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Newslinks for 7/20/2007

Anti-government activist fears feds are watching him
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than a decade after a deadly confrontation with federal agents, a survivor of an incident known across the country as 'Ruby Ridge' has settled into a quiet life in northwest Arkansas. Recently, however, Randy Weaver’s calm was shaken up. Weaver now thinks his trouble with the government isn't over." ...

"Weaver fears the federal government may be watching him again after his neighbor spotted someone suspicious."

"'She says, 'I just scared some guy in a black uniform out of the weeds out there by the woods and he took off running,' he said." ...

"Coming from most people that would seem paranoid -- but this is Randy Weaver."

"'I saw them murder my son and my wife,' he said." ...

Submitter's Note: H/t to Claire Wolfe.

Winchester - On Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a Winchester, it’s not too hard to figure out where I stand on gun rights. A discussion regarding the right of every private citizen to have and bear arms should never even occur in this country. In clear and simple language, the intent of the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution is quite unmistakable and not open to debate. It simply states, '…the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.' Period."

"And yet, there are thousands of gun control laws on the books ... While certain federal agencies and factions would like us to believe it is because they want to make America safer, the real reason is power and control over the lives of ordinary citizens." ...

Senate Getting Ready To Move McCarthy's Brady Expansion! (GOA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The gun issue has been in the news a lot lately, despite the strange silence coming from Capitol Hill on the status of the McCarthy bill (HR 2640). Many Senators on the Judiciary Committee are being kept in the dark as to when the legislation will start moving."

"But The New York Times seems to have let the cat out of the bag this week when an editorial indicated there would be Senate hearings on the bill very soon. The Times ability to glean this information is probably related to the close relationship that their editorial writers have, no doubt, with New York's Chuck Schumer, who is the primary backer of the bill in the Senate." ...

NYT Still Smarting Over Second Amendment's Victory
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It amuses and gratifies a supporter of the Second Amendment to see the New York Times, the so-called 'paper of record,' so constantly reduced to sputtering fools over their constant loss in the battle for draconian gun control measures, and the July 17th editorial from the Times is yet another example of how they just don't understand why the average American would pressure their Congressional representatives to support the U.S. Constitution and its 2nd Amendment." ...

DC: Overview: Parker v. District of Columbia, et al.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Drug dealers have repeatedly threatened our client, Shelly Parker, in retaliation for her attempts to rid her neighborhood of crime. Ms. Parker has also repeatedly suffered vandalism and attempts to break into her home. The police and criminal justice system have proven they cannot guarantee her safety. Dick Heller is a Special Police Officer of the District of Columbia, authorized to carry a gun as he provides security for federal judges at the Thurgood Marshall Federal Judicial Center on Capitol Hill. However, Mr. Heller is not permitted any sort of functional firearm to defend himself at his home in a crime-ridden section of south east Washington, D.C.. Tom G. Palmer once successfully used a handgun to avoid becoming a gay-bashing statistic. But that was before he moved to Washington. ..." ...

DC: City gets delay to file gun appeal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., on Wednesday gave the District of Columbia government an extension of time until Sept. 5 to file its appeal challenging an individual rights interpretation of the Second Amendment by the D.C. Circuit Court. The opposition to the request for an extension was not received at the Court, at least not before the Chief Justice acted, it is understood."

"Washington, D.C., residents who oppose the city's strict handgun control law urged the Supreme Court on Wednesday to move along, without delay, the city government's appeal of a federal appeals court striking down that law under the Second Amendment. ... The document can be found here[.pdf file]." ...

Gun Control Advocates Roll The Dice (Stupidly!) On Likely Landmark 'Right To Bear Arms' Second Amendment Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... Gun control advocates had urged DC not to appeal their loss in the Appellate Court (which ruled that the Second Amendment did indeed protect the registered gun in your home – that the 1930 opinion was wrong or misconstrued) in order to avoid having the US Supreme Court ratify the appellate decision."

"But the gun control attorneys failed. DC will appeal. And now the US Supreme Court will likely answer the question of whether or not the Second Amendment protects the right of the person to keep a registered (as that was the relief sought – to acquire and possess registered conventional guns) gun in the home from the actions of Government." ...

DC: An Appeal on Weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE DISTRICT'S decision this week to seek Supreme Court review of a court opinion striking down its gun control laws is fraught with risk, but it's a risk that the District was right to take." ...

"As a matter of public safety and public policy, we support the District's gun control regime. We believe that compelling public safety concerns allow regulation of weapons even if a right to bear arms is recognized."

"But the D.C. Circuit's decision ... is not without merit -- and that's where the risk comes in. The idea that the Second Amendment recognizes an individual right to bear arms is not exclusive to right-wing gun nuts ... Some of the brightest liberal minds in the legal community have come -- albeit reluctantly -- to the same conclusion." ...

