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Newslinks for 7/17/2015

Terrorist Kills 4 Unarmed Marines in TN, Trump Promises to Re-Arm Servicemen
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Donald Trump when recently asked about the deadly “Gun Free” policies at our American Military bases he stated;

“As Commander-in-Chief, I would mandate that soldiers remain armed and on alert at our military bases.

President Clinton never should have passed a ban on soldiers being able to protect themselves on bases. America’s Armed Forces will be armed.

They will be able to defend themselves against terrorists. Our brave soldiers should not be at risk because of policy created by civilian leadership. Political correctness has no place in this debate.”

Trump would end 'gun free zones' on military bases
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Donald Trump was unfortunately proven right on another one of his top issues Thursday: "gun free zones" at military bases.
Indications that Thursday's shooting at two military bases in Chattanooga, Tenn., occurred at or near "gun free zones."
In an interview with the website, Trump decried the zones on military bases, suggesting that they left highly-trained gun operators without a weapon to fire at attackers, with the exception of military police.

Marines massacred in gun-free zone in Chattanooga, Tennessee
Submitted by: Liston Matthews

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The futility of gun-ban zones is once again illustrated in this tragic murder.

NY: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand demands federal gun trafficking law
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand introduced legislation this week that aims to make trafficking in illegal firearms a federal crime.
Her bill, the Hadiya Pendleton and Nyasia Pryear-Yard Gun Trafficking and Crime Prevention Act, would also support law enforcement as it works to remove these illegal weapons from the street, and help prosecute those who engage in firearm trafficking, according to a statement from Gillibrand's office.

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: When Gillibrand first ran for senator, she reassured her rural constituency of her conservative bona fides by telling them that she and her husband kept rifles under their bed for home protection. When asked about this, Senator Schumer said that when she got to Washington, she'd come around.

Everytown’s Editorial Arm, “The Trace” Pushes Propaganda On Self-Defense And Firearms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Bloomberg’s “The Trace” reported this week “breaking news” that anti-gun researcher David Hemenway has “debunked” the myth of self-defensive gun uses in America. Of course, this “breaking news” amounts to nothing more than another failed attempt by Hemenway to challenge common sense and shared experience here in the United States. Hemenway has been trying (and failing) for nearly two decades to undermine the groundbreaking work of Florida State University’s Gary Kleck, which showed that firearms are used approximately 2.5 million times per year in self defense situations. You can read Kleck’s most recent response to Hemenway here.

Oh Look, A New Study ‘Debunking the Myth of Defensive Gun Use’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The gun-grabbing left is willing to spend a vast amount of treasure on studies that undermine the rationale for owning a gun. The latest study to this effect was published in the Journal of Preventive Medicine and claims that owning a gun does not make you safer.

How The UK Covers Up Murder Stats
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Homicide stats for the United Kingdom have traditionally come from reports from the Home Office, which tallies murders according to a completely different system. The crucial methodological difference is that a murder’s existential status depends on a conviction, not a body and evidence of foul play. Think of how many murders go unsolved, and it will become clear that the Home Office’s numbers are woefully low. Not only that, but they are reported from the time of conviction, not the time of death. Since murder cases often take years to be resolved, statistics for a given year tend to reflect events actually occurring in previous years.

Six Things On The Chattanooga Massacre
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Frankly, this blood is on the president’s hands. He didn’t create the policy of disarming our military personnel when it’s obvious there are enemy agents in our country who have them in their sights, but he’s surely had lots of opportunities to revisit and remedy it – and he chose not to. To leave our military people, who by definition we trust with a weapon, without the ability to protect themselves is unconscionable. Heads ought to roll for this, and Obama ought to be made to offer a personal apology to our troops for his despicable inaction.

Dakota Meyer calls for ‘full institution of the 2nd Amendment’ following Chattanooga attack
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Medal of Honor recipient and U.S. Marine Dakota Meyer blasted special interest groups Thursday in the wake of a terrorist attack on a Navy recruiting center in Tennessee, calling for expansion of gun rights.

TN: Tennessee Firearms Association looks to start chapter in Tri-Cities
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A statewide group that aims to promote the right to bear arms has set a goal of doubling its membership in 2015.

The Tennessee Firearms Association (TFA) currently has 15 chapters across the state, which they say work to educate people about the Second Amendment, and work to ensure that state legislators continue to support gun rights.

This year, they’re hoping to increase their membership by 10,000 people by expanding to 30 chapters across the state, including adding a chapter in the Tri-Cities.

DE: Lewes to Modify 'Open Carry' Ordinance if Governor Approves State Legislation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Lewes City Council voted to adopt an ordinance that would ban people from openly carrying weapons inside city and government buildings.

That is, if legislation already passed by the Senate and House giving municipalities such authority gets the governor's signature.

That legislation would give counties and municipalities authority over open carry policies in their government buildings.

Lewes' open carry ordinance would go into effect if that bill passes, though it's unclear at this time how soon after that could happen.

Lewes would be the first city in the state to ban the public from openly carrying firearms in municipal buildings, if the bill passed.

TN: Shootings in Chattanooga spur Sullivan debate on guns in courthouse
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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At a work session Thursday evening, some Sullivan County commissioners cited shootings at two military recruitment offices in Chattanooga earlier in the day to question a ban on firearms in the historic Sullivan County Courthouse.

