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Newslinks for 7/26/2007

SF Supervisor Admits Gun Laws Won't Work; SAF Calls Vote 'Ludicrous'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following a vote Tuesday by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to adopt tough new anti-gun laws, a sponsor of the ordinances admitted that they probably won't quell violent crime, prompting the Second Amendment Foundation to call passage of these new ordinances an exercise in futility."

"'Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi, in a remarkable fit of candor, admitted to the news media that these new gun ordinances won't stop violent crime,' said SAF founder Alan Gottlieb. 'Yet the Board of Supervisors has voted to tighten its chokehold on the self-defense rights of law-abiding citizens and the one retail gun dealer in the city. This is ludicrous. You don't stop criminals by punishing their victims." ...

Does a parking lot have more rights than you do?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Silly question, I know. But your NRA-ILA is fighting against huge corporate conglomerates who argue that the rights of a humble patch of asphalt outside a business trump yours."

"They argue that companies can void the rights of law-abiding citizens on company property, even if the property is open to the general public. If you stop at a grocery store, for instance, they argue that the store can prohibit you from leaving a firearm locked in your vehicle while you shop. It doesn’t matter to them whether you lawfully transport a firearm ... even if you have a Right-to-Carry permit."

"It’s not just guns. Lobbyists for big business in Florida claim that they can ban books, Bibles, or even a copy of the U.S. Constitution ..." ...

Gun rights expert honors top law school Dean for Second Amendment academic leadership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun rights advocate John M. Snyder said here this morning that Dean Daniel D. Polsby of George Mason University School of Law is the American academic leader most responsible for the development and publication of scholarly studies on the history, meaning and significance of the Second Amendment."

"'Just last week,' said Snyder, Chairman of the St. Gabriel Possenti Society, Inc. ... 'it was my distinct privilege to present Dan with the Society's Medallion of Honor.'"

"'Dan is the leading academic champion of the individual civil right of law-abiding American citizens to keep and bear arms in the United States today. He has demonstrated his commitment to principles upon which the Society is based.'" ...

Buy Back nets Cash for Pro-Rights Group
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"On Saturday, July 21, Chicago held its largest and most generous city-sanctioned gun buy of junk and orphaned firearms. The organizers paid $100 for each firearm, regardless of age, functionality or type. Turn in locations were situated at 23 churches throughout the city."

"Guns Save Live dot com participated!"

"I left Champaign-Urbana at 0530 with 27 guns in my trunk and one on my hip. ..." ...

"So, Guns Save Life ended up netting $1700 worth of MasterCards from the event. The club is in the process of selling some of the cards to members for cash and five of the cards are going to be spent at Darrell’s Custom Guns in Cayuga, IN for two CZ bolt-action .22s to be given away to two lucky kids participating in the NRA Youth Shooting Camp ..." ...

U.S. vs. Fincher
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I will be assisting lead attorney Quentin Rhoades of Montana in the appeal of Washington County Arkansas Militia Commander Hollis Wayne Fincher in the case U. S. vs. Fincher. You can read more about the case, including news articles and actual trial documents, by going to the page of the Washington County Arkansas Militia here, or by going to an informational page here." ...

"This is a very important Second Amendment case. As Quentin Rhoades puts it, 'This is a very important case for seizing the Second Amendment from the deer and duck hunting crowd [Zumbo, for example] and returning it to its rightful heirs, the states' militia.' I would only add that this case goes right to the heart of the purpose of the Second Amendment ..." ...

Interesting reading (first story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two things of interest pop up in the August editions of two venerable national outdoor magazines, Outdoor Life and Field and Stream."

"Let's start with Outdoor Life, which you'll remember fired longtime writer Jim Zumbo for comments he made in a blog concerning hunting with military-style rifles such as an AR-15. ..."

"In the latest issue, Outdoor Life runs a red banner above the logo on the cover that announces: 'AR-15s Coming to a Deer Stand Near You.'"

