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Newslinks for 8/23/2001

Illegal wiretapping around the world.
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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Interesting website that deals with illegal wiretapping etc. and precautions that we can take.

In its annual review on human rights around the globe, the US State Department reports that while most countries have either Constitutional or legal protections of privacy, there are widespread abuses of privacy rights.
Gee, aren't you glad you live in the U.S. where the government respects the Constitution?

BB-guns now getting major negative airtime
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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"These type of pellets are in the air rifles and air guns of children across this entire city and entire county and they will kill," White said. "Parents ought to be looking at what their children are carrying, and look at what they are doing with these weapons," White said.
Next -- BB gun control.

Lawsuits aimed at gun industry advance despite key setback
Submitted by: skypod

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Backers of the anti-gun lawsuit movement, which is loosely fashioned after the successful legal attack on the tobacco industry, say the pro-gun lobby shouldn't go half-cocked by declaring victory just yet. More than half of the lawsuits — including actions brought by Boston, Atlanta and a dozen California communities — either survived motions to dismiss, await hearings or are in the discovery stage.

NH: New domestic violence law means police seizing more weapons
Submitted by: skypod

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NH Police are seizing and storing more guns today because of changes in laws and attitudes regarding domestic violence.

"When we serve protective orders to defendants, we'll have to make all efforts to seize the weapons ... this is a very important tool and we’re certainly in favor of laws regarding weapons seizure in domestic violence cases," says Lt. Anthony Colarusso.

Another Slanted Anti-.50 Caliber Article
Submitted by: skypod

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"Sniper rifles: the lethal - and legal - weapons of war" Op-Ed by Tom Diaz:

"Have you heard about the booming sale of .50-caliber sniper rifles on the civilian market? Consider what one writer had to say about these guns, capable of slicing through an inch of armor plate as if it were so much butter" -Tom Whines.

Does anyone think it a coincidence that suddenly the never-used-in-a-crime .50 caliber is making headlines now that Bob Stewart has regained his rights?

NM: Government agencies trying to subvert new CCW law
Submitted by: skypod

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At a public hearing last week, several speakers, including the bill's sponsor, Rep. Judy Vanderstar Russell, R-Rio Rancho, lambasted the proposed regulations. They said Public Safety bureaucrats were trying to sandbag the new law by making it too difficult and expensive to obtain a concealed-carry license.

Cleveland, OH: Attacks On Seniors Terrify Neighborhood
Submitted by: skypod

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Many people are worried about what they can do to protect themselves from being victimized in their own homes.

"(I'm taking) gun classes to do it the safe and responsible way," resident Olga Mary Petrovik said. "...I want to be able to competently be able to defend myself."

Lakewood police Chief Dan Clark said to "lock yourself in a room" and "call 911."

US v. Osborne: 5th Circuit Gun Rights Decision
Submitted by: freedomcrusader

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While we're all eagerly awaiting Emerson, the 5th circuit yesterday released a gun-rights related decision: US v. Osborne. Basically says that if your right to possess firearms was restored by a state BEFORE the same state passed a law prohibiting anyone with a prior conviction from owning a firearm, then you can still own a firearm.

Medium Rare: Civil infractions vs. constitutional rights
Submitted by: skypod

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"...there is more than one way to disarm the law-abiding public in violation of the constitutional protection of the second amendment to the U.S. Constitution ... The steady erosion of our God given rights, which the constitution and government are supposed to protect, continues apace." --Jim Rarey

Under the U.N. Gavel
Submitted by: skypod

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"We need to make it clear that we consider the court an illegitimate body, that the United States will never join it and that we will never accept its "jurisdiction" over any U.S. citizen or help to impose it on other countries." --Larry E. Craig

That Every Man Be Armed--A speech by Vin Suprynowicz
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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A speech delivered by Vin Suprynowicz in Edmonton, Alberta on August 15. Among other things, he addresses the old canard, "Does the Second Amendment mean citizens have a right to own atomic weapons?"

Good stuff, a must read.

Do KABA readers support DNA testing for ALL arrestees?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The two candidates for attorney general [in Virginia] jumped on the DNA testing bandwagon yesterday by proposing that people be tested before they are convicted of a crime."

"In the candidates' proposals, the DNA would be kept on file even if the person arrested is acquitted."

The Richmond-Times Dispatch doesn't think much of this idea:
"The problem today is not too much privacy, but too little."

Fresno city pursues truth from workers
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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The City of Fresno wants the truth from its workers, not the whitewash that some boss wants them to hear!!

"If the council takes the oath plunge, City Attorney Hilda Cantu Montoy said, it might be the only city in the United States to force its employees to swear to tell the truth when answering council questions."

KABA NOTE: This oath should be required in all departments, nationally, to protect the citizens from governmental fraud and abuse.

Of course, the departments that have an oath today don't respect it at all....

Robbery Foiled by Armed Citizen
Submitted by: John Rich

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A robber armed with a knife walked into a gas station in Greensboro, North Carolina. The robber's plan was foiled, however, when the clerk pulled out a gun, sending the
robber fleeing. Police reviewed security video tape, and later arrested the robber.

A grandma with a pistol in her purse
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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When Kate (not her real name) goes to a movie, she wonders what the people next to her would think if they knew she had a loaded gun in her purse.
"Most of my friends know that I carry a gun. I'll be with somebody, and they'll feel a little bit funny ... and they'll say, 'Do you have your...' and they won't say it. [They'll say] 'Do you have your protection?' And I'll say, yeah, and they'll go, 'Oh good.'

Rifles, muskets, long-bows and hand-grenades are inherently democratic weapons. A complex weapon makes the strong stronger, while a simple weapon — so long as there is no answer to it — gives claws to the weak. — George Orwell

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