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Newslinks for 7/31/2002

MA: Gas station closed for, among other things, "having a gun on the premises"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Two gas stations in Roxbury and Dorchester condemned for rodent infestation, selling cigarettes to children, and having a gun on the premises will remain closed until the city's Inspectional Services Department deems them fit to reopen, inspectors ruled at a hearing yesterday afternoon."


UK: Armed raid at betting office
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Two armed raiders escaped with thousands of pounds after pointing a handgun at a female worker in a betting shop."

"The robbers struck between 10.10am and 10.20am yesterday at Premier Racing, in Radford Road, Radford."

"A 45-year-old female employee had just opened up, and police said there were no customers in the shop."

"Det Con John Fanti said the pair used an alleyway at the back of the row of shops to get into the premises."

CA: LAPD steps up against gang rage
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Escalating gang violence claimed two more lives in the San Fernando Valley over the weekend and prompted police on Monday to canvass neighborhoods, question witnesses and work overtime to hunt down the gunmen."

"The weekend violence in Pacoima and Van Nuys added to a string of gang skirmishes that hit the Valley hard last week. The activity has prompted police to step up patrols in tough gang neighborhoods, all in an effort to cut gang violence. Thirty-five of the 70 Valley killings recorded since Jan. 1 are gang-related."

KABA NOTE: With that much thuggery on the streets, you'd think the "authorities" would support lawful people in protecting themselves with something a bit stronger than pepper spray.

UK: Sniper hunted by police
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A sniper hidden in undergrowth shot a man on an Aberdeen street today."

"The 29-year-old victim was hit in the leg in the attack at the Mounthooly roundabout."

"He was walking on Hutcheon Street towards the Gallowgate with his girlfriend at about 4.20am when he was shot."

"The sniper - armed with an air rifle - was concealed in greenery in the centre of the roundabout."

"He fired one pellet when his victim was about 300 yards away, hitting him in the left leg."

AIR SAFETY: Cartoon was offensive to pilots
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The July 25 editorial cartoon depicting two intoxicated pilots carrying pistols was offensive to all connected with the airline industry."

"My husband has spent his entire career either as a military or commercial pilot. He and probably 99.9 percent of his fellow pilots have never flown intoxicated and would never do so. To judge the actions of pilots by the actions of two who are clearly losing the battle of alcoholism is unfair and unjust. Judging the entire profession by the actions of two weak and ill members is a mistake. It would be the same as judging all reporters by the action of the Pulitzer Prize winner who falsified her story. To limit the ability of a pilot to defend himself and his passengers because of the actions of two individuals is jeopardizing the lives of the thousands."

South Africa: Seven firearms stolen in home invasion
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Seven firearms were among items stolen from a private house in Florano, north of Pretoria's central business district, police said today."

"Inspector Anton Breedt said four men posing as delivery men gained entrance to the house in Florano at 11.45am yesterday and immobilised the 34-year-old domestic worker who was alone in the house."

"The men ransacked the house and the owner reported seven firearms were stolen, among them a hunting rifle and a .38 revolver, as well as jewellery, cash, a camera and two safes, one containing the firearms and the other empty."

"The robbers loaded the loot into a blue Volkswagen Citi Golf and drove away. No arrests have yet been made, said Breedt."

UK: Living With Fear Of Guns - five shootings in 9 days
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The city has been rocked by a series of shootings over the last few days, which have left four people injured. Police have stepped up patrols in a bid to reassure the public and catch those responsible."

"The most visible reaction to the spate of shootings across the city is more police patrols."

"The heightened presence is aimed at providing reassurance following attacks that have left four people needing hospital treatment."

"The force's specialist armed response units have also been placed on standby."

"There were five separate shootings in nine days across the city between Thursday, July 18, and Saturday."

"They have caused alarm among community leaders faced with the evidence of what they describe as a growing 'gun culture'."

"And it has led Nottingham South MP Alan Simpson to call for more stringent penalties for firearms possession."

UK: Massive armed police action over mere threat of gun presence
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Part of Dudley town centre was sealed off after armed police were called in in response to a firearms incident today."

"Officers, including a West Midlands police armed response team, closed off Churchfield Street and Richmond Road."

"The drama began at about 11.12am when police received a report of someone armed with a gun in Richmond Road."

"Dudley North officers were first on the scene and they cordoned off the area."

"A police mobile control centre was also brought in."

"A number of onlookers assembled at the scene to watch the incident unfold. Some said they were residents who wee not being allowed back to their homes."
No gun was found, and no arrests were made. Instead of mobilizing half of the police force, if these ninnies would let people defend themselves, things like this wouldn't be so common in the land where only the police and criminals have the means of self-defense.

