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Newslinks for 9/15/2010

Fear of Schumer in Reid-Angle race is a cop-out
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "I call on NRA's Political Victory Fund to RELEASE THEIR CURRENT GRADES for Sharron Angle and Harry Reid, so that Nevada voters--and all gun owner 'stakeholders' in that election--can use that as a guide."

"I understand you don't want to give an endorsement, Mr. Cox--but post the grades." ...

Big brother is too big
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It is unlikely that the founding fathers of this country would be all too thrilled with how large government has become today, and actually has been for countless decades now."

"One of the primary reasons supporting this conclusion would be the Second Amendment ... The Constitution's authors believed that if everyone possessed a gun, that we would all be equal, without government being able to control the actions of its citizens. ..."

"So, would the men who led the revolution which gained America independence from the British be pleased with what our government has developed into, or gladly face the firing squad in opposition to it? In all likelihood, it would be the latter of the two. ..." ...

Mike Bloomberg Disgraces Himself in Latest Anti-Gun Pitch
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"No one in this country knows better than New Yorkers what 'devastation' looks like. On September 11, 2001, the World Trade Center buildings and their surrounding area were reduced to rubble, burying nearly 3,000 Americans. To this day, the images are difficult to comprehend; they show a concentration of man-made destruction unprecedented in the United States and perhaps anywhere on Earth." ...

"With New York City's and the nation's murder rates lower than anytime since the 1960s, Bloomberg sounded the alarm, saying 'Illegal guns and their accompanying violence devastate communities across our country.'" ...

Task Force 20-20 Launches 'Take Me Hunting, Take Me Shooting' Campaign with Support from NSSF
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Task Force 20-20, the committee formed at the NSSF Shooting Sports Summit to evaluate opportunities to grow hunting and the shooting sports, will begin testing its first initiative—a coordinated marketing effort in selected states designed to reactivate lapsed hunters and shooters."

"The Task Force 20-20 steering committee has approved piloting the 'Take Me Hunting/Take Me Shooting' campaign this fall. The National Shooting Sports Foundation, trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry, will fund the effort out of a $500,000 overall commitment to support several Task Force 20-20 plans to aggressively promote hunting and shooting." ...

Students for Concealed Carry on Campus Break Cover
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The bustling hive of activity on campus is great, but it's also scary business,' Students for Concealed Carry on Campus write. 'The 'gun-free zones' are back in session; an open invitation for a psychotic killer or rapist. Of course, no one thinks your school will be targeted. But then, that's what they thought about Virginia Tech, NIU or University of Alabama (Huntsville) too. It's time to take the next first step. It's time to get people talking, get their attention and remind them that feeling safe is a feeling, not reality.' To that end, the gun rights group are asking members to confront their classmates ..."

Submitter's Note: Excellent graphic with the story.

Anger – Common Sense = The Brady Campaign
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Getting suspended from your job. Having cold eggs at breakfast. Getting cut off while driving. Arguing with a neighbor. How do you handle these situations?' The Brady Campaign ... asks in a way that symbolizes their openness to genuine debate about firearms (i.e. rhetorically). 'However you might deal with life's problems, big and small, adding guns does not help.' Oh I don’t know about that . . ."

"It's like that bumper sticker 'War is not the answer.' Doesn’t that depend on the question? ...

"And what of that other bit: 'However you might deal with life’s problems, big and small, adding guns does not help'? The way I figure it, the bigger the problem, the more likely it is that a gun would help. ..." ...

Lubbock teen challenges federal gun law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Lubbock courtroom could be the location of a major change in national gun laws."

"James A. D'Cruz, 18, has asked a federal judge to declare unconstitutional the ban on handgun sales by federally licensed dealers to 18-20-year-olds."

"The suit against the [ATF] was filed just days after D'Cruz visited Sharp Shooters, Inc. and asked if he was legally able to buy a handgun. The employee told him he couldn't."

"According to the suit, D'Cruz is a well-trained, lawful owner of both long guns and handguns and is a decorated competitive [JROTC] marksman."

"D'Cruz's suit argues the ban violates the rights of millions of responsible Americans and therefore is invalid under the Second and Fifth Amendments." ...

New RONI Pistol to Carbine Kit (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Press release me, let me go . . ."
"The RONI allows you to easily convert your pistol to an accurate carbine in less than 6 seconds by simply unlocking two pins and inserting your handgun. There is no need to carry both rifle and pistol ammunition, with the RONI you are guaranteed increased accuracy to 100 yards and beyond. There is no pistol disassembly or modification required." ...

