MI: Controversial gun range gets support from Leoni Township commission
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Corey Salo
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A controversial gun range got a nod of support Wednesday from the Leoni Township Planning Commission.
Following a June 6 public hearing, the commission voted 4-2 in favor of giving a conditional use permit for Kickin' Brass Gun Range, 2881 N. Portage Road.
Planning Commissioners Judy Southworth, Billy Lester, Lynn Maurer and Debbie Helmlinger voted yes, while Chairman John Spencer and Leoni Township Board of Trustees Representative Kurt Cole voted no. Planning Commissioner Vern Beckwith was absent.
A standing-room-only crowd of about 100 people packed the meeting at Leoni Township Hall. Residents speaking were split on the gun range. |
FL: Florida stand your ground, other laws, should protect lives, not just shooters
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Mark A. Taff
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“For over 100 years, Florida has shielded those who validly used self-defense and inadvertently killed a non-participant,” Gosnell wrote, citing cases from 1891, 1922 and 2003.
“If the killing of a party intended to be killed would, under all circumstances, have been a justifiable homicide upon the theory of self-defense, then the unintended killing of a bystander, by a random shot fired in the proper and prudent exercise of such self-defense, is also justifiable.”
These laws seem more appropriate for the OK Corral than the Florida we live in today.
What's more, there's no punishment, not even a misdemeanor, if the shooter makes the wrong call. In Sartori's case, he said he saw a gun, but it didn't exist. |
FL: NRA survey questions Florida candidates on new gun laws
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Mark A. Taff
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The National Rifle Association mailed a questionnaire to Florida politicians this week targeting the state’s newest gun laws, passed in the wake of the Parkland school shooting.
The four-page survey asks if current candidates will repeal certain elements of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act, signed into law by Florida Gov. Rick Scott just three weeks after the massacre for which it is named. |
OR: Second Amendment Advocates Launch Initiative Petition In Umatilla County
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Mark A. Taff
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The Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance movement has come to Umatilla County.
Gun rights advocates are collecting signatures to get an initiative on the November ballot that would restrict Umatilla County from using any resources to enforce state or federal laws that will “infringe on the right of the People to keep and bear arms.” The initiative designates the county sheriff as the authority to decide which state or federal laws meet the definition of unconstitutionally infringing on those rights. |
Ruger’s Perfect Packin’ .357
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Mark A. Taff
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Built just like, yup … a tank, the Ruger GP100 .357 Magnum has made a lot of friends over the decades. Just a few years ago Ruger came out with their Match Champion version. It had most of the barrel lug removed to lighten the front and help it track faster between multiple targets and its action seemed honed. And, it seemed logical to give the same Match Champion treatment to their smaller 5-shot SP101. |
Student says he was booted from SGA over pro-gun views
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Mark A. Taff
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A Lone Star College student claims that he was booted from his position as student government president after voicing support for the Second Amendment.
Quade Lancaster, a business student at Lone Star College, Tomball, was initially demoted from president to vice president of student government after he voiced support for the Second Amendment in the wake of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. |
The Defensive Gun Use Misinformation War
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Mark A. Taff
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The Violence Policy Center (VPC) told us that, in 2014, there were 234 justifiable homicides by a private citizen and 7,670 criminal firearm homicides. The liars at the VPC failed to tell us that DGUs rarely result in death. In fact, most DGUs consist merely of brandishing the weapon or gesturing to it. Their comparison is a misleading, deliberate mistruth by obfuscation.
Also, recently, there is the controversy that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) withheld surveys that backed up Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz' research. The unpublished CDC research study confirms over 2 million annual DGUs. |
IL: Illinois Assault Weapons Ban Challenged
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Mark A. Taff
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An Illinois judge will hear arguments Friday about a temporary restraining order against Deerfield’s ban on certain semi-automatic guns. The ban is scheduled to go into effect June 13, but pro-gun groups are seeking an order to delay the enforcement of the law.
Lawyers for the Illinois State Rifle Association and the Second Amendment Foundation say the injunction is necessary because otherwise village residents could have their guns confiscated and be fined in accordance with an illegal law. |
DE: Proposed Delaware ‘assault weapon’ ban gets smoked in committee
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Mark A. Taff
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Despite strong support from Democrat Gov. John Carney, legislation to outlaw an entire class of semi-auto firearms tanked on Wednesday.
In a 3-2 vote, the Senate Judicial and Community Affairs Committee turned away SB 163, which aimed to ban new sales of a number of guns by name and type as well as place restrictions on the use of those currently in circulation. The architects of the bill said it is needed to cull “weapons designed for the battlefield” from Delaware. |
ME: ‘Supporting a Second Amendment tax’
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Mark A. Taff
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In Kennebunk, we’ve allocated over $400,000 for this measure which translates to a “hidden,” annual Second Amendment tax of about $40 for taxpayers.
