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Newslinks for 9/11/2004

Allied Pilots Association, Coalition of Airline Pilots Associations Release Aviation Security Report Card
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Allied Pilots Association (APA), collective bargaining agent for the 13,500 pilots of American Airlines (NYSE:AMR), and the Coalition of Airline Pilots Associations have published their most recent Aviation Security Report Card containing a detailed critique of the state of aviation security in the U.S. three years after the 9/11 attacks." ...

"The Report Card assessed various aspects of aviation security such as:"

-- Perimeter security, which earned a grade of "D" due to inconsistencies in perimeter security at the nation's airports.

-- Screening of people, bags and cargo earned various marginal and failing grades.

-- Credentialing scored an "F." Effective airport security requires proper credentialing for anyone with access to the cockpit.

-- The Federal Air Marshal program received a "C," but the Report Card noted this grade is in danger of dropping further due to funding cuts and a hiring freeze.

-- Self-defense training for crewmembers scored an "F," while academic training -- imparting lessons learned -- received a "C."

-- Threat intelligence garnered a "D." The Transportation Security Administration does not mandate that Security Directives, Information Circulars, reports of suspicious activity, and other pertinent items be provided to crewmembers.

-- Missile defense was given an "F." Surface-to-air missiles are a proven threat to commercial airport, yet commercial aircraft in the U.S. are not equipped with any countermeasure equipment.

-- Reinforced cockpit doors garnered a grade of "B."

-- The Federal Flight Deck Officer program, which authorizes trained pilots to carry firearms as a critical last line of defense, earned a "D."

The Money Behind the Assault Weapons Debate
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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WASHINGTON - September 10 - "On Monday, the federal ban on the sale of certain types of military-style firearms, otherwise known as assault weapons, will expire. The debate over whether Congress ought to renew the assault weapons ban or let it lapse has sparked a furious lobbying campaign by gun rights and gun control groups, which have battled each other for years on gun ownership issues."

"In advance of Monday's deadline, the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics has updated its Web-based profile of the money behind the debate over gun control: "

"The profile includes an analysis of:" ...

AK: Lawmen expect little change on the street [from sunset of gun ban]
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police chiefs In Kenai, Wasilla, Fairbanks and North Pole expressed no concern about the likely lifting of the nationwide ban on certain military-style firearms, while the Anchorage police chief predicted deadlier weapons will now find their way into more criminals' hands." ...

"Gun-control opponents say there's no proof the law has affected the decline in gun-related violence. They say the law is useless and should be allowed to die."

"North Pole Police Chief Paul Lindhag said criminals possess the banned weapons anyway."

" 'If they're going to go out and commit murder or rob someone, do you think they're going to worry about a weapons violation?' he said." ...

"Kenai Police Chief Chuck Kopp added that the history of violent assault in Alaska shows no weapon is preferred over another." ...

" 'If someone is going to harm somebody, the weapon of choice is whatever is available at the time,' he said."

"Wasilla Police Chief Don Savage said the ban doesn't change the overall number of weapons on the streets."

" 'Alaskans are well armed anyway, whether they have assault weapons or not,' he said." ...

"Fairbanks Police Director Paul Harris said 'outlaws have always had outlaw weapons.' " ...

Sen. Feinstein: "This is the darkest time for me in my Senate career."
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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... "After 10 years, the federal ban expires Monday because for a majority of politicians, the issue is too hot to touch no matter what the public thinks."

"No one is more agonized about this than California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the Democrat who sponsored the legislation in 1993 and for whom it had become a signature issue."

" 'This is the darkest time for me in my Senate career,' she said in an interview last week. 'I really believe people are safer because of the ban. I really believe the number of weapons on the street has diminished.' " ...

CLUE: What you "believe" doesn't really matter, DiFi. Facts matter. And the facts prove this unconstitutional law has not reduced crime. So get over it. You lose.

Sen. Feinstein: "Gun Profits for Votes: It's Enough to Make You Sick"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Gun Profits for Votes: It's Enough to Make You Sick
By Dianne Feinstein
Los Angeles Times

... "Presidents Clinton, Carter, Ford and Reagan, and even George W. Bush, have all expressed support for renewing the ban. But three days from today, none of this support will matter. The assault weapons ban will be history, one more victim of the powerful, selfish NRA and its brutal lobbying tactics. Because the president has steadfastly refused to put his money where his mouth is and help us renew the ban, it is going to expire without so much as even a vote in the House."

"We have cried out in vain. There has been no response from the White House. ... This is truly a dark day." ...

Sniff sniff.

