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Newslinks for 7/18/2007

SAF Asks Federal Investigation of Alleged Straw Purchase by Anti-Gunner
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation is calling upon the [BATFE] to open a criminal investigation into what may be a publicly- admitted straw purchase of a handgun in New Hampshire ..."

"SAF Founder Alan Gottlieb said today that remarks made by John Rosenthal, head of Stop Handgun Violence ... and Globe columnist Steve Bailey ... 'strongly suggest they were involved in an illegal gun purchase.'" ...

"'The irony here,' he observed, 'is that Rosenthal has tried to portray this dealer as having conducted a straw sale, but what he is also describing is a straw purchase. There are two sides to any such crime, and the buyer -- and the person who initiated that purchase -- would be just as criminally liable as the seller of the gun.'" ...

Labor Department Announces It Will Revise Overreaching OSHA Explosives Rule (NRA)
Submitted by: Tom Perkins

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"The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced it will significantly revise a recent proposal for new 'explosives safety' regulations that caused serious concern among gun owners. OSHA had originally set out to update workplace safety regulations, but the proposed rules included restrictions that very few gun shops, sporting goods stores, shippers, or ammunition dealers could comply with."

"Gun owners had filed a blizzard of negative comments urged by the NRA ... After continued publicity through NRA alerts and the outdoor media, and after dozens of Members of Congress expressed concern about its impact, OSHA has wisely decided to go back to the drawing board." ...

John Lott: Guns don't kill people, Phila. does
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Mayor Street spent 15 hours waiting in line for an iPhone recently, the city was not impressed by his love of new technology. Rather, Street had to answer to a passerby asking, 'How can you sit here with 200 murders in the city already?'"

"Local politicians say they know the source of the problem: the lack of gun control. Gov. Rendell recently complained the state legislature 'has been in the control of the NRA.' Street blames the increasing murder rate on 'the dangerous proliferation of guns on our city streets.' Last Tuesday, two City Council members announced the novel legal tactic of suing the state government to let Philadelphia pass its own gun laws."

"The desire 'to do something' is understandable, but new gun laws aren't the answer." ...

O'Reilly Admits 'Pink Pistols' Story Exaggerated
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Bill O'Reilly of Fox News ... featured a report on 'gay gangs,' the umbrage GLBT people took was business as usual except for one thing: the report crossed a pro-firearms GLBT group called The Pink Pistols." ...

"... it was a group of about 10,000 gay and lesbian gun-rights enthusiasts who might have had the most impact: called The Pink Pistols, the group is a GLBT advocacy organization supporting ... their Second Amendment rights to bear arms."

"The Pink Pistols are not happy at having the name of their organization dragged through the mud in what they see as a sensationalistic and gratuituous manner."

" ... in the end, O’Reilly took the highly unusual step (for him) of admitting that the story may have been exaggerated ..." ...

Jesse Jackson: To save our cities, resist gun lobby
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The House Appropriations Committee has just passed an amendment -- the Tiahrt Amendment -- that forbids the sharing of information police need to find the source of guns used in crimes."

"Why vote to cripple police efforts? Because the gun lobby, led by the National Rifle Association, demands it. What was once a concern for ensuring that hunters would have access to the guns they need for their hobbies has become an obsession that serves criminals and terrorists."

"This isn't a complicated story. Guns are not manufactured in cities. For the most part, the guns used in crimes are not even purchased in the cities where the gun crime takes place." ...

Bad and (Maybe) Good News on Guns
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Leadership of Congress has shifted to the Democrats, but the National Rifle Association’s power to block sensible steps to curb gun violence endures. Last week, a bipartisan majority of the House Appropriations Committee bowed to the N.R.A.'s warped agenda and rebuffed two attempts to repeal a four-year-old measure that denies police and local governments broad access to federal data needed to effectively combat illegal gun trafficking." ...