"Surely that couldn't be a blatant behind-smooching of the Second Amendment dudes who rained fire down on the magazine and on Zumbo, just for speaking his mind, which is what all those military rifles out there were supposed to be protecting." ...

Sponsor Of Restrictions On Use Of Crime Gun Data Attacks Police Leaders (BCPGV)
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In a recent letter to the editor and in an interview in the new issue of a gun industry magazine, Representative Todd Tiahrt (R-KS) slams major national law enforcement groups which oppose legislation he wrote restricting the use of crime gun trace data, calling them 'pseudo police organizations' in the industry magazine and 'puppet police organizations' in the newspaper."

"'Some of them,' Tiahrt adds in the August issue of the National Rifle Association’s First Freeedom magazine, 'are just websites.' On July 22, 2007, Tiahrt had a letter published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette newspaper saying the groups are puppets of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who helped form a coalition of mayors that oppose the legislation." ...

MO: Mo. man kills knife-wielding grandson
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man shot and killed his grandson Wednesday morning after the teenager began stabbing him and his wife ..."

"William Andrew Nation, 18, came to his sleeping grandparents' bedroom ... He shouted that he couldn't take it anymore and then started stabbing them with a kitchen knife ..."

"Jerry Garrison, took a handgun he kept by the side of his bed and shot his grandson several times, killing him ..."

"Garrison was stabbed in the head, shoulder and back, and his wife, Katie, was stabbed in the face. Jerry Garrison was treated at a hospital and released, while his wife was in fair condition Wednesday afternoon ..."

"Taylor said a review could take several weeks, but it appeared that the shooting would be ruled justifiable." ...

OH: Small town security, or head-in-sand-ity? (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"I live in a place some city-dwellers don't think exists any more."

"My small Fulton County, Ohio town is place where most of the faces passing by on the road are recognizable...a place where people can walk to work and church...a place where housing is still (fairly) affordable, and doors are often left unlocked...a place where families (sometimes two or three generations at once!) can be seen together riding bikes on a sunny Sunday afternoon, or enjoying ice cream cones on an evening stroll ..."

And my small town is a place where an over-the-road truck driver recently came to pick up a load of furniture just hours before he was arrested and, according to Nashville's (TN) Metro police, confessed to being a multi-state serial killer." ...

Romney endorses Manchester GOP fundraiser with automatic weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, who supports an assault weapons ban, said he sees no problem with a Manchester City Republican Party's fundraiser where guests will use Uzis and M-16 rifles."

"'No one is suggesting that automatic weapons be made available to the public. No one is suggesting that automatic weapons be made legal,' Romney said ... 'I support the Second Amendment. I support the ban on (automatic weapons). They're not connected with a fundraising event ...'"

"During his failed 1994 Senate run, Romney supported two gun-control measures strongly opposed by the [NRA]. As a 2002 gubernatorial candidate, he praised Massachusetts' strong antigun laws. And today he supports a ban on assault weapons." ...

Democrats Bash Gun Owners in YouTube Moment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Joe Biden is the embodiment of snide. Snide is the embodiment of the left-wing attitude toward gun owners. So when snide Joe Biden confronted a YouTube user ... what unfolded was a Teachable YouTube Moment -- the caught-on-tape embodiment of ideological snideness toward the Second Amendment and those who defend it." ...

"... Snide Joe grabbed his opening: 'I'll tell you what, if that is his baby, he needs help.'"

"... 'I think he just made an admission against self-interest. I don't know that he is mentally qualified to own that gun.' Why? Because he showed affection for his possession? Because he's an enthusiastic hobbyist? Because he talked about his gun the way Paris Hilton talks about her Chihuahua or Brad Pitt talks about his Ducati ..." ...

Weapons enthusiast takes aim at candidates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jered Townsend is a single, 30-year-old gun enthusiast who lives north of Flint on a rural road with his parents and his baby."

"Well, 'baby' is his way of putting it. He doesn't have children."

