
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A traffic officer shot himself at a police station, his force said today."

"PC Philip Beckett, 37, of Barrow in Cumbria, was found dead at Ulverston police station at 6.40am."

"He had one gunshot wound, but Cumbria Police refused to comment on whether he used a police gun."

"PC Beckett had been a policeman in Cumbria for 17 years and was working with the force’s traffic unit, the mobile support group."

"Chief Superintendent John Taylor tonight paid tribute to Pc Beckett."

"He said: 'Our thoughts are with Phil’s family at this difficult time.'"

"'He has been a police officer in Cumbria for 17 years, and I have had the pleasure to know him throughout his career.'" ...

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