"Notwithstanding this disappointing denouement, progress on another significant gun issue is tantalizingly close. Just a few weeks ago, senior Congressional Democrats reached agreement with the N.R.A. on a measure that would improve screening of prospective gun buyers for disqualifying mental health problems. ..." ...

Our Gun Legacy - Good or Bad? (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Have you ever thoughtfully considered just how we got to where we are regarding the gun issue? Our nation was founded and evolved as a uniquely free society during the same time period that modern firearms were invented and became readily available due to the industrial revolution. Combine those two events with our founding fathers' genuine fear of tyrannical government along with a need for protection on a dangerous frontier and you have the answer - a modern society with an estimated 250 million guns." ...

OH: Sandusky Register's error-filled list of CHL-holders' private info (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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As if declaring war on gun ownership by publishing the private, confidential information of more than 2,700 Ohio concealed handgun license (CHL) holders wasn't bad enough, an investigation by the Buckeye Firearms Association has confirmed that the Sandusky Register has another problem - the newspaper's database contains false information! ...

OH: Failure to Inform: CHL-holders taking a big risk on Ohio roadways (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are mounds of evidence that most members of the pro-gun community care deeply about the rule of law. We spend lots of money to ensure we are in compliance with the law. We spend lots of time discussing the law in discussion forums, and even more time and money trying to improve laws in our state capitols. It is never pleasant when we have to air dirty laundry, or have it aired for us in an instance where a good guy does bad."

"But after having had two unfortunate opportunities to discuss Ohio's concealed handgun license (CHL) law with law enforcement officers during traffic stops in the past six months, I am convinced it is time to air some dirty laundry." ...

D.C. Wants High Court To Hear Gun Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The District will ask the Supreme Court to uphold its strict 30-year handgun ban, setting up what legal experts said could be a test of the Second Amendment with broad ramifications."

"The high court has not ruled on the Second Amendment ... since 1939. But at a morning news conference yesterday, Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D) and Attorney General Linda Singer said they expect the court to hear a case they called crucial to public safety." ...

"Some gun control advocates have cautioned that a defeat in the Supreme Court could lead to tough gun laws being overturned in major cities, including New York, Chicago and Detroit. ..." ...

"Gun rights advocates welcomed the chance to take the fight to the high court. ..." ...

Brady Center Lawyers Blast Appeals Court For 'Erasing' Part Of The Second Amendment (BCPGV)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today, one day after the District of Columbia announced an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court of the D.C. Circuit's recent Parker opinion striking down the District's handgun ban, the Legal Action Project of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence posted another installment in its online critique exposing the blatant flaws in the Parker decision. Parker remains the only federal appeals court decision in American history to strike down a gun law as a violation of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution."

"The critique ... exposes the court's opinion as contrary to binding Supreme Court precedent, and rife with distortions and misconstructions of authority. ... the first two chapters, are posted on ..." ...

Lawyers, Guns and Money
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Earlier this year, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit struck down the District of Columbia’s stringent gun-control regulations, ruling squarely that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to bear arms."

"In the cultural and legal battle over gun control, the decision was the proverbial shot heard ’round the world." ...

"If Parker is the long-awaited 'clean' case, one reason may be that proponents of the individual-rights view of the Second Amendment ... have learned from earlier defeats ... For one thing, it is a civil case, not a criminal one, and the six plaintiffs, in the words of NRA President Sandra Froman '74, are 'ordinary people whose lives are impacted by not having the right to protect themselves.' ..." ...

D.C. Requests High Court to Hear 2nd Amendment Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mayor Adrian Fenty announced yesterday that the District will petition the Supreme Court to hear arguments about the overturning of the District's handgun ban ..." ...

"The Cato Institute philosophically supported the suit by six D.C. residents to overturn the gun ban. Roger Pilon, Cato's vice president of legal affairs, says the Second Amendment should be viewed as an individual right. People also have a fundamental right to defend themselves, and the 'right of self defense entails the right to the means of self defense,' Pilon told Legal Times today."

"Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, says that precedents point to the logic of Miller and a collective reading of the Second Amendment. ..." ...

WashPost Failed to Talk to Winners of Gun Rights Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Reporting on Mayor Adrian Fenty (D-D.C.) and his decision to appeal a gun rights case to the Supreme Court, the Washington Post failed to consult any of the half-dozen citizens of the District of Columbia who won the lawsuit in federal Circuit Court four months earlier."

"Reporter David Nakamura quickly revealed to readers that the liberal mayor was couching his appeal as an effort to protect the citizens of the gun-crime-plagued city." ...

"A few grafs later, Nakamura quoted Fenty, who heads the city government that was the losing party to Parker v. District of Columbia. That's fair enough, Fenty is the guy taking the case to the High Court, he should be quoted first. But what about this Parker fellow?" ...

Armed with the Facts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some say the Constitution supports an individual’s right to bear arms. Others say it supports only a collective right. In an excerpt from his new book, Mark Tushnet says: It's a draw."

"'What’s the bottom line? On balance, originalism supports some version of an individual-rights interpretation, although the case for such an interpretation is closer than proponents of the gun-rights position acknowledge, and the states’ rights interpretation preferred by gun-control advocates isn’t entirely ruled out by originalist interpretation. ... Gun-control proponents have a significantly stronger case than their adversaries if we treat the question of interpreting the Second Amendment as an ordinary constitutional question ...'"

MT: Gun rights activists: Firearms ban would make MSU more dangerous
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Gun-rights activists say Montana State University's new weapons policy would make students more vulnerable if a Virginia Tech-style gunman were to threaten the MSU campus.

A mentally disturbed Virginia Tech student shot and killed 32 people before killing himself. In 1990 at MSU, Brett Byers fatally shot two other students in a dormitory.

The university announced in June that it would update its weapons policy, among other things, in light of the Virginia Tech shootings.

Officials say the new weapons policy would restrict or ban a specific list of weapons, including restricting firearms and banning concealed weapons.

2 of the 100 comments the university received about the new policy supported it.

Submitter's Note: H/t to David Codrea.

In Gun Fight, Bloomberg Raises Profile but Fails To Win Votes
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"In his fight to repeal a federal gun law, Mayor Bloomberg has flown across the country, spent millions in televised campaign-style ads, raised his national profile, and sparked interest in a possible presidential run."

"But in Congress, he's hardly changed anyone's mind." ...

"For the mayor, the issue that has helped to vault him onto the national stage has also dealt him a resounding legislative defeat, which is now drawing criticism for his political strategy and raising questions about how successful he can be at effecting change in Washington." ...

Siding with the thugs
Submitted by: Tdoff

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"It's one of the oldest debates in the book — public health and safety versus personal freedom. Smokers and non-smokers went the rounds over that issue, as have people concerned about the Patriot Act."

Now the National Rifle Association is reading from the same books."

"This debate comes down to how much information is too much information for the government. If law enforcement officials can curb violent acts against innocent people by gaining more access to the who, what and where of shady gun purchases, isn't that a good thing?"

[KABA Note: Objection your honor! Assumes facts not in evidence!]

"We think so."

"The NRA and various members of Congress differ. And they have won a round." ...

Middle America no fan of Bloomberg's liberal stances
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"He owns a house in Bermuda and can hop a private jet there whenever he wants."

"He thinks gays should be able to marry. He's banned smoking in bars and Crisco in restaurant piecrusts. If he's got religion, he rarely shows it."

"It seems safe to say Mayor Bloomberg isn't exactly your average American."

"Bloomberg's left-of-center positions on some crucial issues and his jet-setting life barely cause a ripple in New York. But if he runs for President, he'll have to explain a few things to Middle America, according to an exclusive Daily News poll." ...

