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Newslinks for 7/23/2015

Glock 43 Review
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Compact 9 mm Luger pistols designed specifically for concealed carry are nothing new. But sometime around the start of this decade, a growing segment of the self-defense market began demanding single-stack 9 mm pistols that are even easier to carry and conceal. Such pistols offer a flat profile and small footprint comparable to the now-ubiquitous pocket .380s but with a level of stopping power on par with the standby J-frame revolver in .38 Spl.

WV: ‘Live or die': Charleston police release new information about self defense shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Charleston police have identified an Oregon man who was shot and killed by a woman he attacked Saturday.

It happened in the woman’s 6th Street apartment building where police believe Neal Falls, 45, of Springfield, Oreg., pulled a 9 mm handgun at the woman’s chest and announced he was going to kill her.

In an act of self-defense, the woman grabbed the man’s gun he dropped, in an attempt to get a better grip of strangling her neck, and shot him from behind.

MA: New legislation filed to review gun-free zones
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Gun Owners Action League of Massachusetts announced Wednesday that it filed new legislation to address the dangers of gun-free zones. The group’s executive director, Jim Wallace, says gun-free zones have become “no-defense” zones, and therefore have become targets for terrorists and murders.

The legislation was filed on the group’s behalf by Rep. John Velis of Westfield.

A gun-free zone is an area in which a law-abiding citizen is not allowed to have a gun in self-defense. Some of these areas include schools, churches, and hospitals, and even military recruiting centers.

For more Americans, owning a gun = safety
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Americans are increasingly convinced that owning a gun makes them safer.

A new Rasmussen poll found that an overwhelming margin of Americans (68 to 22 percent) “feel safer in a neighborhood where guns are allowed.” And a series of polls by Gallup, Pew Research Center, and ABC News/Washington Post show similar results.

But it isn’t just what people say. They are clearly putting increased stock in self-defense. Since 2007, the number of concealed handgun permits has soared from 4.6 million to 12.8 million. A new study by the Crime Prevention Research Center finds that a record 1.7 million permits have been issued in just the past year. This is a 15.4 percent increase.

WI: Duffy among House Members favoring end to present military gun policy
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The attacks on unarmed military personnel at two Chattanooga, Tennessee military facilities is prompting a new look at the gun-free zone rules. Congressman Sean Duffy is one of the elected officials that believes the current policy of not allowing service men and women the use of their weapons is clearly bad policy. "Our concern is that you have well-trained men and women in the use of firearms, unarmed on bases, and our bases or recruiting centers, they are targets in America, and to think that we don't allow them to carry weapons, that policy has to be re-thought."

IL: Guns on the bus: Still a bad idea
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"Granny's got a gun" was the headline on the television news report the day Ramona Taylor-Kamate was mugged on a crowded bus in Detroit.

Taylor-Kamate, then 56, told WJBK News that she struggled with the young man who grabbed her purse in January 2013. He tried to flee when the bus stopped, but she held on and followed him onto the sidewalk. When he reached for his boot, she thought he was going for a gun — so she pulled out her own pistol and fired 11 times. He escaped.

Think about that scene the next time someone brings up the nutty notion of allowing guns on mass transit in Illinois. It's near the top of gun lobbyists' wish list of "improvements" to the state's concealed carry law, which has been on the books since July 2013.

Critics of no-guns-on-base rule say U.S. soldiers are ‘sitting ducks’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Last week’s shootings at two military facilities in Chattanooga, Tenn., have some questioning why military personnel on U.S. bases aren’t allowed to carry weapons for self-defense.

Gunman Mohammad Abdulazeez killed four marines and one sailor at a military recruiting center and a Navy operations office Thursday. Authorities said Abdulazeez did not appear to have ties to international terror groups. Police responding to the shooting eventually killed him.

WA: Activists angry over remark about armed citizens at recruiting office
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A remark in the reader comments section of yesterday’s Tacoma News Tribune story about armed citizen volunteers providing security for the Army recruiting office in Spanaway has infuriated some gun rights activists because it called the two men “a couple of wingnut jackasses.”

Compounding the fury is that the man who left the comment about two men calling themselves “patriots who want to protect soldiers” according to the story, identified himself as an assistant state attorney general. John J. Ryan, who left the remark that has so far elicited more than two dozen responses, has not responded to Examiner’s contact attempts.