"As America learned Monday in a nationally televised debate featuring Democratic presidential candidates, Townsend's baby is a Bushmaster AR15 semiautomatic rifle, all black and polished and pretty." ...

"If a gearhead can call his car 'baby,' and a sailor can call his boat 'baby,' can't he refer to his weapon with the same affection?"

"'It's just my hobby, you know?' the proud owner of '11 or 12' guns and a concealed-weapons permit said Tuesday afternoon." ...

CA: Supervisors approve tough gun measure
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"San Francisco's already tough laws on firearms will get even stronger -- becoming some of the most restrictive in the country -- after a vote at City Hall Tuesday. But even new restrictions won't do much to stop the gun violence escalating on city streets, one sponsor of the new laws said after the vote." ...

"Despite the laws, however, [Supervisor] Mirkarimi said he doubts they will quell the kind of violence that erupted on Monday afternoon, which police suspect may be tied to a feud between a San Francisco gang and an East Bay gang." [emphasis added] ...

"Supervisor Maxwell said the new restrictions, which passed 8-3, are separate issues from the violence in the streets. ..." [emphasis added] ...

CA: Gun Advocate Scoffs At City's Latest Firearms Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three firearms ordinances passed by the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday led a gun advocacy group today to call the laws an exercise in futility that amounted to giving up efforts to enact a tougher ban."

"In 2005, San Francisco voters approved a measure banning handgun possession in the city except by law enforcement and other authorized officers. A Superior Court judge in 2006 threw out the law ..."

"The laws passed Tuesday would ... ban possession or sale of firearms or ammunition on county property. That puts San Francisco on par with Los Angeles County, which has spent years litigating challenges to its own law on prohibiting gun shows at the county-owned Fairplex facility." ...

Gun bill mandates sharing records in nation, Pa.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Twice, Virginia Tech killer Seung-Hui Cho walked in the front door of a gun dealer and walked out through a loophole."

"A federal law, passed in 1968, bars people from buying a gun if, like Cho, they have been deemed dangerous because of a mental illness. The law, however, doesn't require states to report those people to the federal criminal background check database. A bill up for consideration in the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee ... could change that."

"The bill ... would provide money to states if they submitted those names and take away federal grants if they didn't. Mental health advocates and some gun rights groups fear the bill would infringe on people's privacy and Second Amendment rights." ...

CA: City Council approves gun ordinance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun owners in Simi Valley will be required by law to report lost or stolen firearms after the City Council voted Monday to adopt a new ordinance proposed by the chief of police."

"The new rules will give residents 72 hours to report the loss or theft of a firearm to police. It also requires anyone who has lost or had a firearm stolen within the past five years to report it."

"Police Chief Mike Lewis described the ordinance as 'a proactive approach' to crime prevention."

"He said he supported the measure because it gives officers 'the opportunity to do more community awareness of firearms and safety.'" ...

ID: Red's vs. Feds Saga Continues
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"Is it a case of harassment or simply a case of just trying to shut him up? The owner of Idaho's oldest gun shop, Ryan Horsley, suspects it's the latter. The [BATFE] has filed a notice with the court stating that Horsley created a safety concern for agents during their last visit to his store. ... they cite Horsley's blog entries for that day as well as an individual taking pictures of their rental car as reasons for their concern. Horsley calls the charge almost laughable. ... Horsley says at no time did anyone make any threat against the agents. The BATFE admits no laws were broken during the visit but they say the combination of the photos and the blog posting created the concern."

ID: ATF says gun shop manager harassed agents
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"A federal agency has accused a local gun shop manager, who is also the Twin Falls City Planning and Zoning Commission chairman, of posing a credible threat to its agents' safety by harassing and intimidating them."

"The accusation is the latest incident in an increasingly tense relationship between Red's Trading Post and federal firearms regulators."

"U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' audits of Ryan Horsley's family-owned gun shop became more frequent since spring. The agents' inspections into the store's gun sales turned up increasingly minor record-keeping violations. And with each new violation the ATF bolstered its case for revoking Red's license." ...

