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Newslinks for 9/17/2010

Obama Reveals Anti-Gun U.N. Intent; Sends Ex-Seattle Mayor as Rep
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The appointment of anti-gun rights former Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels ... has removed any doubt about the Obama administration's intentions regarding global gun control initiatives, the [CCRKBA] said today." ...

"'Nickels is a gun ban proponent,' [Gottlieb] continued, 'so his appointment as an alternate to the UN is a clear signal of Barack Obama's intention to rubber stamp the UN's global gun ban agenda. We had to sue Nickels while he was still Seattle's mayor to overturn his illegal city parks gun ban. Now he gets to push his anti-gun philosophy on a world scale. It hardly seems a coincidence that Nickels has been appointed ... at a time when the UN is considering treaties and initiatives that pose a serious threat to the Second Amendment.'" ...

Former Seattle mayor a U.N. delegate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The 'next big adventure,' as he calls it, for Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels will be as an alternate representative to the United Nations General Assembly. ..."

"It sounds like an interesting position. It's certainly not a policy-making one, which is why an e-mail from the [CCRKBA] seems like a stretch to me. ..."

"They say it 'removed any doubt about the Obama administration's intentions regarding global gun control initiatives.' The group points out that Nickels is a founding member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns.

"'Putting an extremist gun banner in any position to represent this country at the United Nations amounts to renting a billboard for advertising against the Second Amendment,' says Alan Gottlieb, the group's chairman." ...

Should owning a giant pink inflatable pig make you a 'prohibited person'?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "If we're to listen to Sen. Frank Lautenberg, Mr. Stilp and everyone else on the list should now be designated 'prohibited persons,' and forbidden from buying a gun." ...

In tough times, voters obligated to reject tax measures, accept consequences
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Financially speaking, government is in a hole and it is time for voters to force public officials to stop digging."

"It is the same everywhere, and what is happening right now in Washington State is perhaps a microcosm of the national dilemma. Simply put, we’re out of money. Taxpayers are fed up, and government isn’t getting any deeper into our wallets."

"What's this got to do with gun rights? Residents in Washington's King County – the same as citizens in so many other communities around the country that are reeling from the train wreck of government largesse – are about to figure that one out." ...

Right to bear arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The right to bear arms, to many people, is one of the most important rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. Local attorney Harlow Walker spoke of the history and meaning of the Second Amendment of the Constitution on Wednesday, the final night of the lecture series."

"'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed,' the Second Amendment states."

"Walker began with a brief overview of English history concerned with the evolution of the idea of the right of the people to keep and bear arms." ...

What Walking the Dogs Taught Me About Armed Self-Defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Lesson learned: they’re out there. The creatures who would take and/or destroy everything I hold near and dear to my heart—and do so without any conscience about the effects of their actions."

"It's my job to protect my loved ones from instinctive, amoral predation. It's a three step process. First, acknowledge the danger. Second, remain vigilant. Third, be ready. I don't wear a firearm because I want to. I wear it because I have to." ...

PA Shooter with FL CCW License Proves . . . What?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a gun blogger, I can tell you that firearms-related news stories are never quite as clearcut as their authors wold have you believe. A 'clean' self-defense shooting is usually the result of 'prior contact.' New gun laws always have unintended consequences. It's not that we live in a world of spin. It's more that the world is constantly spinning. To find the truth, you have to look for the lies. For example . . ."

"The Pennsylvania police and their supporters are not happy that taxpaying, God-fearing residents of the Quaker State can obtain and use a concealed carry permit from Florida within Pennsylvania's borders. So they want to close the 'Florida gun license loophole.'" ...

Extremists Calling Mainstreamers Extremists
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "We can learn a lot about people from their dislikes, as well as their likes. They reveal a great deal about themselves when they call 'extremists' patriotic Americans who believe in the American ideal, lower taxes and fiscal responsibility, originalism, the rule of law, blind justice, equal protection under the law, strong national defense, limiting government to its assigned constitutional functions, the Second Amendment, the nondiscriminatory application of freedom of speech and expression, the free exercise clause, a reasonable -- not unduly expansive -- interpretation of the establishment and commerce clauses, ... motherhood and apple pie." ...

