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Newslinks for 9/13/2006

CCRKBA Says Accused Seattle Gun Runner 'Not A Second Amendment Guy'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Reacting to an assertion by his defense attorney that accused gun runner and former neo-Nazi Keith Gilbert – on trial in Seattle for illegal gun trafficking – is 'a Second Amendment guy,' the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms this morning called that claim 'hogwash.'"

"'For Gilbert to claim some kind of martyr status in this case is simply ludicrous,' said CCRKBA Executive Director Joe Waldron. 'His argument that he somehow engineered his arrest so that he could use his criminal trial as a forum to challenge gun control laws is not going to gain any traction at all with genuine firearms rights activists.'" ...

Too Much or Too Little Training (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a recent article, I admitted that concealed carry permitholders are human beings, and allowed for the possibility that in a rare scenario one could possibly screw up by diving headfirst into a third party scenario without all the facts."

"Permitholders rarely screw up. But never mind - no matter what I say, what unbiased researched facts I have in my hands ... we will always be baby-killing, vigilante, inbred, redneck, racist thugs to anti-gunners. Antis don't reason ... They don't trust themselves with guns and don't think they can handle a situation rationally, so they think we can't. It's called projection." ...

Breaking the Law in the Name of the Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Politicians frequently promise even the moon. What is bad is when they believe they can actually deliver same ... What is worse is they then conclude that they can break the law ..."

"Such is Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City."

"Bloomberg thinks that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) is soft on crime ... So, he did what any billionaire elitist might do."

"Bloomberg bankrolled a team of vigilante investigators to poke their nose into the supposed gun running of a number of firearms dealers. ..." ...

"Well, here is a first. Gun Owners of America would like to see the BATF target some suspected criminal activity involving obstruction of justice…in New York the Office of the Mayor."

With "Friends" Like These ... We're in Trouble (JPFO)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The US House of Representatives will soon vote on HR 5092 ... the '... (BATFE) Modernization and Reform Act of 2006'. Many are hailing this bill as a positive step toward reform of the BATFE."

"But is it really?"

"- Unlike HR 1603 ... HR 5092 does not require the videotaping of BATFE firearm tests, which would ensure these tests are conducted fairly and competently."

"- HR 5092 does not require the BATFE to establish standardized, written procedures on how firearms are tested"

"- HR 5092 does not address the BATFE's policy of arbitrarily reclassifying firearms or firearm accessories as illegal ... nor require the BATFE to give notice of such reclassification"

"- HR 5092 does not address the situation of gun owners who may have been unfairly convicted through faulty firearms testing or arbitrary firearms reclassification" ...

WI: Shop Owner Kills Burglar
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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A Milwaukee convenience store owner shot and killed a man who broke into his store early Monday morning.

The shooting happened at the S&D food mart at 31st and Glendale. Four suspects broke into the store, setting off the alarm. The store owner lives upstairs and heard the noise. He armed himself before heading downstairs and confronting the robbers.

According to police, when he saw the intruders, he started shooting. One man was killed and another was wounded. Neither burglar had a gun.

The district attorney's office is reviewing the case to determine whether the store owner should be charged.

NC: Homeowner could face charges in shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A burglary suspect is dead after the homeowner opened fire. It happened Monday morning in Waxhaw."

"Now, the district attorney is working to figure out if the homeowner was protecting his family or if he was protecting his property."

"How the DA's office answers that question will determine if the shooting was a legal case of self-defense."

"Union County deputies arrived at the home on Locklyn Road around 12:30 a.m. Monday. John David Mobley, 38, had been shot. Paramedics tried to save his life, but were unable."

"'It's not worth a life,' said Mobley's Aunt Mary Wheeler. 'It’s like you see a dog and you don’t want him on your land and you shoot him.'" ...

Submitter's Note: No, it's more like you see someone destroying your property and then threatening you and you shoot him.

SD: More 'problem lions' are seen, killed in area this year, says GF&P
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Griffin, who was sitting in his pickup writing a report, jumped out with a rifle and shot and killed the 32-pound female lion. It's an example of how lions are coming closer and closer to people and raising the risk that a human being will be attacked by a mountain lion, he said. 'These are the ones that really concern us,' he said of the mountain lion."

