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Newslinks for 7/21/2007

Guns Don't Kill People, Idiotic Laws and Naive Politicians Do
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sure, the above prediction is about as surprising as saying 'Katie Couric's ratings will continue to drop,' but it will probably turn out that way. Why is the Chicago violent crime rate about to go up? Because there are bureaucrats trying to make it go down. That’s right, in Chicago it's time for another futile at best, counter-productive at worst, gun buyback program.:"

"City officials again will use the carrot approach to reducing the number of guns in Chicago, by offering a $100 pre-paid gift card for each weapon turned in this weekend."

"Mayor Richard Daley said no questions will be asked ... The surrendered handguns, shotguns and rifles they leave behind will be destroyed by police." ...

Return Of The Cougar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The original introduction of the double-action, high-capacity Cougar pistol by Beretta was awaited with great anticipation by many. It was 1994, and the Italian firm's full-size 92F had proven to be quite popular among law enforcement and the military. Still, the gun was too big and bulky for many, so it only made sense that a more compact Beretta semiauto loader would generate a great deal of interest." ...

"When I heard that the Cougar was going to be reintroduced by Stoeger Industries ... I was a bit perplexed. I could not help but wonder why they would travel down a path that had already proven to be a failure. The answer is, Stoeger will produce the gun in Turkey with the same high quality ... but at half the price. ..." ...

This Business Of Accuracy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Acceptable handgun accuracy is a topic that is always hotly debated."

"It would help if we could define exactly what "acceptable" means. But that word has a different meaning to different shooters. The bullseye shooter wants the tightest groups possible so that he will be guaranteed of winning the pistol match. The handgun hunter wants to be able to bring down that trophy buck with one well-placed shot. And the fellow who packs a defensive handgun just wants to be able to get home alive." ...

Handgun Ownership Is A Privacy Right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Via Glenn Reynolds we find Mike O'Shea commenting on the possibility of the Supreme Court overturning the District of Columbia's handgun ban, if it grants certiorari in the case of Parker v. D.C. He points to what happens when leftist judicial activists worship some parts of the Constitution and competely ignore others:"

"'So the Constitution says Roe, but it doesn't say I have the right to keep a gun to defend my home, huh?'"

"Precisely. The Supreme Court called on the famous 'penumbras and emanations' of the Bill of Rights in order to craft a right to privacy in Griswold v. Connecticut, a case that laid the essential foundation for Roe v. Wade. Griswold concerned a Connecticut ban on the sale of condoms. ..." ...

The ATF & me
Submitted by: Ed Anger

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"There is an epidemic of handgun violence in Boston's poorest neighborhoods, and the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is investigating me?"

"Consider this my confession. I plead guilty to offending the loony gun lobby."

"In the likely event you missed this alleged story, here are the facts. You be the judge."

"Twenty months ago ... I wrote in this space about going to a gun show in New Hampshire. The idea was to see how easy it would be to buy a handgun ..." ...

"... two ATF agents and a Manchester, N.H., cop visited Belair ... They had a search warrant and a tape of the radio interview. They wanted to know about the gun, Rosenthal, and me. ..." ...

To Save Lives and Reduce Crime in the Nation’s Capitol, the D.C. Gun Ban Must Be Upheld
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal appeals court recently struck down Washington, D.C.’s 70-year-long handgun ban, calling it unconstitutional. The District now plans to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case and uphold the ban. The legal battle could set the stage for a larger, national debate about gun ownership and restrictions. Handgun bans have reduced crime and saved lives, including the lives of many children, in cities across this country. Depending on how the chips fall, strict gun laws in cities such as Chicago and New York could also be affected, potentially endangering the lives of many Americans." ...

Cars Deadlier Than Guns For Cops
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let me preface this by saying that anytime a police officer is killed in the line of duty it is a tragedy. Anytime anyone is killed (I’m not referring to self-defensive incidents here) or murdered it wounds our society. I just want to clear that up so no one thinks I’m being flippant about the following story."