The Washington Post addresses the controversial TSA poster
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Transportation Security Administration insists that the controversial poster it published depicting a photographer as a terrorist was merely one of several in a 'vigilance program' to protect small airports."

"But when The Washington Post asked the TSA about the other examples it used in this program titled GA Secure (for General Aviation), it was unable to provide them."

"The TSA told the Post that it plans on phasing out the posters within a year, replacing them with a campaign titled 'If you see something, say something,' which will not include pictures of photographers." ...

Beretta Recalls NEOS: Not So Safety Now, Eh Mr. Bond?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"ItalDesign penned the Brett Solomon-reviewed Beretta U22 NEOS. That's the design house founded by Giorgetto Giugiaro, the man who crafted the DeLorean, Ferrari 250 GT and various Maserati. All of which were achingly beautiful. None of which were known for mechanical reliability. Quite the opposite, in fact. And now Beretta has 'discovered' that the Guigaro-designed .22 caliber NEOS semiautomatic pistol has an 'issue.' ... Seems a NEOS owner can fire the gun with the safety on. In fact, switching the safety from OFF to ON can discharge the weapon. At the risk of being a guastafesta, someone at Beretta should be rosso come un peperone. As Mr. O'Reilly might say, I'll let the gunmaker have the ultima parola . . ." ...

Debunking the "Gun Control is Racist" Smear
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Prior to this summer, you would have had to explore the darkest corners of the gun rights movement to find anyone openly exclaiming that 'gun control is racist.' ..."

"In the wake of the Supreme Court’s recent 5-4 ruling in McDonald v. Chicago, however, the 'gun control is racist' argument is all the rage. ..." ...

"For starters, the 'gun control is racist' argument, working from the McDonald decision, makes the assumption that there was no gun control before the Reconstruction period. ... " ...

Submitter's Note: Curiously enough, historically blacks were not the only targets of racism. Indeed the earliest gun control laws in the colonies were aimed at keeping Indians from getting guns.

"Gun Rights" Extremism Emerges as Campaign Issue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the string of Tea Party victories in Republican primary elections, 'gun rights' extremism is emerging as an issue in key races throughout the country."

"Even before Tuesday's primaries, Republican candidates in several Senate races have found themselves on the defensive for their statements and positions on guns. In a recent debate, Republican Senate candidate Carly Fiorina gave incumbent Barabara Boxer a potent attack issue when Fiorina would not budge from her absurd position that individuals on the terrorist watch list should be able to buy guns ... In Illinois, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Pat Quinn is pounding his Republican opponent State Senator Bill Brady for opposing an assault weapon ban ..." ...

MO: St. Joseph police officer, Iowa native, killed during training
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was reported today that an Ottumwa, Iowa native serving on the St. Joseph, Missouri Police Department was fatally shot during a training session yesterday. Officer Dan De Kraai ... had completed some training and was taking a break with other officers. A fellow officer - also a long-time friend - was reportedly demonstrating something to Officer De Kraai. The other officer's firearm discharged, striking De Kraai in the back. ..."

"According to the St. Joseph PD, no live ammunition was being used during the training evolutions, although officers do have their live ammunition available both before and after the training sessions. The investigation is on-going, but first reports appear to point to safety protocols not being followed." ...

Our View: Auburn not ready for concealed carry campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Guns are the great equalizer."

"They erase size, speed and strength advantages."

"They are ideal self-defense devices."

"Just carrying a gun can make a person feel more prepared, safer."

"As is often stated by various groups and people, it's our right as American citizens, under the Second Amendment, to own and bear arms."

"But how far does that right extend?"

"Should we be allowed to carry weapons on campus?"

"How about in municipal buildings and churches?"


"Day cares and schools?"

"Where is the line?" ...

Submitter's Note: To answer in order: To the farthest horizon, yes, yes, yes, and of course! Children are precious and must be protected! The line is private property, you can ban my gun from your business and I can carry my gun in my car.