"Griffin had been called to the home when a woman who lived there came home on Monday, Aug. 21, and was startled when a lion ran out of her garage. She discovered two dead house cats inside." ...

"But while he was in the garage and then writing his report, the lion, having discovered a food source, returned and hid under the front porch ..." ...

AZ: Murder in the forest: wrapping it all up
Submitted by: Shovelhead

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... "You see, Grant Kuenzli used my address to stay within the law and obtain a dog license for Maggie. (He could not use his campsite as a permanent address.)" ...

Submitters note: so Kuenzli lied to the town of Payson and McCauley helped him

NY: When States Allow Concealed Guns (4 Letters)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Verlyn Klinkenborg claims that right-to-carry gun laws, and the National Rifle Association’s support of them, create 'an armed cohort' that endangers society.

"As a member of the N.R.A., I can assure Mr. Klinkenborg that we are not a group of prickly individualists itching to answer affronts with gunfire or, as the cynics claim, shoot at Avon ladies."

"We do believe that individuals have a moral right to protect themselves and others when confronted by criminals."

"Our support of right-to-carry and related gun laws is an effort to extend legal protection to the basic right of self-defense. The police do a fine job of patrolling the streets but can’t be everywhere." ...

MS: Pistol found in car; student suspended
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A student at Picayune High School has been suspended after a pistol was found in a vehicle parked on a street by the school."

"Police and School District Superintendent Brent Harrell confirmed the incident, but said the student is a juvenile and no name is being released."

"'I can't give you any information other than there was an incident in which a pistol was found in the console of a student's vehicle, which was not in the parking lot but on the street by the school,' Harrell said."

"The student was suspended for nine days pending a disciplinary hearing, 'and that's in process,' according to Harrell." ...

NE: Two Walnut students suspended for BB pistol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Walnut Middle School sixth-grader with a BB pistol was detained by school officials Monday morning before he even entered the school."

"Principal Vikki Deuel said the student who brought the BB pistol to school 'didn't do it to get even with anyone, didn't do it because he was mad and didn't do it to threaten anyone.'"

"Deuel said the sixth-grader came into possession of the BB pistol while staying at a friend's house Saturday night. The sixth-grader had the BB pistol on Sunday and Sunday night."

"He decided to return it to the original student, also a sixth-grader, and brought the pistol to school Monday morning, Deuel said." ...

TX: Arts project prompts lockdown of high school
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Summit High School in far south Arlington was under lockdown for about 45 minutes Monday after a student was seen with a toy rifle."

"Mansfield police received a call about 9:55 a.m. from a passer-by who saw a student dressed in military garb and a helmet with the gun, school police chief Mike Leyman said. The Mansfield district school, which has about 2,800 students, was immediately locked down."

"Police determined the gun was part of an arts project on Vietnam for which students were taking photos, he said. The situation was cleared up around 10:30 a.m., Leyman said." ...

"'A project like that would not meet my approval,' she said. 'At no time would we want look-alike drugs, guns, alcohol or tobacco on our campus.'" ...

CA: Cache of guns closes schools
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The discovery of a backpack stuffed with three loaded guns and an assault rifle prompted a lockdown at Delhi High School and Delhi Middle School on Monday."

"A man searching for aluminum cans found the backpack at 9 a.m. near a trash can on the western edge of the Delhi Educational Park, the campus that houses the middle school and high school."

"Inside the backpack was a loaded .357 magnum, a 40-caliber automatic pistol, a 380 semi-automatic pistol and an SKS assault rifle with a 30-round banana clip stocked with ammunition, said Sheriff Mark Pazin."

"'There's nothing more to an SKS assault rifle other than to cause destruction and mayhem,' said Pazin. 'Those weapons are used in wars to destroy people ...'" ...

UT: Court kills gun ban U to continue enforcing policy, battle issue in federal court
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State lawmakers are claiming victory, but the political shootout over the U campus' ban on guns is far from over."

