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Fraternal Order of Police Letter to Senator Larry Craig
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FOP opposes Amendment 1516 which would get "cop killer" bullets "off the shelves."

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"The truth of the matter is that only one law enforcement officer has been killed by a round fired from a handgun which penetrated his soft body armor -- and in that single instance, it was the body armor that failed to provide the expected ballistic protection, not because the round was "armor piercing."

"It is our view that no expansion or revision of the current law is needed to protect law enforcement officers. To put it simply, this is not a genuine officer safety issue. If it were, Senator Kennedy would not be offering this amendment to a bill he strongly opposes and is working to defeat."

Frivolous suits hurt gun makers
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The U.S. Senate recently produced a miracle when it passed bill S.397. The bill, which passed last week by a 65-31 vote, provides the gun industry with protection against frivolous lawsuits."

"Of course, the loudest voices were from those opposed to this important bill."

"Why? For starters, the anti-gun/hunting lobby has a vested interest in making gun manufacturers responsible for crimes committed by thugs who use them to kill or maim others. For too many years, gun manufacturers have been at the pointed end of a legal barrel, all designed to bankrupt this industry."

Lee R. Shelton IV: The Real Protectors of Freedom
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"Our framers decided that the natural right of each individual to own weapons, and to form a militia with his neighbors, was the best guarantor of freedom. Further, there is no provision in the Constitution for a permanent, standing army--to the contrary, the framers considered a standing army a constant threat to liberty. That was the essence of the Second Amendment which recognizes the importance of the militia -- a reference to all able-bodied males who owned guns--and the right of Americans to keep and bear arms. In short, a well-armed citizenry is more important than any army when it comes to the defense of liberty. For proof of this, look no further than the terrorist attacks of 9/11. The most powerful military in the history of civilization was unable to prevent the hijacking of four commercial airliners. One or two guns on each of those planes, however, could have saved 3,000 lives. ..."

"Are you serious about protecting freedom? Do you want to do what you can for the preservation of liberty? Mr. Edmonds has some advice: 'Own a high-powered rifle, and know how to use it safely and responsibly. Educate yourself and your friends about the dangers of forcible government.'"

Michael E. Cook: Thank You, Gun Owners
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"Thanks to all the help from gun owners around America, the Senate passed S. 397 to protect the firearms industry. . . There was one anti-gun amendment attached which requires dealers to sell all handguns with a lock."

"This will come back to haunt us down the road I’m sure, if it is left in the bill by the House of Representatives. . .I see them passing something to require you and I to use the lock down the road, or if the weapon is stolen and there is no lock on it, you will be prosecuted."

"Well anyway, perhaps the firearms industry will be able to build and sell firearms without wasting time and money on frivolous law suits now. Wouldn’t that be nice for a change?"

U.S. Senate's Leading Voices on Gun Debate Join in Bi-Partisan Legislation to Promote Responsible Gun Ownership
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"As the nation's loss from gun violence escalates to more than $100 billion per year, according to some studies, leading U.S. Senators on both sides of the gun debate have joined to introduce the Child Protection and Home Safety Act of 2005. Sens. Orrin G. Hatch, R-UT, Charles E. Schumer, D-NY and Larry Craig, R-ID, a National Rifle Association (NRA) trustee, introduced the bill Friday. There has also been strong support of this bill by other influential congressional members such as Sens. Conrad Burns, R-MT, Blanche Lincoln, D-AR, and Gordon Smith, R-OR. ..."

Parker's opposition to DC remand/reaffirm motion (Blog)
Submitted by: TriggerFinger

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"The latest development in the Parker case: after the District filed it's motion to remand or reaffirm, the Parker attorneys filed their own response to that motion. This will most likely be their last opportunity to argue their way past the Seegars issue of standing; if the court intends to follow Seegars by dismissing the case for lack of standing, they will most likely do so here, rather than draw the matter out farther."

"The District still has their own response to file, so we'll see one more document before we have to wait for the judge to make a decision."

Property Rights Versus RKBA
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"We know from numerous workplace and school shootings that banning firearms from the workplace and schools has a cost that is measured in lives."