VA: Restricting gun carry restricts freedoms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I read with interest last week's column on the issue of concealed carry on campus ('Guns on campus would be disastrous', CT, July 12). I have my philosophical disagreements with the article, but first I would like to point out several pieces of information that were either misleading or flat-out incorrect. Let me also qualify this by saying that I am a holder of a Virginia Concealed Handgun Permit (CHP), so I can truthfully say I know what I am talking about."

"Point #1: There is not one single statute banning CHP holders from carrying on campus. The so-called gun ban is a Virginia Tech policy that applies only to students, faculty and staff. ..." ...

VA: Gun owners are responsible
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When I open a newspaper, I like what I read to be the truth. By their very nature, opinions pieces are drafted with the intent of persuading the reader to adopt the particular bias of the author. However, I expect that as a journalist, the author would take the time to check his facts and actually present his opinion without resorting to name-calling."

"In a July 12 opinion piece — 'Guns at Virginia Tech would be Disastrous,' the only evidence the author cites to support this claim of impending doom is his own uncommon sense. In Virginia, since 1995, over 50,000 Concealed Handgun Licenses (CHL) have been issued. And in that time, none have been revoked. ..." ...

Gun Battle
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"It was tragically ironic that a week ago today, as New York City police officer Russel Timoshenko clung to life after he was shot during a traffic stop, the House Appropriations Committee voted to keep the flawed Tiahrt amendment in place."

"The amendment, backed by the powerful National Rifle Association, prohibits law enforcement officials from obtaining data from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to track patterns of illegal gun activity. The NRA argues that the release of such information puts police officers' lives in jeopardy ..." ...

KABA Note: This was also the argument of the BATFE.

NY: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Commends Gov. Spitzer
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association commends Governor Spitzer for signing A-6064A/S-3219A allowing the use of rifles for hunting deer and bear in Chemung, Steuben and Yates counties. Successful implementation of the rifle hunting change in several other counties in the southern tier region in 2005 demonstrates that rifles can be used safely for big game hunting in this part of the state. The NYSRPA is pleased that the Governor appreciates this fact and has supported New York State’s hunters by signing these bills.

MS: Ross Endorsed by NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Mississippi Sen. Charlie Ross has been endorsed by the National Rifle Association's Political Victory Fund in his bid to become lieutenant governor.

Ross called it an honor to endorsed by "one of the most effective grassroots organizations in the country."

Chris Cox, chairman of NRA-PVF, praised Ross' record of protecting Mississippians' Second Amendment rights.

Ross was the primary author of the NRA-backed "Castle Doctrine" self-defense law in Mississippi that gives citizens the right defend themselves from intruders in their home, car, or business by any means necessary.

Ross faces Mississippi State Auditor Phil Bryant in the Aug. 7 Republican Primary. Jamie Franks is the only Democrat in the race.

NY: Mayor, in Brooklyn, Pushes Anti-Illegal Gun Campaign
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In another press conference at his temporary office at Brooklyn’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) building, Mayor Bloomberg unveiled a new 'Guns = Prison' public service advertising campaign — a campaign that has taken on a new urgency since the death earlier this week of Police Officer Russell Timoshenko."

"Although the mayor, like most New York-area politicians, clearly feels strongly on the necessity of gun control, the usually mild-mannered Bloomberg showed an unusual angry side when the discussion turned to the defeat of his congestion pricing plan in Albany." ...

OR: Krummel Compels DHS To Retract Foster Parent Gun Policy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Representative Jerry Krummel (R-Wilsonville) has brought forth a new policy adopted this past spring that will protect a foster parent's right to own and maintain guns." ...

"'I didn’t appreciate the agency overstepping its authority, especially when it comes to such an important constitutional right.' Krummel challenged the policy and it was recently retracted by DHS."

"Two Wilsonville foster parents, both with Concealed Handgun Licenses (CHL), told Krummel about a change in agency policy which required foster families to store all firearms unloaded, and ammunition in a locked container, in separate locations inaccessible to children." ...

U.S Supreme Court, Brown v. Walker, "The freedom of thought, of speech, and of the press; the right to bear arms", 1896
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"...As the object of the first eight amendments to the Constitution was to incorporate into the fundamental law of the land certain principles of natural justice . . . the construction given to those principles by the English courts is cogent evidence of what they were designed to secure and of the limitations that should be put upon them...."

"..."this Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land..."

"...The freedom of thought, of speech, and of the press; the right to bear arms; exemption from military dictation; security of the person and of the home..."

Federal Security Agents Transported Ammo without Authorization
Submitted by: jac

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"Federal agents in charge of safely transporting nuclear materials took 3,400 rounds of ammunition from a training exercise in Texas back to Tennessee on board a government plane without declaring it." ...

"The report found that most of the ammunition was later turned into a federal armory, and as of this year there were still 119 rounds unaccounted for."

