Nicki F: Why are idiots allowed to write editorials?
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"A newspaper editorial in the Seattle Times shows how ignorant, heartless and clueless some editors can be. The revolting missive focuses on Jane Doe, an Oregon high school teachers who has asked the courts to restore her right to keep and bear arms on school grounds in fear for her life from an abusive ex-spouse. The woman has a concealed carry permit, indicating she's a law abiding citizen who abided by the bureaucratic BS that accompanies state permission to exercise our natural rights."
"And yet, the pathetic editors at the Seattle Times hold their hoplophobic delusions in higher regard than this woman's safety. Behold the ignorance..." ... |
Nicki F: Bought off by Joyce
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"Yesterday I blogged about a recent report by the International Association of Police Chiefs that spewed Brady propaganda under the guise of professional advice."
"An astute reader pointed out that the Joyce Foundation's name was on the report. For those of you who don't know what the Joyce Foundation is, it's an odious little organization that funds biased, anti-gun, anti-freedom research under the guise of 'improving' firearms policy. ... the [IAPC] that received $174,788 recently to rail against the Second Amendment and the right it protects."
"Well, apparently the Police Chiefs' report that masquerades as the experts' recommendation on gun policy was actually written by Joyce Foundation staffers, according to David Hardy." ... |
How To Pass An ATF Inspection With Flying Colors
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"In our 2005 audit, ATF Inspector Caleb Rushing recommended getting an article entitled How to pass an ATF Inspection with flying colors. When he began citing us for items that we had never been cited for, warned about, let alone given a heads up that they were an issue. Rushing stated that each Inspector looks for something different, but this covers pretty much everything." ...
"So where is all of this valuable information now? With the rate of dealers being shut down, you would think that organizations would be rushing to get this into dealer’s hands. In fact it is, still given out. It is just not touted because the fact is that the ATF gives no clear guidelines or direction to FFL's ..." ... |
Biometric identity system called 'success' in Iraq
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Pastor Guest
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"Iraq has turned to a biometrics identification system to prevent the infiltration of insurgents in the Baghdad government."
"Officials said Baghdad has established a database that has been expanding weekly." ...
"By the summer of 2008, Iraq would solely operate the system, linked to Defense Department's Biometric Fusion Center, in Clarksburg, W. Va. Officials said the system has helped secure Baghdad's International Zone, which contains U.S. and Iraqi military and diplomatic headquarters."
"Officials said the identification system has been used to identify criminals. They said the system helps ensure that only authorized individuals carry firearms." [emphasis added] ... |
AL: Homeowner aids in arrests of two
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"The homeowner normally wouldn't have been home in the middle of the day. ... But he came home at 1 p.m. Tuesday to check on a cable repair job." ...
"When the Deatsville man pulled into his driveway ... he saw a strange car and noticed the front door was standing open. ..."
"Inside, two would-be burglars were ransacking the house."
"'He went inside and confronted them ... They ran out, he met them around front and shot the tire out.'"
"The victim ... used a 20-gauge shotgun to blast the rear tire of a Kia coupe..." ...
"'A man has the right to protect himself, his family and his property,' said [Sheriff] Johnson. 'I'm so proud of him. I'm thinking about buying him a box of shells so he can keep that shotgun loaded.'" |
John Longnecker: A Delaware School Shooting Now: How Do Universities Teach When They Will Not Learn?
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"... Self-defense is not an opinion or a side of the aisle, it is a life skill. A totally non-partisan survival skill. It is this which is deliberately ignored by officials on their political say-so backed by force."
"Though a household may plan for root canal, unemployment, illness ... how the household will meet and even survive criminal violence is the most neglected area of household management. This, of course, extends to family members away from home, as in workplace or school campus. You do not check your citizen authority at the Admissions Office."
"When will they learn? Workplace or campus bans of personal weapons gives the shooter an enormous tactical advantage, and acts to the detriment of the students and workers." ... |
DE: BREAKING NEWS: DSU's "No Guns" Policy Violated! (WarOnGuns)
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"Two students were shot and wounded, one seriously, at Delaware State University early Friday, and the campus was locked down as police searched for a gunman, officials said." "I just don't get it."
