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Newslinks for 7/10/2007

South Korea: No reason to stay in Iraq
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The problem is that the situation in Iraq is going to get worse whether U.S. troops leave or not. The situation is increasingly turning into a civil war were everyone is killing each other, to the point where Iraq’s vice president is encouraging people to arm themselves for self-defense. Should the United States withdraw right now, one worry is that there could be civil conflict between Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds, and international conflict involving countries like Iran, Syria and Turkey. There are millions of Iraqi refugees as it is, and their number is expected to increase.

Fear. What is it good for? Absolutely - Profit!
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If there is a profit to be had, agreements are meaningless. Suppose for a moment you subscribe to a security company and the government decides you need to be watched. Uh huh. How is that peace of mind now?


Then they focused on our second amendment rights. Using classic advertisement schemes they scared us into believing that if we possessed a firearm our children would shoot each other and criminals would shoot us with our own weapon. Instead of respecting firearms and caring for them properly, we have been scared into believing we just can’t handle them.

Ron Paul Wins Big in First New Hampshire Straw Poll
Submitted by: Kurt Amesbury

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Presidential candidate Ron Paul today won the Coalition for New Hampshire Taxpayers (CNHT) straw poll at their annual picnic in Hopkinton, New Hampshire. Dr. Paul received 182 of 294 votes cast, or 65 percent. In second place was Rudy Giuliani with 24 votes, or 8 percent.

Submitter Kurt Amesbury notes: "He's been nicknamed, "Doctor No". No other presidential candidate is as pro-Freedom as Ron Paul. On Second Amendment issues, he's A+ rated by the Gun Owners of America... one of just 4 members of congress so selected. His guiding rule in voting? If it's not Constitutional (as in, listed as a power of the Federal Government in the Constitution) just say NO!"

PA: Gun-Control Policy
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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This murderous summer is getting hotter and bloodier. As of Friday afternoon, Philadelphia police reported 209 homicides in the city this year. Regionally, the dead include a mother of six in Philadelphia, a 12-year-old Camden child, and a 17-year-old killed when he rode a motor scooter through another part of Camden. It's likely that the firearms used in these killings were illegally obtained by the shooters. The odds of that being so are heightened because of the lack of political will in Washington and Harrisburg to displease gun-rights absolutists.

NY: County Rifle Bill Stalls
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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It hasn’t been shot down, but hunters will have to continue waiting to see whether a bill permitting rifle hunting of deer and bear in Chautauqua County will ever make it through the state Legislature. After passing overwhelmingly in the Senate in June, Senate bill S-3776 — which would permit rifle hunting of deer and bear in Chautauqua County south of Route 20 — was sent to the Assembly, where it was referred to the Environmental Conservation Committee and remained until the Assembly adjourned its 2007 session on June 22. ‘‘The bill hasn’t been reported to the Rules Committee and hasn’t advanced to the floor for a vote by the whole Assembly, and I don’t expect that it will this session or this year,’’ said Assemblyman William Parment.

TX: Houston lawmaker shoots suspected intruder
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Representative Borris Miles was working on his new house near the intersection of MacGregor and Scott last night when he heard a noise and confronted two would-be thieves.

"I did fear for my life," said Miles.

That fear, according to Rep. Miles' communications officer, forced the lawmaker to fire his gun at one intruder.

Firearms Industry Hails New Jersey Mayor Following Resignation from Bloomberg Coalition
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Citing careful review of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's statements and actions, listening to the concerns of many of his constituents and receiving communications from and speaking with officials at the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) -- the firearm industry's trade association -- Oldmans Township (NJ) Mayor Harry Moore resigned his membership in the Mayors Against Illegal Guns coalition (MAIG) Saturday afternoon.

