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Newslinks for 9/10/2010

Did New York gun owner who fired warning shots save lives?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "True, what he did was not 'by the book.' I can't say I know of any professional who teaches firing warning shots. But it worked and nobody was hurt."

"Except for George Grier and his family." ...

Veterans beware
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tennessee is known as the Volunteer State, and Knoxville has had its share of men and women go off to war for Flag and Country."

"Now we learn from Fort Smith Gun Rights Examiner Steve Jones of a veteran who has administratively lost his Second Amendment rights."

"This veteran, Wayne Irelan, was declared, with the stroke of a bureaucratic pen, a prohibited person. This means that Irelan may no longer own or possess a firearm, under Federal law."

"It gets worse. No one who lives in his home may own or possess a firearm there. So, by extension, his family members have become prohibited persons, thus denied the best tool to provide for their own defense against unlawful aggression." ...

Disturbing questions, public outcry in wake of fatal police shootings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Is the public outcry following fatal shootings by police in Seattle and Spokane Valley justified?"

"Because some disturbing questions have arisen in a couple of those cases, the answer is yes, and this column doesn’t take that position lightly. ..." ...

Brady Campaign Gets It Right on State's Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. In this case, The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence is right to label the various 'Firearms Freedom Acts' enacted by pro-gun states unconstitutional. The idea that a state can separate itself from federal firearms laws by producing and selling weapons in-state is patently ridiculous. You can no more quarantine guns on a state-by-state basis than you can avocados. Or marijuana. As Brady VP Denis Hennigan explains . . ." ...

3 Things You Shouldn’t Think About in A Gunfight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I ran into this post on Anything About Guns' Facebook page: 'Man threatens woman and her 5 year old son. Woman produces handgun and robber runs away. Of course, if you ask a gun grabber like Chuck Schumer or Hillary Clinton, they'd tell you the mother was putting her child at risk by having a gun. Somehow, we think the mother AND the robber would disagree…' At the time of writing, 3959 people Like This. Some 532 souls left comments, many of which are extremely aggressive . . ." ...

Gun Review: Wilson Combat X-TAC
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"High end luxury cars are still cars. They get you from point A to point B. Unless they don't. Rolls Royce used to call the problem 'failure to proceed.' Never mind. Their owners don't. They accept a certain level of mechanical 'quirkiness' in exchange for beauty and bragging rights. Top end firearms makers don't have that luxury. They can't put rarity or comfort ahead of reliability. While you and I might consider a Smith & Wesson 500 a novelty, plenty of owners use—and yes depend on—the weapon. Wilson Combat 'gets it.' The legendary gunmaker makes its living by combining battlefield-strength reliability with high end luxury. Call it functional luxury. Or X-TAC." ...

NRA Campaigns to Protect Corrupt Gun Dealers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Yet Borgelt is exactly the kind of gun dealer that the NRA is campaigning to further protect with its so-called 'Reform and Modernization Act' for the [ATF] (H.R. 2296 and S.R. 941). This legislation would gut commonsense gun laws and policies designed to close down corrupt gun dealers — the very dealers who supply guns to criminals– and further weaken the ATF's ability to fight gun crime."

"The NRA lobbyists have persuaded the Senate to hold a hearing on this bill Tuesday, September 14, and hopes to persuade the House to hold a hearing September 21. With all the challenges facing the country, and with only a few days left before Congress adjourns to campaign, spending time on this legislation is a bad idea ..." ...

Obama could help stop Mexico's bloodshed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "My opinion: I agree. Mexico has the primary responsibility for ending its drug violence. Unless it becomes serious about reforming its 2,200 — yes, you read right — corruption-ridden police forces to prevent them from protecting drug traffickers, Mexico’s drug cartels will always be ahead of the game."

"But President Barack Obama could help reduce Mexico’s bloodshed if he restored the expired U.S. ban on sales of assault weapons, as he promised to do during the campaign, or if he signed an existing inter-American drug convention known as CIFTA, which requires signatory countries to better track the end users of firearms sales." ...

H/t to David Codrea who labels passing a new AWB as 'crossing the Rubicon'.

Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "What it comes down to is tribal values that say, 'Our kind is special, and sacrosanct!' White guy shoots black guy in self-defense, and Al Sharpton holds rallies in the streets flashing the race card. Cop justifiably shoots Latin guy, and largely Latin crowds set fires in Los Angeles dumpsters. Black guy shoots white guy in self-defense, and the Caucasians don't pour into the streets and start throwing Perrier bottles, they engage lawyers to file an unmeritorious lawsuit. Different dance, maybe, but just as tribal…and just as ethnocentrically short-sighted." ...