I enthusiastically support the measure, but know it will come at a cost of either eliminating school programs, teacher raises, or adding another tax increase. So the NRA has won another round in the Second Amendment debate while we legislate a remedy for the symptoms rather dealing with the disease.
There are over 300 million guns in the U.S., owned mostly by non-NRA members like myself. But somehow, a small chorus of 6 million NRA members have convinced us to accept this hidden tax while they protect their “no compromise on any reasonable gun legislation.” |
CA: Alhambra students demanded action on gun control. Their school board agrees
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Mark A. Taff
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Alhambra High students tired of seeing little national, state or local policy changes that would keep guns out of the hands of would-be school shooters earned their first major victory Tuesday when the Alhambra Unified School District board voted to endorse legislation written by the students.
Spurred by the Feb. 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, Alhambra High School Seniors in Jose Sanchez’s third period government class developed proposed legislation that aims to prevent gun violence by adding more stringent requirements for gun purchase and ownership. |
IL: Small Towns Rebuff Springfield With Pro-Gun Resolutions
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Mark A. Taff
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Opposition to new firearm restrictions has sparked a second small town in central Illinois to consider a resolution inspired by several so-called gun sanctuaries.
The Farmer City Council passed its Firearm Rights Resolution on May 21. In Carlock in McLean County, Mayor Jeremiah Houston said he’s considering bringing a similar resolution to his village board in the next two months. |
OR: NRA Challenges Oregon Gun Ban
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Mark A. Taff
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The National Rifle Association today announced the filing of a joint legal challenge with the Oregon Hunters Association to contest the state of Oregon’s Initiative Petition 43, which seeks to ban commonly owned semi-automatic firearms and standard-capacity magazines.
“Banning the most popular style of semi-automatic firearms and standard capacity magazines is a violation of the Second Amendment,” said Chris Cox, executive director of NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action. “Misleading voters into believing that these type of bans will have any effect on violent criminals is reckless and dangerous. Proposals like these give criminals the upper hand against law-abiding gun owners.” |
NJ: NJ legislators using Nazi model to disarm citizens
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Mark A. Taff
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There are number of new anti-gun bills being voted on in New Jersey by Democrat-Socialists in Trenton. Most of these laws are identical to the 1938 Nazi Weapons Law. They should contact the pro-Second Amendment organization, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, to see why more gun control is dangerous to society. They should request the book “Gateway to Tyranny” about gun control and tyranny. |
IL: The lesson of ’31 bullets’: We have the power to civilize our gun laws
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Mark A. Taff
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We are shouting from the outside.
Shout loud and long enough, though, and we can prevail. We can civilize our gun laws.
One month ago, this editorial page launched a campaign called “31 bullets” to promote 31 ways to curb gun violence in our nation, and with each proposed action we did our best to include a simple way that you, personally, could make it happen.
We presented our 31st and last bullet — a call for federal design safety standards for American-made guns — on Tuesday. |
The Supreme Court’s polling place dress-code case
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Mark A. Taff
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The Justices also had pointed questions for Daniel Rogan as he argued the state of Minnesota’s case. Roberts seemed skeptical that Minnesota’s law could regulate some dress items. “Do you really think if someone has a shirt with the tiniest little logo or inscription here, that that's going to have any effect on decorum?” he told Rogan. Justice Samuel Alito seemed equally skeptical when Rogan said a “well-know” message related to an electoral choice could be subject to regulation; the Justice asked if a T-shirt with the text of the Second Amendment could also be banned at the polls. |
NC: Why both Republicans and Democrats see guns as a winning issue in North Carolina
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Mark A. Taff
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Even though Christy Clark had been North Carolina director of a national gun control group, she didn't expect to talk much about gun issues when she began campaigning for the state House. Then a shooter opened fire at a high school in Parkland, Florida.
"When I started running I didn’t think gun violence prevention would be at the forefront of my campaign," said the Huntersville Democrat. "But then the Parkland shooting really brought that issue to the top of people's minds." |
NC: Common Sense School Protection Going Nowhere in North Carolina
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Mark A. Taff
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Several North Carolina legislators have introduced a common-sense solution to increase protection for schools in North Carolina. The bill, HB 1039, also known as the School Self-Defense Act, has been introduced, but has not been voted out of committee. It is in the Committee on Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House.
The premise of the bill is simple. Take responsible members of the school staff who already are permitted to carry concealed weapons in the rest of the community. Require them to obtain training in responding to an active shooter. Allow them to carry concealed in the school, to provide a discreet, immediate armed response to a deadly force situation in the school. |
DeVos criticized after saying panel won't study guns' effect on school safety
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Mark A. Taff
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Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is under attack after telling Congress that a safety commission formed following a February shooting at a Florida school would not examine the role firearms play in school violence.
About 60 people - including advocates, parents and students - gathered at Education Department headquarters Wednesday to share their views on school violence and their concerns about the direction of the Federal Commission on School Safety. The panel was created by President Donald Trump in response to the Parkland, Florida, shooting, which authorities said was carried out by a gunman wielding a semiautomatic rifle. |