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Newslinks for 9/21/2010

NV: Costco Shooting Inquest Starts Wednesday - Family Releases Viewing Guide To Inquest
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The coroner's inquest into the July shooting death of Erik Scott, 38, outside a Costco in Summerlin begins Wednesday.
The inquest will be livestreamed on FOX5's website starting at 10 a.m. until Friday when it is expected to conclude.
The coroner's inquest is used to determine whether the three police officers who shot and killed were justified in doing do. A jury of seven can decide whether the killing was justified, excusable or criminal. ...
Last weekend, the Scott family issued a "Viewer's Guide to the Inquest Process" listing complaints with the current system as it stands, including not having access to evidence.

Anti-Gun Advocate Greg Nickels Appointment to UN and Gun Rights Policy Conference in San Francisco
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) expressed deep concern about the recent appointment of former Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels by the Obama Administration to the United Nations. Nickels is being appointed as an alternate representative to the United Nations.

According to CCRKBA, Nichols is a founding member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns and previously authored Seattle’s failed attempt to override the Washington State firearms preemption statute. ...


“Nickels is a gun ban proponent,” he continued, “so his appointment as an alternate to the UN is a clear signal of Barack Obama’s intention to rubber stamp the UN’s global gun ban agenda.

NV: Angle Calls Reid Illegal Immigrant's Best Friend
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When you are a Republican candidate who's campaign has sort of gone off the rails, how do you get yourself back on track.

Why you go to the tried and true tactic of bringing up immigration.

So goes Sharron Angle, Nevada's Republican Senate candidate. In a tight race against Sen. Harry Reid, Angle has found that the more voters get to know her, the less they like her, with even her own party wishing they had picked a different candidate. To regather her base, Angle has launched a new ad, where she calls Reid "the best friend an illegal immigrant ever had."

GOP vs. tea party
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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And the tea party seems to be helping GOP Senate candidates more than it is hurting them. Nevada’s Sharron Angle, for example, has been a running joke with her edgy appeal to "Second Amendment solutions" and other ominous quotes. Yet she’s been running neck-and-neck against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in a state where for many voters the Second Amendment is their favorite part of the Constitution.

Kentucky’s Rand Paul, who got off to a shaky start with his reservations about the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and Ohio’s Rob Portman and Florida’s Marco Rubio have pulled into the lead. Illinois Republican Mark Kirk has been slightly ahead and Linda McMahon is almost tied in Connecticut.

CO: Police: Bicyclist Pepper Sprays Dogs, Owner
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A cyclist said he was acting in self-defense when he aimed pepper spray at two dogs and their owner in Lafayette.

"I carry pepper spray because of the dogs," Erich Toll told the Boulder Daily Camera. "I'm not going to get bit."

Toll said he sprayed the dogs because they charged him. He said he sprayed the dog's owner when the man came running after him.

The dog's owner told the newspaper his dogs were no threat and he denied physically threatening the cyclist.

The newspaper reported that Lafayette police and Boulder County sheriff's deputies interviewed both men and determined Toll was within his right to defend himself from the dogs and their owner.

Officers gave the dog's owner a $55 ticket for having a dog at large.

GA: Family vows to fight high court decision in shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Fulton prosecutors contended the physical evidence showed Bunn was not in front of the Tahoe when he shot Ward, so he was in no danger of being struck.

Writing for the court's majority, Chief Justice Carol Hunstein noted that, under the law, Bunn needed to show he acted in self-defense by a preponderance of the evidence, the lowest legal threshold for burden of proof. Even though there was conflicting evidence, Hunstein said Bunn met the preponderance standard.

Justice Robert Benham disagreed. He found "troubling evidence" in the case and noted that Bunn had previously been found liable in a civil suit for punching a woman in the face during a routine traffic stop.

VA: Pizza Delivery Driver Shoots Alleged Robber
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Investigators in Hanover County say it appears that a robber targeted the wrong pizza delivery driver. Just before 11:00pm Sunday night, police say a man in a mask pulled what appeared to be a shotgun on a pizza delivery man who had just finished delivering people in a neighborhood on Possum Trail. That's when police say the pizza man pulled his own gun.

Dana Trader said the driver had just left her doorstep when she heard a gun shot. Trader says, "I saw the Papa John's man in my front yard. He was holding a gun and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He said, 'Someone tried to rob me, someone came up behind me and they had on a ski mask and shot gun and I've shot them, call police and rescue!'"