ID: 'Blog' puts fear into gun shop inspectors; Review of sales records ends over 'safety' worries
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"A team of inspectors from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives fled an Idaho gun shop where they were inspecting sales records when they learned their actions were being recorded on a blog."

"The federal agency and Red's Trading Post of Twin Falls, Idaho, have been disputing for six years already over the store's license to sell firearms, with regulators using rules infractions such as a missing poster to attack Red's business operations." ...

"Now the federal agency has gone to court with a report that its inspectors 'suspended' their work at the store recently because of the 'threat to the inspectors' safety created by Ryan Horsley, the Manager of Red's.'" ...

LA: Police Officer Acquitted of Beating Man in Hurricane Katrina's Aftermath
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A former police officer accused in the videotaped beating of a man in the French Quarter after Hurricane Katrina was acquitted Tuesday by a judge who heard the case without a jury."

"'I didn't even find this a close call,' said District Judge Frank Marullo."

"Robert Evangelist, 37, had been charged with beating Robert Davis, 66, during an arrest videotaped by an Associated Press Television News crew the night of Oct. 8, 2005, about six weeks after Katrina." ...

"Marullo watched videotapes of the beating and its aftermath and noted that Davis could be seen struggling on the tape for several minutes."

"'This event could have ended at any time if the man had put his hands behind his back,' the judge said." ...

VA: No place for guns at Harborfest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You know what Harborfest really needs, aside from tall ships and nutrition-free foods and copious amounts of beer? It needs more guns."

"Specifically, Harborfest needs a guy with a chip on his shoulder and a gun on his hip to use the festival to dare law enforcement to tell him that a weapon in a large crowd of revelers might not be a good idea."

"So thank goodness Chester Szymecki Jr. came all the way from Yorktown ... carrying a holstered .45, along with his wife and several children, to make a case for the inviolability of his Second Amendment rights."

"When officers pointed out to Mr. Szymecki that his decision to pack heat violated a local ordinance banning weapons at Harborfest - well, you can guess. ..." ...

OK: Miami police officer charged with exposure
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A police officer in Miami (MY-AM'-uh) is being charged with indecent exposure after allegedly exposing himself to an Ottawa County woman.

Lieutenant James Lloyd Gambill is charged in Ottawa County District Court and is suspended with pay pending an internal investigation.

Police documents say Gambill was on duty and in his patrol car when he allegedly exposed himself to the woman.

Gambill is a 15-year veteran of the department and Chief Gary Anderson says he's never been in trouble.

WA: Seattle police fire officer charged with felony (follow-up)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A longtime Seattle police officer charged Monday with felony harassment was fired from the Police Department today."

"Felton Miles, 53, had been relieved from duty after Mill Creek police said he threatened to kill his ex-wife and her boyfriend on June 28. His ex-wife said she has a restraining order against him."

"Miles, of Monroe, had been with the department 20 years and was assigned to the East Precinct."

"According to a police report, Miles showed up at his ex-wife's Mill Creek home unexpectedly and started shouting obscenities. He left his 6-year-old daughter in his truck and burst through the door, court charging papers said." ...

FL: 5th Hollywood Officer Charged In FBI Sting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Another former Hollywood police officer has entered a plea in connection with an FBI sting operation."

"Wednesday, former police Lt. Charles Roberts pleaded guilty to one count of making a false statement ... Because of the leak, the 3-year FBI investigation of the Hollywood Police Department was shut down prematurely."

"Roberts was the fifth officer charged with a felony in connection with the FBI investigation ... that netted four other Hollywood officers. He faces a maximum of five years in prison. His sentencing is scheduled for October third."

Last week three of those officers ... were sentenced to prison for their part in transporting a multi-kilo load of heroin from Miami Beach to Oakwood Plaza." ...

FL: Apopka Officer Charged With Hitting Lake Mary Officer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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An Apopka police officer is on leave after facing charges of attacking a Lake Mary officer.

