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Newslinks for 7/14/2007

Hispanic media on the offensive
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"So, the Assault Weapon Ban did nothing to stop crime in the United States, mostly because these weapons were rarely used in crimes in the first place. But oh hell, its expiration is wreaking havoc in Mexico! Therefore we should tailor our laws, our Constitution, our rights and freedoms to Mexico's inability to control its own criminal population, right?"

"Hmmmmm... Not so much."

John Longenecker: The Nationwide Stand Your Ground Movement How-to
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve said that retaking the nation is not as hard as it might seem… But then a good diet isn’t as hard as it seems, either, huh?"

"I took a call from Deeanne, an Illinois woman last night as a guest on The Rick Adams Show. You can listen to the show on MP3 on my website at"

"When I mention how we can retake the nation, I’m saying these three things;"

"1. Organize a Stand Your Ground Chapter in your state as part of a nationwide Stand Your Ground Movement."

"2. State American values with confidence on the knowledge that values previously characterized as right wing are actually mainstream American, and which need to be re-established." ...

ATF Agenda makes national headlines...though story is slanted
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Well it is now beginning to reach a national audience, although the USA Today takes their normal liberal anti-gun slant. Our attorney, Richard Gardiner is quoted as well. There is no mention of our store they just took the worst gun shops that they could find and focused on them. Here is the story:"

The NRA Must Go Down
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you've been to my site, you know how passionate I am about this particular issue. We have between 80 and 90 gun deaths a day in this country, and many are simply unnecessary."

"Just as unions, pro-choice groups and other progressive organizations and movements were put on the defensive throughout much of the 90s and now the 2000s by right-wing groups with no conscience, so have those arguing for meaningful gun safety laws when confronted with men with an extra-Y chromosome lodged in their cerebral cortex."

"The NRA, with ... their willingness to do anything to win, with an almost gleeful expression as they lessen the security of the American people, are bar none one of the most evil of these groups in the country. ..." ...

Jim Cirillo Killed In Car Wreck
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A well-known gun expert and author was killed and another man injured in a tractor-trailer-car collision Thursday night, according to the Madison County Sheriff’s Office."

"James Cirillo, 76, of West Edmeston, was driving west on Welsh Road around 7 p.m. when his vehicle entered Route 8 into the path of an 18-wheel tractor-trailer ..."

"The tractor-trailer struck Cirillo’s vehicle on the driver’s side, deputies said."

"Cirillo died at the scene. ..."

"Cirillo taught numerous firearm classes and wrote several books, including 'Guns, Bullets, and Gunfights: Lessons and Tales From a Modern-Day Gunfighter.' He also had several videos." ...

South Africa: Brave garage owner saves the day
Submitted by: Jo Shmoe

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Two men who tried to steal a customer's car at a filling station in Pinehaven on the West Rand got to know that no one messes with owner Peter Raschels's customers.

The 30-year-old Raschel pursued them in peak-hour traffic, shot one of them and handed both to the police.

Raschel told The Star on Friday morning that he was still amazed by the pair's audacity in carrying out the robbery during peak-hour traffic.

AZ: Why this Fish should've been let go
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Timing is everything, right? If you were going to defend your life from a large, angry man shouting that he's contemplating beating you to death, while his two large, angry dogs snarl and snap at you, it would be politic to have done it after April 24, 2006."

"Harold Fish ran into the aforementioned brace of canines and the one angry man out in the woods north of Payson on May 11, 2004. After firing a warning shot into the ground near the dogs, which aroused the dog owner's ire and sent him charging toward Fish in a quite frightening and threatening manner (according to Fish), Fish shot him three times." ...

VA: Guns at Virginia Tech would be disastrous
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to ... 'Concealed weapons are not a threat,' I have to disagree with the author, strongly."

"The idea of students carrying guns around campus is so ludicrous that I really don’t know how else to convey my shock that people think it’s a legitimate option. The author of the letter might consider himself someone who is always sane and stable enough to know when drawing a weapon is necessary and when it is a criminal offense, but simple fact is when you always have something with you, you’re going to be more inclined to use it. ... If someone has a gun with them, they will always be more inclined to use it than if they don’t have it, which means that gun related incidents on campus will increase ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Don't the antis ever tire of their paranoid fantasies? Blood in the streets! Road rage shootouts! Fender-bender firefights! Same BS that the cry every time, that proves to be BS, every time.