"On the other hand, aside from the anti-gun rights prejudice that we know exists in the leadership of many companies, executives are doubtless trying to avoid liability arising from any injurious use of a firearm. This may change if victims of workplace or school violence start holding responsible those executives and school officials who left them defenseless in the face of a lethal threat. No company policy should deprive any person of the natural right of self-defense."

Gun lobby wins big
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Here's what you need to know about the immunity from lawsuits that the Senate voted last week to give gun dealers and gun makers: Victims of the 'DC Sniper,' who recently settled a suit against the gun shop and manufacturer responsible for the rifle used in the deadly attacks, would have been barred from the courthouse if the Senate bill had become law before they settled."

"Sniper John Allen Muhammad's victims would have been booted out of court without collecting one dime from the gun dealership where 200 firearms, including the one used by Muhammad and his partner, disappeared without required records or buyer background checks. ..."

Brady: Gun Lobby Endangers Workers in its Push to Force Businesses to Allow Guns in the Workplace, Says Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Your co-worker is acting strangely again, and the NRA wants him to have his gun close by."

"It was only a matter of time. The National Rifle Association thinks every employer in America should be required by law to allow workers to bring guns into the workplace, and the group's leader announced this week it will work to get state laws passed to ensure it. It doesn't matter if there are day care centers in the office, or hazardous materials: Workers, the group says, should have a Constitutional right to be armed. And they've added a boycott campaign of one business that has argued in court in the state of Oklahoma that it should have the right to ban firearms from the workplace."

Of guns and Gods
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"Rifles and shotguns are not inherently evil, they just make it much easier to kill by removing the need for personal contact and considered reflection. ..."

"The comparison may seem like a stretch, but from where I sit, in the western foothills of North Carolina, the constitutional right to bear arms has achieved a status not unlike a tenet of one of the major monotheistic religions. And just as those who embrace gun culture must take some degree of responsibility for the body counts that accompany the prevalence of weapons in civil society, so must the faithful address the dangers that follow dogma."

WI: It's not only jobs and guns
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"On the issue of gun control, there is no proof that buying guns back from the street will make Milwaukee safer, and there is no evidence that allowing the carrying of concealed weapons will decrease crime."

"Both sides cite studies to support their positions. Unfortunately, there is a lack of science to back the studies since the results all coincidentally support the side of the people who fund the studies."

"For some reason, we have one of the most violent societies in the developed world, and gun-makers in the National Rifle Association are laughing all the way to the bank."

SC: Lancaster woman kidnapped at gunpoint
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" A Lancaster woman was kidnapped at gunpoint from her home by her ex-boyfriend Tuesday, police said." ...

"Lynn was seen kidnapping Linder McCollough by a 12-year-old boy, Blackmon said. The two used to live together and Lynn has a history of violence against McCollough, Blackmon said. Lynn is considered armed and dangerous."

"He was charged with aggravated criminal domestic violence against McCollough on July 24 and released from jail Saturday after posting bond, Blackmon said. McCollough had signed a restraining order against Lynn."

NC: Judge Denies Bond For Man Accused Of Killing Mother Of Four
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A judge denied bond Tuesday for a man accused of killing his estranged girlfriend.

Rocky Mount police say Anthony Wright waited for Belinda Davis to come home late Sunday night.

Officers say he rammed her car, broke her window and then stabbed her several times with either a kitchen knife or a screwdriver.

Davis had a restraining order against Wright. She was the mother of four and worked as a teacher's aide.

Wright's next court appearance is scheduled for Aug. 16.

IN: 14 Years Meted In Shooting Incident
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"A Mentone man involved in a shooting incident in January was sentenced Monday in Kosciusko Superior Court to 14 years in prison." ...

"On Jan. 5, Hale went to the home of his ex-girlfriend’s mother and threatened his ex-girlfriend, who had a restraining order against him."

"According to witnesses, Hale had been drinking when he entered the house and brandished the shotgun. Hale threatened three adults and two children inside the house before leaving."

Restraining orders can't prevent violence
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"A protection order filed against her killer did little to protect Carson City resident Shelly Hachenberger."

"Law enforcement could only act if Chris Rasmussen violated the order. When he did July 11 he was arrested. But Rasmussen put the $2,600 bail on his credit card and was out three hours later."