Reconsidering the Ruger Mini-14
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I owned a Ruger Mini-14 when in college. Briefly. I paid a friend $300 for a gently used stainless steel model with a walnut stock and flash suppressor. The gun was heaven. And that was the problem. I couldn’t shoot just one bullet at a time. It begged to be fired frequently and fast. I couldn't help emptying the [paltry] five-round magazine in as many seconds. It was an addiction I couldn't afford on a student's salary. The least expensive ammo I could find at the time was $0.40 a round and I quickly spent as much to feed the beast as the rifle cost to begin with. Less than three months later I sold the gun for $280. Now I want it back." ...

Gun Review: Kel-Tec P3AT .380
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Kel-Tec’s P3AT is one of the most popular pocket pistols pistol purveyors purvey. And no wonder. It's small, light and cheap. And . . . there you have it. For most buyers, it's enough; size, weight and price are the only three boxes a mouse gun needs to check. Especially one chambered in the doyenne of downsized destructive devices: 380. Of course, skin-flint gun enthusiasts want more. Safety. Reliability. Accuracy. Beauty. Ergonomics. Well, you can’t always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you just might find, you just might find . . ." ...

Submitter's Note: Kel-Tec's P-11 was my first carry weapon and is still my BUG. Over 1500 rounds through it, never a FTF or a FTE.

Not all conservatives are far-right extremists
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As someone who freely admits to being politically conservative, it always angers me when people just assume I am tuned into Fox News 24/7 and I already have a ballot punched for Sarah Palin in 2012."

"I do not watch Glenn Beck or even think Sarah Palin is qualified to run as much as a Dairy Queen."

"I have no doubt President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii; not Kenya, Senegal or the forest moon of Endor. And I am not alone."

"Not all conservatives are hate-mongering, border patrolling lunatics who are convinced that the Second Amendment entitles Americans to carry AK-47's and grenade launchers on the street." ...

Submitter's Note: Well that's mighty white of you, admitting that Joel.

TX: Senior Fires Gun to Scare Attacker
Submitted by: TDCJ

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... "Capt. Scott Prout, with the Kerr County Sheriff's Office, said deputies were called to the home in the 300 block of Westway Drive around 8 p.m. Sunday for a report of an assault with shots fired."

"Prout said the 79-year-old victim told deputies Curtis had hit him in the face after he refused to share his pain pills -- the prescription drug hyrdrocodone -- with him."

"'There was swelling and redness on the complainant's face,' Prout said. 'There's evidence to support what he said.'"

"The man, who has since been identified as Joe Close, told deputies when Curtis returned to his home, Close pulled out a handgun and fired one shot, missing him on purpose." ...

TX: Armed citizen shoots a violent mugger in self defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A concealed carry permit holder reportedly used his handgun to stop an armed and violent robber."

"Police say that the 43 year old man was ... in South Dallas, TX, when a robber approached, brandished a handgun, and demanded the man's wallet. The man, who is a concealed carry permit holder and was carrying a self defense gun, is said to have complied with the robber's demand, and handed over his wallet. The robber reportedly took the man's wallet and started to leave on a bicycle, only to turn back around and open fire on the man, missing the man but hitting his pickup truck. At this point, the robbery victim is said to have drawn and fired his self defense gun, striking the robber and ending the attack. ..." ...

Fight for Your Life
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'A Connecticut doctor whose wife and two daughters were killed in a 2007 home invasion took the stand Tuesday to testify against one of the accused killers,' CNN reports. 'Recalling horrific details of being beaten and tied up by his alleged captors while fearing for the well-being of his family.' You may remember this case, wherein Steven Hayes, 47, and Joshua Komisarjevsky, 30, broke into Doctor William Petit’s Connecticut house, strangled his wife Jennifer, raped his 11-year-old daughter Michaela and set the house ablaze, killing Petit's other daughter, Hayley. I was going to blog it from a tactical point of view. I can't do it . . ." ...

NY: Rye, NY schools to use air horns to ward off coyotes after series of attacks
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Even before a string of coyote attacks in Rye Brook last week, school officials were preparing for new measures to protect students in the wake of the city's own coyote attacks on children during the summer."

"At the suggestion of Police Commissioner William Connors, teachers aides, physical education teachers and security guards will carry air horns when students are outside for activities and during arrival and dismissal, Schools Superintendent Edward Shine said." ...