Kerry Links Assault Weapons to Terrorism
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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ST. LOUIS (AP) - "John Kerry linked U.S. assault weapon sales to worries about terrorism Friday and said President Bush was bowing to the National Rifle Association by not pushing to keep alive an expiring ban."

"If Bush is serious about fighting terrorism, the Democratic presidential candidate said, he would extend the 10-year ban on sales of 19 kinds of semiautomatic assault weapons, due to expire on Monday."

" 'In the al-Qaida manual on terror, they were telling people to go out and buy assault weapons, to come to America and buy assault weapons,' Kerry said." ...

Yep. Machineguns are plentiful in the Middle East -- an full-auto AK-47 for a chicken in Afghanistan, for example -- but these jihad freaks are going to come spend a lot more for semi-autos over here in the states. You know this is true because John Kerry says so.

"The gun that killed my wife"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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... " 'It'll be a sad day,' [Steve] Sposato said in a phone interview as he looked toward Monday. 'What restored my faith in this country only a year after my wife's death was to stand behind President Clinton as he signed the bill outlawing the gun that killed my wife.' " ...

1) If your wife had been run over by a car, would you support a federal ban on that kind of car? And would you refer to that automobile as "the car that killed my wife"?

2) If your wife had been stabbed to death, would you support a federal ban on the type of blade used? And would you refer to that weapon as "the knife that killed my wife"?

3) If your wife had been pitchforked to death, would you support a federal ban on pitchforks? And would you refer to that farm tool as "the pitchfork that killed my wife"?
If the answer to any of these questions is "no", you're as arrogantly inauthentic as you appear to the outside observer and are advised to seek professional psychological counseling.

OK: Police Chief says Assault Weapons "Primary Purpose is to Kill Police Officers"
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Critics say legalizing semi-automatic assault weapons will guarantee more gruesome scenes like a 1997 California shoot-out between police and bank robbery suspects. Several police were wounded in the exchange of gunfire. The disturbing pictures hit very close to home."

" 'Assault rifles' it seems anymore, the primary purpose is to kill police officers," says Tulsa Police Chief Dave Been, who says guns almost always end up in the wrong hands."

" 'There is absolutely no sporting benefit, other than the love of guns or of that type of firearm that overrides the danger to the public.' " ...


The website for the Tulsa Police Department says: "The Tulsa Police Department is actively seeking public feedback."

Email Tulsa Police Chief Dave Been:

Be sure to copy their general emailbox, too:

"The cornerstone of the US gun-control movement"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Despite widespread support across America, the US law barring semi-automatic assault weapons from being sold is set to expire on Monday, opening the way for gun manufacturers to resume marketing rifles and handguns that have been banned for 10 years."

"The move overturns the cornerstone of the US gun-control movement, the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban which was signed by President Bill Clinton, allowing gun makers to resume selling 19 kinds of weapon previously banned." ...

ACTUALLY... the "cornerstone of the gun control movement" is the 1934 National Firearms Act. That law plus the severely-flawed Supreme Court ruling that resulted from it have been used to do hundreds of times more damage than the 1994 law could ever hope to achieve. But gun banners in the media don't need to know that to get ink, of course. Their editors are often as ignorant as they are.

Assault weapons ban ends quietly
Submitted by: medicdave

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"WASHINGTON -- With a 10-year ban on assault weapons due to expire Monday, Congress is about to allow a remarkable reversal: once demonized semiautomatic weapons will again be sold to the public."

"John Kerry, the Democratic presidential opponent, voted this year to extend the ban, but the Massachusetts senator often talks about how he enjoys hunting and supports the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms."

"Sen. Larry E. Craig said this year during Senate debate: 'Some people say, 'Oh, you have to stop this because this is the weapon of choice of criminals and they are using it all the time.' That simply is not true.' "

"Our sense is that when we wake up on the morning of the 14th, there is not going to be any monumental change..."

'Friends' prove loyalty to death merchants
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Well, the national gun lobby has done it again. After the U. S. Supreme Court crowned George Bush, members of the National Rifle Association crowed that 'now we have a real friend in the White House.' In the four years since, the Republican-controlled Congress and the man who occupies the Oval Office have proven how truly friendly they are to those who manufacture and sell -- cheaply -- death." ...

NOTE: The writer of this trash has her email address at the bottom of the editorial. But from the look of it, reason and logic are of no interest to her.

