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NY: Bloomberg's Money, Visibility May Push Issues Onto 2008 Agenda
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg isn't likely to win the presidency as an independent, political experts say, but he may accomplish something almost as rare: putting his pet issues onto the national agenda. Amid speculation of a possible presidential bid, some of it encouraged by people close to him, Bloomberg has been using speeches around the nation to spotlight causes he says the established parties are playing down: stronger action on the environment; improving schools; gun control; a bigger role for government in promoting healthy lifestyles.

NY: Giuliani Questioned About Gun Control
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani, a strong proponent of gun control during his years as New York mayor, told a Southern audience Friday that he supports the constitutional right to bear arms. During a town-hall style meeting, Giuliani focused on combatting terrorism, cutting taxes and ending illegal immigration. Several in the audience of some 200 raised questions about issues at the forefront for some conservative Southerners: gun rights and embryonic stem-cell research. "It doesn't matter if I believe in it or not - and I do - it is the Second Amendment," Giuliani said. "I'm a strict constructionist. The Second Amendment says you have an individual right to bear arms."

Proposed OSHA Regulation Threatens Firearm and Ammunition Industry
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As written, the proposed rule would force the closure of nearly all ammunition manufacturers and force the cost of small arms ammunition to skyrocket beyond what the market could bear—essentially collapsing our industry. This is not an exaggeration. The cost to comply with the proposed rule for the ammunition industry, including manufacturer, wholesale distributors and retailers, will be massive and easily exceed $100 million. For example, ammunition and smokeless propellant manufacturers would have to shut down and evacuate a factory when a thunderstorm approached and customers would not be allowed within 50 feet of any ammunition (displayed or otherwise stored) without first being searched for matches or lighters.

Kuwait: The Power of self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The scary thing was that 777 (the emergency number) was not answering," she said. "After this incident, I thought of getting a pepper spray. But then I knew that it's illegal and requires a license in Kuwait," she added. "Why is pepper spray illegal even though it could protect many women in case they got attacked or harassed, while buying a fighting knife or a dagger is not?" she wondered.

So is she more prepared now?

AZ: Governor vetoes bill that might have benefited Kuenzli killer
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If Harold Fish is to be a free man again, his liberty might have to come through the appeals courts, rather than by a legislative fix.

A bill that would have possibly granted a new trial to the retired Phoenix schoolteacher -- who was convicted of the May 2004 murder of Grant Kuenzli -- was thwarted July 2, when Gov. Janet Napolitano vetoed Senate Bill 1166.

The legislation, proposed by Sen. Linda Gray, R-Glendale, would have made a self-defense statute passed April 24, 2006, retroactive to any cases that had not gone to jury on that date, which Fish's had not.

Four States Have Now Taken Steps To Strengthen Background Checks In Aftermath Of Virginia Tech
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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With Missouri and Maine taking steps this week to ensure that more mental health records be shared with the Federal National Instant Check System (NICS), four states have now taken action since the Virginia Tech tragedy April 16 to try to prevent dangerous individuals from purchasing firearms.

FL: Preventing gun deaths easy & cheap
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Gun safety is not as well known as people may think. Teens and young children are often victims of the misuse of weapons. Thursday, a Fort Myers teen was accidentally shot and killed by a friend. Lee County sheriff's sergeant Larry King says in order to reduce the amount of violence involving children and weapons, people must be trained and educated. He says gun owners will have to do more than unload their weapons to keep kids safe.

SAF's Alan Gottlieb On MSNBC
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Watch Alan Gottlieb duke it out with Paul Helmke about Missouri's recent passage of Stand Your Ground legislation. Of the three live interviews, we have video from two available online.

The first is available at

The second is available at

IL: Totin' at the Tower
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A woman visiting Chicago from Tennessee was arrested yesterday morning after attempting to visit the Skydeck of the Sears Tower with a loaded gun in her purse. When passing through the metal detector, it was discovered the she was packing a .38-caliber revolver. She was taken into police custody without incident, and there was no interruption of service for other visitors at the Tower.

Before we continue, we ought to point out that, provided you have a permit, carrying a loaded, concealed weapon in Tennessee is perfectly legal. The 56-year-old woman did in fact have said permit.

Congress shields gun traffickers
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Since 2003, Congress has done more to protect gun traffickers than the cities plagued by gunfire. The illegal gun trade continues under the protection of the Tiahrt amendment, named after the Kansas congressman who introduced it. The amendment prevents public release of federal gun data or sharing much of it with local police departments.

