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Newslinks for 9/18/2010

Thrust and Parry - Gura and the Chicago Attorneys in the Ezell case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Watching Alan Gura and the attorneys for the City of Chicago go at it in the Ezell case is like watching a fencing competition. It is attack and counter-attack, thrust and parry, lunge and counter-lunge. No foils or epees for these lawyers. Instead it is sabers and no protective headgear all the way."

"Right about now (Sept 16th at 5pm EDT) Alan Gura and David Sigale are going into court in Chicago for a hearing on their motion for a temporary restraining order against the City of Chicago. They are seeking this TRO so that the Action Target, the [SAF], and [ISRA] can open a portable firing range in Chicago. ... They want to open up this range so that people can meet the live-fire requirements of the Chicago Firearms Permit (CFP)." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

Should we believe police who tell us gun laws don't infringe on Constitution?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "If we're to believe her, it means we're to believe what was clearly understood yesterday, by serious visionaries who left a record of their intent, means something different today--at least to those who allow themselves to be manipulated because the only records they're interested in all have a backbeat." ...

Caught in the Crossfire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a ritual as predictable as hunting season, it's another election year and people are once again gunning for the [NRA]. Only this time the powerful gun-rights group and bęte noire of the left is taking friendly fire -- from activists on the right who are growing increasingly impatient with the NRA for taking stands at odds with the rest of the conservative movement." ...

"What irks these conservatives is the sense that the mighty NRA ... has become too pragmatic in the use of its power: too willing to compromise with Democrats, too cautious in its approach to Second Amendment litigation, too slow to oppose liberal judicial nominees, and too willing to settle for a place at the table in liberal-occupied Washington." ...

Johns Hopkins shooting underscores a truth
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have described the only type of person we are protected from with a gun free zone. That person is mostly law abiding, but faced with enough provocation, they will shoot with no thought toward the consequences or the morality of their action. The shooter at Johns Hopkins hospital, Paul Warren Pardus, is such a man. ..."

"Antigunners will howl about how this proves nobody is qualified to carry a concealed weapon, and that it is proof that the evil spirit of a gun eventually suffuses the person carrying it. As I have said before in earlier columns, don't be distracted from a basic truth by the tiny fraction of exceptions. ..." ...

Brady Bunch asserts 'extremism' and spoilers reveal true Republican weakness
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fridays are always good days for laughter and there is perhaps nothing to match the double-barrel gut-busters launched by the Brady Campaign’s Paul Helmke and Dennis Henigan, accusing the Tea Party movement of extremism when it comes to Second Amendment issues."

"For these guys to start whining about extremism clearly defines the adage about the pot calling the kettle black. Our good friends over on forum actually raised the issue, and they're having a rather good time of it." ...

"In his Huffington Post blog, Henigan tries to demonize Tea Partiers because a survey by Democracy Corps reveals (gasp!) 'that they are more pro-gun than pro-life.'" ...

NRA-ILA Grassroots News Minute 09/17/10 (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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We recently debuted a new and improved format for the “Grassroots News Minute” video!

To view the current video in its new format, please click above:

Why can't 18-year-olds buy a handgun? (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you can serve in the military at 18, why can't you drink? That’s the age-old teenager’s lament."

"But what about buying a pistol? That's the question one young man is asking."

"Federal law prohibits a licensed gun dealer from selling a handgun to anyone under 21, although you can buy a rifle or shotgun at 18."

"But is that constitutional? One teenager in Lubbock wants the courts to decide…"

"The Bill of Rights enumerates in 10 amendments, the rights our founding fathers felt were guaranteed to every American."

"So, can the government put an age limit on the purchase of a particular kind of gun and not violate the second amendment?" ...

Handgun of the Year is American Made
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the U.S. economy continues to struggle maybe the Obama administration should look to the gun industry as an example of excellence in manufacturing."

"Strum, Ruger & Company proudly announced that their Ruger SR9c handgun model has been named the 'Handgun of the Year' for the third straight year by the Shooting Industry Academy of Excellence."

"This award was presented during the 8th Annual Shooting Industry Masters held July 23rd in Grand Island, Nebraska. The award committee is a 500-member group consisting of manufacturers, editors, writers, distributors and retailers within the gun industry." ...

Semi-Automatic Versions of Vintage Machine Guns – The Next Best Thing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Certain collectible guns bring out that 'wow' factor."

"This is especially true of the vintage firearms from the Soviet Union that helped turn back the Nazi invaders and were carried by soldiers of the Red Army ..."

"Of course actually trying to obtain a live firing version of the infamous PPSh-41 submachine gun, or DP-28 light machinegun can be no small challenge."

