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Disturbing Trend: Robbers More Likely to Shoot Victims
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The FBI has released data showing that violent crime is on the rise. There’s also a growing trend of teenagers shooting their victims. From a recent article in USA Today:"

"Violent crime continued to increase in the first six months of this year, highlighted by a growing trend of teenagers shooting robbery victims even if they surrender their valuables."

"'Crime is coming back, and it has a new and troubling element,' said Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton. That is 'a youthful population that is largely disassociated from the mainstream of America.'" ...

Selecting the proper handgun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Several times recently, I’ve been posed the question, 'What’s the best handgun to buy?' ..."

"Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question. My answer is usually a question also: 'How are you going to use it?'"

"The handgun in this discussion is simply a tool. I say that to distinguish these selections from those that might be chosen by collectors ..."

"Just as your would select a tool based on the job for which it is designed or that which you wish to perform with it, this is the basic criteria for handgun selection. You would not buy a saw to drive nails or a level to cut a board. Accordingly, some basic information is needed to guide your decisions concerning handgun selection." ...

Bringing scopes into focus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The modern rifleman may think his rifle’s scope is a product of the 20th century, but the magnifying sight dates back several hundred years."

"Legend has it that Sir Isaac Newton of law-of-gravity fame attached some type of optical sight to a rifle around 1700."

"Prior to the Civil War, a few rifles were offered with telescopic sights, and during the war, Morgan James produced sharpshooters' heavy-barrel rifles with barrel-length scopes. During the war, snipers on both sides took a deadly toll with accurate rifles equipped with scopes of high magnification. No, the rifle scope is not new."

"The dust of time has pretty much covered the history of the optical sight, but records do show it was used by buffalo hunters." ...

OH: Sixth District Appellate Court Throws Out Beatty Case (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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that HB12 is not a general law of the State of Ohio. ..."

"Ohioans For Concealed Carry is performing a review of the twenty page opinion [.pdf file] and will have a more detailed analysis of the events as the day progresses."

"At first glance the court threw out most of Toledo's positions, but concluded that Ohio's Concealed Carry law is not a general law of the State of Ohio. We feel this conclusion is very wrong, and if upheld, it could have stunning effects on concealed carry statewide. Stay tuned to as we continue to review this decision and our reaction:" ...

OH: 6th District Court of Appeals rules concealed carry is not a general law (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today Ohio’s 6th District Court of Appeals ruled against Bruce Beatty and the arguments of Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro. The court ruled that Ohio’s concealed carry law (HB12) is not a general law and that local ordnances can prevail."

"…we find that there is no general law in this state with which the city's Rule 18 is in conflict. As such, Rule 18 is enforceable within the city."

"This ruling may allow and even encourage any political entity in the 6th district to pass draconian rules restricting and prohibiting a person from exercising their right to carry a concealed weapon." ...

MO: U. City schools suspend third-grader who brought gun to school
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A third grade boy who brought an unloaded pistol to his University City school has been suspended for 10 days."

"And three girls who reported the weapon got rewards from a St. Louis bank."

"A school official on recess patrol confiscated the gun, a two-shot, .32 caliber Derringer, on Thursday after the girls reported that a boy had displayed it on the playground ..."

"School officials said the boy brought the gun from home and that it belonged to his mother’s boyfriend."

"University City police are checking the weapon to see if it had been used in a previous crime. They are also looking into possible charges against the boyfriend for endangering the welfare of the child by not keeping the pistol out of reach." ...

TN: Boy who brought gun to school sent to alternative classes (follow-up)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The discipline board of the Jackson Madison County Schools has sent a 13-year-old to alternative school after he brought an unloaded pistol to school.

Superintendent Nancy Zambito says the boy did something that "wasn't smart," but keeping him in the school system will get him some help and he can be brought back to South Side High School next year.

Another student reported the boy had a gun in his bookpack. Police found the weapon, but there was no ammunition for it.

PA: Gun rumor stuns school
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police with rifles and tactical gear swarmed Richmond's De Anza High School in search of a student with a gun Thursday afternoon but found neither weapon nor suspect."

