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Newslinks for 9/19/2001

Military "now" a presence on Home Front
Submitted by: JamieM

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"New Vigilance"

"Not even during the fiercest fighting of World War II, nor during the tensest moments of the Cold War, has the U.S. military mounted a defense of its home turf as massive as the one mobilized in the wake of Tuesday's terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington."

National Guard Preps Members for the Worst
Submitted by: skypod

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As the U.S. girds for war in the Middle East, the government has prepared National Guardsmen here for the worst by reminding the mostly part-time soldiers to get their wills, life insurance and other affairs in order.

The notice, emailed Friday in the form of an internal memo, also recommended guardsmen start wearing their dog tags in case they are called to respond to more terrorist attacks in the U.S.

U.S. Rushes to Put Marshals on Jets
Submitted by: skypod

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Armed guards may be almost as much a part of air travel as pilots and flight attendants as the government rushes to get hundreds of new marshals on board airliners.

Hundreds of other marshals are being recruited, many of them retired law enforcement officials. Some private security firms, whose employees serve as air marshals for foreign airlines, are being asked for help as well.

Conservatives Urge Caution on Expanding Surveillance Power
Submitted by: skypod

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While the U.S. Justice Department seeks new surveillance power to track down terrorists, some conservatives are casting a skeptical eye on what they see as an erosion of civil liberties.

"Before we begin dismantling constitutionally protected safeguards and diminishing fundamental rights to privacy, we should first examine why last week's attacks occurred," said Rep. Bob Barr (R-Ga.), a senior Member of the Judiciary Committee.

Acclaimed Anti-Gun 'History' a Fraud?
Submitted by: Chuck Markley

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"Frenzied anti-self-defense zealots hailed his book as proof that colonial Americans owned few guns and that the idea of a nation of well-armed citizens was a myth, and he won a prestigious award for his rooting out the truth about guns in early America. But new research indicates that in many instances historian Michael A. Bellesiles simply twisted the facts to fit his own agenda ..."

America's War Song: The Star-Spangled Banner
Submitted by: Chuck Markley

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It was September 14. Washington, DC, had been attacked, and one of its most prominent monuments had been burned by the enemy. A Washington lawyer sat in the early morning gloom and fretted over the fate of his country.

The year was 1814, the burned monument was the White House, the man was Francis Scott Key, and his worry was centered on Fort McHenry....

The first stanza expressed Key's anxious concern for his country. The second expressed his elation as he saw the banner rise. He saw the death of the enemy as proof of justice. Thus, his third stanza....

A Bounty on Guns? Target Criminals
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The "Gun Stoppers" program initiated by Pittsburgh police pays snitches that rat out unlicensed firearms owners. Your information can make you $100 per arrest and $25 for every "illegal" gun confiscated.

Fresno County DA files suit over weapons law
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Fresno County District Attorney Ed Hunt has filed a lawsuit against state Attorney General Bill Lockyer over what he says are ambiguous guidelines in 1999 amendments to the state's assault weapons law.

Rep. Mary Bono urges constituents to be ready for "sacrifices"
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The key here is to crack down. I think people are going to have to recognize that some of their conveniences are going to be gone," Bono said. "Whether we are talking about national ID cards I don’t know, or fingerprinting of everybody, I don’t know where we are going to go with security. I’m glad to show my identification where I need to go." --State Rep. Mary Bono (R-PalmSprings)

Special permit for mall paintball gets 1st OK
Submitted by: Kevin

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Yoe agreed. "I do think we are sending a questionable message, at best. I also don't think it's appropriate in a commercial mall to have people carrying around guns in any form."

Gun Permits up on heels of Attack
Submitted by: Mike Guzzi

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Pennsylvania a "shall issue" state for gun permits are seeing an increase
in the number of permits issued after last week's attack.

Sarah Brady Warns about Risks of Guns in the Home
Submitted by: Bill Brandow

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Don't arm "just" because of attack.

KABA NOTE: She goes on to say, "We are also extremely disturbed and saddened by recent fatal shootings and other incidents of gun violence directed at individuals of Middle Eastern descent or appearance around the country. In this highly emotional time, Americans must resist in engaging in the same hatred and ignorance that fostered the unspeakable acts of September 11."

Operation Restore Warrior Spirit
Submitted by: skypod

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Operation Restore Warrior Spirit is intended to disabuse you of the cancer of political correctness. America is the land of the free and home of the brave. At least it used to be and can be again.

In the movie "Rob Roy" there is a wonderful scene in which the hero is asked by his sons, "What is honor?" Rob responds, "Honor is something no one can give you … and no one can take away. It is a man's gift to himself."

Submitted by: skypod

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Monday, Sept. 17, is the birthday of the most important document in the long history of mankind's struggle for liberty, the Constitution of the United States....


Anti-Terror Push Stirs Fears for Liberties
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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A coalition of public interest groups from across the political spectrum has formed to try to stop Congress and the Bush administration from rushing to enact counterterrorism measures before considering their effect on Americans' privacy and civil rights.

Now Requiring More Vigilance than Ever (JPG)
Submitted by: Sidewinder

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Ben Sargent Cartoon from Austin American-Statesman -- Some people are aware of the dangers posed to our rights in this time of heightened vigilance.

H.R.2896 Will Arm Pilots
Submitted by: skypod

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GOA Urges Congress to Pass Bill Arming Pilots -- Rep. Paul says his bill will save lives if enacted.

ACTION: Urge your Representative to cosponsor H.R.2896, which allows pilots to defend the lives of their passengers.

Read the Text of H.R.2896, when it becomes available.

I believe that every individual is naturally entitled to do as he pleases with himself and the fruits of his labor, so far as it in no way interferes with any other men's rights. — ABRAHAM LINCOLN

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