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Newslinks for 7/27/2015

Negligent Discharge at Recruiting Center Shows Good Intentions Not Enough
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The good news is, the armed citizen 'guarding' a recruitment center in Lancaster, Ohio, who negligently discharged his rifle, was not an Oath Keeper, nor part of the sanctioned Protect the Protectors project."

"'Thankfully, not one of ours.' Stewart Rhodes told me this morning via email. 'Not an Oath Keepers member. Steve Frasure from Ohio confirmed that.'"

"Thank goodness for small favors, because the bad news is, this plays right into the hands of gleeful anti-gunners, who would demonstrably rather see recruiters dead than either armed or guarded. And the thing is, it’s the second time this guy – who says he was trying to clear ammunition to let 'someone' look at his rifle — has had an ND, having been convicted and fined in 2013." ...

‘Just Give Them What They Want’ Advice Leaves Key Question Unanswered
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With much of the attention focused on 'gun-free' military recruiting centers, a recent armed robbery and assault of a clerk in a Chevron station convenience store in Mesquite, Tex., reminds us there are plenty of higher-risk jobs where employees are on their own. This is the fourth robbery at this particularly outlet this year, Fox 4 Dallas-Fort Worth reports."

"'The clerk fought back, took the gun away from one of the suspects and shot him in the shoulder,' the report notes. And that doesn’t sit well, with those who wish we’d just take it lying down." ...

Lafayette Theater Shooter’s Pistol Purchase Was Not, In Fact, Legal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to ABC News, the handgun used in the Lafayette theater shooting this past week was legally purchased. '[The shooter], 59, bought the Hi-Point .40-caliber handgun at a pawn shop in Phenix City, Alabama, in February of 2014, Lafayette Police Chief Jim Craft said at a news conference.' It is entirely possible that the pawn shop FFL holder followed all the rules, did a proper background check, and released the firearm in accordance with the laws. That said, the sale was still illegal. Why? One simple reason . . ." ...

Tipton: Why Gun Sales Skyrocket After A Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is very much inevitable that before we know anything more than there was another shooting in a gun-free zone, the anti-gun crowd begins screeching at the top of their lungs for more laws. Ban 'assault weapons'! Universal background checks! Magazine capacity limits! More gun-free zones! Never let a crisis go to waste. Then they get upset because they know that gun sales will skyrocket. I am going to attempt to use an example to explain this, and maybe — just maybe — a few hoplophobes will understand. I know, it’s a cute thought. But this is the truth about guns, so I’m about to give the antis a dose of that truth . . ." ...

New York Gun Owners Tell Cuomo to Pound Sand On SAFE Act Registration
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although TTAG has been reporting on the civil disobedience brewing among gun owners in New York to the ironically-named NY SAFE Act, the story is now spreading enough such that even elements of the mainstream media are unable to ignore it anymore. NPR reported on Friday that 'it appears that many gun owners are refusing to comply with a key provision that requires the registration of so-called assault weapons.' Imagine that . . ." ...

What About The Civilians?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "However, what about the DoD civilians? A 2009 census of the combined military services’ civilian personnel in the Continental United States (CONUS) totals 709,265 while all active military in CONUS numbered 1,088,465. While some reductions have been made by Sequestration and BRAC, I estimate the number of DoD civilians to remain within 80-90% of that number."

"Again, what about the civilians? Senator Johnson’s proposed bill makes no mention of allowing DoD civilians to regain the ability to lawfully carry firearms to protect themselves against potential threats. ..." ...

Random Thoughts About Disarmed Disney World
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Upon entering Disney’s Hollywood Studio, 'Joe' searched my backpack. There were three pockets in the front of the pack and several on either side. Joe didn’t open any of the pockets to examine any of their contents. Not good. This time of year the Disney entertainment industrial complex is wall-to-wall with shvitzing tourists, jammed in a huge confusing space with multiple choke points and no clearly marked exits. If a terrorist somehow smuggled explosives or firearms into the House of the Mouse and attacked Walt’s 'guests' it would be a very bad thing indeed. Saying that . . ." ...

Lafayette and Broken Arrow: Guns, exploitation and Obama
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thursday night’s fatal shooting at a theater in Lafayette, Louisiana so far claimed two lives, while a multiple homicide by stabbing in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma left five dead Wednesday, and it doesn’t take a genius to guess which case will get the bigger headlines."