"The next morning, Jim Horton, Rye Brook and Rye's trapper, chased a rabid, mangy coyote in Rye Brook that chewed off the head of one of its pups."

"It lunged at Horton and cornered a police officer before the officer shot and killed the animal." ...

KABA Note: So police officers can protect themselves with guns, but most of the adults protecting our children must use . . . air?

NY: Coyotes Beware Of Educators With Air Horns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Make the coyotes leap out of their fur and scurry off into the woods. That's the idea behind giving air horns to some staffers in Rye schools.

Parent Susan Hinson says air horns coupled with education should help keep the children safe.

"We have talked about the coyotes," Hinson told WCBS 880 reporter Sean Adams.

Adams asked, "What have you told them?"

Hinson answered, "To wave their arms, to yell, to not run away from them… back up slowly."

The deployment of air horns was in the works long before last week's attacks in Rye Brook, where police shot a rabid, mangy coyote.

In June, two young girls were attacked right in Rye.

KABA Note: How about teaching them to wave their arms and yell "Mommy, Daddy! Shoot the bad doggie!"?

Crime Rates Continued to Fall as Firearm Sales Soared in '09
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Shooting Sports Foundation is reporting that, even as firearms and ammunition experienced record sales in 2009, the nation's crime rates continued to fall, according to new report from the FBI."

"'During 2009, violent crime declined for the third straight year, with an estimated 5.3 percent drop from 2008 figures. Homicides were down 7.3 percent. The FBI statistics undermine a favorite argument of anti-gun groups and some mainstream media that 'more guns equal more crime,' especially when you consider that the decrease in violent crime in 2009 occurred at the same time that firearm sales were surging.'" ...

Crime rates continue decline while gun ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For the third consecutive year, the gun prohibitionist lobby has been proven wrong in its alarmist predictions that more guns in more hands will result in more violent crime, as crime rates have fallen again."

"According to the FBI’s 2009 crime report, released Monday, homicides dropped 7.3 percent from 2008, aggravated assault declined 4.2 percent and forcible rape was down 2.6 percent. Yet, according to the [NSSF], 2009 was a boom year for gun sales. It also appears that the number of concealed carry permits and licenses continued to rise across the nation, apparently refuting predictions that this would also contribute to a rise in violent crime. Quite the opposite is happening, according to the FBI data." ...

TN: Guns haven't changed state parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the 15 months since Tennessee handgun-carry permit holders got the right to go armed in state parks, two gun-related incidents have been reported at state facilities and neither resulted in violence, officials said."

"'I am pleasantly surprised,' said Tennessee Environment and Conservation Commissioner Jim Fyke, who in 2009 lobbied against the ... bill. 'I believed that it was not a good idea.'"

"The legislation, which took effect in late June 2009, allowed permit holders to go armed in all 53 state parks and 81 state natural areas. The bill included local parks but allowed local governments to opt out. Many, such as Chattanooga, did just that."

"Fyke said the law 'has not been disruptive' for the most part." ...

WA: What you should know about concealed weapons permits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Applying for concealed weapon permits has been the trendy thing to do recently, especially in the state of Washington. Unlike many other states, including the state of Oregon, Washington requires no mandatory training, instruction or test. Washington does not even provide written information in the form of a pamphlet advising the 'carrier' of the do's, don'ts or responsibilities associated with a carry permit."

"... Do not misunderstand me, I completely support the Second Amendment, ... but ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Another "Big But" Second Amendment supporter. He gives himself away in the first sentence by calling permit applications "trendy". I calculate that I spent over 40 hours in the process of deciding to get a permit. I discussed it with my friends and family, looked at storage and safety issues, researched the use of deadly force and just plain gave a good hard think about whether I would be willing to use deadly force against a human being. Then I spent another at least 40 hours and over $1000 researching guns, purchasing my carry pistol and holster, then buying ammo and range time for testing various kinds of ammunition. I spend at least $100 and 10 hours a month in ongoing practice, plus getting books and DVDs on defensive situations. My choice to apply for a permit had nothing to do with being "trendy".

MA: Get illegal guns off the streets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Firearms elevate the seriousness of any crime, increasing the likelihood of serious bodily harm or death. ..."

"It is just such situations Bristol County District Attorney Sam Sutter routinely targeted when he sought to hold defendants charged with illegal gun possession under the commonwealth’s dangerousness statute. ... Until May 2009, that is, when the state Supreme Court ruled that simple illegal possession of a firearm was not enough to warrant a dangerousness hearing. Fortunately, the state Legislature tightened the law this year, approving legislation allowing possession of an illegal firearm to trigger the dangerousness statute."