"The Utah Supreme Court struck down the U policy outlawing firearms on campus Friday. However, U administrators say they will continue to enforce the anti-gun policy while the issue is resolved in federal court." ...

"While [University President] Young is set on maintaining a gun-free campus, state officials say students who bring guns on campus are legally protected. Mark Shurtleff, Utah Attorney General, said if the U tries to enforce the ban it could face serious legal repercussions." ...

"'No student or faculty member can be punished,' he said. 'That's the law where it currently sits.'" ...

PA: Gun pros say House has wrong target
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To gun salesman Ed Riddle, the Pennsylvania Legislature has it all wrong."

"The state House has scheduled a special session Sept. 26 to discuss changes to gun laws. One proposal would limit the number of guns a person could purchase in a month to one. Many Democrats believe limiting gun purchases would end a veritable bloodbath that's going on in Philadelphia ... But local gun dealers say the folks in Harrisburg are aiming at the wrong targets."

"'If anybody comes in here looking to buy more than one gun at a time, it's usually a collector who wants two firearms to fill out his collection, not gang-bangers who buy sacks full of guns and hand them out to their friends on the streets,' said Riddle ..." ...

TN: NRA endorses Corker for Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The National Rifle Association’s Political Victory Fund has endorsed Republican Bob Corker for U.S. Senate.

"I am pleased that NRA members and gun owners in Tennessee really have a high-caliber candidate on Nov. 7," Chris W. Cox, chairman of the NRA’s victory fund, said today during a conference call.

Mr. Corker, who faces Democratic U.S. Rep. Harold Ford Jr., in the election, praised the group’s backing during the conference call.

"I'll be a consistent voice for the Second Amendment and against any attempt to weaken our rights," he said.

Air Force chief: Test weapons on testy U.S. mobs
Submitted by: FWiedner

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"Nonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations before being used on the battlefield, the Air Force secretary said Tuesday."

"The object is basically public relations. Domestic use would make it easier to avoid questions from others about possible safety considerations, said Secretary Michael Wynne." ...

Submitter's Note: After all, that's all the peasants are good for. If they are harmed, what's the loss? I mean they were being "testy" fer gawd's sake.

FL: When Big Brother wants your 'stuff'
Submitted by: AvgJoe

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"The city of Cooper City, Fla., has given itself the power to seize residents' personal property in times of emergency."

"Officials deemed this new law necessary because of what is expected to be a busy hurricane season."

"But don't worry, they say. The law would never be enforced unless there were no other options ..." ...

"You want to hear the real kicker? The Cooper City law, as with so many others like it, would allow officials to prohibit possession of firearms in times of emergency and close any public gathering place."

"There go the First and Second Amendments as well as the Third, Fourth and Fifth in one fell swoop." ...

KY: Former deputy sheriff reaches deal on stolen gun charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former deputy sheriff in western Kentucky has reached a plea agreement with prosecutors after being charged with taking a gun from the sheriff's department's evidence room."

"Ronnie Ashley was charged with receiving stolen property and wanton endangerment in November after a man accidentally shot himself with the gun at a swap meet." ...

"Police said Ashley had taken the 9 mm pistol to the Mayfield-Graves County Fairgrounds with the intention of selling it."

"Graves County Commonwealth's Attorney David Hargrove alleged that the gun was taken from evidence at the McCracken County Sheriff's Department."

"Defense attorneys maintained the gun was checked out and Ashley didn't intend to sell it." ...

DC: Loaded Gun Found in D.C. Court Cellblock
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Investigators were trying to determine how a loaded handgun got into a cellblock inside District of Columbia Superior Court."

"A cleaning contractor found the .25-caliber semiautomatic pistol under a wad of paper in a cell toilet Friday, said Steve Conboy, the U.S. marshal for Superior Court."

"It was the first time such a serious security breach occurred at the busy downtown courthouse in at least 10 years, authorities said."

"Conboy, who oversees courthouse security, said he does not know how the small pistol was smuggled into the building." ...

"All prisoners are patted down by deputy marshals before being taken into the cellblock -- whether coming from the D.C. jail, police headquarters or off the street." ...