"... However, some of those old parts kits have been used to good effect by skilled gunsmiths such as Brennen Noble of Military Gun Supply, who has converted those into semi-automatic versions. The results are guns that are chambered for the original wartime ammunition yet are generally legal to own wherever semi-autos can be owned. ..." ...

Bracken: In Praise Of Duplexed AR Mags
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Matthew Bracken, BUD/S Class 105 and author of Enemies Foreign And Domestic, Domestic Enemies - The Reconquista, and Foreign Enemies And Traitors, sends:"

"In Praise of Duplexed AR Mags
by Matt Bracken

"Who wouldn’t want a sixty-round magazine for their trusty AR, one which fits in roughly the same space as a standard thirty-round mag?"

"Nobody I know."

"Problem is, such a magazine doesn’t exist. But there is a way to link two thirty-round mags so that the switch from the thirtieth to the thirty-first cartridge is extremely fast. Much faster than any switch to a second magazine kept in a pouch on your body."

"Twice as fast." ...

I Had A Horrible Dream Last Night
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I had a really bad dream last night. I was sitting in my den listening to Glenn Beck, and I was agreeing with everything he said. I asked myself, what the hell is wrong with me?" ...

"I looked around the room and saw an NRA poster on the wall and several Uzis with full clips lying on a table without trigger locks. I also noticed I had a Glock holstered on my belt beneath the white robe. I cried, 'Since when have I been a gun nut?' My wife told me I'd been pro-gun ever since she knew me, and we went to a shooting range on our very first date. She said, actually, it got off to a rocky start that night because a five year old kid was shooting an M60 machine gun and the bullets started flying all over the place." ...

AZ: With gun rights comes responsibility
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It's been a month since Arizona's new concealed weapon carry law went into effect. No longer does a person have to go through an eight-hour course ..."

"Now those who want to pack heat are on the honor system. The government hopes a person carrying a concealed weapon knows what they're doing. ..."

"While the legislature and the governor aren't worried, the real professionals are."

"Mesa Police Chief Frank Milstead told the Tribune in July, 'It's disconcerting, the fact that anyone can walk around and carry a gun without training. We don't let our police officers walk around with a gun without training. Some people will start shoving a gun down their pants and shoot themselves.'" ...

UT: Utah sees surge in out-of-state gun permits
Submitted by: David Nelson

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"Nearly 200 people apply for a concealed weapons permit in Utah each day. And about three-fourths of them don't live in the state." ...

"Out-of-state permits issued in fiscal 2010 numbered 44,043 compared with 17,315 to residents. Both numbers reflect change from the previous year: Out-of-state permits are up; in-state permits down."

"Administrators with the state Bureau of Criminal Investigation, the agency that oversees the program, are hard-pressed to explain the surge."

"'We don't ask and they don't tell,' Lt. Douglas Anderson, BCI manager, said after a Wednesday meeting of the Legislature's Judiciary, Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Interim Committee." ...

KABA Note: So a revenue stream of about $5250 per day or 1.5% of Utah's budget shortfall. In other words, if they only had 67 other licenses with this "problem" the state would be one of two in the country with a balanced budget.

UT: Concealed carry
Submitted by: David Nelson

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"The latest figures are in, ladies and gentlemen, and Utah continues to be the go-to place in the United States for permits to carry concealed handguns. It is understandable why gun enthusiasts in the Legislature would want to provide this permit for Utahns, but it remains baffling why the Beehive State would voluntarily shoulder this regulatory burden for people in 32 other states who have never set foot in this place and probably never will."

"We continue to believe that Utah should license this privilege only for Utahns. Let other states do it for their own people." ...

KABA Note: So out of staters paid Utah over $1.5 million last fiscal year, and this is a problem?

Purdey Creates World’s First Damascus Steel 20-Bore Shotgun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Because it's there, obviously. In this case, 'it' was Damascus steel strong enough to fashion into a shotgun capable of withstanding modern shells, supplied to English gunmaker James Purdey & Sons by Sweden's Damasteel AB. Those of you who know about such things don't need me to tell you that Damascus steel refers to hot-forged 'folded' metal, once used for shotguns, but abandoned due to the fact that the molded barrels deformed and/or failed with high pressure loads. (Not good.) The new over and under shotgun's strength relies on a hi-tech 'Powder Metallurgy Method' . . ." ...

TX: Police: Homeowner Shoots Man Who Retaliated After Car Towed
Submitted by: Hugh Green/TDCJ

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"A homeowner shot a man who Houston police said was breaking into his house because a car was towed."

"Houston police said a man parked in front of a driveway to a home ... before going to a club."