"In politics of assault weapons, majority doesn't rule"
Submitted by: medicdave

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" 'Four presidents helped pass the assault weapons ban,' says the ad, placed by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and the Million Mom March. 'One president is blocking its renewal.' "

"These are powerful weapons that have no legitimate place in the hands of the public. Made for combat, they're not guns necessary for hunting or self-defense. The law actually protects 670 shotguns and rifles used for hunting, according to California Senator Dianne Feinstein, an original sponsor of the law. And while assault rifles may be fun for target shooting, that's hardly justification to make such lethal weaponry available to any 18-year-old who goes to a gun store." ...

Two words: sore losers.

Besides, a majority isn't supposed to be able to ban the Bill of Rights anyway. That's the whole point of a BOR in the first place.

Kerry Tells Bush to 'Get Real' on Assault Weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Democratic candidate John Kerry on Friday said President Bush's failure to fight for a renewal of a ban on assault weapons will make it easier for terrorists to get the lethal weapons."

"Campaigning in Missouri, where he trails Bush in opinion polls less than two months before the Nov. 2 election, Kerry said as a hunter and outdoorsman he vowed he would never try to change the Second Amendment to the Constitution giving Americans the right to bear arms." ...

"Under a 10-year ban enacted in 1994, weapons such as AK-47s, TEC-9s, and Uzis were outlawed, as were high capacity ammunition magazines holding more than 10 rounds. ..." ...

Poster's Note: Those are normal capacity magazines.

Assault weapons ban needs to continue [Letter from Minnetonka, MN Police Chief]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Sept. 13, the assault weapons ban of 1994 will expire unless congress acts to re-authorize it. Over the past decade law enforcement officials from all over the United States have made significant progress in reducing the violent crime rate. The ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines has been a crucial component of that crime fighting strategy. A failure to re-authorize this ban will be a step backwards for law enforcement and for public safety." ...

That's funny, no unbiased group has found that the ban had any discernable effect at all! So police chiefs are allowed to publish already-disproved opinion as fact in attempt to rid us of our Second Amendment rights -- with total impunity.

Federal Assault Weapons Ban to Expire in Four Days Unless President & Congress Act
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Consumer and anti-violence organizations today joined law enforcement groups to call on President Bush and Congress to act to reauthorize the federal Assault Weapons Ban law, which is set to expire midnight September 13th. 'After 10 years we are now faced with the reality that these weapons of war, which place our communities and law enforcement in danger, will have no restrictions,' said Andy Pelosi, executive director of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence."

" 'Military-style assault weapons are preferred by criminal gangs, drug dealers and individuals intent on mass murder. That’s why law enforcement, who put their lives on the line each day, want assault weapons off our streets.' " ...

The New Standard in Gun Prohibitionist Rants: Long on Emotion and Opinion, Short on Facts and Reason.

Expiration of Gun Ban Prompts Misleading TV Report and Ad (follow-up)
Submitted by: medicdave

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"Gun control advocates and some media outlets are misleading the public into thinking that fully automatic weapons will hit the streets on Monday, when the so-called 'assault weapons ban' expires, Second Amendment supporters say."

"The Second Amendment Foundation is blasting ABC News for 'distorting the facts' in a report that aired on Wednesday evening, Sept. 8."

"The segment opened with footage of a 1997 North Hollywood bank robbery, in which the robbers fired fully automatic weapons. The report by ABC News Correspondent Bill Redeker suggested that such firearms would be legal when the assault weapons ban expires at midnight on Sept. 13." ...

NC: Store owner kills armed robber
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- "Two men tried to rob a Charlotte convenience store Thursday night, but the owner of the store fought back and fatally shot the suspect who shot at him."

" 'I'm thankful to be alive, but unfortunately a life was taken,' said Ambrose Nwosu, who owns Snookie’s on Nations Ford Road."

"Nwosu said the attempted robbery happened 10 minutes before closing time. One of the suspects, 27-year-old Wilbert Bernard McCauley, pulled out a gun and told Nwosu that it was a robbery."

"Nwosu refused to be a victim, though. He got into a physical struggle with McCauley, falling into shelves of chips and candy. While the second suspect fled, McCauley started shooting at Nwosu."

"He missed. Nwosu did not." ...

VA: Judge refuses increased sentencing of medical marijuana grower over gun possession
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A federal judge says he would prefer that a former nurse receive probation instead of an active prison sentence for distributing marijuana from his Charlottesville home."

"But Judge James Michael Junior was bound by congressional guidelines, and sentenced Daniel Comarovschi yesterday to the minimum amount of time he could: two years behind bars."

"The former nurse admitted to growing the illegal plant in his basement and selling it to friends and other acquaintances who suffered from cancer and multiple sclerosis." ...

"Prosecutors wanted Comarovschi to serve more time because they found guns in his home."