TN: Barn burglar shot by armed property owner
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man who broke into a barn was reportedly shot in self defense by the property owner."

"Police say that a man's property ... had been burglarized several times this year, and that the burglaries had prompted him to install a motion detector in his barn. When the motion detector went off just before 11:00 PM, the man is said to have grabbed his handgun and gone to investigate. As he approached his barn, the intruder lunged at the property owner, prompting him to fire in self defense. After the intruder was struck by a bullet, he allegedly threw a knife to the ground, which the police later recovered. ... No injuries to the property owner were reported." ...

What qualifies as unacceptable for a major party nominee? (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'What qualifies as over the line? What qualifies as an unacceptable position for a major party nominee to hold in this year's elections?'"

"That quote comes from Rachel Maddow, framing the question very well during this segment on Sharron Angle's claim that folks may soon be resorting to 'Second Amendment remedies' if Congress continues on its current course. It's definitely worth a watch:"

"As Maddow points out, Angle has largely refused to disavow this position under subsequent questioning. Maddow asks: 'Is this considered a mainstream position now?'" ...

AZ: Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce Discusses Illegal Immigration, SB 1070, And Elections (Interview)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "What motivated you to enter politics, and inspired such passion on these issues?"

"Well, (he laughs) I don’t think anything motivated me to enter politics. I’ve been in law enforcement most of my life… I like putting the bad guys in jail. I’m very vigilant, always have been. I never intended to run for office … and I never expected to be the icon on these issues from coast to coast. But I did expect to be vigilant in the defense of freedom and liberty and the second amendment and God-given rights. I’ve been vigilant on these issues for years, but when you do certain things all of a sudden it becomes a national story, a national issue." ...

NY: Three-way Battle in Primary for State Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Senator Dale M. Volker’s announcement in April that he would not seek re-election this fall led to intense media speculation and some intra-party squabbling over who should succeed him. Now the fervor has calmed somewhat, and there are four contenders left in the ring: Republicans James Domagalski, David DiPietro and Patrick Gallivan, and Democrat Cynthia Appleton. Which Republican will be his party’s candidate will be decided in the primary election on Tues., Sept. 14." ...

"In their public statements and promotional materials, each of the three Republicans has cast himself as a reform candidate. ... Each has also indicated that he will work to protect Second Amendment rights. ..." ...

NRA Supports BATF Firearms Modernization Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Tuesday, September 14, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on reforming current regulation of commerce in firearms–especially in the area of dealer licensing and oversight–by the [ATF]."

"The hearing will focus on S. 941, the '[ATF] Reform and Firearms Modernization Act' sponsored by Senators Mike Crapo (R-ID) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT). Congressmen Steve King (R-IA) and Zack Space (D-OH) have introduced a companion bill — H.R. 2296 — in the U.S. House and it has 240 cosponsors. The bills would roll back unnecessary restrictions, correct errors, and codify longstanding congressional policies in the firearms arena. These bipartisan bills are a vital step to modernize and improve BATFE operations." ...

Senate Hearing Tues, Sept. 14: Urge Your U.S. Senators to Cosponsor Important Pro-Gun Reform Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"S. 941, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) Reform and Firearms Modernization Act, represents NRA-ILA's latest effort to pass legislation that will make it easier for lawful gun owners and dealers to comply with federal law and regulations, while ensuring that those who break the law are punished accordingly. This bipartisan bill also serves as a vital step toward modernizing and improving BATFE's overall operations. The bill would roll back unnecessary restrictions, correct errors, and codify longstanding congressional policies in the firearms arena." ...

Court allows warrantless cell location tracking
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The FBI and other police agencies don't need a search warrant to track the locations of Americans' cell phones, a federal appeals court ruled on Tuesday in a precedent-setting decision."

"In the first decision of its kind, a Philadelphia appeals court agreed with the Obama administration that no search warrant--signed by a judge based on a belief that there was probable cause to suspect criminal activity--was necessary for police to obtain logs showing where a cell phone user had traveled." ...

H/t to David Codrea who points out: "Life sure will be a lot simpler once we get those implants."

Random Pat-Downs Turn PATCO Into Police State
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Commuters who ride PATCO trains between southern New Jersey and Philadelphia should expect random searches of their clothing, pockets, bags and vehicles on their morning trip to work."

"Twelve Transportation Security Administration screeners, armed with an explosive-sniffing K-9, checked 663 commuter bags randomly selected from the morning rush at the Lindenwold station Tuesday." ...

WI: Ex-officer sentenced after FBI sting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A state drug agent and former Milwaukee police officer was sentenced Thursday to six months of house arrest for taking $1,100 in an FBI sting set up to nab corrupt law enforcement."