NV: Store Clerk Shoots and Kills Robbery Suspect
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Some valley store owners say they are tired of being victimized and now they're fighting back. For a third time in a month, a store clerk shot an armed robber. For the second time... The suspect died. An employee shot and injured an armed intruder at a smoke shop near Washington and Lamb last month. Two weeks later, the owners of a jewelry store at Charleston and Mohave wrestled the gun away from a would-be robber and shot and killed him during the scuffle. And Sunday morning, North Las Vegas Police say a convenience store clerk threatened at gunpoint pulled out his own gun and shot the armed suspect who later died.

Statement Of Brady President Paul Helmke On Push By Illinois Governor Blagojevich To Ban High-Capacity Ammunition Clips
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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I applaud Governor Blagojevich for asking Illinois’ public servants to meet and vote on a specific measure to help make the children and families of Illinois safer. The headlines about the loss of life from shootouts and drive-by shootings in Illinois seem to be endless. There is no need for us to allow criminals and dangerous people to easily fire fifteen, twenty, or even fifty rounds without reloading. These tools of war need to be taken off the streets of American communities.

Letter from Lautenberg: Access to Gun Data
Submitted by: Anonymous

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To the Editor:

As you noted in “The N.R.A.’s Senate” (editorial, July 2), the National Rifle Association continues to put its own agenda ahead of the right of the American people to live in safer communities.

While gun violence continues to kill nearly 30,000 people each year in the United States, the federal government bars state and local law enforcement agencies from access to critical data about the flow of guns used in crimes. This information is critical for efforts to root out rogue gun dealers, gangs and networks of gun traffickers. . . .

Frank R. Lautenberg
U.S. Senator from New Jersey
Washington, July 3, 2007
SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: The original article was posted on

MA: Crime-fighters vs. Congress
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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THE NATION'S gun lobby has never been choosy about which party controls Congress. Although its contributions skew to the Republicans, plenty of Democrats have been held hostage to the demands of the free-spending National Rifle Association and its activist membership. This week in Washington, House leaders have a chance to show independence from the gun lobby by repealing an odious provision of the Justice Department's appropriations bill that prohibits police and local officials from seeing comprehensive federal data that traces guns used in crimes.

TX: Patterson: Heroes need not apply
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When I authored the Texas concealed handgun law, I ensured that the law allowed permits to be granted to legal permanent residents as well as citizens. I did so because I believe the right to bear arms is a constitutional right that applies to every legal resident, regardless of citizenship status. After all, they are in America by choice rather than by accident of birth.


After all, there is no higher qualification for citizenship than one's willingness to lay down his or her life in defense of the country.

When it comes to veterans' benefits, a Texas veteran should never be told, "Heroes need not apply."

John Adams to a Friend in London, "and which she will support and defend, ever by force of arms", Jan. 21, 1775
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"..."We call God and men to witness, that as we do not owe our liberty to those nice and subtle distinctions which pensions and lucrative employments have invented, so neither will we be deprived of it by them; but as it was gained by the stern virtue of our ancestors, by the virtue of their descendants it shall be preserved." ...."

"...Neither corruption nor intrigue had any share, I believe, in their elections to this service, and in their proceedings you may see the sense, the temper and principles of America, and which she will support and defend, ever by force of arms, if no other means will do...."

"...Four hundred thousand people are in a state of nature, and yet as still and peaceable at present...."

Iraq: Politicians to Iraqis: Arm Yourselves
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Prominent Shiite and Sunni politicians called on Iraqi civilians to take up arms to defend themselves after a weekend of violence that killed at least 220 people, including 60 who died Sunday in a surge of bombings and shootings around Baghdad.

The calls reflect growing frustration with the inability of Iraqi security forces to prevent extremist attacks.

Polls show Clinton and Giuliani in the lead (Blog)
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"...The same public that is so dissatisfied with Congress that it has recently given today's legislators the lowest approval ratings in Gallup's history and our sitting White House RINO a 26 percent job approval rating in the latest Newsweek poll..."

"That same public is choosing socialism and authoritarianism as its primary choices for next year's election."

"There's a reason the Founding Fathers despised democracy." ...

"This is it in vivid color. The ignorant and uninformed vote in their favorite tyrant. And the rest of us suffer the consequences."