"On July 19, he violated it again, calling Hachenberger's work asking who she was dating. Deputies tried three times to arrest him that day but, although his cars were in his driveway and neighbors said he was home, Rasmussen didn't answer the door."

"The next morning, about 7 a.m., he blasted his way into Hachenberger's Hawaii Circle home and took the 40-year-old mother's life before taking his own."

MA: Former Northampton school chief pleads to gun charges
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"Former Northampton Superintendent Michael A. Cosgriff was sentenced to a year's probation Tuesday after he pleaded guilty to improperly storing his guns."

"With the case behind him, Cosgriff will now be able to start a new job heading the Lincoln Woodstock Cooperative School District in New Hampshire, his lawyer said."

"Cosgriff, 55, was arrested in June 2004 following a domestic incident at his Southampton home. When police went into his house, they found two rifles and a shotgun that were not locked up and did not have trigger locks -- a violation of state gun laws."

Australia: Man surrenders after gun siege
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"A MAN barricaded himself inside a Newcastle home with a gun for more than seven hours yesterday, NSW Police said today."

"Nobody was injured and the man was being questioned by Waratah Police after surrendering himself."

"The incident began about midday (AEST) yesterday when officers were called to a house in Cheryl Close, Elermore Vale, to investigate reports that a woman had been assaulted."

CO: Salazar hits mark on gun crime suits
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"Whatever you might say about Colorado Sen. Ken Salazar, he's not predictable. If there's a pattern in his votes, we haven't found it yet. Unless it's how a Democrat should vote in a preponderantly Republican state."

"Last week, he joined the Senate's Republican majority in voting for a bill that would prohibit most civil lawsuits against firearms manufacturers and sellers. Gun control advocates and their trial-lawyer allies were unhappy with his vote. They would like the gun industry held financially responsible when its products are used in certain crimes."

Australia: Gun group backs storage inspections
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"TASMANIA'S peak firearm body backed a police crackdown on gun storage, saying some gun owners were not complying with the laws."

"Tasmanian Firearm Owners Association vice-president John Green said he welcomed more random inspections of gun owners' safes, which would hopefully encourage more people to ensure their guns were locked away."

"Under the state's firearm laws, guns must be locked in a safe attached to a floor or wall."

IL: Governor signs bill with tougher sentences for gun violence
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"Convicted felons who are caught with guns could face long prison terms under a bill Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich signed today."

"The 'Armed Habitual Criminal' law takes effect immediately. Anyone with a record of violent crime--like murder, sexual assault or robbery--who is caught with a gun could face a prison sentence of six to 30 years."

MO: Carrier scares off assailants with gun
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"A veteran contract carrier for The Kansas City Star parked close to the store at 5th Street and Troost Avenue like always early today. It meant a quick trip back to the safety of his van."

"But one of his four attackers, the biggest guy, was too quick for the carrier to drive away."

"The assailant and perhaps others in his group rained punches on the 66-year-old carrier through his driver-side window. He used a gun to fend them off, firing three times."

"They never asked for money."

WA: Appeal rejected to block proposed gun range
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"The Skagit County commissioners Monday rejected an appeal aimed at blocking a proposed gun range on Lake Cavanaugh Road."

"Jack Cross, a leader of the citizen group opposed to the range, was there to hear the decision handed down. 'What a surprise,' he said sarcastically."

"The commissioners, who have publicly supported the gun range in the past, were not expected to support the appeal. But Citizens to Save Pilchuck Creek, the group that opposes the range, was required to take the challenge to the commissioners before the next step, most likely Snohomish County Superior Court."

VT: SWAT Raids Home After Man Shoots Alleged Invader
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"A police SWAT team raided an apartment house after shots were fired Tuesday afternoon."

"It happened on Grove Street in Burlington, near the Winooski River."

"Eyewitnesses said it all started when a man armed with a knife broke into the building and threatened one of the tenants."

"One woman -- who was inside the apartment at the time -- said the man refused to leave, so her ex-boyfriend shot him in self defense."

PA: Homicide Captain Takes Over New Bureau To Target Gun Violence
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"Fed up with the shootings and murders in the city, the Philadelphia Police Department has established a new bureau that targets gun violence. A respected, high-profile police officer has taken the reins."