Commissioner Baxter Hood raised the issue first. Hood said the doors to the recruitment centers where the shootings occurred displayed signs prohibiting guns inside. Hood said it is a similar situation to signs on the courthouse doors. Those signs are warnings that all weapons, including guns, are prohibited from the building, which houses several county government offices frequented by the public.

Summertime Ruses
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On June 30, a man and a woman with a long criminal history staged a home invasion in Las Vegas, Nev., attacking two brothers, their mother and a friend. Fortunately, it ended when the older son, 23, drew his handgun.

Many of these stories start with what looks like an innocent-looking person at the door. This one came in the morning daylight hours in what I hope isn’t a school-vacation trend.

A female knocked, asking if she could make a call because her car had broken down. Before the youngest son could close the door, she forced her way in, and put him and his friend in a headlock, clearing entry for her .22 LR pistol-toting male accomplice.

Hi-Point has new camo colors incoming
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Hi-Point Firearms is expanding hydro-dipping services with new Camo Carbines that include patterns like digital desert tan, the increasingly-popular pink Muddy Girl-type and traditional woodland camo.

With these new hydro-dipped treatments now you can get a Hi-Point Carbine that stands out at the range, without turning to a home-brewed rattle-can solution that never looks quite as nice once the paint dries. The camo finishes only add about $60 to the sticker so the prices stay nice and low.

NE: Guns Returned To Nebraska Man After Help from NFOA & SAF
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Criminal charges have been dropped against a Nebraska man, with a Firearms Purchase Certificate, whose expensive firearms collection was seized in a case stemming from city of Lincoln ordinances which significantly impede Nebraska citizen’s 2nd Amendment Rights.

Citing a misdemeanor conviction several years ago for carrying a knife that was an eighth-inch too long, the city of Lincoln confiscated Mr. Kevin William’s personal firearms collection.

After Mr. Williams reached out to the Nebraska Firearms Owners Association, NFOA President Rod Moeller approached Second Amendment Foundation founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb and secured SAF’s assistance for the victim of these unjust Lincoln city ordinances.

ID: Idaho counties vary wildly on charging for your Second Amendment rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A concealed weapons permit costs $115 in Driggs and only $62 in Blackfoot, a new video reveals.

Idaho counties vary wildly in the concealed weapons permit costs. Teton County, home to Driggs, sits atop the state for total cost for a new permit at $115. Bingham County, home to Blackfoot, comes in with the lowest mark at $62.

Costs to renewal vary greatly, too. Blaine County charges a mere $20 to renew the concealed weapons license, while Oneida County comes in with the highest renewal fee at $75.

The Case For Universal Concealed Handgun Reciprocity
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Presently, 18 States do recognize the validity of unrestricted concealed handgun carry licenses issued by other States. Most States, unfortunately, do not. Recognition of unrestricted concealed handgun carry license reciprocity by all the States would help eliminate the problem of inconsistent gun laws existent between and among the States and, too, relieve a law-abiding American from the burden of acquiring and holding multiple concealed handgun licenses. This would do much to safeguard the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Universal unrestricted concealed handgun license reciprocity among the States would overcome a host of obstacles to Americans’ exercise of their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

Gun Control: The Killer’s Best Friend
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez is suspected of murdering four unarmed Marines in Chattanooga and wounding others. As I write this, we still don’t know how Abdulazeez obtained his gun or what his motivations were—though, we can take an educated guess on the latter. What we do know is that Abdulazeez shot his victims in a “gun-free zone,” which is a useful illustration of the absurdity of gun-control laws: we constrain conscientious Americans but offer free rein to killers. In this case, even our best trained warriors were helpless.

PA: Allentown City Council may bring back gun laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Allentown City Council is considering putting two gun laws back on the books in light of a recent Pennsylvania Superior Court ruling.

In February, council repealed its two gun ordinances due to the threat of legal action.

Allentown had prohibited anyone from carrying a firearm on city property, including city buildings or parks. The city also required a gun owner to report a lost or stolen gun missing within 24 hours of discovering the weapon missing.

Bernie Sanders and Gun Rights: More Than Just Electoral Expediency
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Bernie Sanders' uneven but real support for gun rights has puzzled a lot of pundits, who tend to describe the socialist senator's position on the issue as "to Clinton's right" and who tend to figure it's just a byproduct of getting elected in a rural state where guns are everywhere. Both of these theses are undermined by this passage in Michael Tracey's new story for The New Republic:

Obama Using the Charleston Tragedy to Infringe on Your Gun Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Roof had a misdemeanor conviction, but, barring domestic violence, that wasn’t enough. Roof had been arrested on a felony drug charge, but apparently, he hadn’t been indicted.

So the FBI is arguing that if it had more money, it would have discovered that Roof was “an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance…” [18 U.S.C. 922(d)(3)].

This archaic and little-used provision has largely gone into the trashcan for a reason: absent the conviction of a crime in a court of law, how is the government to know if one is using a controlled substance unlawfully?


NY: Increase In Syracuse Shootings Prove So-Called SAFE Act A Public Policy Failure
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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According to the Post-Standard, shootings in Syracuse are up 50% for the first six months of the year compared with the same time last year.

When compared to the five-year average, city shootings are still up 3%.

The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God. — JOHN F. KENNEDY

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