UK: Armed Robber Holds Up Centre
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"An armed robber held up a member of staff at Lockleaze Community Centre and stole cash before locking the man in an office and making his getaway."

"The shocked man was confronted at about 11pm on Sunday night."

"He was then forced into the centre in Romney Avenue by the assailant, who had what appeared to be a hand gun."

"The robber was a slim white man, aged between 25 and 35, about 6ft tall with a pale complexion."

UK: Gun terror at garage
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A BRAVE [but disarmed peasant] lorry driver tried to stop robbers who fled after raiding a Huddersfield petrol station."

"Two masked and armed thieves went into Sovereign Service Station in Shepley early today."

"They escaped with cash and cigarettes before speeding away in their getaway car."

"The drama started at 5.10am when a 57-year-old man was working alone at the station on Lane Head Road."

"The two robbers walked in, one armed with a silver [banned, but easily available] handgun and the other with a knife."

"One jumped over the counter and the other rushed round to confront the shocked cashier."

"Sgt Bob Filby, of Huddersfield police, said: 'They demanded to know where the money was and took cash from both tills.' "

Chechnya: Seven Chechen Militants Disarm Local Police Unit
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Seven militants have disarmed nine local policemen in the Grozny district of Chechnya. According to the republican law-enforcement bodies, the incident took place on July 28th in the village of Chechen-Aul."

"Officers from the Non-Departmental Security Agency under the Chechen Interior Affairs Department were travelling via this village on two vehicles and got ambushed. Chechen policemen failed to resist the attack giving the bandits seven Kalashnikov assault rifles, a machine gun, a grenade launcher and two pistols."

"The militants left the scene on two police cars. A few hours later, one car was found burnt down. The bandits managed to escape."

"An investigation into the case has been launched."

Dave Kopel: Day-Dream Believers - What if the government had to obey gun-control laws?
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"That antigun politicians and the lobbyists who support them are so willing to exempt the government from the gun laws suggests that many gun-control laws have less to do with protecting public safety than with disarming the citizenry and exalting the government. The policy reflects a philosophy that sovereignty belongs to the government rather than to the people — which is just the opposite of what the Constitution says."

Remarks by the President on USA Freedom Corps Public Service Campaign
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"THE PRESIDENT: Thanks. Thanks for coming to the White House. Welcome, and thanks so very much for your good works and your commitment to serve others."

"The men and women in this room, and the members of my administration are working to foster a culture of service, citizenship, and of responsibility for decades to come. You're part of a cultural change that will make America a much better place."

Britney Spears' Dad Pulls Gun On Fans
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The father of singer Britney Spears has admitted pulling a gun on four teenage girls trying to have a peek at their idol's childhood home, according to reports."

"Jamie Spears spun a large silver revolver around his finger in a Wild West style while his four guard dogs surrounded the girls' car."

"One of the terrified fans said: 'He was really scary. I had never seen a gun pulled in anger before.' "

Blame AK-47 on the Nazis, says Kalashnikov
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Mikhail Kalashnikov, inventor of the assault rifle which bears his name, said on Saturday he was proud of developing the AK-47 but wishes he'd designed something to help people instead - like a lawnmower."

" 'I would have preferred to invent something which helps people and makes life easier for farmers. A lawnmower, for example,' the 82-year-old Russian general told Germany's Bild newspaper."

UN Proposing Mass Registration Of All Babies At Birth
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Nearly 50 million babies worldwide go unregistered every year, meaning in legal terms that they do not exist, says a report today."

"Tony Blair and other world leaders were urged to lead a campaign for universal registration to stop child trafficking and illegal adoption rings, and restore the rights of "invisible" children across the globe."

MI: Bill would make background checks more efficient
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Politically, the timing was suspect, but that doesn't diminish the value of a gun-safety bill steered through a House committee last week by U.S. Rep. John Dingell."

"New district lines engineered by Republicans have thrown the Dearborn Democrat -- dean of the Congress with 47 years of service -- into an Aug. 6 primary against Rep. Lynn Rivers, D-Ann Arbor. Gun control is an issue on which Rivers has attacked Dingell, a former board member of the National Rifle Association."

500 Expected to Compete in NRA National Police Championships
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"An expected 500-plus law enforcement and security officers from around the nation and the world will be making the trip to Jackson, Mississippi, in late September to participate in the NRA National Police Shooting Championship. The five-day tournament -- to be held at the Jackson Police Firing Range, September 23 to 27 -- is the 41st such contest sponsored by NRA."

Then What Are You? - Grassroots RKBA Activism at City Hall
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"On May 28th, seven VCDL members converged on Richmond City Hall to apprise the city council that the gun ban signs in city parks were illegal and had to come down. Those of us who were armed showed our permits to the deputies manning metal detectors at either door and were waved through without incident. However, ten minutes later I alone was inexplicably called out by a deputy and informed that no firearms were permitted at the council meeting."