MN: Twin Cities' Mayors Join Efforts to Repeal Gun Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Faced with restrictions to trace illegal guns data, the mayors of Minneapolis and St. Paul joined last week more than 200 counterparts around the country who issued a strongly worded criticism against Congress for reauthorizing a bill that leaves local authorities in the dark about the sources of illegal guns."

"'At a time when many cities face the challenge of gun-related crime, I am deeply disappointed that Congress has chosen not to stand with local police in their battle to get guns off the streets ...' said Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak in a statement. 'Instead of standing with the victims of illegal gun violence, Congress has chosen to stand with special interests who peddle fear and misinformation.'" ...

NY: Albany council creates gun task force
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The Common Council voted unanimously Monday night to establish a gun violence task force to examine ways to cut down on crime."

"Council member Dominick Calsolaro, who had been working to form the task force since 2002, said the council would like the 13-member group to begin its examination by the time school starts in September."

"'The task force has a one-year life, so it will be encouraged to keep the momentum going and keep the focus,' Calsolaro said. 'Right now we want to get the applications out and have the mayor sign it so we can get going by August.'" ...

NY: A Victory for Bloomberg’s Gun Battle
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"After recent battles with out-of-state gun dealers, Mayor Michael Bloomberg has something to celebrate: new mandatory minimum sentences for carrying an illegal and loaded weapon in New York. The mayor’s message: carry an illegal, loaded weapon and be prepared to go to jail for three and a half years."

"In a news conference this morning, Bloomberg and Citizens Crime Commission of New York City unveiled a new public service campaign to highlight the new penalties for illegal gun possession in New York. The campaign, GUNS=PRISON, will feature posters calling attention to the sentence. The notices will be displayed on donated space on phone kiosks, in buses and subways and in restaurants, bars, and nightclubs." ...

MD: Gun-offender registry proposed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In an effort to fight the city's spike in gun-related crime, [Baltimore] Mayor Sheila Dixon yesterday introduced legislation that would let police - and possibly the public - know home addresses of people convicted of gun violations."

"The bill is part of a larger anti-crime package that Dixon announced in May and is similar to measures have been being considered in cities around the country."

"'The truth is we know the small group of people who are committing the bulk of these gun offenses,' said ... a spokesman for the mayor. 'Making the information public is just another tool for citizens and advocates to be able to identify violent offenders ..."

"The city's police union dismissed the legislation as 'a waste of time' ..." ...

ID: Recap of today's visit by the ATF (Red's Trading Post)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Well here is todays recap, ATF Area Supervisor Linda Young came in today ... along with Industry Operations Inspectors Calvin Pavey and Mike Gorewicz ..."

"They began to go through our books, searching intently for some errors. One of our supporters came in and began taking some photos of them. We had been recording the audit because of some of the statements that Linda Young had made in the past and because of the countless times the Inspectors have contradicted themselves or added their own interpretations to the policies."

"Ms. Young at one point began to yell at me when I asked her for a clarification of something she had stated at an earlier audit which contradicted what she was looking for in this audit." ...

ID: ATF Area Supervisor and 2 NEW Inspectors just walked in (Red's Trading Post)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Area Supervisor Linda Young and 2 NEW Agents just walked in the door. They are now going through our books. She is pacing outside of our store, visibly yelling on her cell phone.

This comes on the heels of the American Free Press story that was published yesterday:

They have brought the Area Supervisor down from Spokane and 2 inspectors from Portland, Oregon.

UPDATE: Area Supervisor Linda Young snapped her fingers at the other agents who were in the middle of going through our books and proclaimed "We're done". They then drove off in their nice rental car that tax payers are paying for.

TX: Dallas officer shot by own Taser
Submitted by: Wes Wilson

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"Police say a Dallas officer was shot by a woman with his own Taser late Sunday in a bathroom at his Mountain Creek home while he was on duty." ...

"Officer Jeffers told investigators he was home ... because he'd stopped to use the restroom while on his way to follow up on a burglary lead. ..."