TX: Concealed carry makes safety personal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun shots. Screaming. Chaos. Things no student, staff or faculty member ever wants to encounter within the classroom at any university."

"Yet, are institutions of higher education across the country really doing their students and faculty any favors by banning licensed students and staff from carrying on campus?"

"The 2010-2011 Student Handbook for Texas Wesleyan spells out strict rules and policies concerning any weapons on campus, including concealed handguns."

"It goes so far as to specify that even those licensed to carry any such weapons not be permitted to carry ..."

"Maybe it's just me, but I know I'd be a little less panicked in a shooter situation, knowing that at least a few of my classmates were armed." ...

TX: Perry makes coyote jokes while declaring Texas' "enlightened" on gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Coyote jokes were perhaps inevitable at a gun shop in Dallas Thursday where Gov. Rick Perry accepted endorsements from two pro-gun groups."

"'Everyone knows Rick Perry is pro-gun,' said Chris Cox, chairman of the [NRA-PVF]. 'The coyote population certainly knows you're pro-gun.'" ...

"Earlier this year, Perry told a reporter that he shot a coyote in February while jogging that was threatening him and his daughter's Labrador retriever. The story made national headlines."

"Leaders from the NRA and the Texas State Rifle Association said Thursday at the McClelland Gun Shop that deciding who to endorse for governor of Texas was easy. Perry has an A+ NRA rating. Democrat Bill White has a B rating, they said." ...

CO: NRA to endorse Betsy Markey
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association will endorse Democratic incumbent Rep. Betsy Markey over Republican challenger Cory Gardner."

"The NRA, the nation's largest gun-owners group, hasn't officially announced the endorsement, but Gardner campaign manager Chris Hansen told the conservative publication National Review that the NRA had informed them that they were endorsing Markey. Hansen confirmed that report to the Coloradoan Thursday." ...

TX: Perry Wins NRA Endorsement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Texas Gov. Rick Perry, touting his pro-gun credentials in his reelection campaign, picked up the endorsement of the National Rifle Association Thursday at the McClelland Gun Shop in Dallas."

"Perry was expected to get the nod from the gun lobby group, but the Republican is hoping to draw attention to the issue in his competitive race for an unprecedented third term."

"He praised the NRA in a statement Thursday."

"'Their principled defense of the Second Amendment has gone a long way toward keeping our citizens safe,' he said." ...

SC: Nikki Haley’s focus on jobs, conservative values make her the wise voter's choice
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have been a self-proclaimed Democrat since I knew what the word meant. I am pro-choice, pro-gay marriage and pro-health care reform. But I know why many people in South Carolina support and plan to vote for Nikki Haley in November." ...

"Haley strongly believes in the Second Amendment. On her website, she states that she herself holds a Concealed Weapons Permit. As governor, Haley would work to fight against any legislation in discord with the Second Amendment. This is an important issue because everyone needs the right to protect him or herself. I myself don’t have a Concealed Weapons Permit, but I can see why people feel the need to carry handguns and understand why Haley feels it is an important issue." ...

FL: Rick Scott, Alex Sink Bring Out Endorsements on Guns, Crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Guns and crime took center stage in the gubernatorial contest Wednesday as both nominees, Republican Rick Scott and Democrat Alex Sink, showed off their endorsements."

"Earlier Wednesday the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund and the United Sportsmen of Florida (USF) endorsed Scott for governor, citing his strong support of the Second Amendment." ...

"While Scott was trumpeting his endorsement, Sink had one of her own."

"Having already won the endorsements of the Fraternal Order of Police and the Police Benevolent Association, Sink continued to show off her crime fighting credentials Wednesday when she unveiled the backing of 27 current and former county sheriffs ..." ...

VT: U.S. Congressional candidate visits campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With only 6 short weeks until the election on November 2, the campaign trail is heating up, and candidates are campaigning all over the state to share their political views with potential voters."