Massachusetts "Guns for Criminals" Action Alert
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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NOTE: This is an anti-gun group's alert - as a general rule, they are wrong; do not assume that seeing an Action Alert in's Newslinks section means you should take that action!

"It is essential that all gun violence prevention advocates in Massachusetts call their State Senators to prevent House 5102, the 'Guns for Criminals' bill, from becoming law. The Senate Minority Leader is seeking to discharge the bill from the Senate Ways and Means Committee. If successfully discharged, the bill would move to the Senate floor, and move one step closer to becoming law."

Police State, American Style
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Please, don't say it!

"Puh-puh-puh-pleeeeeeease, just don't say it. Simply let us continue doing what we're doing, and everything will be all right. But if you say it, well, then, we can't be held responsible for what might happen. To you...."

KY: Guns inside the courtroom
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A new Kentucky law went into effect last week allowing prosecutors the right to carry concealed weapons into the courtroom."

"Although Sandy McLeod, the Assistant Attorney for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, hopes she would never have to use it, she's taking the necessary training required to carry a concealed weapon -- just in case she feels threatened by a defendant."

IN: Tipper Gore, Sarah Brady enlisted in Dingell-Rivers primary
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"U.S. Reps. John Dingell and Lynn Rivers, Democrats forced to face each other in next week's primary because of redistricting, each turned Monday to high-profile supporters for a campaign boost."

"Tipper Gore, wife of the former vice president, stumped for votes with Dingell, while gun-control advocate Sarah Brady voiced her support for Rivers. The appearances highlighted images and issues the candidates hope will resonate at the polls."

Heaven-or-hell argument ends with shotgun slaying - by corrections officer
Submitted by: George Kinslow

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"The man charged in the slaying is a corrections officer.".... but the anti crowd says that they are the only ones to be trusted with guns!!! Let's also not forget the safety violations, intoxication, improper muzzle control and "The shotgun went off, hitting".. no someone had a finger on the trigger..

2nd Amendment Meant for People to use Against Tyranny!
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Patrick Henry saw in the Constitution many loopholes, which horrified him. In 1787 he called it a 'crazy magazine' and vehemently opposed its adoption. He never let up till 1791, when the people's liberty became somewhat safeguarded by the Bill of Rights."

"Henry had fought in the long war to establish liberty and he did not intend to let this Constitution 'trample on your fallen liberty!' It granted power to the new government, but it held no safeguards for the liberty of the people."

Activists Protest Justice Department's Operation TIPS
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"More than two-dozen students and other 'social justice' activists gathered outside the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Justice Monday to protest the DOJ's plans to continue developing a program that allows private citizens to report suspicious activity."

NV: Activist urges neighbors to carry arms
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Chris Christoff is so upset about rising crime in his neighborhood he is distributing thousands of leaflets in the next two weeks urging residents of the troubled area west of the Stratosphere to arm themselves."

"But arming residents isn't the only solution for the area also known as Naked City, Christoff said."

AZ: Avondale dumps Glocks; tendency to jam
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Despite rave reviews from other Valley law enforcement agencies, the Avondale Police Department is dumping its arsenal of Glock handguns, saying they are prone to jams that could jeopardize officers or the public."

" 'It's a significant problem,' Police Chief Stephen MacKinnon said. 'It was a safety issue for the public.' "

Kennedy/Schumer: Gun Owners are Terrorists
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"According to a report filed by , Senators Kennedy and Schumer believe that American gun owners are terrorists."

Why Pilots Can't have Guns
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"This is one of those peculiar issues were the authorities - who claim to be reasonable - cling with desperate intensity to patent nonsense. We are treated to the sober claim that arming pilots or even a few pilots with mere pistols is 'too dangerous' to merit serious consideration. Conversely blowing an entire airliner out of the sky because it 'appears to be hijacked' or because it 'won't follow instructions' is prudent and contributes to 'safety'. "

Protecting or persecuting citizens?
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Washington 'will do everything conceivable, everything humanly and technologically possible, to preserve our way of life and our citizens,' says Tom Ridge, director of the Office of Homeland Security."

"Unfortunately, the administration seems ready to threaten our way of life in the name of protecting us."

Disarming Women
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Since 1968 Americans who face criminal attack have been advised to 'dial 911' and rely upon the emergency police response for protection. Indeed, according to a study of 911 calls, 'the public has built up extraordinary levels of expectation and reliance on the [911] system’s effectiveness.' "

" Meanwhile, a story in U. S. News & World Report magazine in 1996, headlined, “This is 911, please hold,” reported that “in recent years, many law enforcement executives have questioned the entire foundation on which 911 is built—the idea that police can stop crimes by responding rapidly to citizens’ ‘emergency’ calls.” "

Constitution Created The Racist Militia?
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"No, Reverend Jackson, we need a definition of the word militia."