"A woman he said he knew knocked on the door and he let her in ... She then followed him into his bedroom as he went into an adjoining bathroom."

"The woman told police she picked up his Taser, believing it to be a flashlight. She then 'opened the bathroom door and was giggling' and pointed the Taser at Officer Jeffers ..."

"The woman said she was 'startled and accidentally pulled the trigger' when he told her to put it down. ..." ...

NY: NYC police officer charged in robberies of drug dealers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A police officer was paid off by a robbery crew to help steal hundreds of thousands of dollars and hundreds of pounds of marijuana from drug dealers, authorities said Tuesday."

"Darren Moonan ... was ordered held without bail on federal charges of conspiracy to commit drug trafficking and robbery. ..."

"The New York Police Department had no immediate comment."

"Moonan's attorney, Bradley D. Simon, described his client as a decorated six-year veteran who was involved in the rescue effort after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. He declined to respond to the charges."

"A criminal complaint alleges Moonan was recruited late last year to use his authority to help the bandits evade law enforcement during a string of holdups." ...

MS: Greenwood officer won't be charged in arrest of high school student (follow-up)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A lawyer for a white Greenwood police officer cleared Monday of an assault on a black high school student will hold a news conference Tuesday afternoon to discuss a 'frivolous' lawsuit brought against his client."

"Attorney Mitchell Creel said now that Officer Casey Wiggins has been cleared of assault on James Marshall, he believes the lawsuit ... should be dropped or struck down by a judge."

"Creel said it’s been clear that Wiggins is innocent of assault and was simply performing his duties when he got into an altercation with Marshall in the crowded hallways of Greenwood High School."

"Leflore County Circuit Court Judge Ashley Hines cleared him Monday based on testimony during a probable cause hearing earlier this month. ..."

NC: Edenton Police Officer Charged With Altering Evidence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A police officer in the coastal town of Edenton has been charged with planting evidence in a criminal investigation."

"Michael Aaron Davidson was charged last week ... He is on administrative leave from the Edenton Police Department. He was accused of planting evidence, including crack cocaine, while serving search warrants."

"A search warrant application filed by the State Bureau of Investigation indicated the 32-year-old Davidson has been investigated several times during his law enforcement career."

"Allegations against him included missing money, using excessive force and planting evidence. He previously was an officer with the Kinston Police Department and the Tyrrell County Sheriff's Department." ...

ID: Musician May Help Local Gun Dealer
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"One of the most colorful musicians from the 60's may lend a helping hand to a local gun shop in trouble with the ATF."

"As Red's Trading Post continues to battle the agency over legal issues they may receive some assistance from Ted Nugent a well known musician and gun enthusiast."

"Nugent who will be performing in Boise August 13th may help promote the shop's cause in a potential meeting next month."

"Ryan Horsley with Red’s Trading Post says, 'Ted Nugent is a national figure and has lot of respect from gun owners as far as standing up for the second amendment so I think this would be a huge boost to let people know what's really going on with the ATF right now.'" ...

"As part of their latest allegations the ATF deemed their 12 thousand dollar computer system inadequate."

WI: Ex-officer drunk at Jude scene, witnesses testify
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Andrew Spengler was so drunk the night Frank Jude Jr. was beaten that he passed in and out of consciousness in a police squad car and acted belligerently toward an internal affairs detective, witnesses testified Tuesday."

"The witnesses, both members of the department, also testified that Spengler had blood on his pants. There has been no testimony if those pants or any other articles of clothing were taken as evidence and if not, why." ...

"Detective William Smith and Sgt. Shelley Metzler were both called to the scene ... to investigate a report that a badge was stolen and a man was possibly battered by off-duty officers." ...

GA: Arrest Made in Case of Missing Georgia 911 Operator
Submitted by: jac

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"Authorities on Tuesday arrested a man in the case of a Georgia 911 operator who vanished March 21 ..."

