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Newslinks for 9/12/2007

CCRKBA Backs Sen. Coburn's Opposition to Tenets of H.R. 327
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) today agreed with Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn that there is a serious flaw in H.R. 327 -- the so-called Joshua Omvig Veterans' Suicide Prevention Act -- that could ultimately prevent military veterans from exercising the Second Amendment rights they have fought to defend."

"The problem, as pointed out by Sen. Coburn, a doctor by profession, is that 'it preconditions health care for veterans on mental health screening.' That is, a veteran seeking treatment for any condition, including a common cold or flu, must first undergo a comprehensive mental health screening." ...

Nicki F: Not quite a right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I've always maintained that a right ceases to be a right when you have to ask government permission to exercise it. Seems someone out there agrees with me."

"Since obtaining my license and guns, I am starting to become aware of the many gun control laws that exist ... While there are many rights afforded to Americans in the Bill of Rights, it seems that the Second Amendment is the one right that isn't quite a right."
"When does a right cease to be a right? If you have to obtain government permission to publish an article such as this, does free speech cease to be a right? If you have to justify to your local police chief why you want to attend a particular synagogue or church, what does that do to your right to practice your religion? ..." ...

What happens when YOUR rights are taken away? (Red's Trading Post)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have heard both sides of HR 2640 which is the NICS Improvement Amendment Acts of 2007 or as G.O.A. has termed it the Veterans Disarmament Act. I am very concerned with this bill, I know that some will say that it reinforces what is already there but I tend to disagree."

"I get to see first hand people whose rights were taken away, they are then promised that these rights would be restored. They then come to shocking realization that all of them are restored but one...the Second Amendment. The courts have said that they may legally own a firearm but when it comes to being called in for a NICS Background check they are denied. We hand them the appeals paperwork and they begin the process. ..." ...

Nicki F: How about background checks on the press?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Now... tell me... does the enormous power the media wields justify regulating, licensing, performing background checks and taxing every newspaper owner, editor and reporter? After all, look at how easily one newspaper report can ruin lives!" ...

"Having said that..."

"The following appeared in the Springfield News-Leader:"

"How long will it be until Missouri’s new soft-on-guns law backfires?

A provision of the Castle Doctrine Law erased the power of county sheriffs to conduct background checks before gun purchases are made.
" ...

"How about a reasonable background check before a newspaper is allowed to exist?"

"How about a reasonable background check before we allow a citizen to practice their religion?" ...

Gun-rights watershed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The left is all excited that the U.S. Supreme Court finally may get off the fence on what the Second Amendment says. Ordinarily champions of a 'living Constitution' ... lefties are strict constructionists on gun rights. They argue the Founders linked gun ownership to national defense ... so '... the right of the people to keep and bear Arms' applies only to those in the military."

"This position is no less spurious and opportunistic than it was the last 10,000 times they trotted it out. ... But if the lefties really were strict constructionists, they would want the ban struck down because it would permit active and retired police officers to carry guns. Strictly speaking, they aren't in the military." ...

Invite your friend to the gun range
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Shooting at the gun range is fun. Every person who has ever come with me to the local gun range has had a great time & decided that they'd like to go shooting more often. A recent example was my Wife. Over the last 14+ years she has successfully resisted going to the range with me to shoot despite my many invitations. Recently I finally figured out a way to get her to the range - I made a trade. I bargained with her at the negotiation table, and my payment that we agreed on was for me to go with her to decorate a plate at a local art shop. She had been trying to get me to go do that with her for years but I had been resisting as Art was never anything I enjoyed. ..." ...

FL: Oakland Park store owner guns down robbery suspect
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A Hurricane Katrina refugee who relocated his family and his urban clothing store here was involved in another traumatic event Monday night. He shot and killed a would-be armed robber, according to the Broward Sheriff's Office." ...

NV: Burglar Shot and Killed by Homeowner
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"On Monday a homeowner arrived at his residence. ..."