"One of the stops for GOP Congressional candidate Paul Beaudry was at Lyndon State College, where he shared his political knowledge with the Lyndon College Republicans and other Lyndon students Monday night. ..." ...

"One of the views that Beaudry emphasized most within his speech was his view on gun laws. If he is elected to Congress, Beaudry promises never to sign any bill that violates the second amendment." ...

OH: Gov. Strickland calls for passage of restaurant carry in campaign letter; Contrasts record with his Republican opponent
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Governor Ted Strickland, in a letter mailed today on Sportsmen for Strickland letterhead, said 'I look forward to signing Restaurant Carry legislation.'"

"The letter, addressed to 'Ohio Gun Owners,' documents the progress the administration has made for gun owners over the past three and a half years." ...

KS: Mike Pompeo Endorsed By National Rifle Association In Race For Congress Against Goyle, Ducey and Smith
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association's Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) endorsed Mike Pompeo (R) Wednesday in Pompeo's run for Congress in the Fourth District."

"'Mike Pompeo will be a staunch defender of the Second Amendment freedoms of law-abiding gun owners, hunters and sportsmen in Kansas and across America,' said Chris W. Cox, chairman of NRA-PVF."

"Pompeo, a life member of the NRA, said 'I am proud to accept the endorsement of the NRA. Our constitutional freedoms are under attack by the spread of the Obama-Pelosi agenda. I will fight to preserve our Second Amendment rights, as well as our other freedoms that are being threatened by Obama's liberal policies.'" ...

Boozman delivers on 2nd Amendment promise to veterans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sergeant Wayne Irelan has been fighting the good fight recently against the same U.S. government which he put his life on the line for in Iraq. He, his wife Lana, and the rest of our beloved veterans are now seeing some important results."

"Last week, the story broke about Irelan and how his gun rights were snatched from him by the federal government. Wayne lost his Second Amendment rights after the Department of Veterans Affairs notified the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). Congressman John Boozman, after being contacted last week, immediately promised to check into the facts and do what he could to correct this terrible injustice." ...

Boozman Drafts Bill to Protect Veterans' Gun Rights (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congressman John Boozman is taking action after he says the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs mistreated a local veteran."

"The VA declared Purple Heart recipient Wayne Irelan of Lavaca incompetent and took away his license to carry a weapon. The VA declared him incompetent because Irelan's wife handles the family finances"

"Thursday Congressman Boozman filed legislation that would force a judge to declare someone incompetent, not the VA." ...

Moran's legislation approved by committee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The House Veterans Affairs Committee Wednesday approves H.R. 2547, authored by Moran in May 2009, to protect the Second Amendment rights of veterans."

"The bill would change the Veteran Affair's current practice of revoking the gun rights of veterans and their families if they receive assistance in managing their finances."

"'I introduced this legislation to make sure veterans are not unfairly denied the rights they fought so bravely to defend,' Moran said. 'It is wrong to take away veterans' gun rights simply because they cannot manage their finances.'"

"The VA's current practice labels veterans who have a fiduciary appointed ... 'mentally defective' and are reported to the FBI's [NICS]. ..."

TX: Concealed carry laws create controversy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Guns can take lives. Guns can save lives."

"The Second Amendment gives Americans the right to bear arms, but there are restrictions on who can posses firearms and where it is legal to carry them."

"Last Tuesday at the Auburn City Council meeting, Auburn resident Donald Sirois complained that there is a discrepancy between state and city laws concerning carrying concealed weapons onto city property."

"Currently, according to section 13-12 of Auburn's city code, weapons of any kind, whether permitted or not, are banned from city property. Sirois, a member of the NRA, said the ordinance violates the state's pre-emption law, which states, 'The entire subject matter of handguns is reserved to the State Legislature.'" ...

NY: Drunk and packing heat? You'll be arrested, that is unless you're a cop
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"It could soon be a crime to get drunk while packing heat - unless you're a cop."

"A bill aired at a City Council hearing Wednesday would subject licensed gun owners to a possible year in jail and $10,000 fine if they're over the limit and armed."