"... LaFayette police officer Harbin Chaffin was nabbed on three felony warrants obtained by the state Bureau of Investigation in connection with the disappearance of Theresa Parker, 41."

"Chaffin was arrested in Mobile, Al., on one count violation of oath by a public officer, one count tampering with evidence and one count computer invasion privacy."

"He had already been arrested once in the case. In April, officials charged him with making false statements to police."

"Theresa's husband, Sam, is a sergeant on the same police force as Chaffin. Chaffin is the next-in-line supervisor on the same shift as Sam Parker." ...

Canada: Cop who disputed RCMP testimony in Ian Bush shooting faces internal hearing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The blood-spatter expert who disputed the RCMP's version of events in the shooting death of a young man at the Houston, B.C., police station is facing a disciplinary hearing by the Edmonton Police Service."

"Staff Sgt. Greg Alcorn said Tuesday the hearing is not related to testimony given by Const. Joe Slemko at the coroner's inquest into the death of Ian Bush, 22, who was shot by a Mountie in October 2005." ...

"Sgt. Tony Simioni of the Edmonton Police Association agreed the impending hearing is from 'a prior event,' but said her understands the department is also investigating Slemko regarding a procedural breach for not getting proper clearance to testify at the Bush inquest." ...

Canada: RCMP Officer Charged with Luring Teen Over the Net
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A 21-year veteran of the RCMP is facing a number of charges, including luring a child over the Internet.

The RCMP charged Constable Guy Armand Raes after a five-month investigation.

The Mounties say the charges stem from an investigation prompted by a complaint from a 17-year-old girl.

Sgt. Patrick Webb says the girl was 15 when the RCMP officer allegedly started communicating with her over the Internet.

Raes is charged with sexual assault, sexual exploitation and luring a child over the Internet.

The RCMP Constable makes his first appearance in court August 16th.

NH: Police, resident at odds over gun permit
Submitted by: Portsmouth NH Herald

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"During four-plus years as police chief, Michael Magnant approved an estimated 450 pistol permits and denied just two."

"Lee Roseberry is one of the two and during a three-hour hearing Tuesday, to appeal the chief’s denial ... Judge Stephen Morrison heard testimony from five witnesses with conflicting opinions about the city man’s suitability to carry a concealed weapon."

"City attorney Robert Sullivan told the court Roseberry is not a suitable candidate because of a series of events which occurred during his tenure as a city sewer worker. Those events included Roseberry's leaving copies of his pistol permit on coworkers' desks, a belief that he drew a swastika on a colleague’s photo identification card and a 'loss of temper.'" ...

NY: Dutchess mulls gun amnesty
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Dutchess County could join other counties across the region in getting guns off the streets by offering a gun amnesty program."

"The county Legislature this month adopted a resolution sponsored by Legislator Joel Tyner asking Sheriff Adrian 'Butch' Anderson to investigate the feasibility of implementing a gun buyback program under which individuals could turn firearms over to the police - with no questions asked - in exchange for a cash payment or other benefits." ...

"[Sgt. Robert] Monaco [of the Dutchess County Sheriff's Office] said most weapons turned in under amnesty programs are not stolen, but are unwanted guns in people's homes."

"'Most of these guns are not guns that criminals are using,' said Monaco." ...

KABA Note: Even the cops admit that these aren't 'crime guns'!

VA: One right protects all others
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to Tommy Denton's column, 'The Second Amendment is what it is, alas,' (April 15):"

"Denton suggests that the Constitution is no longer a viable document, and he knows better. If he took the time to read the Constitution, he might find that the true purpose of a militia is to protect the people from a fascist takeover of our own government."

"The founders made it clear that the federal troops could not be used against the citizenry. If the government were to be corrupted to a point where impeachments could not return the government ... to the people, then there was a means to take it back."

"Our founders did not foresee the paramilitary police presence we have today to quash civil discord over governmental improprieties." ...