"Our nation’s cops face many dangers out there and some would use firearms as a reason to ban guns or restrict them to the point that they become useless for personal defense or sporting purposes. The reality is that the automobile has also become a fast growing and deadliest foe of law enforcement. Much of the carnage comes as a result of the cops giving high-speed chase and other drivers not moving out of their way ..." ...

Police deaths up sharply in first half of year
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police officials and law enforcement groups Thursday blamed a sharp increase in the number of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty on more violent criminals who have access to deadlier weapons." ...

"Semiautomatic firearms — including the previously banned assault-style guns often misleadingly equated with 'assault weapons,' which remain illegal — boast higher-capacity magazines than standard revolvers, and their trigger mechanisms allow users to fire off more rounds in a shorter period of time[sic]."

"The study did not examine how many of the police officers killed this year were shot with weapons that were legalized three years ago, but the study ... suggest[s] a statistical correlation." ...

CA: Police: Student Caught with Gun at Indio HS
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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An Indio High School student is facing charges for bringing a gun to school.

Indio Police say a school resource officer was checking the boys' bathroom Thursday when he found the student with the gun.

The officer arrested the student and booked him into Riverside County Juvenile Hall for possession of a weapon on school grounds.

Officers are still investigating how the student brought the gun on campus and why.

CT: Laws Restricting Guns Misfire
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Though Connecticut has some of the more restrictive gun control laws in the country, residents of many cities throughout the state would argue that the regulations are doing nothing to curb the violence. ... The recent passage of the 'straw-buyer' bill, which requires the reporting of all lost and stolen firearms to the police, was just the latest manifestation of the General Assembly getting it wrong."

"... Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island are governed by restrictive gun laws. Conversely, law-abiding residents in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont have limited roadblocks to legally procuring a firearm. The gun control advocate would believe that violence in the latter states would far exceed those in the former states." ...

OR: Foster parent gun rules shot down
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Oregon's child welfare agency did not anticipate the firestorm it would create when it issued new rules regulating guns in state-certified foster homes."

"Now the agency is backtracking. The National Rifle Association is on alert. And the Oregon Legislature is likely to get involved in the politically volatile matter of balancing an individual's right to have a gun vs. the state's need to protect its most vulnerable children." ...

IL: Governor sticks to guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Facing a budget crisis that is six weeks old, Gov. Rod Blagojevich on Monday stunned and angered lawmakers who accused him of using a highly emotional gun-control issue to divert attention from the fiscal breakdown and divide an Illinois House solidly against his spending plans." ...

"Although he was holding budget talks in Springfield, Blagojevich flew from the capital to Chicago to hold a media event in front of Children's Memorial Hospital ... surrounding himself with nearly two dozen family members of gun-violence victims. They called for support of legislation that would ban the sale, purchase and possession of gun clips that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition, often used in semi-automatic, assault-style weapons." ...

George Ross to the Lancaster County Committee of Correspondence, "to Recommend to Such Persons to lend their Arms to those who are not Able to purchase for themselves", June 1, 1775
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"...I fear the Military Ardor in our County may in some Measure cool without the Assistance of our Committee in its support. I am informed that the Want of arms will prevent many persons from Associating who might be supply'd by those whose Conciences are scrupulous on the Occasion. If therefore the Committee could come to a Resolve to Recommend to Such Persons to lend their Arms to those who are not Able to purchase for themselves and take the Capts. rec[eip] t for them to be return'd unless lost in Actual Service I think it would be of the Greatest use to the cause..."

Pan-Am Games: Shooting - 3 more Soldiers win Pan-Am Medals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Shooting Team earned two Gold and two Silver Medals July 19 in day five of the shooting competition of the Pan-American Games and improved its overall medal count to 18."

"Two-time Olympian Sgt. 1st Class Jason A. Parker of the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit of Fort Benning, Ga., added his second Gold Medal effort to contribute to the eight total Gold Medals earned by the United States."

"Parker earned his second title of the competition in the Men's 50-Meter Three Position Free Rifle event. Team USA also boasted USAMU's Spc. Michael D. McPhail who finished in the fourth place position." ...

