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Newslinks for 7/15/2015

Murder rates drop as concealed carry permits soar: report
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The number of concealed carry handgun permits has skyrocketed since President Obama was first elected, while murder rates have fallen, according to a new report released Wednesday."

"Since 2007, the number of concealed handgun permits has soared from 4.6 million to over 12.8 million, and murder rates have fallen from 5.6 killings per 100,000 people to just 4.2, about a 25 percent drop, according to the report from the Crime Prevention Research Center."

"And the number ... is increasing faster every year. Over 1.7 million new permits were issued last year — a 15.4 percent increase over 2013, the largest such single-year jump ever, according to the report from the center led by President John R. Lott and research director John E. Whitley." ...

KS Pawn Shop Owners Settle with Victim’s Mother Over Straw Purchase
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Finally, people who advocate for restrictions on gun ownership, ultimately, leave victims disarmed both physically and mentally. The Brady Campaign — the group trying to make political hay from this case — has been at the forefront of the movement to keep victims of domestic violence disarmed both mentally and physically, thanks to their relentless assault on the right to keep and bear arms. As the father of a daughter, it makes me ever more committed to make sure she is raised with the mental and physical skills she needs to stand up for herself. It also makes me ever more committed to defend her right to access the tools she needs to accomplish those goals, in the face of certain opposition from groups like the Brady Campaign."

Sara Tipton: Mila Kunis is a Lousy Gun-Owning Parent
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Actress Mila Kunis recently shared her parenting choices ... Mila Kunis displays a high level of firearms expertise in her movies (let’s hope so, considering the extensive training she receives in order to do so), but her view on 'gun parenting' are wide of the mark. As a mother about the same age as Kunis and an avid gun owner who can also 'take a gun apart and put it back together blindfolded,' I profoundly disagree with this statement . . .
"'My child shouldn’t be as well trained as us, nor should she know there is a weapon in the house—ever,' added the actress, who underwent weapons training for the films Max Payne and Jupiter Ascending." ...

Whataburger Open Carry Policy Sparks Second Amendment Debate And Possible Boycott
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fast food chain Whataburger is denying customers the ability to open carry firearms on its premises, despite Texas law permitting such a practice."

"The popular hamburger chain could be the target of backlash by gun owners both in Texas and in other states where restaurants are located." ...

Tax Seattle Politicians.. Until the Hurting Stops
Submitted by: Robert Morse

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"The Seattle City Council proposed a tax on guns and ammunition. I propose a different tax.. a tax on politicians." ...

"I propose a citizens initiative to tax politicians. The city council said we must tax firearms because of the harm done with a gun. The city council ignored a bigger problem the citizens face;"
"nothing is as dangerous and destructive as a politician." ...
"Supporters of the Seattle City Council could object that law abiding politicians are innocent of wrongdoing.. and that innocent individuals are being punished for the actions of other corrupt officials who broke the law."

"Hmm. If that is how you feel, then why didn’t you object when the City Council taxed honest and law abiding gun owners for the actions of Seattle criminals?"

"Double standard much?"

Training Tip – Take Advantage of Defensive Gun Use Videos
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I watched the video of Pinch, West Virginia pharmacist Don Radcliff who successfully thwarted an armed robbery. I watch a lot of defensive shooting videos for more than entertainment value. I agree that 'the best plan is to not have a plan,' but what we have to have are instincts. Instincts and training to back up what your instincts are telling you to do in any variety of situations. Instincts that are not inherent are learned. The best way for me to learn instinctive reaction is to dissect accounts of actual DGUs . . ."

"Force-on-force training is probably the best way to train because your instincts can be tested. The drawbacks being the cost and the fact that the actual DGU likely will not be a situation you practiced. ..." ...

Jep Robertson on the Second Amendment and suppressor satisfaction (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The youngest member of the Duck Commander tribe, Jep Robertson, joined Silenecerco’s #FightTheNoise campaign and sits down to talk about his feelings on suppressors."

"Due to his background, it should come as no surprise that the video is heavy on the Salvo 12, the company’s primer shotgun suppressor. Moving past that, however, Jep brings out some of the rest of his collection and gives some frank talk on gun rights." ...