"School staff called police at 2:27 p.m. after a female student reported seeing a teen with a handgun somewhere on campus, police Lt. Mark Gagan said."

"The report brought dozens of officers from all corners of town to the May Valley neighborhood in the city's suburban northeastern area."

"'When we get a call of this nature, we take it very seriously,' Gagan said. 'Officers were on-scene very quickly, and we also called in patrol officers from downtown. We sealed the campus and began to search.'" ...

CA: Firearms Industry Scores Major Victory in California Assembly; Microstamping & Bullet Serialization Bill Defeated
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Legislation before the California Assembly (AB 352) that would have required microstamping of firearms and bullet serialization of all ammunition was defeated last night." ...

"'We are thankful that common sense and sound public policy prevailed,' said Lawrence G. Keane, senior vice president and general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, trade association for the firearms and ammunition industry. 'This legislation would have forced an unproven, costly and easily defeatable technology upon both firearms consumers and taxpayers, and would have resulted in a ban on all ammunition in California.'" ...

CA: Sweeping legislation approved as lawmakers conclude session
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "An effort also failed that would have required semiautomatic handguns in California be fitted with technology that imprints each cartridge with a unique stamp."

"The bill ... was intended to help police track wanted gunmen through shell casings left at a crime scene. It failed in the Assembly on a 38-34 vote. It needed 41 votes to pass."

"According to the bill, handguns would have to carry a microscopic set of characters inside the gun that identify its make, model and serial number. The characters would be imprinted onto the shell casing before firing."

"Opponents of the bill argued the technology is unproven and raised questions as to whether it would in fact help law enforcement." ...

OH: Joy Padgett endorsed for U.S. Congress - vote September 14 (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Buckeye Firearms is pleased to announce the endorsement of Joy Padgett for the 18th U.S. Congressional district. A special election is scheduled for September 14 to determine who will be the republican candidate on the ballot this November. The special election is needed due to Republican Bob Ney withdrawing after winning the Spring GOP primary."

"Many Ohio gun owners know Representative Jim Aslanides as a leading advocate for gun rights; however, many Ohio gun owners are surprised to find out that Rep. Aslanides is working to finish what Padgett started a decade ago. Aslanides has described Padgett as 'the mother of gun rights legislation in Ohio.'" ...

TX: Burleson considers ban on public display of toy guns; ban not in Cleburne's sights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Trying to head off a tragedy before it occurs, Burleson city officials are considering an ordinance banning the public display of realistic-looking toy guns."

"Burleson Police Chief Tom Cowan appeared before the Burleson City Council on Aug. 24 to discuss the sale of what are called facsimile firearms, or look-a-like toy weapons."

"'Since February 2005 the Burleson Police Department has observed a proliferation of facsimile firearms being used [by adults] to threaten people, to create alarm as if a real weapon were being pointed at a person, or in the possession of minor children who indiscriminately display the weapons in public creating alarm,' Cowan said." ...

CO: Ritter’s firearms stances blasted
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Colorado Republicans attacked Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Bill Ritter on Thursday for his stance on gun control."

"Eight GOP lawmakers signed a letter claiming Ritter has a 'dismal record of protecting our constitutional right to bear arms.'"

"Senate Minority Leader Andy McElhany, R-Colorado Springs, and Rep. Dave Schultheis, R-Colorado Springs, signed the letter."

"As Denver’s district attorney, Ritter opposed several measures over the years that sought to ease Colorado's concealed weapons laws. ..."

"Ritter spokesman Evan Dreyer noted
that the letter attacking his candidate's stance on gun rights came less than a day after the campaign called for more recreational shooting ranges in Colorado." ...

Submitter's Note: They have 'recreational shooting ranges' in the UK, too.

OR: Homeowners should be able to shoot first
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An editorial in the Aug. 17 Register-Guard opposed legislation in Florida and other states that allows people in their homes to use deadly force against intruders without fear of prosecution, even if the intruder is killed."

"As a former deputy sheriff, I have seen the terror that people experience when facing a home intruder. It can affect them for years so that they never feel secure in their own homes."

