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Newslinks for 9/12/2001

In the Wake of Terrorist Attacks: Bush Vows Vengeance
Submitted by: skypod

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"A Great People Fights Despicable Acts of Terror" -- The text of President Bush's remarks to the nation tonight.

For the latest news on the attacks see: &

Book Report: Disarming America
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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One of the worst cases of academic irresponsibility in memory. -- Bellesiles flat lied! -- Report by Melissa Seckora

Another California Standoff: Police respond in force
Submitted by: jb

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A teenager brandishing a pellet gun Sunday became the subject of a standoff with police.

The gun in question turned out to shoot only pellets, but it looked so real that it spurred a short standoff with a dozen officers. “When they retrieved the gun from the ground of the yard, they realized it was a pellet type of gun.”

Let Her Live
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Let Her Live - a commentary on an anti-Bill-of-Rights advertisement.
Copy at:

Letter: Citizens with guns would deter lawless
Submitted by: skypod

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"The law has many restrictions on where a permit holder may carry a weapon. I call on the Legislature to pass changes to the current law to ease these restrictions. These changes may not provide complete protection from criminals, but it would certainly be much more effective than a few extra police patrols and better lighting in one small section of the city." --Donald Murray, West Columbia, SC

Live-and-hunt neighborhood marketed in S.C.
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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Neurologist-developer hopes turkey shooting before work catches on -- "Here, you can hunt every day and still get to work on time," said Williams, who plans to sell 31 lots on 226 acres and keep the other 500 acres undisturbed as a game preserve.

California Gunman was 'hellbent on killing more'
Submitted by: BobL

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In "no-carry" CA, a security guard goes on a killing spree. He finally kills himself after a shootout with police.

"At the time of his death, Ferguson was wearing a bulletproof vest and armed with several weapons, including an AK47 and a 9mm handgun."

Book Report: New Doubts about Gun "Historian"
Submitted by: Jason Roberts

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A new article describing how Bellesiles' anti-gun book is flawed: Research to receive hard critique today -- Report by David Mehegan, The Boston Globe

Another Woman slain after trying to get police protection
Submitted by: Dick Wells

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Another proof positive that self-defense is an individual responsibilty. The police were already looking for the killer when he killed this mother of three.

Results are in: Crime rates fall where guns owned and carried
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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For those of us interested in preserving Americans' civil liberties to own and use firearms lawfully and without undue government interference, there are recent positive developments to report.

Justified Shooting by CCW Holder: No charges filed
Submitted by: Scott Chapman

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Spokane County prosecutors will not press charges against a man claiming self-defense in a road rage shooting that left a teenager dead in a north Spokane parking lot in July. -- The "victim" initiated the incident that led to shooting.

In the Wake of Terrorist Attacks: Reactions of the States
Submitted by: skypod

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A listing of precautions taken in various U.S. states in the wake of the terrorist attacks.

For the latest news on the attacks see: &

In the Wake of Terrorist Attacks: Who Did This?
Submitted by: skypod

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"Who benefits? Answer that question and you'll probably know who's responsible."

"Who benefits? That you already do know: those who, through our fear and rage, can manipulate us into placidly -- or with wild enthusiasm -- doing their bidding.

"They" -- those powerful people who like us little folks cowed and submissive -- need this to convince us rebellious little Americans that we need them and their "protective" power." --Claire Wolf

In the Wake of Terrorist Attacks: Fight the Right War
Submitted by: skypod

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"The gravest danger presented by today’s terrorist attacks is that the effort to find and punish perpetrators will become a war upon the liberties of the American people. Yes, those responsible for the attacks must be found and punished with pitiless severity. But at the same time Americans must demand an immediate end to our interventionist foreign policy, which exacted such a tragic price in American blood on this terrible day." --William Norman Grigg

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. — LORD ACTON (1887)

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