BATFE Is Indeed Denying SBR Form 1s for WA Residents
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three months and one week after e-filing my Form 1 to turn that Lancer L15 into a short barreled rifle, I finally received the expected disapproval notice from the ATF (Nick gave us the heads up while my form was still pending). Unfortunately, after speaking to some folks in the know — FFL-07 + SOTs, those deeply involved in 2A politics in Washington State here, etc. — it does seem like the ATF’s interpretation of current Washington law is correct. When the state’s law banning the possession of SBRs was amended, going into effect almost exactly a year ago, it seemed that the intent was to simply defer to federal law on the subject. However, what happened was. . ." ...

Gear Review: HERA Arms SFU (Side Folding Unit) (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fairly new from HERA Arms — imported and sold in the U.S. by LAN World — is the SFU, or Side Folding Unit. This stock adapter allows for folding the buttstock to the side and fits any rifle that accepts an AR-15 receiver extension (buffer tube). However, it probably won’t work on your AR-15. . .

Gun Review – Taurus 85 Ultra-Lite Revolver
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a millennial gun owner, the length and breadth of my life experience with firearms is polymer. The GLOCK 19 is our generation’s 1911; after all Tupac sure wasn’t bustin’ any of John Browning’s designs. If somebody my age says they 'prefer revolvers,' check their closet for skinny jeans and their fridge for a case of PBR. I don’t prefer revolvers. They’re cool, sure, but you’ll never catch me arguing the superiority of a wheelgun. More reliable? Maybe, but if a GLOCK 19 jams . . ."

"it’ll probably be ten rounds into a magazine that holds the equivalent of three fully loaded revolvers. ..." ...

Puppies and Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "So: The Second Amendment states, 'A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.' It's a sentence with an independent clause, which is 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.' The militia clause is subordinate, and only one of many that could support the independent clause. 'Arms being necessary for self defense,' or 'In order to prevent the formation of a police state,' or 'Equality before the law being an iffy proposition,' are all subordinate clauses that could have begun the Second Amendment without altering the meaning of 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'" ...

Let people vote on the gun issue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment (right to bear arms) was a good thing for the times when it was written. Those were times when one had to protect oneself and family against the French or English, wild animals, snakes or renegades. But those times are gone. The Second Amendment has outlived usefulness." ...

"I think the right to bear arms is no longer necessary. Let's put it to the test. Put it in a standalone public referendum in a presidential election. Let the public speak and be heard."

Submitter's Note: No Paul, you may not "vote on" my Second Amendment right, just as you may not "vote on" any of my freedom of speech or religion or any of my other fundamental individual human and civil rights.

Meet My Father, Master Sgt. John Eliyas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My father wasn’t big, physically, only 5’3” and 135 lbs. He didn’t graduate from high school. Most of his life he worked as a machinist in a foundry. It wasn’t until I got older that I began to understand there was a deeper current running through him. I grew up in a northern Ohio town on the lake. My father worked the night shift; my mom was a home-maker. We didn’t have much, but my folks managed to send my two sisters and me to parochial school. We had what we needed, sometimes what we wanted. One weekend, when I was 8, my dad and I visited my uncle Joe on Catawba Island, we then took a leisurely drive to Port Clinton and Camp Perry. This was my first introduction to the matches . . ." ...

KS: Kansas Constitutional Carrier Foils Robbery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Kansas Governor Brownback signed the Constitutional Carry bill on the second of April this year, disarmists predicted streets running red with blood. The law went into effect on July first. Two weeks later, a young man, Joey Tapley, carrying a pistol without a permit foiled a robbery attempt at an Academy sporting goods store. Many would say that robbing a gun shop is a really stupid idea, and it shows in this attempt. From . . ." ...

Walker in, made Wis. 49th CCW state, can 2A critics be far behind?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker yesterday made it official by becoming the 15th Republican seeking his party’s nomination to run for president next year, and now the clock is running to see how long it will take some Second Amendment internet purist to start beating him up."

"Walker is the guy who brought the Badger State into the 21st Century four years ago by signing a concealed carry measure into law. That’s something ... the gun prohibition lobby despises him for doing."