"He entered his home and was almost immediately confronted by a burglar who pointed a gun at the victim and ordered him to the ground. The suspect then ordered the victim to crawl to the bathroom and remain at that location while the suspect continued to burglarize the residence."

"After a short time the suspect returned to the victim's location and placed a gun to his head. The victim believed he was about to be shot and he turned his head as the gun discharged. He then jumped to his feet and struggled with the suspect for the gun."

"During this struggle the victim sustained two gunshot wounds to his upper body but managed to wrestle the gun from the suspect and fatally shoot the intruder." ...

OH: Cleveland Mayor Jackson proposes new gun control law (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In his continuing struggle to get ahead of the public relations debacle he faces while presiding over a 14.1% increase in homicides already this year (and a 26.5% increase in homicide with firearms), and seeking to justify his use of taxpayer resources on a go-it-alone court challenge of HB347, a new state law which preempts local gun control laws, Mayor Frank Jackson has launched another salvo in his effort to divert blame for his city's crime problems."

"This time, the anti-gun Mayor is exploiting the death of a 12 year-old girl, pointing the finger toward Columbus and claiming state lawmakers are to blame for her death." ...

OH: Frankly Speaking, Mayor Jackson, You're a Liar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mayor Frank Jackson has called for the Ohio General Assembly to pass a law banning anyone under the age of 21 from possessing a firearm..."

"'Right now, if a young person was walking down any Ohio street brandishing an assault weapon, the police could not arrest him for that,' said Mayor Jackson.
" ...
"... Do you have any 'young persons' in your family, mayor?"

"Give one of them an 'assault weapon' and have them walk down the streets 'brandishing an assault weapon' in the neighborhood where you're performing your latest blood dance. Don't tell the police you're doing this, because we want the experiment to reflect an influence-free outcome." ...

OH: Mayor Jackson's New Law To Eradicate Shootings (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."

"On Monday ... Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson ... announced the City's intention to submit legislation in the Ohio House to enact new statewide gun control as a solution to Cleveland's shooting epidemic. Anyone living in the Cleveland media market knows that Cleveland has suffered a rash of shootings over the past few weeks, many resulting in innocent people dying."

"Pressured by community out cry and activists to do something, Mayor Jackson proudly announced to at a press conference that any child, 14 or 15, could walk down an Ohio street 'waving' an assault rifle around and there is nothing the city could do about it. ..." ...

Republican Leader Giuliani Defies Party on Abortion, Gays, Guns
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Rudy Giuliani is in a unique position for a thrice-married Republican who has never won a statewide election and is out of step with his party on abortion and gay rights: leading the field of presidential candidates."

"All summer, Republican strategists predicted Giuliani's national popularity would fade as voters became aware of his support for legalized abortion, gay rights and gun control."

"That fall from grace hasn't happened, and Giuliani, 63, is well ahead of his rivals. ..." ...

PA: Ellwood's gun ban will likely die
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If council heeds the advice of its solicitor, an ordinance to ban anyone other than a police officer from carrying a gun in the municipal building will probably die."

"Solicitor Edward Leymarie Jr. said Monday evening that a proposed revised ordinance, which would replace a law rescinded last month that covered the municipal building and all borough-owned property and vehicles, still would pose 'serious constitutional issues.'"

"Councilman Anthony 'Lefty' DeCarbo originally proposed an ordinance in June to ban firearms ... after observing an irate customer outside the borough's electric billing window. He said he was proposing the ordinance because he had concerns for borough employees' safety." ...

OH: Ohio and Arkansas sign concealed handgun license reciprocity agreements (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann (D) signed another concealed handgun license reciprocity agreement. With the addition of Arkansas, your Ohio Concealed Handgun License (CHL) is now valid in 25 states."
Earlier this year, Arkansas Senator Steve Faris (D) sponsored SB268, with expanded Arkansas' reciprocity. The new law requires Arkansas to honor the license from any state that honors an Arkansas license."