Sewden: Sweden Considers Cashless Society
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"If it's impossible to pay cash when you buy stuff, it's also impossible not to leave electronic footprints behind you, and the electronic footprints from what you buy put together can tell the entire story about your life. This can be very sensitive information," Par Strom of the New Welfare Foundation in Stockholm told the BBC. "Most people don't want this total surveillance society."

Countless critics have argued that the government’s failure to properly prevent and punish crimes is the real problem, not the existence and use of cash. Of course, Swedes are also disarmed for the most part, and even those with weapons are forbidden to use them in self-defense, let alone to protect property.

Sharron Angle and the right to be armed
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I follow write ups in “The New Republic” and elsewhere and to this date I have found no arguments advanced against what the tea party is saying — for example, that the United States federal government has an impermissibly wide scope; that the government’s debt is a huge burden on future generations which cannot even vote on what they are getting into; that the Second Amendment was included in the U.S. Constitution in part so as to enable citizens to resist tyranny should it come to their having to do so; that coercing people to buy anything, health insurance or sandals, is unconstitutional and certainly immoral; ...

WI: Gun-Carrying Customers Prompt Culver's Policy Review
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Culver's Corp. is evaluating the possible need for a policy addressing handguns in its restaurants.

The issue came to light after an incident at the East Towne Culver's on Saturday evening.

Five members of the open-carry advocacy group, Wisconsin Carry, met to eat dinner and socialize. The men were all legally openly carrying firearms.

"They started to notice a police presence was gathering around the building so they suspected that somebody had called the police regarding them because they had firearms," said Auric Gold, the group's secretary.

FL: GOP Candidates Pledge to Defend Right to Bear Arms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Republican candidates for statewide office pledged during the weekend to continue defending the Second Amendment -- and took aim at Democrats who, they said, are working to undermine the right to bear arms.

With Republicans hitting the First Coast Saturday to attend a tea party event in St. Augustine and a picnic in Jacksonville, the candidates showed up at the Southern Classic Gun Show at the Jacksonville Fairgrounds, in the shadow of EverBank Stadium where the Jacksonville Jaguars play.

Former House Speaker Marco Rubio, the Republican nominee in the U.S. Senate race, received a rousing reception from attendees and vendors. He vowed if he was elected, he would continue to defend the Second Amendment.

AK: Sen. Murkowski vs. Mad Hatters Tea Party
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska walked across Seattle's 6th Avenue, surprising and engaging a bevy of green activists picketing to protest her advocacy of oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Now, a few years later, she is confronting a far less civil foe -- the Tea Party Express-backed campaign that ran her down in last month's Republican Senate primary.

Murkowski is running for re-election as a write-in candidate: It's an uphill climb, not only against GOP nominee Joe Miller and Democrat Scott McAdams -- but against out-of-state "extremists" who she claims "hijacked" the Republican Party.

Sour grapes? No, seeds of truth.

WV: Alleged intruder shot by victim
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Huntington man died late Sunday night, apparently shot and killed by a resident of the Lavalette home who caught him and an accomplice in the act of burglarizing it.

The shooting happened about 11:11 p.m. in the 5700 block of Lynn Creek Road, in a secluded part of Wayne County about four miles from W.Va. 152.

Criminal complaints charge the masked intruders entered the house with a .38 caliber handgun, duct tape, zip ties and rope. They already had bagged several items to steal, but Wayne County Sheriff Greg Farley said they remained at the house determined to find and steal an $8,000 insurance settlement stemming from the recent theft of a vehicle.

KY: Lt. gov. candidate would make concealed carry permit optional
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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State Rep. Mike Harmon, a Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, said Monday that he plans to introduce legislation during the 2011 General Assembly to allow Kentuckians to carry concealed weapons without a permit.

Harmon, of Danville, is running on a ticket with Louisville businessman Phil Moffett in next year's race for governor.

He said in an interview that every law-abiding citizen “should have the right to carry a gun if they so choose to protect themselves.”

Under current law, Kentuckians who aren’t felons can carry weapons openly — or have them visible in their vehicles — without a permit.

IL: Stark contrasts in 8th District race over abortion, guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On the issue of gun control, Scheurer supports the right of responsible gun owners to possess as many and whatever kinds of firearms they wish. He believes these rights should be revoked only for a person who's committed a violent crime with a firearm.

He and Bean disagree whether legislation governing gun ownership should be handled at the state or federal level.

Bean believes gun laws should be the province of state and local governments, while Scheurer sees that as a shirking of a federal responsibility.

Walsh, meanwhile, said he believes the Second Amendment is a citizen's most important right in that it draws a line between the individual and the government.