Campus policy clearly states:"
"WEAPONS/FIREARMS/EXPLOSIVES The use, possession and/or storage of firearms, ammunition, explosives, fireworks or other lethal weapons of any kind in motor vehicles, buildings or elsewhere on University Premises or during University Activities are prohibited. Students who violate this policy will be referred to the Judicial System. The penalty for possession of weapons is expulsion." "It's especially perplexing, because their 'Zero Tolerance Policy applies to... Weapons/Firearms/Explosives (possession or use).'" ... |
DE: Police: DSU Shooting Students On Students
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"Delaware State University police and campus officials said an early Friday shooting wasn't an act of terrorism or a crazed gunman who walked onto the campus. They said it was a case of students against students."
"'This is a case of our own students making really poor decisions and acting incredibly badly,' said University President Allen L. Sessoms during a Friday afternoon news conference."
"Police said they have identified two persons of interest in connection to the shooting that left two students injured -- one of them seriously." ... -------
Submitters Note: Another victim disarmament zone. |
Republicans, and a Democrat, Pump Second Amendment Credentials
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"Democratic presidential hopeful Bill Richardson told a group of National Rifle Association members on Friday he was a proud owner of a concealed-carry permit."
"Seven declared presidential candidates plus one waiting in the wings were going to talk guns, recreation and Second Amendment rights Friday before a power-house conservative audience gathered at the NRA's 'Celebration of American Values' conference being held in Washington."
"Richardson, the New Mexico governor and the only Democrat on the roster, sent in a video-taped message noting the apparent conflict of his party affiliation with his support for the National Rifle Association." ... |
McCain and Thompson at the N.R.A.
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"In speeches this morning to a conference of the National Rifle Association, Republican presidential candidates John McCain and Fred Thompson sought to cast themselves as old friends of the large and powerful gun rights lobby and pledged to uphold the Second Amendment if elected president."
"... Mr. McCain highlighted his opposition to the ban on 'so-called assault weapons' and his efforts to shield gun manufacturers from lawsuits accusing them of being liable for violent crimes."
"'My friends, gun owners are not extremists. You're the core of modern America,' he said to several hundred N.R.A. members at a Washington hotel today. 'The Second Amendment is unique in the world and at the core of our constitutional freedoms.'" ... |
Firearms Industry Not Buying Giuliani's Overtures
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"Second Amendment supporters say Rudy Giuliani's actions will speak louder than his words, when he addresses the National Rifle Association on Friday."
"As Giuliani speaks, top officials from the gun industry will be in New York City, fighting a lawsuit the former mayor filed in 2000. The lawsuit seeks to hold firearms manufacturers responsible for the criminal misuse of their products."
"Giuliani has refused to comment on that lawsuit, even as he courts gun owners, the [NSSF] noted on Friday. ..."
"'Recent remarks indicate the mayor is attempting to camouflage his record on guns,' now that he's running for the Republican presidential nomination, said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF senior vice president and general counsel." ... |
Giuliani Seeking Support From NRA, Group He Once Likened to 'Extremists' (BFA)
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"Just how stupid does he think we are?"
"The Washington Post is reporting that today is the day Rudy Giuliani will go before the rank and file of the National Rifle Association - a group he once likened to "extremists" for its efforts to repeal the ban on assault weapons - seeking support for his Republican presidential campaign." ...
"Early in his presidential campaign, Giuliani was unapologetic for his record of support of the Clinton Gun Ban and credited his use of New York City's gun control schemes for crime reduction crime in New York. After apparently realizing that America's gun owners aren't as gullible as he first hoped, he tried a different way of insulting their intelligence - spin. ..." ... |
Former NRA Executive Endorses Romney
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"Today, Craig Sandler, former Director of General Operations of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and former Nashua Police Chief, announced his endorsement of Governor Mitt Romney's candidacy for President."
"In endorsing Governor Romney, Craig Sandler said, 'Throughout his career in both the public and private sectors, Mitt Romney has demonstrated exceptional leadership ability, integrity, and commitment to principle. As a New Hampshire resident, former law enforcement officer, and avid sportsman, I am supporting Governor Romney because he is the candidate who will protect our Constitutional rights and strengthen our nation.'" ... |
Democrats Stall on Gun-Records Bill
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"After 32 people were shot to death at Virginia Tech in April, the new Democratic House moved quickly to close an administrative gap that allowed the killer to buy two guns despite a history of mental troubles."