AK: 49th Soldiers earn prestigious German marksmanship award
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The distinctive foreign marksmanship award attached to Class A uniforms by a cord is sometimes seen worn by Soldiers who've been stationed in Germany. Stateside Soldiers rarely, if ever, get the opportunity to earn the 'Schutzenschnur,' so members of the 49th Missile Defense Battalion (Ground-based Midcourse Defense) stationed here count themselves very lucky to have done so May 21 and 22."

"The Schutzenschnur medal is earned for qualifying on a minimum of two NATO weapons. Soldiers may qualify on a variety of pistols and machine guns. With five areas required for range qualification, the type of badge earned is based on the area with the lowest score. ..." ...

IL: Local churches preparing for gun drive
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is the third such gun-drive that has been put on by the Chicago Police Department's community-based policing section. With a financial incentive and if history is any guide, expect a lot of people to be present at Chicago-area churches Saturday no matter what's being offered for them."

"... the last time a call for guns to be turned in was made, the police were awash in over 3000 firearms. This will be the third CAPS-sponsored gun drive."

"Chicago police and community and church leaders are setting up shop at 23 houses of faith to receive the weapons. Depositors will receive a $100 MasterCard gift card in return for each gun with no questions asked. Henry said last time some folks refused to take the money." ...

MS: Ex-guard: Hunt finds dozens of knives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A search of Unit 32 at the Mississippi State Penitentiary at Parchman earlier this week turned up more than 100 homemade knives in a building of 200 inmates ..."

"The weapons, combined with a shortage of correction officers, make the state penitentiary's super-maximum security unit very dangerous, ex-officer Marcus Fairley said."

"... 'Every building is designed to have 14 officers. They run it with six officers.'"

"On Tuesday, correction officers discovered a .380 semiautomatic pistol and two clips of ammunition in the cell of a Unit 32 inmate."

"Fairley, who initially reported the gun, was fired by the end of the day after investigators accused him of smuggling it in, a charge he denies." ...

NC: Still another state agency poised to pack heat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you imagine a gun-toting state employee, a trooper, SBI agent or alcohol law-enforcement officer might come to mind."

"But the State Highway Patrol's 1,515 sworn troopers, the State Bureau of Investigation's 347 sworn agents, and ALE's 132 sworn officers are just the beginning of armed law enforcement in North Carolina."

"More than 60 state agencies employ about 3,600 sworn law officers, all of whom can carry guns, according to the state Department of Justice."

"Another may be about to join the list. The Industrial Commission, which decides worker's compensation claims, could have sworn law officers under a bill that passed the Senate this week." ...

TX: Weapons found in Dallas Apartment
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Federal investigators said weapons found in a downtown Dallas apartment are legal and they might be returned to the owner."

"... the weapons -- including assault rifles, pistols and grenade launchers -- were found when a maintenance man entered the apartment in the 300 block of North Akard to do investigate a leak." ...

"The man's father also told CBS 11 he disputes information in a police report that suggested his son frequently travels to the Middle East. He said his son has never even been out of the country nor does he have a passport."

"Although officials said there is no reason to suspect terrorism as a motive, the North Texas Terrorism Task Force has joined the investigation." ...

Submitter's Note: Watch the video too.

IL: Gun buff wins round; cop fears 'Old West'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With Mother's Day approaching, Shaun Kranish needed a gift, so he strapped on his unloaded semiautomatic 9 mm pistol and left his Rockford home to do some shopping."

"... Kranish put the 15-round magazine into a separate pouch on the holster, where he could easily reach it if necessary."

"... Taken into custody, he was charged with aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, a felony."

"Earlier this week, a Winnebago County judge dismissed the charge ..." ...

"Cherry Valley Police Chief Gary Maitland disagrees with the judge's ruling."

"'This is not the Old West,' he said. 'I'm not advocating banning handguns. But I'm not aware of any police officer who would advocate more handguns on the street. ..." [links added] ...

Submitter's Note: H/t to David Codrea.