"Public Safety Committee Chairman Peter Vallone Jr. said state law prevents the city from including on-duty or off-duty cops in the measure." ...

NV: Darker details come to light in Costco shooting
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Like most people, Erik Scott lived a life in which things weren't always perfect."

"He was a West Point graduate, former Army officer and successful salesman who was never short of friends."

"But he also had trouble in romantic relationships and was suspected of abusing prescription painkillers."

"And on July 10, he was shot to death at a Costco in Summerlin by Las Vegas police officers who said he pointed one of his two guns at them after a confrontation with store employees." ...

"His father, Bill Scott, said he thinks negative information about his son is surfacing now because police are trying to smear his reputation."

"'Trash the victim, and maybe the jury will decide he deserved to die,' Scott said."

"Las Vegas police declined comment for this article." ...

NV: I-Team: Calls for Reform of Coroner's Inquest Process Grows
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A recent ... poll suggests the majority of southern Nevadans don't have much faith in the coroner's inquest process. As a result, local leaders are talking reform again."

"This is not the first time public opinion has prompted reform. In 2006, the controversial shooting death of 17-year-old murder suspect Suave Lopez lead to a formal review of the coroner's inquest process."

"Recommendations were made, public hearings were held, and changes were implemented. But in the words of one participant, if we're still taking about it the reform fell short."

"Las Vegas police officers shot and killed Lopez as he attempted to escape from a squad car in handcuffs. His death, found justified by a coroner's jury, prompted a formal review of the inquest process." ...

Police continue to harass citizens who record them (Video)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A number of cases show how police continue to misunderstand citizens' rights to record their behavior, and they’re now neatly compiled into a video from the Cato Institute." ...

FBI Agents, Including Female Bodybuilder, Arrested For Alleged Steroid, HGH Use
Submitted by: jac

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"Three FBI agents and an FBI counterterrorism expert have been arrested and charged with obtaining thousands of dollars worth of steroids and human growth hormone using bogus medical diagnoses, and then lying about it on government health forms."

"Prosecutors say that two of the agents, a female bodybuilder and her husband, may have spent $17,000 on HGH, while a third male agent was visiting a gynecologist in order to obtain steroids and HGH. Two different doctors were allegedly writing prescriptions for the four suspects using false diagnoses of dwarfism, and one of the doctors had allegedly written more than 5,000 prescriptions for steroids in the past five years." ...

NY: Former Syracuse police officer Fredrick Baunee admits abusing boys and running drug trafficking ring
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Syracuse police officer Fredrick J. Baunee pleaded guilty this morning to charges he sexually abused two teenage boys and that he was running a drug trafficking ring from his Camillus home."

"In a surprise move, Baunee pleaded guilty before County Judge Anthony Aloi to two felony counts of first-degree sexual abuse and one felony count of fourth-degree conspiracy."

"Aloi agreed to sentence Baunee to 7 years in state prison. Baunee also will be required to register as a convicted sex offender."

"Baunee, 49, was named May 5 in a 46-count indictment accusing him of running a drug ring from his home in which Camillus teenagers were used as drug buyers and sellers, vandals and for sexual activities." ...

TX: 3 Dallas police officers face charges after controversial arrest of motorcyclist (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three Dallas police officers face criminal charges after two were accused of beating a motorcyclist after a chase and lying about it in reports and a third adjusted an in-car camera to conceal a portion of the controversial arrest, Chief David Brown said Wednesday."

"The chief also released two in-car videos, one of which shows Southeast Patrol Officers Kevin Ray Randolph and Paul Gregory Bauer beating Andrew Joseph Collins, 28, with a baton and fists on the side of a South Dallas street on the night of Sept. 5." ...

FL: South Florida model has repeat incident with officer she is suing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was like deja vu all over again for Tasha Ford when she received a phone call late last month learning that her son was being harassed by police ..."

"'It was my son's best friend,' said Ford in an interview with Photography is Not a Crime." ...

"It was no surprise to her when she pulled up to the theater and learned that the officer who had detained her son was the same officer who had detained him in March 2009 after he was accused of entering the theater without paying for a ticket."