"But Judge Michael refused, saying he owns 16 guns himself. He called gun possession is a cultural phenomenon in Virginia."

Is your child on his list?
Submitted by: SaveOurGuns

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Is your child on his list?

What will you do to stop him?

Say It Loud: I'm Communist and I'm Proud
Submitted by: Tomahawk

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"Look, you are either 100% dedicated totally and completely to freedom or you are not. There is no in-between...Personally, I have an aversion to guns. Regardless of whether I want to own a gun or not, I certainly do not want the government to make any laws or restrictions on who can and cannot have one if they so choose." ...

D.C. Schools Faulted On Tracking Crime
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The District's school system does not keep adequate records on crimes and other serious incidents that occur on school grounds, according to a report by the city's inspector general." ...

"Despite those [record-keeping] requirements, an audit by the inspector general's office concluded that the schools lack a comprehensive system to record and track incidents from the time they occur to the completion of investigations by police and school security officers. In addition, the reporting of serious incidents is hampered by school security policies that are inconsistent or unclear, according to the audit." ...

NH: Robbing banks only requires a NOTE in the "Live Free or Die" state
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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MANCHESTER, N.H. -- Police are investigating a bank robbery at the Mall of New Hampshire.

Authorities said a white man in his 30s with short brown hair handed a Citizens Bank teller a note indicating he had a gun just after 1 p.m. Friday. He got away with an undisclosed amount of cash.

The suspect is about 6 feet tall and was wearing a dark blue jacket with a yellow stripe down the sleeve.

In fairness to real bank robbers, this really shouldn't be called bank robbery. It should be called "Bank Handouts to People Capable of Writing Notes and Handing Them to Tellers."

Film Festival Touts Conservative Politics
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A new film festival promises plenty of election-year intrigue..."

"But don't expect any liberals at the American Film Renaissance, a conservative-style film festival where 'Michael Moore Hates America' will make its world premiere on Sunday." ...

"The Hubbards bill the three-day Dallas event, which was set to begin Friday, as a first-of-its-kind showcase of conservative films." ...

" 'It's about time,' said Los Angeles radio talk-show host Larry Elder, a libertarian ... Elder's film 'Michael & Me' will debut, challenging the gun control advocacy seen in the 2002 documentary "Bowling for Columbine," which won Moore an Academy Award." ...

School Attackers Exploit Russia Corruption
Submitted by: medicdave

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MOSCOW (AP) -- "The heavily armed militants behind a deadly school raid in southern Russia passed through a region dotted by checkpoints whose chief purpose is to keep violence from spreading outside the breakaway Chechnya region."

"How did they manage? To many people here, suspicion falls on police corruption that could be crippling Russian attempts to fight terrorists."

"The school hostage-taking in Beslan and other recent terror attacks illustrate how bribe-taking - particularly in the police and military - provide an opening to terrorists by helping them arm themselves and move around."

These are the very same officials for whom Rosie and Sarah advocate a monopoly on force.

Words Scribbled on Parchment
Submitted by: motoboy

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"While reading some of the e-mail responses from my last article Enemy of the State, one thing became abundantly apparent. Some people still don’t get it! Although the majority of responses were positive, there were still some who believed that mere words scribbled on parchment would somehow save them. Somehow the problem is we just can’t get the Government Leviathan to adhere to the Constitution. If we could only force them to follow this sacred document, all would be great in Oz again."

"If you must put your faith in something, put it in a Glock or a nice AR-15. At least with these, you have a fighting chance in defending your property, freedom and life, unlike mere words scribbled on parchment."

UK: Criminals Thank Judge for Jail Time in Illegal Gun Sales Sentencing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Two criminals showed their polite side on Friday when they thanked the judge after he sent them to jail for six years each for converting hundreds of blank-firing guns into lethal weapons. [emphasis added]

As Judge David Paget sentenced Stephen Herbert, 47, and Gary Beard, 46, one of them called out with a smile: "Thank you judge, that's lovely." The other was heard to mutter: "We got away with that one." Their crimes could have attracted maximum penalties of 10 years.

A factory in southeast London run by the two men converted over one gun a day into fully functioning arms during a 14 month period. The weapons were sold to criminals at 600 pounds ($1,071) a time, the court heard.

The prohibition is general. No clause in the Constitution could by any rule of construction be conceived to give to Congress a power to disarm the people. Such a flagitious attempt could only be made under some general pretense by a state legislature. But if in any blind pursuit of inordinate power, either should attempt it, this amendment may be appealed to as a restraint on both. — William Rawle, A View of the Constitution 125-6 (2nd ed. 1829)

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