UK: Police officer cleared over "attack"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A POLICEMAN has walked free from court after a jury found him not guilty of seriously assaulting a town centre drinker."

"The jury took just 39 minutes to clear Miles Edwards ..."

"Lewis Greenwood needed nine stitches to a gash by his eye and suffered bruising to his head."

"Mr Edwards ... said he hit the 19-year-old once in self defence after Mr Greenwood became violent towards him when he tried to stop a row between the man and his girlfriend at 1.40am ..."

"Witnesses, including Mr Greenwood's girlfriend and sister, said they had seen the off-duty policeman punch the victim up to 20 times and kick and stamp on his head."

"He denied causing grievous bodily harm and was cleared yesterday at the end of a three-day trial."

UK: Deaf woman slept through five-hour gun siege
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After laying siege to a house for five hours, police gave a final warning before storming the house where a gunman had been reported inside."

"A police dog rushed upstairs and, finding a woman in bed, proceeded to sink its teeth into her arms."

"But as armed officers surrounded a terrified Sonia Pellow, they realised two things. First, she wasn't a gunman."

"Second, she was deaf and had been sleeping throughout the entire stand-off."

"Yesterday Miss Pellow, 36, was still too afraid to return to her home in Hayle, Cornwall, after the ordeal, which followed a hoax call to police that a gunman was inside." ...

OH: Buckeye Firearms Assoc. invites you to shoot with Ohio's legislative leaders (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here's your chance to meet House Speaker Jon Husted and Senate President Bill Harris and encourage them to make plans to put (Castle Doctrine) HB264/SB184 on a fast track!"


"The Delaware County Republican Party’s Annual John Wayne Clay Shoot with honored guests

Ohio Senate President Bill Harris
Ohio House Speaker Jon Husted
Ohio Republican Party Vice Chairman Kevin DeWine
and others"

"Saturday, August 18th
8:30 am - 12 noon
Black Wing Shooting Center
3722 Marysville Road, Delaware
(3 miles west of Delaware on Rt. 36)" ...

OH: Cuyahoga County Republican Party's Anti-Gun Platform (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Cuyahoga County Republican Party is holding a meeting on Wednesday, July 25th to adopt the party platform. A platform is a basic template of ideas the party openly supports. ..."

"The draft which has been sent to Central Committee members for approval contains shocking and disturbing goals for gun owners. They seek to 'Oppose the efforts to curtail constitutional home rule in such areas as…gun control…'"

"Just last year, we fought hard to pass HB347. For the first time in almost 30 years in Ohio, there was a veto override to enact new law. Every Republican member of the House voted for that veto override, even though they were overriding their own party's Governor. That is a strong statement." ...

CA: Limited tickets available for Rocky Mountain Elk banquet
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Did you know that California remains the only state to harbor three of the four known species of North American Elk? That's right! Rocky Mountain, Roosevelt and our own native Tule Elk numbers are increasing almost exponentially across the Golden State and conservationists are hailing the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation as one of the major forces behind the growth."

"With the doors opening at 4:30 p.m. Saturday at the Holiday Inn Select at 801 Truxtun Ave., the Bakersfield chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation will hold its annual Big Game Banquet fundraiser. Live and silent auctions, door prizes, raffles and games make the event one of the best events in 2007." ...

MN: Dodge County gun range closed down
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A local gun range has been permanently shut down after the owner failed to remove outdoor shooting ranges."

"Minute Man Indoor Handgun Range in rural West Concord was temporarily ordered to close last month after neighbors Dale V. and Ruth Allen complained of bullets whizzing past their home. ..."

"Dodge County Planning Director Duane Johnson said gun range owner Terry Campbell failed to remove the outdoor shooting ranges and equipment within 30 days of being notified June 14 of the violation. ..." ...

"On Thursday, Campbell said he had not received the letter and did not realize he needed to remove the outdoor shooting ranges."

"'I was under the understanding I had everything shut down,' Campbell said." ...

IL: Shaun Kranish "Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapons" DISMISSED!!!
Submitted by: ChareltonHest

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I went to court today, and Judge Steven Vecchio ruled according to the law, as it is written, despite pressure from the state to "legislate from the bench" on this entirely POLITICAL issue.