GunVoters--Vote Your Conscience
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As Election Day approaches, it is important that we all remember the sacrifices that were made to give us this great nation and to remember that freedom isn’t free. We also need to remember that safeguarding and restoring that freedom is much more easily done with a vote than with a gun.

With all of the important issues and challenges facing our nation right now supporting politicians based solely on their position on individual rights might seem myopic, but luckily there is a broader issue which every Second Amendment supporter can strongly stand behind.

That issue is Liberty.

SD: Officials Kick Off Olympic Pursuit At First Annual Nugent Camp
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Not only did the National Field Archery Association (NFAA) headquarters host more than 200 kids for the first of what is planned as an annual Ted Nugent Kamp for Kids, it was the stage for an announcement that could further grow archery’s impact on Yankton.

After a day of being educated about archery, air rifles, trap shooting, fishing, game calling, sling shots and geo-caching, the youngsters aged 8 to 16 were assembled in the Easton Sports Development Foundation Center for Archery Excellence for the kick-off of an effort to get Yankton designated as a Community Olympic Development Program (CODP) by the United States Olympic Committee.

Trigger the vote!
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The surprise victory of Christine O'Donnell in Delaware's Senate primary confirms what we've suspected all year, ever since the election of Sen. Scott Brown from Massachusetts in January. This year's critical midterm elections are going to bring real change to Congress. And it won't be the kind of change favored by the "hope and change" crowd – at least I hope not.

I've been taking every possible opportunity this year to talk about the importance of voting in these elections. In May, I visited the National Rifle Association's Annual Meeting and talked about how just about everything – from U.N. treaties to Supreme Court decisions – are affected by the power of the vote. You can see that speech here on YouTube, if you'd like.

IL: Witnesses question police account of fatal shooting of teen
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A witnesses who wishes to remain anonoymous told WGN's Dan Ponce, that Lash had surrendered and dropped his weapon before police shot him.

Witness Andrew Mims, 23, told Chicago Breaking News that the female officer shot Lash five times. "The lady just whipped it out like the Wild, Wild West and shot him five times," said Mims, a student at Westwood College. "The guy was helpless and already subdued."

AR: Beth Ann Rankin receives special rifle from former Gov. Mike Huckabee
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee presented congressional candidate Beth Anne Rankin of Magnolia with a special edition of the Henry Repeating Arms Company famous .44 Magnum rifle.

During a campaign event in Hot Springs, Huckabee made the presentation behalf of Henry Repeating Arms Chairman Louis Imperrato.

Rankin, an NRA member and supporter of Second Amendment rights, said she is ready to go to Washington and stand up to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other who want more gun control.

Others who have received such special edition rifles include Huckabee and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

WV: Woman Shoots Alleged Burglar; Alleged Accomplice Arrested
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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The Wayne County Sheriff's Office tells that one man is under arrest following a deadly home burglary.

Gary Shane Maynard, 23, was arrested early Monday morning at his home on 5th Street Road near Orchard Drive.

According to a police release, late Monday night Brittany Stroud, her boyfriend Casey Bartram and her 2-year-old son returned home from bowling to find two men inside her house.

Stroud told Deputies that there were two men inside her home wearing ski masks and that she may have shot one of them, and the other had fled.

When deputies arrived on scene they found a masked intruder lying dead in the kitchen floor with a gunshot wound to the head. The name of the man is not being released.

Is Ike Skelton 'a steadfast supporter of freedom'?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"But the thing is, NRA's Cox didn't describe Skelton in terms confined to just that one issue. He called him 'a steadfast supporter of freedom.'"

"Shall we test that?"

UT: Homeowners trying to cope with loss after fire
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HERRIMAN - When Jackie Burns was told to evacuate her home Sunday night, at first she thought it was just a precaution. Sunday night her calm feeling disappeared and she was devastated when a friend showed her a newspaper...and there was her home engulfed in flames. "I know the military needs to practice but...Usually they do it in June when it's still somewhat green. Are they going to step up and help us? How do you replace a life, three lives?" she said.

Submitter's note: Jackie, your home was lost because they deliberately disobeyed a red flag wind warning from the national weather service. FEMA is only paying 75%. Locals pay the rest. Remember, they're the only ones professional enough to be trusted with machine guns.


The congress of the United States possesses no power to regulate, or interfere with the domestic concerns, or police of any state: it belongs not to them to establish any rules respecting the rights of property; nor will the constitution permit any prohibition of arms to the people; or of peaceable assemblies by them, for any purposes whatsoever, and in any number, whenever they may see occasion. —ST. GEORGE TUCKER'S BLACKSTONE

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