"It is a law everyone should be able to get behind, including — especially — gun rights activists ..." ...

Submiiter's Note: Not this civil rights activist. Demonizing the perp's tool does not address the problem.

Why is anti-gun Mayor Bloomberg backing Harry Reid?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Do we really want to put our faith in a probable lame duck (due to age) 'progressive' who has been scorned by 'the gun lobby' and patronized by one of its most influential arch enemies? And one who uses an anti-gun 'litmus test' for loyalty at that?" ...

MD: Game on for rematch in Maryland
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The rematch is on in Maryland."

"CNN projects that former Gov. Robert Ehrlich will win the state's Republican gubernatorial primary. The victory would mean that Ehrlich will now face off in November's general election against Democratic Gov. Martin O'Malley, who defeated Ehrlich in his 2006 bid for re-election ..."

"In Tuesday's primary, Ehrlich faced off against businessman Brian Murphy, who was backed last month by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin."

"'I'm honored to endorse Brian Murphy for Governor of Maryland. Brian is a pro-life, pro-Second Amendment commonsense conservative and a firm believer in the free market and the cause for energy independence,' said Palin in early August, in a statement ..." ...

FL: Florida's 2010 24th Congressional District race; Republican Sandy Adams challenging incumbent Suzanne Kosmas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Florida's 24th U.S. House District race, incumbent Democrat Rep. Suzanne Kosmas is facing Republican challenger Sandy Adams, a member of the Florida state legislature." ...

"Candidate: Sandy Adams

"Party: Republican

"Political experience: Adams has been a member of the Florida state legislature since first being elected in 2002." ...

"Key issues: Adams opposes the broader portions of Obama's economic agenda. ..."

"On security and social issues, Adams says she wants to be tougher on crime and illegal immigration. She supports Second Amendment rights, is pro-life and opposes recent health care reform efforts." ...

PA: Moran endorsed by National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congressman Jerry Moran announced that the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) endorsed him for U.S. Senate."

"In their own press release, the NRA-PVF identified Moran as an unwavering fighter for freedom and Second Amendment rights and a candidate Kansans can trust."

"'Jerry Moran is a steadfast supporter of our freedom,' said Chris W. Cox, chairman of NRA-PVF. 'He has an unwavering record of fighting for and protecting the Second Amendment for all law-abiding Americans and has earned the trust of Kansas gun owners.'" ...

DE: Big night for tea party: O'Donnell wins Delaware
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""Virtually unknown a month ago, Christine O'Donnell rode a surge of support from tea party activists to victory in Delaware's Republican Senate primary Tuesday night, dealing yet another setback to the GOP establishment in a campaign season full of them. A second insurgent led for the GOP nomination in New Hampshire." ...

Submitters Note: Strongly pro-gun O'Donnell was endorsed (eventually) by the NRA (only a few days ago) over her strongly anti-gun primary opponent Mike Castle.

IL: 56th District rivals share views on abortion, guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... the candidates for Illinois' 56th District House seat caution voters against expecting stereotypical stances from them." ...

"While Higgins and Mussman said they support the Second Amendment guaranteeing the right to bear arms, their positions on restrictive laws differ."

"'I think the state has a role in preventing guns from getting into the hands of criminals,' Higgins said."

"He favors a three-day waiting period on gun purchases and believes possession of a gun during the commitment of a crime should aggravate the penalties for that crime."

"Mussman said she believes citizens should have the right to buy one handgun a month ... but is opposed to the legal sale of assault weapons." ...

OH: Early voting begins in two weeks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The countdown to Election Day - 48 days away - will go by very quickly."

"Election Day offers a clear-cut finish line, but in reality voting is set to begin in just two weeks, on September 28! Ohio law now allows for any registered voter to request an absentee ballot and vote by mail."

"This convenience is now open to all Ohio voters and eliminates concerns about getting to the polls or waiting in line on Election Day."

"The process is simple. Just go to the Secretary of State's website and download the application, fill it out, sign it and return it to your local county board of elections. You will then receive an absentee ballot in the mail." ...

VA: Virginia's 5th District race: Democrat Tom Perriello to defend against Republican Robert Hurt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Summer polls put GOP challenger Robert Hurt ahead of first-time Rep. Tom Perriello -- but those polls have been either unreliable or issued by non-independent pollsters. A News7 Survey USA poll put Perriello behind Hurt 61 to 35 percent. ..." ...