"The inspectors also found that some of the agents 'apparently attempted to conceal the fact that armor-piercing rounds were lost, missing or stolen by turning in regular ammunition rounds that had their tips colored black to look like armor-piercing ammunition.'" ...

NJ: Assault case cop indicted
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Jersey City police officer charged with slugging his girlfriend and breaking her jaw in an alcohol-fueled rage has been indicted on a charge of aggravated assault ..."

"The grand jury's indictment of Officer Sherwin B. Jones ... was handed up Tuesday, Hudson County Prosecutor Edward DeFazio said yesterday."

"The charge against Jones stems from an early morning incident the day of his arrest in which his 31-year-old girlfriend said he punched her in the face during a heated argument after he spent the night at local bars ..."

"Jones, an officer for slightly more than a year at the time of his arrest, was suspended without pay pending resolution of the charges, officials said." ...

AL: Police plan arrest of rifle-toting man
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mobile police said they plan to arrest a man today who scared people Friday evening as he walked through a Spring Hill neighborhood with a loaded, semiautomatic AK-47-style rifle."

"Officers confiscated the rifle Friday but could not take the man into custody until they had a warrant signed by both a magistrate and the man who made the complaint, Mobile police spokesman Officer Eric Gallichant said."

"Gallichant said that on Monday, a magistrate signed a warrant for a charge of disorderly conduct, and officers expected to obtain the signature of one of the witnesses today. Once that is done, the man will be arrested, he said." ...

Submitter's Note: H/t to Fits.

IL: Cop's 5-year prison term after fight 'smells': union
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police union officials say a five-year prison term handed down last week in Iowa to a Chicago Police officer was 'an unjust sentence' that 'smells.'"

"Michael Mette, 30, was found guilty of assault with serious injury. He was off duty visiting his younger brother at the University of Dubuque in 2005 when he got into a fight with Jake Gothard, who was hospitalized for head injuries."

"Mette is on unpaid leave as a patrol officer in the Harrison District while he awaits his appeal. His family has launched a campaign against ... Judge Monica Ackley's ruling."

"'I think anywhere but in Dubuque this would have been considered self-defense,' said his father ... who works in the Cook County state's attorney's office." ...

IA: Police Officer Charged with Domestic Assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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An Osceola police accused of assaulting a woman last month has been arrested.

The Iowa Department of Public Safety says 34-year-old Judd Piercy was charged today with domestic abuse assault. Piercy is a five-year veteran of the force.

According to the complaint, Piercy was off duty on June 20th when he and the woman had an argument, and Piercy assaulted her.

The investigation was conducted by the Iowa DCI.

Piercy was released from custody after posting bond. He's currently on administration leave pending an investigation.

TX: Rockwall DA Indicted on Felony Forgery Charges
Submitted by: jac

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"The Rockwall County district attorney accused of diverting taxpayer money into his personal account has been indicted on more charges."

"A two-count indictment accuses DA Galen Ray Sumrow of forging the signature of an assistant district attorney on two checks from an office account in order to buy electronics." ...

"Each felony forgery charge is punishable by up to two years behind bars and a $10,000 fine."

"Special prosecutor John Roach told the Dallas Morning News that they're not finished yet."

"Sumrow was indicted in April on three charges of abuse of official capacity. The charges are related to three deposits of state money, totaling nearly $68,000, made into Sumrow's personal account." ...

WY: Wyo. shooting suspect commits suicide
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A tipster on horseback led authorities to the remote hideout of a former military sniper accused of fatally shooting his wife while she sang in a band." ...

"Munis was charged with first-degree murder earlier Tuesday."

"The Munises were recently separated, and Robin Munis had contacted police just hours before she was shot to complain that he was making harassing calls to her cell phone." ...

"Witnesses told police that a pickup matching the one owned by David Munis was seen leaving the scene."

"A handwritten note of about six pages, addressed to 'Everyone,' was found at Munis' home, police said Tuesday. 'I'm calling it a near-confession,' Cheyenne police Capt. Jeff Schulz said. ..." ...

Canada: Unanswered questions tarnish the entire RCMP
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ian Bush lost his life. And the Royal Canadian Mounted Police lost a major chunk of its reputation."

"The Bush inquest ended two weeks ago. It dealt with a tragedy that left a 22-year-old Houston man ... dead -- within 20 minutes of being arrested on a misdemeanor charge."

"Problematically, the inquest raised more questions than it answered. ..." ...

"Const. Paul Koester, the man who pulled the trigger and shot Bush in the back of the head, should be put on leave until the controversy surrounding Bush's death is put to rest, to the public's satisfaction."

"At present, there is no satisfaction, only alarm. A shot to the back of a head always raises questions. In this instance, it's but one of many screaming for answers." ...