"The Lafayette shooting was apparently committed by a 'drifter' ..." ...

"Meanwhile, in Broken Arrow two teenage brothers are in custody in connection with the slayings of their parents and three siblings, according to NBC News. That grisly crime involved several different weapons, the report said, including a hatchet and knives." ...

Do you think people should be allowed to carry guns in public? (poll)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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H/t to David Codrea who remarks: Except I wouldn't use the term "allowed," which presupposes a legitimate authority to forbid it.

Obama’s Evolving Outrage on Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Brand diversification is part of the American Way—and so now we can add, to all our other smaller-portion spinoffs, a new American phenomenon: the mini-massacre, a gun killing that is horrific in its shock and numerous in its casualties but not sufficiently large enough in the number of dead to really register as a major event in the way that Newtown and Charleston, and, oh yes, Fort Hood, and, right, Aurora and Virginia Tech all did. These mini-massacres, which now occur regularly, are, indeed, perhaps more like what’s called, in branding, a line extension ... The gun massacre in Louisiana yesterday was one of those; a man with a handgun that was designed only to kill, killing helpless people in a movie theatre. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: And they were helpless because . . . ?

Americans’ constitutional paradox
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Americans have struck some strange constitutional bargains."

"To preserve an unyielding Second Amendment, we endure thousands of deaths by guns every year. To protect ourselves against extremely rare acts of terrorism, we have tolerated government intrusions on our private lives that strain the restraints of the Fourth Amendment."

"The FBI reports that 12,253 people were murdered in the United States in 2013 and that 8,454 of them were killed by firearms. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that, counting suicides, accidents, police shootings, homicides and other gun use, almost 34,000 people were killed by firearms in 2013. ..." ...

MA: Fighting guns with guns is a recipe for bloodshed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The next Army chief of staff suggested Tuesday that soldiers at recruiting stations should be armed. How typical in the United States to respond to the latest gun tragedy with a call for more guns."

"General Mark Milley's statement at his nomination hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee came in response to questions about the deaths of four Marines and a sailor earlier this month ... General Milley told senators he believed that 'In some cases, I think, it's appropriate" for soldiers stationed at the facility to carry weapons.'"

"The Pentagon is understandably reluctant to arm soldiers at recruitment stations because it wants to encourage people to come in rather than intimidate them into walking past. ..." ...

WV: West Virginia woman who shot alleged attacker may have slain serial killer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A woman in Charleston, W.Va., may have saved her own life and the lives of many other women, as well, when she shot and killed an alleged attacker in her home last week."

"Neal Falls showed up at the woman’s home on July 18 after answering an escort ad she had placed on, according to police. He showed up with a 'kill list,' multiple pairs of handcuffs and a Subaru full of weapons and tools ..."

"In Falls’s pocket, police said, was a list of names of potential future victims, all of whom are sex workers who advertised on Backpage ..."

"Now investigators are trying to determine whether Falls, 45, was responsible for a string of slayings targeting sex workers in Ohio and Nevada, the station reported." ...

Theater Shooting And Gun Laws: Bernie Sanders Vs. Rick Perry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders called for making existing gun laws 'stronger' and 'more enforceable' in the wake of last week’s bloody shooting ... Speaking from New Orleans on NBC’s Meet The Press, Sanders told moderator Chuck Todd that 'guns used to kill people exclusively, not for hunting, should not be sold in the United States of America.'"

"Rick Perry, meanwhile, took the opposite tack, suggesting on CNN that moviegoers should be allowed to arm themselves. Asked by State of the Union host Jake Tapper if he thought moviegoers should be allowed to carry guns, Perry replied, 'If we believe in the Second Amendment and we believe in people’s right to protect themselves and defend themselves and their families.'" ...

Rick Perry Wants Guns In Movie Theaters, Says It ‘Makes A Lot Of Sense’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rick Perry is once again stirring up controversy, saying he wants guns to be allowed in movie theaters. The former Texas governor, now a Republican presidential hopeful, believes Thursday night’s shooting in the Lafayette, Louisiana movie theater supports his idea that gun-free zones are 'a bad idea' and that it 'makes a lot of sense' to allow guns in movie theaters. Allowing guns in theaters could lessen or even prevent future tragedies, according to Perry’s way of thinking." ...