"The homeowner, Frank Johnson, said it's normal for cars to be parked up and down his street."

"'I don't mind them parking here, just don't block the driveway,' Johnson said."

"Johnson had the car towed, police said."

"At about 3 a.m. Friday, the man returned to the place he had parked his car and discovered it was gone."

"Investigators said the man broke into the house to confront Johnson." ...

"Johnson shot the man, detectives said."

"Police said the man used cement blocks to break Johnson's windows." ...

FL: Child Still Expelled for Toy Gun - a Year Later
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Samuel Burgos has fond memories of his friends at school, but he only gets to see them in pictures now."

"The 8-year-old boy hasn't been in school for a year and will likely miss another year if the Broward County School Board has its way."

"Burgos was suspended from school in November after a teacher found a toy gun in his backpack. But when the boy went to register to go back to Pembroke Pines Charter School, he was told he will be expelled for this school year, too, as part of the county's zero tolerance weapons policy."

"'He made a mistake, but why the severe punishment? I don't understand that,' said Magdiel Burgos, Sam's dad."

"School board officials said the rules are quite clear and that the toy gun constituted a weapon ..." ...

Submitter's Note: The one lesson this "charter school" has taught the boy is that the school board is irrational.

What the fracturing Republican party means for Democrats -- and energy policy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let’s acknowledge one thing right from the beginning: Barack Obama has fractured the Republican Party. The real question is whether or not he fractures the Democratic Party."

"While Republicans seem united in their distain[sic] for the president, it seems they are irreconcilably divided between their libertarian base and their corporate base. They are currently bi-based. Maybe it's only a phase; a phase that will almost certainly begin with some serious denial."

"The splitting of a party is serious business. A lot of money is at stake. Now, who should the NRA fund — the libertarian Tea Party, or the card-carrying Republicans who have been safe Second Amendment votes for years? ..." ...

Pro-Gun Champion Senator Jim DeMint Under Attack
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pro-gun Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) is not afraid to stand up to the Washington Republican establishment, and now he's being attacked for that reason."

"On Tuesday, Sen. DeMint split with the leadership of his party and endorsed Christine O'Donnell in the Delaware Republican Senate primary. O'Donnell, who is also supported by GOA, was taking on the most notoriously anti-gun Republican member of the House of Representatives, Mike Castle."

"In nearly two decades in the House, Castle voted for, and even sponsored, legislation to ban guns, close down gun shows, register gun owners, and much more. ..." ...

CO: Fingers point, counterpoint: Suthers, Garnett engage in spirited AG debate in Loveland
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The candidates for Colorado attorney general accused each other of suspect professional behavior Thursday during a forum in Loveland."

"Republican incumbent John Suthers and Democratic challenger Stan Garnett spoke before the Progressive 15 group, a nonpartisan organization that tackles issues affecting northeast Colorado."

"'The attorney general should be the people’s lawyer,' Garnett said. He questioned Suthers' use of public resources to file briefs in other states opposing federal health care legislation and defending challenges to Second Amendment rights." ...

CO: NRA gives endorsement to Markey
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association will endorse Democratic incumbent Rep. Betsy Markey over Republican challenger Cory Gardner."

"The NRA, the nation's largest gun-owners group, hasn't officially announced the endorsement, but Gardner campaign manager Chris Hansen told the conservative publication National Review that the NRA had informed them that it was endorsing Markey. Hansen confirmed that report to the Coloradoan on Thursday."

"'Betsy has a strong record of supporting Second Amendment rights and has been a tireless advocate for Colorado's hunters and sportsmen. With roughly 11,000 members in the Fourth Congressional District, we're very glad to have their endorsement,' Markey campaign spokesman Ben Marter said." ...

VT: Britton Challenges Leahy in Vermont
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Len Britton, the Republican candidate for Senate in Vermont, thinks he can beat Sen. Pat Leahy. He just needs some quick cash, he tells NRO."

"A 54-year-old husband and father of five, Britton used to operate a lumberyard, but now he's a full-time candidate against Leahy, who's been in the Senate since 1975. A conservative who founded a chapter of College Republicans while studying political science at the University of Vermont, Britton wants to protect the Second Amendment, secure our borders, and eliminate the federal deficit. He has many colorful qualities ... but the one he thinks most stands out is his political inexperience. He has never held elected office and he hopes this distinction will win him his first." ...

TX: Clay Jenkins hurts eye in dove shooting accident
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The good news is that Clay Jenkins didn't shoot a friend or bystander."

"But the Democratic nominee for County Judge did hurt his right eye while dove hunting last weekend ... Jenkins said his eye was sprayed with small debris and dust after he pulled the trigger on a shotgun ... When the eye did not improve, he sought medical treatment."