"We have reached a neat milestone with Ohio's CHL now recognized by one-half of our countries states. We are now half way to where we should be with reciprocity." ...

MI: Bill could permit teachers to carry concealed weapons
Submitted by: MCRGO

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"Guns in the classroom could soon be a reality if one Michigan lawmaker has his way."

"Republican State Rep. David Agema from the Grand Rapids area has introduced legislation that would allow teachers and other school administrators to carry a concealed weapon on school grounds."

Agema says he understands this is a controversial piece of legislation. But he says kids need to be kept safe on school grounds." ...

CA: Gun Control Bill Heads to California Governor
Submitted by: David Wolfe

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"A gun control group is praising the California Legislature for passing a 'microstamping' bill. Supporters say it will help police trace guns used in crimes. But Second Amendment supporters call it back-door gun control, and they are urging Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to veto it."

"Microstamping would give police an 'important new tool in solving gun crimes,' the Brady Campaign said in a news release. But the National Shooting Sports Foundation has called the bill a de facto ban of firearms' that would price guns out of the California market." ...

OH: Driving drunk: $1,000 covers it in Waverly
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For drunken-driving suspects facing three or more days in jail and lengthy license suspensions or restrictions, it's a great deal."

"Nearly 100 of them have made $1,000 'donations' to the Waverly Police Department to make their troubles go away."

"No DUI conviction. No jail time. No driver's license suspension or restrictions. Just a simple guilty plea to a lesser charge."

"The donations allowed drivers, including those who refused blood-alcohol tests and some with four or five previous DUI convictions, to sidestep typical penalties." ...

"Bargaining away DUI charges for donations has raised at least $91,000 for the "drug law fund" since 2001 to buy police pistols, radio equipment and the force's police dog." ...

PA: Ex-Police Chief Faces Criminal Charges
Submitted by: jac

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Former Gettysburg Police Chief Rolf Garcia was expected in Adams County Court Tuesday to enter a plea to criminal charges.

The State Attorney General's Office accuses Garcia of telling his teenage son that he had been briefed by state troopers about a planned drug raid in 2006.

The son allegedly relayed that information to some of the suspects who would be involved.

Garcia was arrested by agents of the state attorney general following a state grand jury investigation. He is scheduled to go on trial in October.

OH: Deputies Turn Themselves in to Authorities
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"They're sworn to uphold the law, but five Summit County Sheriff's deputies assigned to guard inmates, are now inmates themselves."

"All five deputies turned themselves in to authorities ... accused of causing the death of 28-year-old inmate Mark McCullaugh, Jr. on August 20, 2006."

"Deputy Stephen Krendick is charged with murder. Sgt. Bret Hadley and Deputy Brian Polinger are each charged with reckless homicide. Deputies Mark Mayer and Dominic Martucci are both charged with felonious assault."

"Cuyahoga County prosecutors were assigned to investigate the case."

"A spokesman for the prosecutor's office says McCullaugh was tasered, assaulted and gassed with riot spray, during the attack which lasted 45 minutes." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

NC: Patrol Chief Pushes for Proper Conduct by Troopers
Submitted by: jac

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"The commander of the state Highway Patrol said Tuesday that his agency is working quickly to regain public trust after a string of criminal cases against troopers."

"'We feel hurt. We feel embarrassed for our organization,' Col. Fletcher Clay said."

"Three troopers have been fired or resigned in the past two weeks, and a fourth is under investigation following criminal charges or allegations of misconduct:" ...

South Africa: Metro officer held over gun-running
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Ekurhuleni metro police officer has been arrested for the second time in less than a year for suspected gun-running."

"Some of his colleagues swooped on him in a sting operation at a hostel in Actonville, Benoni, on Monday night."

"Constable Richard Msibi, who is in his 50s, was allegedly caught red-handed selling ammunition at the Wattville/Actonville hostel. He was in full metro police uniform at the time and was travelling in his own car."