Cheney's office logs victory in spending bill fight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was a good day Thursday for the National Rifle Association and Vice President Cheney, as Democratic-controlled spending panels defeated efforts to loosen restrictions on gun sales information ..." ...

"Democrats from urban areas where gun violence is prevalent failed to weaken a provision authored by Rep. Todd Tiahrt, R-Kan., included in the annual spending bill since 2003 that prevented sharing information on gun sales stockpiled by the [BATFE] outside of the federal law-enforcement community."

"Tiahrt and the NRA, along with some police organizations, argue the restrictions protect the privacy of law-abiding gun owners and the identities of police and others involved in investigations." ...

House Panel Supports Limiting Access to Data on Guns, Dealing a Blow to Bloomberg
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A key Congressional committee dealt a major blow to Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg's campaign against illegal firearms yesterday, refusing to allow police departments broader access to data that tracks guns sales."

"The bill restricting release of the information, approved by the House Appropriations Committee, must still be passed by the full House and reconciled with a similar Senate measure. But since the Senate bill is considered even more beneficial to the gun industry, the Bloomberg administration appeared resigned to defeat."

"A statement from Mayor Bloomberg called the vote 'a profound disappointment.' ..." ...

Mayor linked to anti-gun bullying
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mayor Michael Bloomberg's aides threatened to run negative ads against House Appropriations Committee chairman David Obey if pro-gun legislation opposed by the mayor was passed in that committee, Obey claimed yesterday. The mayor's office denied the charge."

"Speaking during a committee session, Obey (D-Wis.) said Bloomberg aides told his staff that TV ads painting him as anti-law enforcement would be run in his district if the provision, known as the Tiahrt Amendment ... was passed."

"'The Mayor's staff came into my office, and rather than discuss the merits, they simply did what so many bullies do ... they threatened to run ads in my district if I didn't bow to their wishes,' Obey said ..." ...

Don't be fooled by Romney
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mitt Romney has one chance to become president of the United States." ...

"Therefore, consider this an open letter to the good folks of Iowa and New Hampshire: Don't be fooled by this political chameleon, this charlatan, this pretender to the throne." ...

"Today he claims to be a champion of the Second Amendment, a proud member of the National Rifle Association. Yet, he supported President Clinton's draconian 1994 gun ban, boasting to the Boston Herald: 'That's not going to make me the hero of the NRA. I don't line up with a lot of special interest groups.'"

"More recently, just five years ago, as governor he signed into law what is described by some as one of the toughest assault-weapons laws in the country." ...

Grabbers All?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "But that’s OK, because political consultant Dick Morris thinks Hillary Clinton will be our next president: ... the smart money is betting on the senator from New York, who wants all the disarmament laws Obama calls for and then some."

"So we need to vote Republican, right?"

"Yeah, if you agree with Rudy Giuliani that we need federal licensing and testing to own a gun, and that semiautos should be banned ..." ...

"... while political prognostications — especially this early in the game — can be notoriously inaccurate, here’s one I fear is a virtual certainty: Our next president will be a gun grabber."

Ron Paul upholds people's rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Every individual having a natural right to life, liberty, and property, in turn, has a natural right to defend them."

"Any law meant to deprive an individual from obtaining the means necessary to defend these rights is an infringement on his liberty and is unjust."

"If I wish to own a hand gun, I have that right."

"If I wish to own a hunting rifle, I have that right."

"If I wish to own an assault rifle — as outrageous as that may sound to you — I have that right and it can not legitimately be taken from me."

"Those who wish to deny individuals their natural rights, even when done for apparent humanitarian reasons, are acting as tyrants. ..." ...

Candidates Take Center Stage At NAACP Convention
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Presidential candidates were center stage at the NAACP convention in Detroit Thursday. Supporters campaigned outside the convention hall, while inside candidates fought for the African American vote." ...

"They were also asked about crime and gun control."

"'I believe in the Second Amendment but I don't believe you need an AK-47 to hunt,' said Senator John Edwards." ...

CA: Lead bullet ban gets its chance before game commission
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A ban on lead bullets for hunting in condor country will again be considered by the state Fish and Game Commission when it meets Friday in Bridgeport."

"The commission, urged by environmental groups and advocates of the California condor, has been considering a ban of some kind this year."

"The proposal before it would require that centerfire rifle bullets, muzzleloading balls, shotgun slugs and buckshot used for taking both game and nongame birds and mammals in the identified California condor range be lead-free."