"'I was out bird hunting with some supporters and right as I'm shooting a bird I get something scratchy in my eye,' he said. 'In hindsight I should have pulled my contact out of my eye and quit hunting.'"

"Jenkins says he owns a lot of guns, including a shotgun, deer rifle, a pistol and other assorted weapons. He adds he loves hunting and supports Second Amendment rights." ...

GA: Isakson Announces Leadership of Sportsmen for Isakson
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. Senator and Senate candidate Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., today announced the launch of the group 'Sportsmen for Isakson.' This group is made up of gun owners across the state of Georgia, including numerous leaders in outdoor sports who support Isakson and his long record of protecting Second Amendment rights."

"Isakson has received an 'A' rating from the National Rifle Association since arriving in Congress for his commitment to protecting the right to bear arms. The NRA also announced this week that it has endorsed Isakson in his bid for re-election this year, just as it has in previous elections. The text of their endorsement letter is attached." ...

CO: NRA casts in for Frazier, Markey, Salazar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association is endorsing candidates for U.S. House seats this fall, backing local incumbent Democrats and a Republican challenger."

"The 4 million member NRA said Friday it is backing Betsy Markey's bid to win re-election to 4th Congressional District. Markey, a Democrat, defeated conservative Republican Marilyn Musgrave for the seat in 2008 but faces a tough challenge from the GOP's Cory Gardner."

"Markey co-sponsored the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity amendment, which would extend federal protection of state right-to-carry licenses and permits across the country and co-sponsored legislation that would reform the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, said Chris W. Cox, the NRA's chief lobbyist." ...

AR: NRA Gives Causey The Thumbs Up
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is pretty good news for the Causey camp."
"JONESBORO- Jonesboro-native and First District Congressional Candidate Chad Causey was awarded an AQ rating from the National Rifle Association today, showing Causey’s strong support of 2nd Amendment rights for the people of Arkansas."

"'I've hunted my whole life here in Arkansas, duck hunting on the Black River or on a deer stand in Searcy County with my grandfather,' Causey said. 'I will always stand up and fight to protect our 2nd Amendment rights.'"

"Causey received the AQ rating today from the NRA, the highest possible rating for a non-incumbent candidate for public office." ...

FL: NRA Backs Jeff Atwater for CFO
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Senate President Jeff Atwater of North Palm Beach, the Republican CFO candidate, was thrilled to be endorsed by the NRA on Friday--the day when America celebrates the passage of the Constitution. The NRA gave Atwater an A+ for his record on Second Amendment issues.

"On a day that celebrates the wisdom of the founders who established our nation and created our Constitution, it is a great honor to have my work to protect our freedoms acknowledged," said Atwater.

"No other candidate in this race has the background of dedicated legislative service that you have demonstrated to the cause of freedom, the Second Amendment and protection of constitutional rights," wrote Marion Hammer of the NRA to Atwater.

OH: Portman campaign issues Second Amendment-related campaign flyer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rob Portman, former Congressman and current Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, has begun distributing literature designed to inform voters about his record on the issue of gun rights."

"The flyer begins by pointing out Portman's strong history of support for Second Amendment-related issues, and grading resume from than National Rifle Association over his entire 12 years in Congress:" ...

NV: Locked, Loaded (second item)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Republican U.S. Senate candidate Sharron Angle has been criticized plenty for her 'Second Amendment remedies' comments."

"It's only fair that her press spokesman, Jerry Stacy, gets a chance to return a full volley. He writes in an e-mail, 'Sharron Angle has responded to this question numerous times and it's just another attempt at fear mongering from Senator Harry Reid in order to distract voters from the main issue of this race, which is the broken economy in Nevada ... It's the most important issue of 72 percent of the voters in the state. Furthermore, most independent voters blame Obama and Reid for the economy, which is a major problem for Senator Reid. Harry doesn't want to talk about this, so he's trying to change the subject.'" ...

We're the Only Ones Only Human Enough
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A police officer is a human being, but we can't tolerate them breaking the law. [More]"
"So he got a year and a day?"

"What about 'federal law requires that a person convicted of possessing half a kilogram or more of cocaine powder be sentenced to at least five years in prison'...?"

"And no comment on why the pot charges were dismissed?"

"I guess some humans are more equal than others. ..." ...

TN: Records show new East TN constable a felon
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Carter County sheriff's officials say records show a county constable recently sworn into office is a felon."

"Sheriff Chris Mathes said his department conducted a background check on Barney Brown, of Roan Mountain and Tiger Creek, after citizens from the district contacted the sheriff about Brown's record."