"A senior metro police officer at the scene of the alleged crime, and who has been part of the investigation from the outset, said they had had Msibi in their sights for some time and were monitoring his movements closely." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

CA: How hunters can protect wildlife
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In California, only 1 out of 620 residents hunts ducks. That's even though duck hunting success in California is better than in any other state in America, an average of 28 birds per hunter in a season."

"Across the West, the number of hunters declined by 400,000 in the past 10 years, and by 10 percent across the country."

"Yet in the same span, the number of wildlife watchers, including birdwatchers, increased from 62 million to more than 71 million."

"'The problem with this,' said the Bay Area's hunting guru, James Swan, 'is that wildlife management and game wardens are funded by hunters, not birdwatchers or other people who don't fish or hunt. So if there's a decline in hunting, ultimately wildlife will suffer.'" ...

MN: Parents file wrongful death lawsuit in daughter’s death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just two days before the third anniversary of their daughter's fatal shooting in her Appleton home, the parents of Nichole Riley Lemcke have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against her husband."

"Gary and Kim Riley ... accuse Andrew Lemcke of three counts of wrongful death in their daughter’s death on Sept. 12, 2004. Nichole Riley Lemcke, 26, was shot at close range shortly after 6 a.m. at her home. She died shortly afterward at the Appleton Municipal Hospital ..."

"The lawsuit alleges that Lemcke ... was negligent for failing to safely store the gun that killed his wife in their home, which was licensed for day care. State law requires guns to be locked, unloaded and kept out of children's reach in licensed day care homes." ...

NY: CNY Trap League shoot-off winners
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The Central New York Trap League had its annual shoot-off Sunday at the Camillus Rod and Gun Club. A total of 342 shooters competed out of the 793 shooters that shot in this year's summer league."

"The high club of the day was Camillus, with a score of 395. Camillus also won the league competition." ...

OH: New law on media access to CHL records confuses...just about everyone (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio gun owners and privacy advocates will forever remember the summer of 2007 because of Sandusky Register editor Matt Westerhold's decision to follow in the footsteps of other newspapers by abusing the special access journalists have been granted to Ohio concealed handgun license-holder's confidential information."

"Although many state legislators, county sheriffs and even Governor Strickland himself expressed their displeasure with The Register's actions, few seemed willing to consider further measures to prevent the release of this confidential information until they could see how modifications to the media access loophole contained in legislation passed in late 2006 would work." ...

KY: Community activists working to eliminate gun sales in their districts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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talk and action about dry districts where alcohol isn't allowed, but now there is a movement for gun-dry districts. Community activists are working to get legislative support that would put restrictions on guns and selling them in high-crime areas of metro Louisville. ..."

"Since August 31st of this year, there have been 48 homicides in Jefferson County. In 33 of those cases, the murder weapon was a gun. The Justice Resource Center says it has a solution: create gun-dry districts."

"'The rural parts of the state, people grew-up with guns at sporting events, but when people become ... the object of the gun violence, then you look at guns in a different way," said Rev. Louis Coleman with the Justice Resource Center." ...

CA: Shoots finding home on range in Oakdale
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Greg Hall and Will Iffland blew four dozen traps out of the sky with 12-gauge birdshot and walked off the range all smiles. The two friends from Modesto weren't members of the Oakdale Sportsmen's Club for more than two hours."

"'There's nothing like this in Southern California,' said Hall, a SoCal native, tugging on his camouflage Remington cap. 'It's an incredible place. You could call these guys salt of the earth.'"

"Trap shooting, a pistol range, rifle range, archery range -- the Oakdale Sportsmen's Club is something like a hunter's playground on the Stanislaus River and one of several such clubs in the area." ...

A man may conduct himself well in both adversity and good fortune, but if you want to test his character, give him power. —ABRAHAM LINCOLN

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