NRA Applauds Congressman Johnson for Swift Action on Social Security Gun Grab
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) lauded Congressman Sam Johnson (R-TX), Chairman of the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Social Security, for his swift action urging the Social Security Administration (SSA) to stop developing a system to enter social security beneficiaries into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which is the Obama administration’s latest effort to deny millions of Americans their Second Amendment rights without due process.

SC: City repeals gun ban after SC Attorney General says it’s unconstitutional
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A temporary emergency gun ban implemented by the City of Columbia to disarm Confederate flag protesters around the State House was scrapped after the state attorney general warned it was likely illegal.

The city council passed the local ordinance banning weapons within 250 feet of the building earlier this month in anticipation of a planned demonstration by hate groups to include the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and the New Black Panther Party. The teeth in the ordinance, which was set to run for 30 days, included a $500 fine and up to 30 days in jail.

KS: State reviewing safety measures for Kansas National Guard facilities in response to Chattanooga shootings
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Kansas National Guard is reviewing safety protocol for its facilities following the July 16 shootings at military buildings in Chattanooga, Tenn., that killed five service members.

Gov. Sam Brownback announced in a press release Wednesday that he “has ordered a full review of security measures” of all National Guard facilities in the state following the slayings by alleged gunman Mohammod Youssef Abdulazeez, 24.

Kansas Adjutant General’s Office spokesman Ben Bauman said that while “safety and security of all Kansas National Guard facilities” have always been important, the recent Chattanooga attacks — one at a military recruiting center and another at a naval reserve center — inspired a second look at current procedures.

TX: Homeowner Opens Fire with AK On Suspected Burglars
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A man pulled out an AK-47 Thursday morning in northwest Houston to protect his family.

According to the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, it happened at about 4 a.m. outside of a home in the 3300 block of Cheaney near Veterans Memorial Drive.

The homeowner involved said that at about that time his alarm sounded.

“They tried to break into my son’s window. They managed to get one lock undone, so I come out the house,” he said, asking that his identity be kept secret.

He said his son, wife and newborn were inside the home with him. When he came outside, he saw two men in a white Chevy Impala. He said one of them shot at him so he fired his AK-47 at their car.

AZ: Ducey Orders Arming Arizona National Guard
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The order is in response to last week’s shooting at a military recruitment center in Chattanooga, Tenn., and also references the Fort Hood shooting in Texas in 2009.

Ducey's executive order calls for the Arizona National Guard to arm members who are trained and who work in positions that may require them to protect themselves from deadly force.

It also directs the Arizona National Guard to review its security measures, and to allow its members to carry their personal handguns while on duty, instead of a government-issued handgun.

The order said those in the Guard should be afforded the same self-defense as others in the state.

AL: Donation for firing range is approved
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“We are trying to improve the property by adding a turning target system as well as additional safety berms, covered rifle and pistol firing points and a covered training pavilion. This would enable us to expand the use of our facility to all law enforcement agencies serving Barbour County,” Conner said. “We would also. in cooperation with the NRA, start holding firearms safety training and education courses, including those tailored for female self defense and youth safety education, for the public.” Conner noted that the range would be open to any law enforcement officer in the county, not just the Eufaula officers.

Bass Pro Shops Teams up with National Rifle Association for NRA Freedom Days Event
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Bass Pro Shops stores across the country are teaming up with the National Rifle Association (NRA) to host NRA Freedom Days July 20 – August 2, 2015.

The event will feature firearms seminars, giveaways, and the chance to win a NRA Freedom Days experience and a NRA Lifetime Membership. In addition to great deals on firearms, optics, and gun safes, shoppers can earn triple and quintuple rewards points.

Johnson Bill Would End Arms Restrictions at U.S. Military Installations
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A day after his state’s governor issued an order arming National Guard members, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson introduced a bill in Washington that would end the restriction on service members carrying certain firearms on military installations in the U.S. The Armed Forces Self-Defense Act would to a number of things, including ensuring trained military personnel would be able to carry their privately owned firearms at places like reserve centers and recruitment offices. Johnson’s office says the bill addresses an apparent rise in the targeting of military facilities in the country.

TX: Texas legislator pushing for guns in hospitals
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A state representative in Texas is pushing for legislation that would allow people to carry guns in hospitals.

Rep. Drew Springer says staff and visitors should be able to bring guns into the hospital for self-defense.

Operation Protect the Protectors: Oath Keepers National Call to Action
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This is a national Oath Keepers call to action.

Oath Keepers is launching a nation-wide Oath Keepers Operation Protect the Protectors.