Backers of the amendment contend it is necessary to protect informants. Opponents suspect it was passed to block efforts, most notably by New York City, to trace guns used in crimes back to their sources outside New York and sue to stop the gun trades

NY: Top Gun Aims for Perfection
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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When veteran trap shooter Cliff Haaf is "in the zone," he doesn't miss. "A little luck can't hurt anybody," he said. "But when I'm in the zone everything feels right. I'm focused. After all, it is a game of perfection." Haaf, a member of the Pompey Rod and Gun Club, is one of Central New York's premier shooters and has the patches, trophies and championships to prove it. He'll be among the more than 700 shooters next week competing in the 146th annual Empire State trap shooting championships at the homegrounds of the New York State Amateur Trap Association in Cicero.

MO: Kinloch, MO police chief charged
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The police chief of Kinloch was named Thursday on a misdemeanor charge of granting a police commission to a person who was not qualified.

Chief Donald A. Hardy gave a badge and police identification card to James Chester, a man who had not completed the necessary training and certification to be a peace officer in Missouri, according to a statement from St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert P. McCulloch.

UK: Youths feel forced to carry knives
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“Now the kids of 14 carry knives because they are scared of being shot. The attitude is you have to be prepared to pull a knife on someone if they pull one on you. They won’t just have a straightener (fist fight) now.

Canada: July 2 is not our birthday
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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What stupid bureaucrat in Ottawa or at Queen’s Park has the right to change Canada’s birthday?

Can you imagine what would happen if any government official in the U.S. was to suggest changing Independence Day away from the fourth of July? Talk about your right to bear arms!

Lawyers, Guns and Money
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“My conclusion came as something of a surprise to me, and an unwelcome surprise,” Tribe said in a recent New York Times interview. “I have always supported as a matter of policy very comprehensive gun control.”
Froman says the fact that Tribe and others reversed their interpretation in recent years has had enormous influence. Indeed, the majority opinion in Parker, written by Judge Laurence H. Silberman ’61, referred specifically to Tribe’s revised conclusion.

NH: Marlow Gets Its First Presidential Visit
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When Richardson opened it up for questions, town moderator Richard Rock didn't opt for politely raising his hand. He stood up, shouted, "right here!" and fired off a question about gun control. "We're very keen on our gun rights," he said.

Richardson, who ranks high with the National Rifle Association, said he respects the second amendment, but there must be better, faster background checks and restriction on convicted criminals and the mentally ill. Satisfied, Rock sat down, remarking the governor was right in line with the NRA.

NY: Dutchess considers gun buy-back program
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Dutchess County legislators in the Public Safety Committee are asking the Sheriff’s Department to look into a possible gun buyback program similar to the one that Orange County currently has, with hopes of getting more guns off the street and reducing incidents. A resolution requesting that action Thursday passed unopposed in committee and with much praise from legislators.

Australia: Man held in guns raid
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A MAN, 48, was being questioned yesterday over the seizure of more than 310 firearms at a gun shop in Wagga Wagga.

Police said ammunition was also found in the raid, carried out as a result of inquiries by the local licensing police.

Ed.: I'm absolutely shocked, shocked, that there were guns in a gun store!

PA: Focus On Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Last week, District Attorney Lynne Abraham and Police Commissioner Sylvester Johnson announced the Philadelphia Gun Removal Program, in which adult residents can give cops permission to search their home for illegal handguns.

If a gun is found, no one will be charged - unless it can be connected to a crime. In 1995, St. Louis had a similar program to get guns out of juveniles' hands. Parents, grandparents or other guardians who know guns are in the house can get them out.

NY: Anti-gun Gov. Eliot Spitzer uses State Police surveillance to spy on Republican
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Gov. Spitzer targeted state Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno for an unprecedented State Police surveillance program that led to allegations Bruno improperly used a state helicopter for political purposes, an investigation by The Post has found.

No other state official, including Spitzer and Lt. Gov. David Paterson, was singled out for the type of detailed record-keeping the State Police maintained on Bruno, the state's most powerful Republican, official records show.

"This is like something you'd expect in a Third World country, where some dictator has his enemies followed to see how they could either do something to them or disgrace them.

"This is dangerous in a free country."

NY: Anti-gun Gov. Eliot Spitzer: Bruno retaliates with call for 'criminal' probe
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Furious state Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno yesterday accused Gov. Spitzer of ordering the State Police to track him for "political espionage" - and called for special grand juries to investigate the governor's possible "criminal liability."

"When the governor abuses his power, it not only works against his political enemies, it undermines the entire fabric of democracy," said Bruno. "His pattern of behavior over the years, his repeated physical threats to state officials and others, his complete and total disregard for the truth, and now his willingness to use the State Police for surveillance should send shivers up the spine of every New Yorker."

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"...Article VI - This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding..."

"...But it is not with a view to infractions of the Constitution only, that the independence of the judges may be an essential safeguard against the effects of occasional ill humors in the society. These sometimes extend no farther than to the injury of the private rights of particular classes of citizens, by unjust and partial laws..."

When the government's boot is on your throat, whether it is a left boot or a right boot is of no consequence. — GARY LLOYD

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