NY: Almost 200 guns turned in to cops
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Three Orange County police departments say they collected a total of 197 unwanted guns during a 45-day gun buyback program that concluded Sunday."

"The county launched its first buyback on June 1, supplying police in the cities of Middletown, Newburgh and Port Jervis with ShopRite gift cards to exchange for guns that residents voluntarily turned in. Each city was allotted up to $10,000."

"... Most of the relinquished weapons have already been turned over to the county Sheriff's Office for destruction." ...

"Critics call buybacks feel-good ploys that might help law-abiding citizens discard unused firearms from their attics or closets but do nothing to disarm thugs or curb violent crime." ...

KABA Note: Such 'critics' include Sgt. Robert Monaco of the Dutchess County Sheriff's Office.

UK: What's under your bed?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The real issue is: how come two-thirds of the population don't keep anything under the bed at all? We're talking weapons here, of course, makeshift or otherwise. A survey today shows that the rest of us do, indeed, sleep slightly more securely with some kind of implement at arm's reach, with golf clubs, cricket bats and heavy torches appearing to be the favoured form of self defence against burglars."

"It's the kind of behaviour that sends shivers down the spines of police officers up and down the country - fearing an army of have-a-go heroes are waiting up all night ... As weary detectives know all too well, there is only one place this will end: in a magistrates court, with said homeowner accused of grievous bodily harm ..." ...

UK: Buy decent locks instead of carrying weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... with a sample of 4,000 and such an amazing finding, Cornhill Direct deserves some attention: one in three of us sleeps with a weapon next to the bed. By weapon, of course, we don't mean the American sense of firearm or other item that might kill, but a golf club, cricket bat or heavy torch. Now, keeping it brief, let's run through the main reasons why this is totally stupid."

"First, these figures show a massive magnification of the actual risk of being burgled, and furthermore a wanton misuse of the time and resources available for burglary prevention. Far better to have locks on your windows and doors. Infinitely better." ...

Submitter's Note: About 1 in 36 households were burglarized in the UK in 2005/2006.

UK: Scared Brits Keep Bat at the Bedside
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"ALMOST a third of householders have wea­pons at hand to protect themselves against intruders."

"They admit to having a golf club, baseball bat or at least a heavy torch next to the bed."

"And more than half of those who secretly keep weapons of this sort are willing to use them in ­self-defence if they are confronted by a burglar, according to a new survey."

"Norman Brennan, director of the Victims of Crime Trust, said yesterday: 'What a sad indictment when the public feel more safe by having a weapon by their bed before they go to sleep.'" ...

Canada: Boy who stabbed teen in neck with steak knife in dispute over girl convicted of aggravated assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 15-year-old boy who stabbed another teen in the neck with a steak knife after an argument over a girl got 30 days in open custody and 15 days in secure custody Tuesday in Ontario Court of Justice."

"The boy cannot be named under the Youth Criminal Justice Act."

"The boy was originally charged with attempted murder but pleaded to aggravated assault and two breaches of probation."

"The boy and the victim both had romantic interests in the same girl, court heard, and got into a heated argument at Brock and Stewart streets which quickly escalated."

The boy pulled out a steak knife and stabbed the victim in the neck." ...

UK: Murder Trial Told Man 'Rained Blows On Victim"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An alleged murderer sat astride an unconscious man in Port Tennant, Swansea, and punched him at least six times, an eyewitness has told a jury."

"Raymond Woods was 'out cold' after his head hit the ground when he was suddenly attacked while walking along Port Tennant Road with his hands in his pockets."

"His attacker, Jeffrey Thomas, then crouched down and rained blows on Mr Woods's face, said witness Gareth Hatton." ...

"Former amateur boxer Thomas, aged 42, of Danygraig Road, Port Tennant, denies murdering 49-year-old Mr Woods six months ago." ...

"The defence case is that Thomas struck the deceased three times in self-defence in the 3am incident."

"The case continues."

They should have stopped with "Congress shall make no Law..."

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