"It was a rare political alliance between the National Rifle Association and its foes on the left, who together seized the moment to try to make federal background checks on gun purchasers more effective. But with students back on campus the Democratic-controlled Senate has yet to act, and the bill is in jeopardy."
"'I'm getting anxious,' says Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence. 'I get concerned that the longer we are away from Virginia Tech, folks are going to ignore the problem.'" ... |
A Declaration and Proposals of the Lord Proprietor of Carolina, "armed with a good firelock musket", Aug. 25, 1663
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"...7. We will grant to every present undertaker for his own head, one hundred acres of land, to him and his heires forever, to be held in free and common soccage; and for every man-servant that he shall bring or sent thither, that is fit to bear arms, armed with a good firelock musket, performed bore, twelve bullets to the pound, and with twenty pounds of powder and twenty pounds of bullets, fifty acres of land; and for every woman-servant thirty acres; and to every man-servant that shall come within that time, ten acres after the expiration of his time; and to every woman-servant six acres after the expiration of her time...."
A Moderate Whig, "that self preservation and defence is right and lawful", June 17, 1782
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"...And I do affirm, that self preservation and defence is right and lawful, because it is congenite with, and irradicated in every nature that hath a self which it can preserve, can scarcely be more illustrated that it may do so, than that it can do so; and therefore, all that have a true respect to their own, as well as a due concern in the interest of mankind, and their country’s rights and liberties; I say, to such worthy characters it might seem superfluous to make a doubt or a debate of this self-evident truth. And was it not that there have been, and still are, a generation of mortals (shall I call them men) in our land that are as great monsters in nature..." |
ATF abuses continue against Red's Trading Post & other gun dealers
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"If you have not heard about some of the abuses being made by the ATF against law abiding gun dealers in what appears to be an attempt to shut them down for trivial items such as placing a y instead of a yes on the gun sale form, then you really need to check out the above blog. I sent an email to the DOJ Office of the Inspector General with the following:"
"Please ask the ATF to stop harassing Red's Trading Post. Seriously - why are my hard earned tax dollars being wasted trying to shut down a law abiding business owner by running audits over & over & trying to shut his business down? The ATF is complaining about small 'errors' on forms on 0.4% of over 10,000 gun sale records such as abbreviating a county or placing a y instead of a yes. ..." ... |
International Police Chiefs Advocate More Gun Control
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Pastor Guest
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"An international organization of law enforcement executives has called on the U.S. government 'to support strong and effective gun violence prevention policies' to reverse a two-year rise in violent crime."
"However, a pro-gun advocate said the group's recommendations show that its members need to 'shut up and do their jobs.'" ...
"'Clearly, they haven't learned anything from the last 20 years because if you look at statistics over a longer period of time than the last two years, crime has actually been declining steadily,' [Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America] said. 'The uptick ... occurs in precisely the jurisdictions where gun control is the most onerous.'" ... |
CA: Snoop Dogg Pleads Guilty in Baton Case
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"Snoop Dogg pleaded has pleaded guilty to one count of felony possession of a dangerous weapon. The rapper was sentenced to 160 hours of community service and three years' probation, his attorney said."
"Snoop Dogg, 35, was arrested in September 2006 after the discovery of a collapsible baton in his computer bag at John Wayne Airport in Orange County." [emphasis added]
"Authorities said it was a dangerous weapon. He said it was a prop for a video he was filming in New York." [emphasis added]
"His attorney, Donald Etra, said the felony conviction would be reduced to a misdemeanor after one year if Snoop Dogg does not violate the law." ... |
ID: Felon get 33 months for single bullet
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"A former Northside street gang member was sentenced Thursday in federal court to 32 months in prison for being a convicted felon in possession of a single .45 caliber round of ammunition." ...
"Mendoza was arrested after officers located one round of ammunition in his front pants pocket. He had previously been convicted of grand theft and possession of a controlled substance in Canyon County. Under federal law, it is illegal for a convicted felon to possess either a firearm or ammunition. This was Mendoza’s 13th adult criminal conviction."
"The case was investigated by the Caldwell City Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. This case is part of Idaho’s Project Safe Neighborhoods program." |
CA: Ex-agent indicted in misuse of database -- stalked former girlfriend
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" A former agent for the U.S. Commerce Department was indicted by a federal grand jury Wednesday on charges that he used a government database to track the travels of a former girlfriend."