Investigators said Tonya Culver and her boyfriend crashed their car into a pole in Lake Mary. During the crash investigation, an officer said he tried to grab Culver's arm. He said that's when she pulled away and hit him on his chest.

But, an eyewitness said she didn't see Culver hit anyone.

"They grabbed her by the arm real hard and she sort of pushed. I never seen her slug him" said the eyewitness.

Culver is charged with battery on an officer.

Canada: Police officer charged with child porn offences
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An officer who has worked with Toronto and Halton police has been charged with child pornography offences, police said yesterday."

"The 46-year-old was being investigated by the FBI in Virginia, who notified the National Child Exploitation Coordination Centre in Ottawa. Investigators from Halton Police's Internet child exploitation unit executed a search warrant for his ... home on May 1. They seized three computers that had on them child porn images and movie files, as well as evidence of Internet searches for child abuse images, police said. Kevin Gray, of Burlington, was charged yesterday with possession of child pornography and accessing child pornography."

"Mr. Gray has been suspended from the Toronto Police Service ..."

FL: Shannon laying down strict law at Miami
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New Miami coach Randy Shannon instituted several new rules for the Hurricanes when he replaced Larry Coker as coach in December. For the most part, the new tough standards kept the Hurricanes out of trouble this summer." ...

"Last year, Miami endured two gun-related incidents off the field -- defensive lineman Bryan Pata was murdered outside his apartment and reserve safety Willie Cooper was shot in the buttocks after being confronted by an unknown person. The assailant fled when teammate Brandon Meriweather fired his own gun at the man." ...

"Shannon outlawed guns for Miami's players -- any player caught having a weapon will not only be kicked off the team but also dismissed from school." ...

NY: Gun violence task force seeks volunteers
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"After approving a long-delayed Gun Violence Task Force, the Common Council is now seeking people who want to serve on it."

"First proposed in 2002, the panel was approved earlier this month. The council will appoint seven members, and Mayor Jerry Jennings will name six, subject to council approval."

"Common Council member Dominick Calsolaro, who proposed the task force almost five years ago, said he wants a cross section of the community to be represented, including neighborhood residents and gun advocates. He also hopes crime victims and even those who have used illegal guns might serve, he said."

"'The more opinions, the better,' he said. 'If there is a group all set up the same way, it doesn't help discussion.'" ...

Canada: Gun-control a two-way street, McGuinty says
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty says he wants to work with U.S. states to stem the flow into Canada of smuggled handguns, but he warned that Canadian governments will have to do something in return to deal with U.S. complaints about the southward flow of marijuana."

"'We need to find a way for provinces and states to come to terms with this,' he told reporters in Guelph." ...

"'Their concern, when I talk to my colleagues down there, is, 'Look, you're sending illegal drugs down here. You want to talk to me about guns coming up there, I've got to talk to you about your marijuana and other stuff going down there.'" ...

NJ: Second robbery at chicken eatery in 2 days
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man was robbed at knifepoint early yesterday morning in front of a Jersey City chicken restaurant on Montgomery Street, police said, the second robbery there in as many days."

"Just after 4:30 a.m. yesterday, three Bayonne men parked their car in front of the restaurant, the victim and his two passengers told police. A man pulled up next to the men on a white or silver BMX bike and put a large knife to the driver's neck, demanded that he turn off the car and took a handheld device valued at $400 and $30 in cash from him, the victim told police." ...

By calling attention to a well-regulated militia for the security of the Nation, and the right of each citizen to keep and bear arms, our Founding Fathers recognized the essentially civilian nature of our economy. Although it is extremely unlikely that the fears of governmental tyranny, which gave rise to the second amendment, will ever be a major danger to our Nation, the amendment still remains an important declaration of our basic military-civilian relationships, in which every citizen must be ready to participate in the defense of the country. For that reason I believe the second amendment will always be important. --JOHN F. KENNEDY

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