For this operation, we are calling on all Oath Keepers chapters in every state, and all individual Oath Keepers members, to step up in their community and stand guard at their local recruiting stations and Reserve centers (anywhere our military personnel are forced to be unarmed while exposed to attack) or assist as support for those who are standing guard. Please do this immediately.

You Can Have A Mimic Of The Marine Corps New Infantry Automatic Rifle, Now
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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All of that given, “The SlideFire Bump-SAW Concept” is an interesting effort to create some of the functionality of a squad automatic weapon (SAW) using 100% legal, ATF-approved semi-automatic parts.

The result is more of a poor man’s version of the new Marine Corp’s M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR) in both execution and employment than a true M249 SAW.

IL: Guns on public transit
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I fear that America has fallen and been trapped in an abyss that it may not be able to escape. First there was Aurora, then Sandy Hook, Charleston, and now Chattanooga. The abyss I mention is not the lack of gun control, but the advocacy for gun control due to the occurrence of these terrible events. After reading “Guns on Public Transit: Still a Bad Idea” printed July 20th, that fear grew a little stronger. The article, if you missed it, writes of a 56 year old woman who was attacked on a crowded bus just before noon in Detroit. Yes, you read correctly, a crowded bus in broad daylight. The scumbag who attacked her tried to steal her purse.

Gun sales loopholes that should be closed
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the wake of deadly mass shootings in Charleston, S.C., and Chattanooga, Tenn., the nation finds itself once again debating whether and how to further limit access to firearms. Unfortunately, meaningful change is unlikely in a Congress where fealty to the NRA and its ridiculous drive for a fully armed America outweighs politicians' commitments to the safety of the people who elected them. Still, we must continue to push the boulder up the hill and urge Congress to approve two common-sense bills to expand and make existing laws more effective.

Sen. Moran Introduces Legislation to Safeguard Service Member’s 2nd Amendment Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) has introduced legislation to eliminate “Gun-Free Zones” at American military installations – including military recruitment centers – and restore service member’s 2nd Amendment Rights.

The Safeguarding Service Members’ Second Amendment Rights Act, would repeal bans on military personnel carrying firearms on Armed Forces military installations and Department of Defense (DoD) sites and prohibit the president, secretary of defense and secretaries of military departments from enacting similar restrictions or prohibitions in the future.

TX: Texas businesses have to adjust to open carry world
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The real question is what those companies will do if a customer wears his handgun on his hip into an establishment despite the sign. Previously, concealed carry holders disregarding the notice probably went without detection, but guns in holsters will be tough to miss. Companies that invite the public onto their premises likely will be caught in a political tug-of-war between gun-rights activists and groups endorsing increased gun control.

AZ: Gov. Doug Ducey arms Arizona National Guard after Tennessee shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"With the number of tragic shootings that have occurred on military installations in recent years, it's imperative that our soldiers and airmen -- people who put their lives on the line every day to protect our state and nation -- have at least the same level of self-defense as the citizens they're fighting for," Ducey said in a statement.

Ducey's order will allow Guard personnel to carry weapons at Guard facilities and train them to carry personally-owned handguns in both military installations and while on duty.

Prior to the order, Guardsmen responsible for security were armed and armories and recruiting stations typically were left without armed security.

Camp Perry first shot : A moving ceremony
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Just as certainly as birds fly south in the winter, rifle and pistol shooters flock to Camp Perry, just west of Port Clinton in Ottawa County, each summer. They begin arriving in July for the NRA rifle and pistol championships and the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) National Matches. The CMP National Matches started in 1903 and moved to Camp Perry in 1907. The competitions, which are a joint effort between the CMP, NRA and Ohio National Guard, begin in July and continue through mid-August. They attract nearly 7000 shooters to Ohio annually.

Texans' fear over drill 'very American'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Texans who fret about the U.S. Army occupying Texas are thus doing Americans the service of reminding the nation of its anti-militaristic, anti-imperial origins. Their worry about their guns is an imperfect echo of the Second Amendment’s original purpose. The gun-toting folks’ role as the nation’s unconscious conscience isn’t an accident. In a general sense, they often share the framers’ classical republican-libertarian values of self-government and the avoidance of foreign entanglements. When the country today updates those values to the point of rejecting them, it’s important to know that we’re doing so -- and to recognize the costs.

The said Constitution be never construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms. — Samuel Adams, during Massachusetts's Convention to Ratify the Constitution (1788).

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