The Real Nuclear Threat
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Conservatives and liberals will sometimes say to me, "Ahah! How can you oppose nuclear weapons but believe in the right to bear arms?" The liberal’s purpose is to show the logic of gun control. The conservative seeks to show the logic of owning enough explosives to blow up the earth.

Indeed, coercive, government-implemented WMD control is as problematic as gun control. ...

As for the objects themselves, a gun is qualitatively different from a nuke. A gun is more like a knife, or a slingshot, or even a pencil, when compared to a nuke. You can kill innocent people with guns, it’s true, but you can also use them in self-defense without inflicting any collateral damage.

Iraq: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Despite the Iraqi constitution’s troubling lack of a second amendment, the American military and some Iraqi lawmakers are urging Iraqi citizens to acquire weapons with which to protect their homes and families against the rampant violence in that country. These bands of frightened, undisciplined, poorly trained, heavily armed young men, with only vague organizational ties to the coalition military or the Iraqi state, will be known as “militias Happy Fun-Time Iraqi Homeland Protection Brigades,” and will transform Iraq into a Sweden-style peaceful paradise, pumping out as much oil as a hungry, hungry world can handle.

FL: New Self-Defense Laws Cause Confusion
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Borden, 44, was walking his dogs last year when three men in a Jeep tried to run him down. He pulled a gun and shot five times through the windshield, then moved to the side of the vehicle and fired nine more rounds.

He thought the shooting was self-defense, but a prosecutor put him on trial in the deaths, despite a new Florida law that grants wide latitude to people using deadly force to protect themselves.


In Borden's case, a prosecutor filed charges against him, even though he privately thought Borden might have been correct to open fire.

Don't go to bat for Jack Bauer
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Jack Bauer is a ruthless torturer, but he's on our side. The counterterrorist agent of the television show 24 will resort to any means to defend democracy. Most famously, the fictional character tortured suspects during interrogations to disrupt nuclear attacks. "Jack Bauer saved Los Angeles," Antonin Scalia, a justice of the United States Supreme Court, said at a conference on terrorism and the law in Ottawa. "Are you going to convict Jack Bauer?"

CCRKBA Tells Gun Owners to Circle Aug. 28 for Counter Protest Effort
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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While Rev. Jesse Jackson is feverishly organizing a 25-city anti-gun protest on Tuesday, Aug. 28, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) wants gun owners to visit gun shops and shooting ranges, and contact their state and federal lawmakers on that date to demand that they support our Second Amendment rights.

KS: U.S. sanctuary
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If we want this sanctuary — this America — to be for our children and our children’s children a safe place to live and grow and pray and plan, then like those brave souls who risked life to cross the ocean to a new continent, we must take the risk again and cross the ocean of threat, hatred and the glory of killing to begin again the dialogue of what a free country — a sanctuary — should do to redefine freedom of speech and freedom to bear arms.

Ed.: Yes, for values of "freedom" including serfdom, slavery, they have in China and other shining beacons of liberty.

Gun Facts version 4.2 now available
Submitted by: Guy Smith

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Gun Facts is a free e-book that debunks common myths about gun control. It is intended as a reference guide for journalists, activists, politicians, and other people interested in restoring honesty to the debate about guns, crime, and the 2nd Amendment.

Gun Facts has 89 pages of information. Divided into chapters based on gun control topics (assault weapons, ballistic finger printing, firearm availability, etc.), finding information is quick and easy.

Bay Area libertarian Guy Smith has released the latest version of Gun Facts, and like all previous versions of the e-book, it is available for free.

Canada: Choice to carry gun should be allowed
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Marty Gobin mentions that the laws in Canada do permit citizens to carry a gun for self-defence.

The government, however, is reluctant to issue these permits despite the fact violent crime of every sort is on the rise and citizens no longer feel safe in their homes or walking the streets.

Women are the choice target of criminals for rape. An average 120-pound woman stands little chance of successfully defending herself against a 220-pound assailant, let alone a gang of them.

After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small, complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd. — Alexis de Tocqueville

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