"City statistics show that there were about 1,600 shootings and 206 murders so far this year and the police commissioner and the mayor have said that enough is enough."

Canada: Crackdown on illegal arms urged in Ontario
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"Ontario Progressive Conservative leader John Tory is calling on his political counterparts to join him in a crackdown on illegal guns and those who use them in response to this weekend's six shootings in Toronto, three of which were fatal."

"Mr. Tory said Monday that provincial and city leaders must come together to convince the federal government that stricter security at borders and tougher minimum sentences could be part of the solution."

PA: Gun Owners present $1,000 check to Eddie Eagle gun safe program
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"The Clarion Gun Owners presented a check for $1,000 to the Clarion County Sheriff’s Department in support of its National Rifle Association Eddie Eagle Program run by Clarion County Sheriff deputies Bev Voris and James Collins (as Eddie Eagle). Money was raised through a gun raffle. The Eddie Eagle initiative, in the past year, the program has taught gun safety to 1,200 students in kindergarten through third grades at almost all Clarion County schools. An accident prevention program restarted last year, children are taught four principles, to stop, don’t touch, leave the area, and tell adult, if they should find a gun. The program is approximately 45 minutes. Voris said the program has been very well received. ..."

WV: Byrd, Rockefeller back firearms makers in new gun legislation
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"Hauling gun makers and sellers into court for the criminal acts of people misusing their products is both "unfair and wrong," and could deny the nation's troops sidearms, say West Virginia's senators in backing a new bill to afford some shields against lawsuits."

"Sens. Robert C. Byrd and Jay Rockefeller, both D-W.Va., have joined some 60 of their colleagues in pushing a bill that bars some lawsuits against firearms manufacturers and dealers over crimes performed by third parties."

PA: Gun permit notices may be late
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"Gun owners in Bucks County would do well to check their permits — they may have expired."

"Sheriff Edward J. Donnelly said Monday that renewal notices have been mailed out late to some of Bucks County's 5,000 gun permit holders. Donnelly said the problem was caused by a computer breakdown."

"The sheriff said he believes that no more than a few dozen renewal notices went out late, but an official from a Lower Bucks gun club said he thinks the problem may be more widespread."

"Andrew E. Barniskis, legislative chairman for the Falls Township Rifle and Pistol Association, said he became aware of the late renewal notices more than a year ago and brought the problem to Donnelly's attention. Donnelly assured him the problem would be fixed, Barniskis said, but in June his own renewal notice failed to arrive on time."

MO: Georgetown teen wins national competition
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"Shooting is no longer a hobby for Nick Combs; it's a skill."

"Combs has recently made great strides with his marksmanship and is now a legitimate contender in national competitions." ...

"The 18 year-old Georgetown resident won the 2005 National 4-H Shooting Sports Invitational held June 28 to July 1 in Columbia."

UK: Dear Wendy exposes the US’s gun culture
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"Dear Wendy is a highly original, witty and dark satire on US political hypocrisy and gun culture. It brings together the formidable talents of director Thomas Vinterberg (Festen) and writer/director Lars Von Trier (Dogville)." ...

"The realism of the film is slightly unhinged. It has a slow start but the pace soon picks up, accompanied by a brilliant soundtrack from The Zombies. It’s a thought provoking and acerbic parable that taunts and exposes the defenders of gun culture in the US."

"It works on many levels and also skewers the hypocrisy of humanitarian intervention." ...

"As trigger-happy coppers stalk our streets, can there be a more timely drama in these dangerous and difficult times?"

MN: Churches and Conceal Carry in Minnesota
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"How does the right to carry a handgun and exercise the constitutional right to protect yourself and your family from harm infringe on the First Amendment above? In the hundreds of years leading up to present day men wore their side arms and had there rifles on occasion on their horses tied at post. Surely, it is not the Christian, Jew or other religious service attendee that will cause a disturbance at a place of worship." ...

"...Are the churches really suing over religious freedom or are they suing simply because they do not like guns? ..."

The right of the people to keep and bear arms has been recognized by the General Government; but the best security of that right after all is, the military spirit, that taste for martial exercises, which has always distinguished the free citizens of these States....Such men form the best barrier to the liberties of America — Gazette of the United States, October 14, 1789.

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