"Benjamin Robinson, 40, of Oakland, a 10-year special agent with the Commerce Department's Office of Export Enforcement, was charged with unlawfully obtaining information from a protected computer and lying to a government agency."
"Robinson began a romance in November 2002 with a woman identified only as S.S., authorities said. The woman tried to end the relationship a few months later, prompting Robinson to threaten to kill her or have her and her family deported, authorities said." ... |
FL: Miami police chief OKs 'assault weapons' for patrol officers
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"Facing an 'arms race' with criminals, the Miami Police Department says it has authorized officers to carry high-powered rifles on patrol."
"'If I was a police officer out there in a tough neighborhood, I would want to have that in the car.' Miami Police Chief John Timoney tells the Associated Press."
"Law enforcement officers say they've seen a dramatic increase in crimes involving powerful automatic weapons since a federal ban expired in 2004. ..." ... -------
Submitter's Note: A question for Chief Timoney: Since "the sole purpose of these guns is to kill as many people in as little time as possible" (Chief Knight, Chaska, MN) please explain the circumstances under which your officers would need to do that? |
NY: City's Case Could Curb Illegal Firearms
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The chief lawyer for New York City, Michael Cardozo, is arguing a case in Manhattan Federal Court today that is central to the city's campaign against illegal firearms in New York.
"This lawsuit presses gun manufacturers and distributors to do the right thing and take the simple steps to stop the sale of guns to dealers who repeatedly fuel the black market for illegal guns," Mr. Cardozo said in a statement. "These steps would save lives in our City – and throughout the country."
Weeks before the case was sheduled to go to trail, Congress passed a bill that "attempted to strip the state and federal judiciary of the ability to hear certain cases involving the gun industry," the law department said. Mr. Cardozo is arguing that the case should go to trial. |
NY: Gunmakers Ask Court to Block NYC Lawsuit Against Industry
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"New York City's lawsuit accusing gun manufacturers of turning a blind eye to illegal weapons trafficking faced one of its toughest tests yet Friday when the case went before a federal appeals court."
"The nation's biggest arms companies have asked the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn a ruling that allowed the lawsuit to stay alive, despite the passage of a federal law in 2005 that was supposed to have been a death knell for this type of litigation." ... |
NY: Illegal Guns Case Faces Court Test
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"A city lawsuit that seeks to implicate gun manufacturers in the trafficking of illegal guns faced a test today when opening arguments were made in a federal appeals court."
"The case heard in 2nd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals will decide if the lawsuit is constitutional after Congress passed legislation in 2005 meant to squash the case." ... |
AZ: Phoenix vice mayor drops plan to resell seized guns
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"Phoenix Vice Mayor Dave Siebert has withdrawn his proposal to resell crime guns."
"Siebert released a memo on Friday morning saying 'after further consideration' he preferred to look for a different funding source for the Silent Witness program, which pays money for tips leading to arrests."
"Earlier this week, Siebert had asked the Phoenix Police Department to consider selling seized guns instead of melting them down. The city stopped selling guns in 1992, amidst concerns that the practice was increasing the supply of cheap firearms and that the weapons could unwittingly wind up in the wrong hands." ... |
PA: North Buffalo Sportsmen's Club gets new pistol range
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"It's no doubt one of the safest pistol ranges around. Dug into a hillside at the North Buffalo Sportsmen's Club, the 60-by-90 foot range is enclosed on three sides by dirt banks and is used primarily for shooting handguns, although limited close-range rifle practice may be allowed."
"Club spokesman and long time member Bill Roberts said the dugout range will also help contain noise. The club has offered the range to several area police departments for qualification firing and for use in self defense training for members. ..."
"Roberts said the main cost in constructing the range was excavation fees. However, that cost was halved for the club thanks to a $1,500 grant by the Friends of the NRA." ... |
CA: Class teaches dos, don'ts of firearms
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"Safety, marksmanship self-defense and learning local, state and federal laws are the focus of Vern Davis' gun safety class."
"Davis, 75, a certified California Department of Justice and National Rifle Association gun safety instructor, holds classes at his Springville home and at the Rankin Field Weapons Range in Tulare." ...
"Davis tells his students that unlike most states, California requires that a gun permit be renewed every two years."
"And if the state doesn't issue you a new permit, officials don't have to explain why, he said."
"... In case of a home invasion, he advises that it's best to exit out the back door or window with a cell phone, if possible, to call 911." ... |