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Newslinks for 9/24/2010

Juvenile thug in Kent: 'Gun culture' didn't create this little jerk
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to the Seattle Times, an unidentified juvenile was arraigned Thursday morning for allegedly robbing four other youths at a McDonald’s on Sept. 11, with a pellet gun." ...

"The so-called 'gun culture' didn’t create this kid. You will not find anyone from the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, or the National Rifle Association, or any other group, defending what this guy allegedly did."

"But where did this kid, or any of society's other juvenile troublemakers, get the idea they could stroll down to the fast food restaurant and pull a stick-up? ... Maybe it's the result of a society that decided long ago to take discipline off the table as a response to stealing from other people." ...

Open Carry Movement Gathers Steam
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When I started TTAG back in February, I was behind the firearms news curve. After eight months cruising the net for gun-related news, I'm beginning to get Fingerspitzengefühl. That's the German military term for a general feeling for the way things are going based on specific, seemingly unrelated information. ... In the case of open carry, it's clear to me that the movement is gathering steam. If nothing else, Internet chatter is increasing. There's the defeat of anti-open carry legislation in California, the recent arrest of the Wisconsin [Open] Carry Five, a case in Canada and now this from Man demands right to carry licensed gun into Denny's. The really interesting bit: he wasn't arrested . . ." ...

What Getting My Kids to School Taught Me About Gunfighting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I repeat: you can't practice or 'what if' an armed confrontation into predictability. I've heard (and launched) many debates about best practice for armed self-defense. Semi or revolver? What kind of semi? How many bullets? What caliber? The rabbi will tell you: you can do everything right in a gunfight and still die. You know that bit in Jurassic Park where the hunter dude says 'Clever girl.' Like that."

"That said, just as you can apply general rules to successful getthekidstoschoolery (e.g. threats work better than promises), there are a few general principles that will help you survive a gunfight." ...

NWTF will host 39 Get Outside Events on National Hunting and Fishing Day Sept. 25
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Sept. 25, millions of Americans will celebrate some of the nation's proudest traditions in the field and on the water during National Hunting and Fishing Day."

"The official 'holiday' is the perfect chance for America's more than 38 million hunters and anglers to get outside and hunt or fish and invite someone new to experience the outdoors."

"To help introduce newcomers to outdoors, chapters from the National Wild Turkey Federation will host 39 outreach events across the country on National Hunting and Fishing Day and more than 125 events throughout the fall." ...

BFA's Larry S. Moore named National Wild Turkey Federation/ Women in the Outdoors Hunter Education Instructor of the Year
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Buckeye Firearms Regional Leader volunteer Larry Moore was recently recognized by the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) and Women in the Outdoors (WITO) as Hunter Education Instructor of the Year. The award was presented at the River Valley Longbeards annual banquet."

"Presenting the award was WITO Coordinator Anthony Brooks who noted, 'Moore drives here to teach at our WITO event every year. Along with Ten Point Crossbows, Moore instructs and promotes the use of crossbows. We appreciate the support Moore and Ten Point Crossbows have provided to the program. It's this support that makes the NWTF and WITO events both popular and successful.'" ...

"When altitude, gun ownership, and population density were considered as predictor variables for suicide rates on a state basis, altitude appeared to be a significant risk factor"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In other words, if you get high, you have a higher likelihood of killing yourself with a gun. No, really. 'Namkug Kim, Ph.D., of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, and colleagues conducted a study to evaluate the relationship between altitude and suicide rates, including gun- and non-gun-related suicide rates, hypothesizing that altitude would be significantly associated with suicide rate based on their past observations,' reports . . ." ... Debuts Blog to Discuss Seasonal Hunting Tips and Techniques
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Web entrepreneur Robert Stephens is pleased to announce the publication of his brand-new blog, Developed as a counterpart to his web store, this interactive platform provides insightful hunting tips and techniques for each season in addition to information on home defense with a focus on a conceal and carry permit. And each spring he will provide tidbits for campers with posts on what to pack, where to set up a campsite and much more."

"'I've lived around big cities for most of my life, however, now I've packed up my things and moved to the countryside, and I love it!' Stephens said. 'The products on my website represent a collection of things I've used and enjoyed ...'" ...

Following Philly Shooting, Question for Pat Toomey
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a tragic vindication of public concerns about Pennsylvanians, and residents of other states, getting concealed weapons permits from outside their home state, Philadelphia police reported last week that a man with a Florida permit whose Pennsylvania permit had been revoked shot an 18-year-old 13 times and killed him" ...

Submitter's Note: Huh, one questionable shooting in the last two decades (as far back as I found info for). So if convicted, PA's FL permit holder murder rate will go from 0 to 1.4 per 100,000. The murder rate among the permit eligible in PA (for the last 10 years) is closer to 24, or 17 times as high. Really, Paul, you don't think PA legislators have more critical issues facing them?