Jindal: La. shooter "shouldn't have been able" to buy gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said Sunday that [redacted], the gunman who killed two people and injured nine at a Lafayette, Louisiana movie theater last week, 'shouldn't have been able to buy a gun.'"

"[Redacted], who also killed himself, had a long history of mental illness but was able to legally purchase a gun in Alabama."

"Jindal said in an interview on 'Face the Nation' Sunday that if [redacted] had been involuntarily committed in Louisiana, that information would have been reported to the national background check system and would have prevented him from buying a gun." ...

Donald Trump: Lafayette Theater Shooting 'Has Nothing To Do With Guns'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said over the weekend that a shooting at a theater in Lafayette, Louisiana could have been prevented if moviegoers were allowed to bring more guns with them."

"During an interview with CNN host Jake Tapper on Sunday, Trump argued that it was wrong to focus on gun safety laws after John Russell Houser allegedly shot 11 people on Friday."

"'These are sick people,' he explained. 'This has nothing to do with guns, this has to do with the mentality of these people.'" ...

Chris Christie On Guns Again
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Good Lord! Are we really going to have to listen to this loud mouth for the next year? Chris, you are gun control collectivist from way back, and you made your fame in New Jersey pushing an “assault weapons” ban. As for Mr. Fletcher, I do indeed want you to make your decision quickly rather than be cowardly about it. And it should be to destroy all of the paperwork you ever had on him and tell your LEOs to stop arresting people who come across state lines with weapons, right after you pass a reciprocity law recognizing the permitting system of every other state in the country." ...

Christie rips into gun rights activist in Iowa (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Chris Christie tore into a gun rights activist who questioned his Second Amendment record in an Iowa town hall event Saturday night, displaying the fiery and confrontational style the New Jersey governor is known for."

"'I'm still waiting for one fact from you, one fact about me being anti-gun,' Christie scolded the man. 'Give me one. One fact. Got one?'"

"The four-minute exchange at an Ankeny event was with a man who didn't identify himself by name but told reporters there he is affiliated with the Iowa Gun Owners, a gun-rights group." ...

‘I’m Still Waiting for One Fact, One Fact from You About Me Being Anti-Gun’ — Christie Faces Off With Pro-Gun Voter in Iowa
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Voters attending a Chris Christie town hall meeting inside a community college auto shop in Ankeny, Iowa Saturday, witnessed a brash and aggressive candidate defending his record on gun rights as he debated a pro-gun voter."

"The exchange between the candidate and the voter was closer to a debate, as the young man hit Christie with a series of questions about his record on a litany of gun regulations imposed on New Jersey citizens." ...

NY: Rep. Chris Gibson May Run for NY Governor as Gun-Rights Candidate (audio story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Republican Rep. Chris Gibson of New York may run for governor in 2018, citing gun rights as a core issue."

"When it comes to combating crime, the congressman said Sunday on 'The Cats Roundtable' on AM 970 in New York that he believes in 'deterrence through the Second Amendment.'" ...

Sen. Joe Manchin: “It’s not gun control. It’s gun sense.” (video story)
Submitted by: jac

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"Sen. Joe Manchin, D-West Virginia, says passing stronger gun control legislation makes good sense. ..."

Submitters note: Know it all elected by the low information voters.

MN: The Long March To Silencer Legalization in Minnesota
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As of July 1 firearm owners in the state of Minnesota are legally allowed to own and possess silencers (or suppressors). SF 878 was passed with strong bipartisan support in both chambers and signed into law by Democrat Governor Mark Dayton. On August 1, 2015, the use of silencers while hunting will be allowed in the North Star State. Silencers, for the uninitiated, are not the tools of spies and assassins that the media has portrayed them to be, but rather an innovative safety device that provide three key benefits to hunters and shooters . . ." ...

AL: AL Backs Down on Rest Stop Gun-Free Zones
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We’ve had a lot of worthy posts so far in our summer content contest (there’s still time…get yours in!). One notable entry was Andrew Smith’s account of his attempts to get answers from Alabama’s powers that be regarding their designation of the state’s highway rest stops as 'gun-free zones,' apparently in contravention of the Yellowhammer State’s preemption law. Well whaddaya know . . ."