The charge of Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapons was dismissed with prejudice because I was exempt from prosecution according to the exception firearms may be transported that:

(iii) are unloaded and enclosed in a case,

firearm carrying box, shipping box, or other container by a person who has been issued a currently valid Firearm Owner's Identification Card;

PA: Ex-President Bush's WWII revolver returned
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"Former President George H.W. Bush got his World War II service revolver back Wednesday, 60 years after giving it to a Navy lieutenant aboard the submarine that rescued him when his plane was shot down over the Pacific Ocean."

"Bush donated the revolver to the National Constitution Center the same day the son of late Lt. J.G. Albert Brostrom returned the .38-caliber Smith & Wesson and its leather shoulder holster to him."

"Brostrom was the sonar man on the USS Finback, which rescued Bush, a Navy pilot, after he was shot down by Japanese anti-aircraft fire on Sept. 2, 1944. Brostrom brought the future president to the infirmary and later shared his bunk with him." ...

OK: NRA fund-raiser Saturday night
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is estimated that that over 60 percent of residents in Oklahoma own guns. I guess it is easy to see why Oklahomans sometimes have trouble relating to our fellow hunters and gun owners on the east and west coast. It always irks me that a resident of New Jersey is not allowed to purchase a pistol. Isn't New Jersey still located in the United States? And if so why can their second amendment rights be taken away?"

"Luckily there is an organization that spends countless hours and resources protecting United States citizen's second amendment rights-the NRA. Without participation and financial support from hunters and gun owners this organization is powerless." ...

PA: Neighbors urge Pa. township to halt resident's noisy rock removal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man using heavy equipment to uproot 150-ton boulders on his hillside property has prompted District Township officials to order a halt to his 'quarrying,' to seek a state ruling on whether he is illegally mining, and to look into a township building gun ban after a pistol-packing supporter berated supervisors."

"George C. Grampp, 66, a retired correctional officer, said he has hired an attorney ..." ...

"Roland Van Tongel shook up a July 12 supervisors' meeting when he took the floor with a handgun stuck in his waistband, waving the zoning ordinance and attacking the stop-digging order against Grampp."

"Van Tongel had a gun permit, but Overberger said he would ask the township solicitor to explore a ban in the building." ...

UT: Gun permit gets him on airplane
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jim Marsh ... recently had Lasik surgery, ... enabling him to get a driver license with no corrective lens requirement ..."

"... He was issued a temporary paper license and was told the permanent license would arrive in two weeks, which it did."

"But shortly after getting his temporary license, he was informed his brother was dying in Missouri and he needed to fly there right away. At Salt Lake City International Airport, he was informed that the temporary license would not qualify as an ID form to clear him to board."

"Just when he thought he would miss seeing his brother, guess what came to the rescue?"

"He produced his trusty Utah Concealed Firearms Permit, which made him a safe enough bet to board the plane." ...

PA: Simple truth: More guns, more homicides
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The observations may seem obvious but haven't altered the status quo: There are simply too many guns out on city streets - and the damage the weapons cause has ruined families and neighborhoods."

"The homicide-by-gun crisis - police blame bullets for about 87 percent of this year's 224 slayings - was linked to one common-sense concept yesterday at a University of Pennsylvania seminar."

"'Any population that has a high amount of guns will also face a high amount of homicides,' said Penn criminologist Lawrence Sherman after the university's lengthy seminar on gun violence."

"'Keep the guns off the streets,' Sherman said. 'Mom, if your son has a gun, make sure he keeps it in the closet.'" ...

VT: Pownal 4H hosts shooting weekend
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Pownal Valley 4H Sharpshooters will host the annual University of Vermont 4H Shooting Sports Jamboree this weekend at Hale Mountain Fish and Game Club."

"Shooters between the ages of 8 and 18 will compete through the weekend in six categories: shotgun, pistol, rifle, archery, muzzleloader and hunting, which includes wildlife identification and compass orientation."