"The same officer who arrested her on wiretapping charges after she videotaped him in a public parking lot of the movie theater."

"The same officer who is named in a federal lawsuit she has against the Boynton Beach Police Department." ...

PA: Brush cleared at Cumberland County rifle range where man was killed
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The trees and underbrush surrounding a state Game Commission rifle range ... where an attorney was fatally shot in July have been cleared. 'It's pretty cleaned up now,' Police Chief Jeffrey Rudolph said, adding that the work was done by the state Game Commission. 'There are no places to hide.'"

"On July 21, the body of Todd Getgen, 42, of Enola, was found at the range. Police said he had been shot eight or nine times."

"Raymond F. Peake, 64, ... was ordered to stand trial in Getgen’s death. Investigators believe Peake killed Getgen in order to steal his AR-15 rifle. Peake, who was a guard at the State Correctional Institution at Camp Hill, is being held in the Cumberland Prison without bail."

CA: San Francisco Gun Poster Ban in Limbo
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The city of San Francisco has never been friendly to gun owners and the shops that cater to them. SF is among the first cities in the United States to try and pass a comprehensive handgun ban within the city limits ... The [San Francisco Municipal Transportation] Agency has had a longstanding policy that bans guns from posters and advertisement that the city sells to private companies ..."

"... The ban is simply a way for the notoriously zealous anti-gun city government to whip gun owners again. Gun owners however, are fighting back. The vociferously pro gun organization, The Second Amendment Foundation has created a new advertising campaign specifically to challenge San Francisco's rules regarding guns on posters ..." ...

TX: Baylor University To Inaugurate Ken Starr As University's 14th President
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Judge Kenneth Winston Starr will be installed as only the 14th president in Baylor University's 165-year history in a public ceremony at 2 p.m. Friday, Sept. 17 in the Ferrell Center. The Constitution Day ceremony will be the highlight of a week featuring academic, commemorative and community events relating to the inauguration."

"Friday's inaugural events will begin with a Presidential Symposium ..."

"Subsequent break-out sessions are scheduled from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 'Packing Heat and the Second Amendment' will be held in the Kronzer Appellate Advocacy Courtroom at Baylor Law School ..." ...

OH: Success marks 2nd anniversary of Castle Doctrine in Ohio; More work to be done
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two years ago Ohio enacted Castle Doctrine self-defense reform despite the opposition of nearly all the mainstream media outlets and anti-gun forces statewide. The law returned the presumption of innocence to law-abiding citizens if they use deadly force after someone unlawfully enters their home, car or place of business."

"Once again the anti-gun coalitions predicted that law-abiding Ohioans lack the self-control and judgment to obey a more permissive self-defense law. They also predicted that criminals would use the new law to get away with murder."

"Pointing out the lies and bad predictions promoted by the anti-gun crowd is becoming tiresome, even though their phony statistics and crazed ravings make it easy to do." ...

DE: Gun reporting laws don't infringe on Constitution
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Wilmington, like similar municipalities, faces the challenges of gun violence every day. Opponents of any new gun laws argue against any regulation that alters the protection granted by the Second Amendment. Responsible private ownership of firearms is not the problem. The important question is how well do Delaware gun laws protect the rights of all citizens? Is justice being served by current regulations, and do we need to improve the present system?"

"The courts have found that reasonable regulations of firearms are permitted under the Constitution. Delaware must consider new laws that address intentional misuse by the criminal element and assist law enforcement in the investigation of gun-related crimes." ...

Germany: Father of teen shooter goes on trial for negligence
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A sport shooter whose teenage son killed 15 people during a high school rampage last year has gone on trial in Stuttgart, refueling calls for Germany's gun laws to be tightened further." ...

KABA Note: But he broke the existing law, what will passing another law do? Besides deter a few more people from owning guns? Incrementalism thy name is gun control.

Most reporters are very sympathetic to gun-control agendas and will skew or lie outright about facts to promote them. — DENNIS CAUCHON, USA TODAY

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