"The range includes areas within the boundaries of established deer hunting zones." ...

IL: More Illinois counties reject Chicago-style "gun control"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lots of stuff has been going down while my computer problems raged around me. ... Anyway, figured I'd celebrate my return to the cyber-world ... Here's the good news: Adams, Pope, and Wayne Counties have joined the other 12 in passing resolutions condemning the Chicago area legislators' relentless attacks on the Second Amendment. That makes fifteen counties that have passed such a resolution." ...

"Monroe and Piatt Counties have added this type of resolution to their agendas, and are expected to vote soon. The current map thus looks like this:" ...

IL: County takes stand on state legislation that infringes on the right to bear arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Adams County Board approved a resolution Tuesday opposing the enactment of any legislation infringing upon the public's right to keep and bear arms."

"The resolution was passed unanimously without discussion, making Adams County the latest in a string of Illinois counties to approve a resolution of this nature, including several in the immediate area."

"... Dave Bockhold, committee chairman, said the resolution was developed in response to some pending legislation that could ban certain firearms used for hunting or recreational shooting. ..."

"'There's been a lot of downstate counties passing this same type of resolution. We're just making a statement so they know where we stand,' Bockhold said." ...

Submitter's Note: H/t to 45superman.

Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, "in violation of the constitutional guarantee to the citizen of his right to keep and bear arms", January 5, 1864
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"...Resolved, That our system consists of a limited national government for the whole United States, of supreme authority as to all the powers with which the Constitution has invested it, and State governments for each State, formed by the people thereof..."

"...That in all the States, and parts of States, where the laws of the United States and the States can be executed, the military authorities should not be brought into conflict with the civil power, but should be strictly held to be, as they rightfully are, in subordination..."

"... in violation of the constitutional guarantee to the citizen of his right to keep and bear arms, and of his rights of property; it has forcibly deprived as welt the loyal as the disloyal..."

Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence, "If Heaven, in the creation, gave a right, it is ours at least as much as yours", Nov. 28, 1782
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"...If Heaven, in the creation, gave a right, it is ours at least as much as yours. If occupation, use, and possession give a right, we have it as clearly as you. If war and blood and treasure give a right, ours is as good as yours...."

"...if then the right can not be denied, why should it not be acknowledged, and put out of dispute? ..."

"...Upon this, I recounted the history of General Gage's agreement with the inhabitants of Boston, that they should remove with their effects, upon condition that they would surrender their arms; but as soon as the arms were secured, the goods were forbid to be carried out, and were finally carried off in large quantities to Halifax...."

PA: Deptford officer acquitted in brutality case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Superior Court jury today acquitted a Deptford Township police officer on charges of beating a motorist after a traffic stop."

"Patrolman John Gillespie, 35, broke down in tears after the jury announced that he was not guilty of official misconduct, aggravated assault and simple assault, which could have landed him in prison for up to 15 years." ...

"Gillespie testified this week that a hostile Rao was kicking the interior of the police cruiser and threatened to smash the car window and escape." ...

"The prosecutor told jurors yesterday that Gillespie 'showed himself to be a total liar.' Rao ... couldn't have threatened to smash the police car windows because it wasn't recorded by the police car audio recorder." ...

NC: Prison officer charged
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Goldsboro correctional officer faces charges for allegedly assaulting his ex-fiancee and holding her against her will in his Johnston County home when she tried to retrieve her personal belongings July 5."

"Stephen Mark Holt, 36, of Woodard Road, Princeton, was charged with assault and kidnapping, said Tammy Amaon, spokesman for the Johnston County Sheriff's Office."

"Holt allegedly assaulted Shannon Wells, 30, of Wayne County, when she went to his home to retrieve her personal property after the couple ended their engagement, Miss Amaon said."

"According to Miss Wells' complaint, Holt held her down for 45 minutes against her will." ...

FL: Former Miami Beach police officer charged with sexual battery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former police officer is behind bars after officials said Thursday he lured at least two aspiring female models to a "studio" under the pretense of shooting a rum commercial, only to spike their drinks and perform and film sexual acts on the women when they passed out."

"Lavont Flanders Jr., 36, is suspected of victimizing at least three other women inside the warehouse on the 3500 block of S. State Road 7. Police searched for evidence Thursday afternoon, Miramar police spokesman Bill Robertson said. Investigators believe at least one other suspect may have been involved in carrying the acts on the two women who reported the crime, a 19-year-old from Miramar in May 2007 and a 25-year-old from Huntsville, Ala in May 2006." ...