"Johnny Santiago, 51, of Pewaukee was arrested and charged in March after he was seen on camera taking money that was found by him and Milwaukee police officers during a drug investigation."

"Santiago, a 32-year veteran of law enforcement, was working as a drug agent for the state Department of Justice at the time. He has since resigned." ...

NE: Former police officer sentenced for sex with minor (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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In July a jury found him guilty of having sex with an underage girl. Friday the former Nebraska police officer is sentenced to 30–to–60 years in prison.

Larry Williams was sentenced Friday in Buffalo County District Court for first–degree sexual assault of a child and five counts of first–degree sexual assault.

Prosecutors said Williams was sexually involved with the girl between 2001 and 2003 beginning when she was only 14 years old.

Williams was a Ravenna police officer at the time.

He resigned from the department in 2005. Two previous trials ended in hung juries.

Williams' attorney said Williams is asking for a new trial, alleging among other reasons that the jury's verdict wasn't

MD: Off-duty officer charged with assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An off-duty Prince George's County police officer was charged with first- and second-degree assault for allegedly threatening a man with a handgun outside a bar..."

"Nathaniel Daniels III, 34, of Odenton, an eight-year veteran of the county police force, is charged in the incident, which occurred shortly after 1 a.m. Saturday ..."

"... officers went to the bar for a report of a fight."

"... Daniels told the officers he was an off-duty Prince George's police officer. Anne Arundel officers disarmed and handcuffed him ..."

"The alleged victim, a 33-year-old tow truck driver, told investigating officers that Daniels had pointed a handgun at him and shoved it in his face while forcing him into his tow truck ..." ...

ME: State trooper given administrative leave
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A longtime Maine State Police trooper is on administrative leave while the Attorney General's Office investigates an accusation that he compelled a woman to have sex with him while he was on duty, police sources say."

"The trooper says the sex was consensual, which would violate the department's rules but not necessarily the law, the sources say." ...

"According to sources, the incident occurred in July as the trooper was taking the woman from York County to a homeless shelter in Portland. ..."

"The woman later contacted Portland police and made a complaint. Officers there referred the case to state authorities after determining that the alleged incident happened outside the city's jurisdiction." ...

FL: Walton County: Former Law Enforcement Officer Arrested
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "According to the arrest affidavit, Greg Chapman punched his live-in girlfriend yesterday."

"He was arrested and booked into the Walton County Jail. While most people would spend the night in jail, Chapman was rushed through the system in about 3-hours." ...

"Authorities say Chapman received different treatment because he's a former law enforcement officer."

"'There are safety concerns whenever a former law enforcement officer is arrested. ...' says Captain Shepard Bruner of the Walton County Sheriff's Office."

"We couldn't even get a mug shot of Greg Chapman because of the state statute that protects the privacy of former or current law enforcement officers."

PA: Police Taser Man Trying to Save Pets in Fire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police in Pennsylvania tasered a man who was trying to save his own pets from a fire. The police said that they warned Damon Baker three times and then shot him with a taser when he insisted on using a hose on the house before the fire department arrived."

"Baker's wife is pregnant with triplets and Damon helped her and two children get out of the house. He then used his garden hose to control the flames on the side of the house. He was trying to protect 11 Ball Pythons that escaped from their cage and were loose inside the burning home. Only five snakes survived."

"Baker will not be charged." ...

NJ: U.S. Intervention Sought for Newark Police Abuses
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Excessive force, false arrests and other abuses by the Newark police are so rampant that the federal government should investigate and appoint a monitor to oversee the department, a civil liberties group charges in a petition it plans to file on Thursday."

"Citing hundreds of claims of police misconduct, and the millions of dollars paid to settle some of them, the [ACLU] of New Jersey called on the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department to step in, as it has in overseeing the conduct of several other police agencies across the country. The complaint documents abuses by officers against not only civilians but also their fellow officers, and a culture of impunity, with few of the officers ever being punished." ...

FL: Miami-Dade cop Frank Adams: Colleagues lie
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Miami-Dade Police officer Frank Adams calls it the 'Rodney King beatdown.' When the burly, soft-spoken 15-year department veteran watched four fellow cops kick, choke, and punch an unarmed subject eight years ago, he says, it was every bit as vicious as the infamous Los Angeles incident. The only difference: There wasn't a video camera to catch it." ...

"But what really floored Adams is the way Officer Gregorio Perez, who wrote the report, spun the incident. Five-foot-nine-inch Gaines was described as an incredibly powerful aggressor. He had allegedly lifted one officer onto his shoulder, climbed a set of stairs, and hurled the cop to the ground. ..."