Key Differences between Robert Hurt and Tom Perriello ...

"Second Amendment: Hurt's position on gun rights is part of an umbrella statement that individual rights should be protected ... He'd like to see greater reciprocity between states on carry and conceal laws and supports the right to carry. Perriello has noted he is a supporter of the right to bear arms, but he has tied his support to sportsmen's ability to enjoy nature ..." ...

OH: Husted campaign issues Second Amendment-related campaign flyer comparing differences with his opponent
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Sen. Jon Husted, former Speaker of the House and current Republican candidate for Ohio Secretary of State, has begun distributing literature designed to inform voters about the stark difference between himself and his Democrat opponent on the issue of gun rights."

"The flyer begins by pointing out Sen. Husted's strong grading and endorsement resume from gun rights groups:"

"'Endorsed & A+ rated by Buckeye Firearms Association and endorsed by Ohio Gun Collectors Association & Ohioans for Concealed Carry. A+ Rating from the National Rifle Association.'"

"The flyer goes on to provide a list which proves Husted is not just a man of words when it comes to the Second Amendment, but of actions:" ...

ME: Proposed Ban On Guns In Public Places Stirs Debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A proposed plan to ban guns from public places in Maine is stirring up a debate amongst Portland residents."

"The Portland Public Safety Committee held a public hearing Tuesday night to discuss the plan ..."

"Skolnik said that he wants to draft a resolution to the full council asking the state legislature to ban guns in certain public places."

"In Portland, that would include venues like Fitzpatrick Stadium, the Expo and City Hall."

"The proposed ban would make limited exceptions for certain groups with concealed weapons permits -- like law enforcement."

"Skolnik said the goal is to keep Maine residents safe, while opponents said it violates the Second Amendment right to bear arms." ...

Feds target 60 hunters in Kansas hunting probe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Justice Department is targeting more than 60 hunters across the nation for allegedly poaching deer during guided hunts at Camp Lone Star in Kansas, a court document shows." ...

H/t to Mike Vanderboegh who points out: "Poor pragmatic Fudds. So willing to throw us evil black rifle folks under the Federal bus, so vulnerable to the same kinds of outrages."

TX: HISD officer accused of beating student
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Houston ISD police officer is on leave and under investigation because of what a student says happened to him on a bus. The incident at the center of the allegations was recorded on camera."

"It was on a bus outside Yates High School in southeast Houston Thursday afternoon where Molica Lewis says her son was so badly beaten that his face will never be the same." ...

"... His mother says the officer asked him to get off the bus so he could question him about a gang fight, and when he wouldn't, the officer used force."

"The bus did have a camera, and HISD Police Chief Jimmie Dotson has watched the video."

"'It's concerning enough for me to conduct a thorough investigation,' Dotson said." ...

"HISD police aren't releasing the tape from the school bus. In fact, it has been handed over to the district attorney's office." ...

Submitter's Note: Let's see now, some salt, alum, molasses . . ., apply liberally with a broad brush . . .

NJ: If gun owner poses no threat, he should get his collection back
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"John Brek was in deep trouble after two Continental Airlines employees at Newark Airport told police he’d made comments about cutting a hole in a fence so he could shoot the arriving President Obama." ...

"Brek, a guard at the airport at the time of that presidential visit in October, says he was only pointing out safety breaches during a lunchtime chat and was misunderstood. When police later found his collection of more than 40 guns, all but one of them were registered. Brek said he didn’t realize that last gun, bought by his father, was stolen." ...

"A world with no guns in it would be ideal, but under our laws, you can’t deprive a citizen of his right to own a gun if he’s not considered a threat. The judge acknowledged that Brek doesn't pose a threat ... but said the gun collection would still be confiscated ..." ...

COMMENT: This editorial is a pleasant surprise, coming as it does from the vehemently anti-gun Newark Star Ledger.

NJ: Jersey Shore Borough Council to install lights on walking path
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Tim Havener, of Lock Haven, advised council its existing ordinance banning firearms in parks violates both the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and state laws."

"Havener, a member of the group Firearms Owners Against Crime, said both federal and state laws clearly allow citizens the right to bear arms."

"His statements ignited a brief exchange with Councilman Sean Simcox, who argued that the borough is within its rights to prevent firearms from certain areas of the community."

"Havener, who has urged other communities to change similar laws on the books, told Simcox that he was wrong, that existing laws were very clear on the matter." ...

Editor's Note: I know the headline has nothing to do with the quote, but I didn't write the headline . . .

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. — Samuel Adams

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