Canada: Mother of RCMP shooting victim says claim of self-defence doesn't ring true
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The mother of a young man killed during a confrontation in a Houston, B.C. police detachment says the police officer's claim her son attacked him doesn't ring true."

"Linda Bush said Tuesday the officer's description of the language and actions supposedly made by her son doesn't sound at all like her son, even if he was drunk, ... Ian Bush, 22, died last October after being arrested for having an open beer outside a Houston hockey arena. Just 20 minutes later he was dead, shot in the back of the head."

"His mother has launched a civil suit, but a statement of defence filed by RCMP Const. Paul Koester claims Bush suddenly punched the officer when he was asked to sign a document promising to appear in court." ...

OH: Sandusky Court Rules Against OFCC in Clyde Matter (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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In a very expected decision, which OFCC's attorneys actually sought, the Sandusky court hearing our case in OFCC v. City of Clyde issued a ruling in favor of the City today due to the decision in the Sixth District Court of Appeals in the Beatty case.

As stated above, this decision was fully expected due to the Beatty decision. This move is something OFCC has wanted since the Beatty decision as it will allow us to proceed forward with OFCC's litigation.

Ohioans For Concealed Carry is working aggressively to appeal this issue to a higher court. In the next week or two details on that endeavor will be made public. To read the two page ruling from the Sandusky court Click here [.pdf file]

PA: Getting handguns should be tougher - but never illegal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Re: Tom Derby's commentary 'Stuck in the 1700s,' Aug. 15."

"Although he has repeatedly seen the destructiveness of youth violence up close as a veteran Camden high school teacher, he fails to realize the basic fact that firearms can never be completely removed from the populace ..."

"Millions of guns already have been produced, imported and distributed throughout the country. How do you get them all?"

"Given the extent of America's citizen arsenal - and if his wish that the 'Second Amendment will not go down easily, but go down it must' were to come to fruition - one must naturally ask, who would be left with weapons not confiscated legally or turned in voluntarily?"

"Does he think street gangs would suddenly join the ranks of the law-abiding?" ...

OH: Sayers Case: Using the Sixth District Ruling For Dismissal (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Its not often that you get to use an anti-gun ruling to fight for a win in another pro-gun legal action, but in the Clyde case we did just that. If you’ve read the case documents you’ll find that in Clyde numerous anti-gun rulings in the past have been used to justify some of the arguments in Clyde."

"Late last week Dan Sayer’s attorney filed a Supplemental Authority and Memo in Support of Dismissing the State’s indictments. That brief, filed last week, uses the ruling in the Sixth District Court of Appeals to make a compelling and ironic argument against the prosecution’s position in the Sayer’s case (emphasis added by OFCC):" ...

MN: Author Discusses Second Amendment History at Minneapolis Reception Tonight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Saul Cornell, professor at Ohio State University, and author of a new book, A Well-Regulated Militia: The Founding Fathers and the Origins of Gun

Control in America, will speak about his book and autograph copies at a reception hosted by CSM and the law firm of Mansfield, Tanick and Cohen, P.A. from 6 to 7:30 in the Riverview Suite (31st floor) of the US Bank Plaza, 220 S. 6th St. in Minneapolis, Minn.

Light refreshments will be served. Representatives of the news media are invited to join us to eat, enjoy a beautiful view of the city, and learn about the history of the 2nd Amendment and regulation of guns in the United States.

New Zealand: More die from suicide than wars and murders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More people kill themselves each year than die from wars and murders combined, but most suicides could be prevented, according to two international suicide experts." ...

"Some 20 million to 60 million people try to kill themselves each year, but only about a million of them succeed ..."

"The ones who do end their lives 'are tragic situations where help could have been provided', said Brian Mishara, president of the International Association for Suicide Prevention ..."

"Suicide rates could be reduced if countries would limit access to pesticides, guns and medication and do a better job of treating people with depression, alcoholism and schizophrenia, Mishara said." ...

Submitter's Note: Again: restricting guns reduces gun suicide rates, but leaves overall suicide rates are unchanged.

There is no way to rule innocent men. The only power government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. — Ayn Rand in her must-read novel, Atlas Shrugged

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