"David Dence, organizational leader of the Pownal club, estimated the event will bring about 150 to 200 Vermonters to Bennington County with about 50 to 75 kids involved in the competition."

"Visitors will arrive on Friday afternoon to practice shooting. On Saturday, the main competitions will take place." ...

MI: Bush takes aim at NRA national crown
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Soon-to-be Marysville High School senior Katie Bush is making the most of her time off from school this summer."

"Bush is in Port Clinton, Ohio, competing in the 100th anniversary competition of the National Rifle and Pistol Championships."

"The championships began July 18 and will run through the weekend."

"Up to 6,000 competitors were expected."

"'This is a big competition,' Bush said. 'I'm usually in the middle of the pack, but it's pretty tough competition here.'"

"Bush is competing in the Camp Perry Smallbore 3-Position competition."

"This is the second year Bush has made the trip to the national championships." ...

IN: New Regulations To Allow Rifle Hunting In Deer Season
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Changes in state regulations will allow some rifle hunting during deer season this year."

"'The major change is that we're going to allow rifles with pistol cartridges this year,' said John Salb, public information officer for the District 1 office of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources."

"In the past, rifles were not included among firearms allowed for deer season. The only firearms the DNR allowed hunters to use were shotguns, muzzleloaders and handguns."

"Salb said safety was the reason for the old regulation."

"'Indiana is so heavily populated, unlike other states with hundreds of acres of state forest,' he said. "A regular powered rifle would be way too dangerous in Indiana.'" ...

NY: Galway sisters gunning for gold
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Two sisters from Galway are shooting up the ranks of the country's top riflers."

"Heather and Colleen Tillson have excelled in a sport dominated by males, and are among 622 of the country's top target shooters competing this week at the National Rifle Association's National Rifle and Pistol Championships at Camp Perry in Ohio."

"The women, who started firing guns at a young age at the Galway Junior Rifle Club, say being chosen for the competition is an important honor and opportunity to one day enter other riflery competitions, perhaps even the Olympics." ...

UK: Shovel used in Chewton killing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A CHEWTON man has admitted killing his former housemate, a known gangster, by hitting him on the head with a shovel before dumping his body in a disused mine shaft."

"Graham John Holden yesterday pleaded not guilty to murdering underworld figure Lee Patrick Torney, claiming he killed the man in self-defence."

"The Melbourne Supreme Court heard Torney was a convicted murderer and friend of notorious gangster Carl Williams and his family."

"... 42-year-old Holden is accused of murdering Torney on April 16, 2005."

"During the 11 months that the victim's body was missing, Holden denied to police that he had killed Torney."

"However, defence counsel Len Hartnett said his client now did not dispute the allegation." ...

UK: Life sentence for hammer killer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man who battered a woman and her nephew to death with a claw hammer in Glasgow has been jailed for life."

"Gerald McLeish,21, hit Bernadette Johnstone and John Park with the weapon more than a dozen times during the attack at a Cranhill flat."

"The judge at the High Court in Glasgow described the murders as 'horrific' and told McLeish he would spend a minimum of 20 years in prison."

"McLeish said he was defending himself during the attack in August last year."

"The accused, of Lamlash Crescent, Cranhill, was found guilty by majority verdicts in April after the court had been told Mrs Johnstone and Mr Park suffered massive injuries to their faces, skulls and bodies." ...

Canada: You Can Be Charged With A Gun Crime Even If You Don't Actually Have A Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Threatening someone with a gun may be enough to warrant being charged with a firearms offence, even if one isn’t being carried, Canada’s top court ruled Friday."

"In a unanimous ruling, the nine-member Supreme Court of Canada upheld a court decision in B.C. that convicted a man of gun possession, even though he argued he never had the weapon on him during a break-in four years ago."

"Sure. Why not. Forget that these men were already guilty of breaking and entering as well as robbery. Let’s go ahead and slap a gun charge on them too, because they pretended to have a gun." ...

The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword, because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops. — Noah Webster, An Examination into the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution Proposed BV the Late Convention (1787).

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