"The Johnson City Press reports Mathes discovered Brown was convicted of a felony in Washington, D.C., in 1961 on burglary and theft charges."

"In Tennessee, felons may not be constables."

"Mathes said he confronted Brown, and he didn't deny the charges. Brown could not be immediately reached by phone by The Associated Press on Friday." ...

FL: FHP Trooper suspended over use of firearm (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Florida Highway Patrol Trooper Timothy Nichols was suspended after an internal affairs investigation determined that he "used deadly force by firing upon a non-threatening suspect." (September 16, 2010) [Courtesy Bay News 9]

Submitter's Note: Over $3 worth of breakfast sandwiches.

IL: Cook Co. sheriff's officer sues Hanover Park
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Brad Sandefur should have been allowed to return to a Hanover Park village board meeting in February after officers accosted, restrained and removed him for bringing a gun, his attorney said."

"Barring the Cook County sheriff's deputy sergeant from re-entering deprived him of his constitutional rights, Sandefur says in a lawsuit he's filed against the village and four of its leaders ..."

"'This is a man who did nothing wrong,' attorney Ronald Bell said Thursday, a day after filing the federal suit. 'But they ignored his rights all along and treated him like a criminal.'" ...

H/t to David Codrea who has some cogent commentary.

Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals upholds federal law prohibiting drug users from possessing guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment won't protect marijuana or other drug users from incurring a felony charge if they are caught possessing a gun, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit recently held."

"Matthew Yancey was caught carrying 0.7 grams of marijuana and a loaded gun and pled guilty to a felony charge ... prohibit[ing] unlawful users of controlled substances from possessing a firearm. He admitted to being a habitual pot smoker."

"Yancey challenged the constitutionality of section 922(g)(3) under District of Columbia v. Heller ..."

"Yancey argued that Heller shielded him from prosecution as a non-felon and the government did not have a compelling interest in prohibiting habitual drug users from possessing guns ..." ...

MA: Man challenging constitutionality of gun permit revocation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Citing a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision, a Shrewsbury man is challenging the constitutionality of a state law under which his license to carry a firearm was revoked five years ago ..."

"Lawyer Mel L. Greenberg, who represents Raymond J. Holden, filed an amended petition in Central District Court Sept. 10 appealing Chief Gemme's 2005 revocation of Mr. Holden’s firearm's license based on a determination that Mr. Holden was not a 'suitable person' to carry a gun."

"In a memorandum of law accompanying his amended petition, Mr. Greenberg said the term 'suitable person,' as it appears in the law, is unconstitutionally vague given the Supreme Court's June 28 ruling in the case of McDonald v. Chicago. ..." ...

FL: Gun Rights Discussion at Tampa 912 Project Meeting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Noel Flasterstein, Gun Rights Expert and General Counsel for the Second Amendment Club of America, will be the key speaker at the Tampa 912 Project's general meeting on September 18th."

"'Let's not forget our 4th Branch of Government called US the People, which is empowered by our 2nd Amendment Rights' - Noel Flasterstein"

"Tampa 912 Project is a safe haven for patriots to meet and discuss their views and take action. The group is organized by people who have core values, principles, and a sincere belief that our country's greatness stems from our Constitution. Tampa 912 Project is not a political group or for a particular party... instead, a group for people who care and want a voice." ...

AK: Cordova NRA Event Among Top 150 in Nation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Aug. 28, the Cordova Friends of the National Rifle Association entered a prestigious group, raising more funds at the annual Cordova FNRA banquet than similar events in Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, New York and Chicago and putting in the top 150 events across the United States."

"While the NRA does not publish specific dollar amounts, take my word for it, it was an astonishing amount of money and enough to put Cordova in the elite group of FNRA 'magnum' events after only three years."

"'Cordova's citizens are passionate about their freedoms and tradition,' said Brad Kruger, FNRA field representative for Alaska. 'We call this the biggest little event in Alaska.'" ...

IL: Speak out against irrational gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The FOID card should be done away with, along with all the corrupt politicians who implemented it. As it stands Illinois hunters and gun owners are criminals until they are proven innocent."

"Meanwhile, anti-gun legislators are pushing some new bills to take away even more of our Second Amendment rights. Some want to ban all semi-automatic firearms. That means Grandpa's 12-gauge Browning, or that Ruger 10-22 you just got. They are also pushing a one-gun-a-month law. Some want to outlaw private gun sales, even between family members. That means when Uncle Bob passes away, his gun collection would have to be destroyed or buried with him. Does this sound as stupid to you as it does to me?" ...

The real destroyer of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits. —PLUTARCH

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