"Last month, he signed a couple of pro-gun-rights bills into law, including one that eliminated Wisconsin’s 48-hour waiting period. So, how could anyone in the Second Amendment community dislike this guy? Don’t worry, somebody out there will find an excuse ..." ...

Reply from Senator Pat Toomey
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Like many Pennsylvanians, I have long been a supporter of the Second Amendment. Americans have an individual right to bear arms for self-protection, hunting, and recreation my record of supporting gun owners’ rights earned me an 'A' rating from the NRA. During my time in the Senate, I have continued to defend Second Amendment rights. The Second Amendment protects a fundamental freedom of law abiding Americans.'"

"It does not, however, give violent criminals and the dangerously mentally ill an absolute right to access firearms." ...

CA: San Francisco Supervisor: Register All Ammunition Purchases
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Supervisor Mark Farrell is set to put in a public request at today’s San Francisco Board of Supervisors meeting to begin drafting legislation that would require the videotaping of all gun and ammunition sales within San Francisco,' reports, 'and require the regular storage and electronic transmission of ammunition sales data to the San Francisco Police Department.' Big Brother much? Oh yeah. And there’s Marky Mark’s rationale . . ." ...

Gun case may have ripple effect
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The timing of a recent court ruling from the Commonwealth Court of Puerto Rico could not be better, and may well set in motion a significant ripple effect in other U.S. Island jurisdictions, namely Guam and Hawaii."

"The Puerto Rican court recently handed down a ruling on a class action lawsuit that was brought by the Ladies of the Second Amendment, or LSA, with 850 individual plaintiffs. The court ruling, confirmed by the Second Amendment Foundation, or SAF, was a significant victory for gun rights advocates in Puerto Rico." ...

MI: Clio schools claim open carry gun lawsuit based on misunderstanding of law
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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"Clio schools claim a lawsuit filed by a man who openly carried his pistol in an elementary school should be dismissed because the entire case is based on a 'fundamental misunderstanding of Michigan Law.'" ...

"Herman filed the lawsuit March 5 in Genesee County Circuit Court against the Clio Area School District, claiming he was denied access to Edgerton Elementary multiple times while attempting to pick up his daughter because he was open-carrying a pistol."

"State law prevents people from carrying concealed firearms on school property. However, the law allows individuals with concealed pistol licenses to openly carry their firearms in schools. Herman is a CPL holder." ...

FL: Group Argues to Allow Guns in Dorms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment should supersede a Florida law that bans firearms from state university housing, a gun-rights group argued before seemingly skeptical appellate judges Tuesday."

"The 1st District Court of Appeal in Tallahassee heard arguments from Florida Carry Inc., which contends students and other people residing in on-campus housing at the University of Florida should be allowed to maintain possession of firearms as they would at their parents' homes." ...

GA: More laws won't help
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Obama wants to renew the gun control debate because the accused Charleston, S.C., church shooter 'had no trouble getting his hands on a gun.'"

"No surprise there. One of the most powerful ways to advance unreasoned public policy is to foist it on a grief-stricken population."

"But the irony of using the Emanuel AME tragedy to launch attacks on the Second Amendment is that the incident might have been averted had officials simply enforced laws already on the books." ...

FL: We don’t need a national registry for guns (first letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If a person is deemed so mentally unfit that legal gun ownership is forbidden, why isn’t that person institutionalized and given care instead of violating Second Amendment protections for all others?"

"The Pandora’s Box of diagnosing mental illness regrading the Second Amendment is dangerously double-edged. Does the APA determine mental fitness? Your prescriptions? A bureaucrat? The Brady Campaign? Family? Friends?"

"What’s to keep someone from maliciously reporting another as 'deficient'? What mental issues, spelled out in law, makes someone unable to legally own a weapon? Are they the same for holding public office?" ...

CHINA: China phone thief wins $11,000 from victim
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Chinese court ordered a mugger's intended victim to pay his attacker 70,000 yuan ($11,000) after he fought off the attempted robbery and beat him up, state-run media reported Wednesday."

"The court sentenced the mugging target, identified only as Yuan, to three months' probation along with the fine, the Global Times newspaper said." ...

Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. — James Madison, The Federalist Papers, No. 46

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