"As reported yesterday," ...

GA: Richmond County sheriff's deputy cleared of rape accusations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Richmond County sheriff’s deputy accused of raping a woman in April has been cleared, authorities said Friday."

"The 33-year-old woman told Columbia County sheriff’s investigators that Richmond County sheriff’s Cpl. Jason Turner raped her at his Martinez home April 9 and took photos of her with his phone."

"The Columbia County sheriff’s office investigated the accusations while Richmond County opened an internal investigation into the officer’s conduct. Because of lack of evidence, the officer was not charged and remained on active duty." ...

AL: ALDOT: Complaints over Alabama rest area ‘gun free zones’ are a ‘distraction,’ AG reviewing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yellowhammer News on Monday brought to light the Alabama Department of Transportation’s rule making the state’s rest areas 'Gun Free Zones,' preventing Alabamians from possessing firearms at those locations."

"After multiple requests for comment were ignored, Yellowhammer was contacted Wednesday by ALDOT spokesperson Tony Harris, who said readdressing the policy is not currently a priority for the agency, although he acknowledged they had received some public opposition to the gun free zones."

"'We don’t want this to be a distraction for us,' said Harris. 'You can probably imagine we have a lot of issues we deal with day in and day out.'" ...

OR: Woman accuses Portland police officer of demanding sex acts, massage
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Portland police officer is on paid leave and under criminal investigation after a woman accused him of demanding sex acts and a massage in a hotel room."

"The story was first reported by KATU’s news partner, Willamette Week."

"The alleged victim, a self-described couples relationship and sex coach, says she was trying to report details of an alleged assault at the time." ...

NY: Buffalo Police Officer Indicted on Civil Rights Violations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. Attorney William J. Hochul Jr. announced today that a federal grand jury has returned a two count indictment charging Robert Eloff Jr., 40, of Buffalo, NY, with deprivation of rights under color of law and conspiracy to deprive an individual of rights under color of law. The charges carry a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine."

"U.S. Attorney Joseph M. Guerra, who is handling the case, stated that the defendant is charged in connection with an incident at Molly’s Pub in Buffalo in 2014." ...

MO: Sheriff Reveals What He Just Added to Every Police Patrol Car — and It’s Almost Sure to Ignite a Major Debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Missouri sheriff made an announcement on Facebook this week that all of his office’s police patrol cars have now been adorned with the words, 'In God We Trust' — and atheist activists are anything but happy about it."

"Stone County Sheriff Doug Rader, who serves in Galena, Missouri, shared photos of the vehicles that now include the national motto, proclaiming that this is the perfect time to be displaying that message." ...

UK: Serial killer ‘pushed 18 people to their deaths on London Underground but police covered it up’
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An ex-detective has claimed that Scotland Yard covered up the murder of 18 people in the 1970s by a serial killer who pushed them onto London Underground tracks."

"Former detective, Geoff Platt, said he first learned of these shocking alleged crimes while interviewing Kiernan Kelly who had just murdered his cellmate, William Boyd."

"During this routine interrogation, Kelly apparently confessed to the string of murders which Platt alleges was ‘buried’ by police bosses to prevent widespread panic." ...

"According to Platt, Kelly’s confessions were found by police to correlate with a series of reported suicides on the Northern Line near his home in Clapham." ...

UK: Helicopter, armed police and dogs arrive at 'weapon incident' and find gardener using a rake
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Police sent a helicopter, an armed response unit and dog handlers to a late-night report of a man brandishing a weapon – to find a gardener using a rake."

"Wayne Dodd had been helping friend Stephen Hogan with some landscaping when they noticed the helicopter circling."

"Stephen said: 'All of a sudden there was a lot of commotion. My wife Alison looked outside and saw about five police cars, armed officers and dogs.'"

"'They came to the door saying someone had a weapon.'"

"Plumber Stephen, 55, said the officers asked to check the back garden as their 'eyes in the sky' had confirmed activity there."

"He said: 'They came in and found Wayne with the rake. He’d been helping flatten some ground ...'" ...

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