"It's a lie, Adams says. He claims Gaines never resisted ..." ...

OH: Akron police angry about pact that saves jobs but forces concessions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Akron police aren't happy."

"As officers were briefed Wednesday on the details of a proposed labor agreement reached late Tuesday, Fraternal Order of Police leaders say the mood ranged from anger to hatred." ...

"'If I had to summarize, I'd just say it's a lot of hatred and and a lot of anger,' [FOP president] Hlynsky said."

"Hlynsky said he plans to vote for the proposal. It includes:"

"-- No-layoff language through June 2011.

-- Forfeiting of three paid holidays and 14 hours of pay through furloughs in 2010.

-- Forgoing a $300 fitness payment in 2011.

-- Deferring longevity bonus payments until 2012.

-- Reducing uniform allowances in 2011 from $1,225 to $1,025." ...

H/t to David Codrea who has some rather pungent commentary to offer.

NC: Sheriffs want lists of patients using painkillers
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Sheriffs in North Carolina want access to state computer records identifying anyone with prescriptions for powerful painkillers and other controlled substances."

"The state sheriff's association pushed the idea Tuesday, saying the move would help them make drug arrests and curb a growing problem of prescription drug abuse. But patient advocates say opening up people's medicine cabinets to law enforcement would deal a devastating blow to privacy rights."

"Allowing sheriffs' offices and other law enforcement officials to use the state's computerized list would vastly widen the circle of people with access to information on prescriptions written for millions of people. As it stands now, doctors and pharmacists are the main users." ...

PA: Police Officer Accused Of Stealing $22K
Submitted by: jac

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A police officer in Franklin County is accused of stealing thousands of dollars.

The state's attorney general office charged Derek Matthew Lange with theft. He was injured on the job in 2009 while working as a police officer for Waynesboro.

He was suppose to sign over workers compensation checks to the borough while the borough would continue to pay him his regular salary, investigators said

Investigators said Lange deposited about 15 of the workers comp checks, worth $22,000, into his personal bank account.

RI: RI cop gets 40 years for rape at substation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A police officer in Rhode Island who raped a woman inside an empty police substation has been sentenced to 40 years in prison.

Marcus Huffman was sentenced in Providence Superior Court on Wednesday for the March 2007 rape of a woman he picked up outside a Providence nightclub. Prosecutors say the woman was drunk, and Huffman drove her to a nearby substation and raped her.

The woman then walked to her aunt's house. Huffman was one of several officers who responded after the emergency police dispatcher was called.

His lawyer had argued during the trial that any sexual contact was consensual, but jurors rejected that argument. Huffman was convicted in April.

NC: Sheriffs Want Access to Prescription Database (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"North Carolina sheriffs want access to state computer records that identify people with prescriptions for certain drugs, an idea that patient advocates oppose."

"The state sheriff's association proposed the idea Tuesday to a legislative health care committee, The News & Observer of Raleigh reported. The sheriffs said they want access to state computer records identifying anyone with prescriptions for powerful painkillers and other controlled substances."

"'We can better go after those who are abusing the system,' said Lee County Sheriff Tracy Carter."

"More people in their counties die of accidental overdoses than from homicides, the sheriffs said." ...

MI: Open-carry a nonissue at AB E; Plymouth should hope for same
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Officials in Royal Oak are breathing easier this week after the open carrying of firearms during the city's Ford Arts, Beats & Eats festival turned out to be, in the words of the police chief, 'a non-issue.'"

"I'll try to avoid any cheap dodging-the-bullet metaphors here."

"AB&E ... were the focus last month of an effort by open-carry advocates to make a statement about their right to walk around in public, without a special permit, wearing a holstered pistol. ..."

"The open-carry right was apparently not widely understood ... until activists descended on Royal Oak and pressured the council there to repeal its no-guns-at-the-festival rule." ...

Submitter's Note: Actually the "activists" "pressured" the council to obey Michigan state law.

NC: 'Open carry' worthy of a good discussion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This letter is in response to Eddie C. Quinn’s Aug. 27 letter headlined, 'Jacksonville response didn't answer questions.'"

"The way I always understood the law, open carry is legal. You may not carry on school or government grounds or parks. Many other places may not allow 'open carry.'"

"I feel if he feels the need to openly carry a firearm, he should do so. In the process, he would draw attention to himself while making others around him uncomfortable. Some may even wonder about his state of mind; I know I would."

"If more people started to open carry, I suspect people would get used to it. I also think people with anger or aggression issues may keep it to themselves in the presence of a person that carries openly. ..." ...

Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins ... Society is in every state a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one. — THOMAS PAINE

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