TX: Police officer charged with assault after domestic violence incident
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A police officer was released on a $3,500 bond after he was arrested and charged with assault following an episode of domestic violence Thursday morning."

"... The officer was arrested, but the girlfriend wasn't."

"... The off-duty officer, Shane Sizemore, had called police saying that his girlfriend, Juanita Hernandez, was 'out of control.'"

"Hernandez claimed she was hit in the face, kicked and had had her hair pulled. She also said that Sizemore had pulled his police-issued gun on her."

"Sizemore said her claims are not true, and that he grabbed his gun from the closet because he thought she was going to get it. He claimed the ensuing struggle was the result of his trying to protect his children." ...

WA: How To Practice Proper Child Gun Safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Children and guns. Over the last 10 years in Washington State 12 children under 14-years-old accidentally shot and killed themselves with a gun. While numbers may not be high, experts claim nearly every accident can be prevented."

"Just last month a three-year-old ... accidentally killed himself with a gun he found in a bedroom drawer."

"Experts recommend whether you own a gun or not, all parents need to teach their children weapons aren't something to play with."

"Wayne Riner is an avid bird hunter. But he's also the proud father of 8 children." ...

"Riner owns a pistol and two shotguns. ... He said the guns are never loaded, each has a trigger lock, and he teaches his all his children the right way to handle firearms." ...

MI: Gun-control rally targets presidential hopefuls at NAACP forum
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Weusi Olusola was 16 when four nearly fatal bullets knocked him to the ground while he was walking down a street in west Detroit."

"Twenty years later, Olusola found himself on the ground again -- only this time, it was by choice."

"He was one of 32 kids and adults dressed in black who lay down Thursday in front of Cobo Center to bring gun control to the attention of the nine presidential candidates participating in a forum as part of the last day of the NAACP national convention."

"'We're here to hopefully put this on somebody's radar so that our future leaders and our current leaders can tackle this head-on,' said Olusola ..." ...

FL: Florida Giving Out CWPs Too Freely
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In one year alone, there's been a two-fold increase in the number of Central Floridians applying for concealed weapons permits. This is seen by many as a reaction to a steep rise in violent crime."

"Despite my liberal leanings I am a strong defender of the Second Amendment and your constitutional right -- as well as mine -- to possess a firearm for personal protection."

"But get this: Not all, but far too many Central Floridians are attending classes to obtain their concealed weapons permit, but never receive firearms training. They are never shown a firearm, they never see one, and never touch one. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Is it inconceivable that they already know how to shoot?

Championships mark 100 years at Camp Perry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Much like their predecessors a century ago, men and women took aim at targets Thursday at the Camp Perry shooting range."

"Neil Kravitz, 58, of Boring, Md., has competed in shooting matches for more than 20 years, but saved his first trip to Camp Perry for the 100th anniversary of the National Rifle and Pistol Matches."

"'I'm having a wonderful time. My goal was to shoot at Camp Perry,' said Kravitz, a former Army major. 'This is something you aspire to do.'"

"Camp Perry has hosted the event since 1907, when Brigadier General Ammon B. Critchfield -- who later became president of the National Rifle Association -- moved the matches from New Jersey to the 640-acre military training center." ...

NY: Portville's Yehl catches on 'quickly' to trap shooting
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"It's an old and simple saying: 'You never know until you try.'"

"Colton Yehl found that out last weekend and now the freshman to be at Portville Central School is a New York State Junior Olympic trap shooting champion."

"Yehl, 15, placed first among all competitors in an International Trap Shooting competition held at the Rochester Brooks Gun Club in Rush, N.Y."

"But the victory didn't come without a few surprising and uneasy moments." ...

MI: Local clubs join to get youth into shooting sports
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week I reported some statistics regarding the Michigan Families Afield Program that includes the Youth Hunting and Apprentice Hunter initiatives adopted by the Michigan Legislature in 2006."

"I also cited how most hunters were introduced into the sport by fathers or father figures."

"There is one other element that made this indoctrination successful years ago and has emerged again to anchor their interest."

"This spring, members of the Great Lakes Sports and Recreation Club (GLSRC) formed a committee to develop a shooting league for area youth. This league is in addition to the ... Michigan 4H Youth Shooting Sports Program that has been around for decades." ...

People do not seem to realize that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character. —RALPH WALDO EMERSON

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