"As we who are lovers of freedom and the 2nd Amendment know, the militia is 'the whole people' [George Mason]. And I don’t believe that I need to go on and on about how the 2nd Amendment is correctly defined [See Emerson ruling ]"

"But let’s parse the Rev. Jackson’s position for a moment:"

Afghanistan: Love for guns, mismanagement hamper anti-weapons drive
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Afghan government efforts to collect more than a million weapons and pieces of military equipment from ex-fighters are being hampered by fear, confusion, shortages of funds and a culture of gun loving."

Anti-gun politicians re-write their political past in light of pro-gun sentiments nationally
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A National Rifle Association spokesman says Maryland state Sen. Timothy Ferguson is misleading constituents with claims that he led the fight against landmark gun-control legislation."

FIJA pushes for passage of “Amendment A” in SD
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Chosen for its low population and the small number of petition signatures necessary to get an initiative on the ballot, Fully Informed Jury Association founder Larry Dodge was recently in Rapid City, SD, working to promote the passage of jury rights 'Amendment A.' Amendment A was named because it was the first proposed constitutional initiative to achieve ballot status for the November 5, 2002 general election."

MI: They'll Second That Amendment - "Michigan Democrats embrace gun rights."
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The antigun set went bonkers in Michigan a year ago when the courts stymied their efforts to gut a new law expanding gun rights. The Michigan Supreme Court threw out the gun-control advocates' ballot initiative, saying the issue couldn't be challenged with a referendum. Having failed there, the antigunners took aim with the only weapon left in their arsenal: inflated rhetoric. Relaxing gun restrictions, they warned, would bring Wild West-style shootouts, blood in the streets and a severe political backlash against Republicans and conservative judges."

"Dial forward to the present."

UK: Rising gun crime blamed on drugs
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Drug dealers and macho culture have been blamed by police for soaring gun crime across Derbyshire."

"And the number of violent crimes recorded by police have also rocketed by more than 50 per cent in the last 12 months."

"New police figures have revealed that the number of firearm related incidents in Derbyshire have risen by 60 per cent in 12 months."

"Officers believe this is due to criminals involved in the sale of illegal drugs increasingly resorting to arms."

"Ashcroft Misled Congress and the People on Legality of Checking Terrorist Gun Purchase Records"
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Attorney General John Ashcroft misled Congress and the American public when he repeatedly stated that the Justice Department was legally prohibited from checking gun purchase records in connection with the post-9/11 terrorism investigation to determine if potential terrorists had purchased firearms, a new General Accounting Office (GAO) report reveals."

Gun owner to be charged in accidental shooting
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The father of a Coconut Creek teenager who accidentally shot a friend will be charged with negligence for leaving his semiautomatic gun unlocked."

"George Matiska, 57, of 4410 NW 10th St., Coconut Creek, is expected to turn himself in to police today to be charged with culpable negligence, a third-degree felony."

"Matiska's 15-year-old son shot his friend in the face Friday night with Matiska's Jennings .380, which had been left unlocked in his bedroom closet."

'The weapon was readily available to the juvenile,' said Coconut Creek Police Detective Sgt. John Leonard. "Regardless of what values we teach our children, we still have to secure our weapons.'

How to mail a shotgun
Submitted by: John Byrne

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ORIGINAL TITLE: "Who is Evelyn supposed to believe?"

"To her credit, Evelyn Trefts didn't carry her shotgun into the Orcutt post office, slap it on the counter and ask for stamps. Nor did she vault the counter and declare her ZIP code a sovereign nation liberated in the name of senior citizens everywhere."

"Despite her frustration with the bureaucracy, the 78-year-old Orcutt woman tried her best to follow the rules."

"Evelyn knows that times have changed. People can't be too careful."

"So when Evelyn's son in Hawaii told her he wanted his late dad's shotgun and Evelyn decided that, at 43, Dawson finally was mature enough to have it, she tried to go strictly by the book."

The NRA poster boy
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Attorney General John Ashcroft's views are so extreme on gun control laws that he finds himself in the position of shielding gun-toting felons and illegal aliens. One would think such a stand would embarrass Ashcroft, who is supposedly in the midst of fighting terrorism inside our borders. Yet Ashcroft's zeal never wavers as he protects his favorite special interest, the gun lobby."

The spirit of truth and the spirit of freedom — they are the pillars of society. — HENRIK IBSEN (1877)

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