FL: Ease of ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Regarding the July 9 article 'Dad fears Afghanistan is safer than Parramore': Without universal firearm registration there is no conceivable way to prevent every angry teenager and mentally unstable adult from picking up a gun and acting on any impulse. How many more children must die before our politicians stop kowtowing to the gun lobby?"

"When a child is killed in a drive-by shooting, there is no way to stop the killer from killing again, because in Florida anyone can get a gun without leaving any permanent record. When a person is convicted of a felony or found to be psychotic and a danger to others, he is not allowed to buy guns -- unless he thinks of going to a gun show. And if he already has an arsenal, there's no way to find out." ...

NY: Government agency backs off on unruly new rule
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Recent events surrounding new rules being proposed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) - an agency of the United States Department of Labor - had threatened to turn the world upside-down for hunters and recreational shooters. The turmoil highlighted the danger that exists when officials in government agencies start believing that they have unbridled regulatory authority." ...

GA: Moving your family? Head to Kennesaw
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Best place to raise a family?"


"The fast-growing city of nearly 30,000 attracts more and more parents with kids in tow."

"The Cobb County town was selected by Family Circle magazine in its August issue as one of the nation's 'Ten Best Towns for Families.'"

"Kennesaw was plucked from a list of 1,850 towns to make the Top Ten list."

"'I was tickled to death,' says James Eaton, a chiropractor in downtown Kennesaw. 'It's always nice to have someone validate who you are, what you are and what your city stands for. It sure beats the publicity we got from that gun bill.'"

"Kennesaw made national news in 1982 when it passed a law that states that every head of a household must own a firearm. ..." ...

OH: Defender's Letter to Register Editor Westerhold: 'Public Trust Broken' (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In his Column June 27, Matt Westerhold claims that the Register 'never sought' the battle in which it is embroiled. If that were true, you had an alternative: not to publish the names of concealed carry permit holders who hadn't done anything wrong. I'm not suggesting that you didn't have the right to acquire the names, but publishing them is another matter."

"The Register has also betrayed a public trust. The legislature granted journalists access to the names for a reason, not to publish the entire list, but to monitor the sheriffs and report on any irregularities in issuing the permits. ... Clearly, the legislature screwed up; they trusted the press." ...

GA: Responsibility is vital to gun ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the things that makes a gun so unforgiving is that, as a tool, it has no conscience. Unable to operate itself or pull its own trigger, a gun is as safe or dangerous as the person holding it. An unfortunate reality of gun ownership is that when these tools are mishandled, accidents occur — generally to tragic results." ...

"Some gun owners prefer to keep their firearms loaded and within easy reach, just in case an intruder makes an unwelcome appearance in the dead of night. While the right to bear arms is affirmed by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, gun ownership also brings with it the legal and moral duty to ensure that children are denied access to firearms. ..." ...

MA: Globie hit on gun buy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A major pro-gun group took aim at award-winning Boston Globe business columnist Steve Bailey yesterday, saying he violated federal law while researching a 2005 anti-gun column and should be fired."

"The Second Amendment Foundation, which is based in Bellevue, Wash., said it sent a letter to Globe Editor Martin Baron yesterday citing previously undisclosed details about the column, which described a gun purchase." ...

"But because Bailey didn't keep the gun, it's unlikely he broke any federal laws, said Randy Chapman, president of the Massachusetts Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and a former prosecutor. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: In 1995 the ATF 'clarified' their guidance on straw purchases stating that a straw purchase includes sales in which both the buyer and the recipient could legally purchase and possess guns.

MT: Big Sky State Games begin this Friday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The spirit of athletic competition will be flooding the local area this weekend as the 22nd annual Big Sky State Games begins on Friday and runs through Sunday."

"The Big Sky State Games is an annual multi-sport event, modeled after the Olympic Games, designed and held solely for the residents of Montana. The Big Sky State Games are open to Montanans of all ages and abilities. ... over 40 states currently conduct State Games." ...

"The majority of sporting competitions begin Saturday morning. ... For the shooting competitions, rifle and pistol events will be held at both the Yellowstone Rifle Club on Molt Road and the Laurel Rifle Club at Riverside Park." ...

UK: Manchester rape victim speaks out
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A mum-of-two who was raped in her home as her children slept nearby has spoken out about her ordeal for the first time."

"The woman was attacked at knifepoint after a man forced his way into her home in Mossley, Manchester."

"She said: 'I feel dirty and I just don't know how you end up getting back to how you used to be.'"

"She is now appealing for information that will help to catch the man, who police describe as white, slim-built, scruffy 5ft 11in tall and possibly in his 30s. He will also have a distinctive bite mark on his hand." ...

You must understand, therefore, that there are two ways of fighting: by law or by force. The first way is natural to men, and the second to beasts. But as the first way often proves inadequate one must have recourse to the second. — Niccolo Machiavelli in "The Prince."

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