"The Register-Guard contends that an unarmed intruder does not deserve the death penalty. Do the editors think that someone facing an intruder at 2 a.m. in a low-light situation is able to determine if the bad guy is armed or not? A ball-point pen is a weapon, kitchens have knives in them, and guns can be concealed." ...

NV: Shooting range proponent says plan is on target
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dave Fiedler, manager of the Capitol City Gun Club, was surprised when residents were against the idea to eventually relocate the city's shooting clubs to a site east of Sedge and South Deer Run roads."

"The 305-acre site being proposed for use by rifle, skeet, pistol, trap and archery shooting is owned by the Bureau of Land Management, and the city is considering taking ownership of it."

"'It's a good location,' he said."

"The area, now used by some people to illegally dump refuse and dead animals ..."

"If the land were under the control of the city and maintained by local shooting clubs, such as his on Arrowhead Drive, more people in the area would prove a deterrent to trash tossers, he insisted." ...

NY: County To Seek Alternate Site?
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A bill that would have shut down the recently reopened Suffolk County Trap and Skeet facility in Yaphank failed in a vote of 15-3 in the county Legislature last week. However, due to complaints from local constituents, Brookhaven Town officials are awaiting reports, as of press time, from a noise consultant to see if the decibels at the Trap and Skeet exceed town code stipulations. Meanwhile, county legislation is being drafted to search for an alternate site for the shooting range." ...

VA: Handguns are beneficial for self-defense
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"I would like to take this opportunity to respond to some of the misinformation and uninformed points of view perpetuated by those opposed to licensed students carrying concealed handguns."

"Of particular interest is the opinion of a couple of writers that 'rifles are for killing deer and handguns are made for killing people.' Aside from the fun of shooting for target practice, I could not agree more. Handguns are virtually worthless for hunting purposes — however, they are excellent tools for self-defense, which is why I have a Concealed Handgun Permit."

"At a time when there was a man wanted for murder on the loose in Blacksburg, there are few tools I would rather have at my disposal for self-defense than a handgun. ..." ...

TX: Outdoors: It's vital to check rifle, sights before opening day
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Strange things can happen to riflescopes when they spend the summer in a closet or gun safe."

"For sure, a reticle can wander and the crosshairs can drift around inside the tube like a clueless retriever looking for a gone bird. I've also seen tiny screws come loose and rattle around inside a scope."

"Those unlikely circumstances happen to older scopes or scopes that have had a chance encounter with a hard knock — such as a slamming truck door or a long drop onto the rocky ground."

"The bad fact is that the hunter does not discover the defect until deer season is near, and then the rush is on to find a fix, which can be a difficult task. Worse, the defect may not be discovered until the first shot at a big buck goes yards astray." ...

MO: It all starts tomorrow
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The long-awaited beginning of 2006's fall hunting seasons is tomorrow, Sept. 1, with the opening of Missouri's annual dove season."

"Ever since the last hunting closed last spring, hunters all over Missouri have been 'killing time' with summer's activities until they could once more "kick off" another fall's hunting seasons."

"Dove season serves as the official kick-off for Missouri fall hunting since it's the first to open. The Sept. 1 opener serves as the switch-over from summer's boring activities to the hunting they've all been waiting for. Dove season runs through Nov. 9, but long before that many of the other much-anticipate fall hunting seasons have their opener also." ...

UK: Garage attendant held up at gunpoint
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A petrol station cashier was taken to hospital after being pistol whipped around the head in the first of two armed robberies in two days."

"The 46-year-old man was on duty at the Total petrol station in Tattenham Corner on Sunday at about 3.45pm when a man entered the store and threatened him with a handgun."

"He demanded the takings before striking the cashier around the head with the gun and grabbing cash from the till."

"The victim was taken to Epsom General Hospital and later released after receiving treatment for his wounds."

"The second robbery, which police say could be linked, happened at about 5pm the next day at Threshers off licence in Barnett Wood Lane, Ashtead." ...

A fanatic is one who won't change his mind and won't change the subject. — Winston Churchill

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