Canada: On Second Thought: Let's Revisit Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We revisited gun control on Laxer Live, today. Now that Parliament has voted to keep the gun registry, in a vote that was as close as the 1995 referendum, we need to admit to ourselves that gun control in Canada is not what it should be. Canadian gun enthusiasts are not as rabid as they are in the U.S., where I'm sure many gun owners have the Second Amendment tattooed on their butts… just so they can pull it out anytime they need to tell an insurgent government where to kiss 'em. Still, gun control in Canada is an emotional issue, especially here in Montreal, with the Polytechnique massacre and the Dawson shooting still casting shadows. ..."

Submitter's Note: Tattooed on my butt to tell the grabbers where to kiss, I like that idea!

Volk On Freedom
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Oleg reminds everyone of two essential facts.

Armed Citizens 1, Criminals 0
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "According to the latest FBI reports, each of the violent crime categories tracked by the agency, including aggravated assault, have declined significantly while gun ownership has increased. Said the FBI, 'During 2009, violent crime declined for the third year in a row, with an estimated 5.3 percent drop from 2008 figures … each [category] decreased from 2008: murder (7.3 percent), robbery (8.0 percent), aggravated assault (4.2 percent), and forcible rape (2.6 percent).' This coincides with the surge in gun purchases that began shortly before President Obama was elected ... And since violent crime peaked in 1991, it has decreased 43 percent to a 35-year low while murder has fallen nearly 50 percent to a 45-year low." ...

CO: NRA shoots itself in the foot with the endorsement of Markey over Gardner
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To anyone who still believes the National Rifle Association cares more about protecting your Second Amendment rights than it does about kissing up to powerful politicians, it's time to wake up and smell the coffee."

"For the NRA, the Second Amendment has become little more than an expedient tool for raising money, striking political compromises, and maintaining access to those in power."

"This week, the NRA’s Political Victory Fund endorsed liberal Democrat Congresswoman Betsy Markey, who cares so deeply about the Second Amendment that she didn’t even bother to return the NRA’s survey when she first ran for Congress two years ago." ...

PA: NRA gives endorsement for governor to Tom Corbett
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The [NRA-PVF] endorsed Corbett in the Pennsylvania gubernatorial race on Nov. 2. Corbett is opposed by Democrat Dan Onorato, Allegheny County chief executive."

"John Hohenwarter, NRA legislative liaison from Virginia, announced the endorsement on behalf of the national organization."

"'Tom Corbett is a friend of ours,' Hohenwarter said. 'He has an A rating with the NRA and he believes that self-defense is an extension of the Second Amendment.'"

"Hohenwarter said Corbett supports a person’s right to defend themselves and he has always advocated reciprocity to allow Pennsylvania residents to carry guns across state lines." ...

"Hohenwarter said Onorato 'hasn't seen a gun law he doesn't like.'" ...

VA: Perriello expected to get NRA endorsement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. Tom Perriello, D-Ivy, will apparently pick up the endorsement of the [NRA], the muscular gun-rights group that generally backs Republicans and could have considerable sway in the heavily rural district." ...

"'Tom hasn’t been afraid to stand up to members of his own party when it comes to fighting for the Second Amendment, and ... Virginia gun owners ... can continue to count on Tom to represent them.'"

"Both Hurt and Perriello, as well as independent candidate Jeffrey Clark, say they support Second Amendment rights."

"Perriello opposed the Obama administration on its plans to reinstate the assault weapons ban ... and joined the NRA's amicus brief in the Supreme Court case McDonald vs. City of Chicago. ..." ...

AZ: Elections 2010: In depth with Candidate for United States senate Ian Gilyeat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cochise County Elections 2010 examiner, Jesse Mathewson was able to get the following interview with Ian Gilyeat, a write in candidate for United States senate in Arizona, he is running against David Nolan, Rodney Glassman and current incumbent John McCain. Ian Gilyeat was a pleasure to interview and quite up front with his answers. This is something that has been sorely lacking from other figures who ran or are running, i.e. John McCain. ..." ...

"Jesse - Where do you stand on the Second Amendment?"

"Ian Gilyeat- I support the second amendment. We have a right to bear arms and I see no reason to curtail those rights." ...

OK: An Oklahoma Blue Dog
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"During the 2004 elections, country singer Toby Keith ¡ª he of 'we'll put a boot in your ass, it's the American way' fame ¡ª endorsed two candidates. One was George W. Bush. The other was a Democrat: Rep. Dan Boren (Okla.)."

This year, Boren can count himself among that increasingly rare class of Democrat: the safe incumbent in a right-leaning district. ..." ...

"... [Boren] can attribute his political success in large part to a resume and voting record that, especially of late, would make it easy to mistake him for a die-hard Republican."

"For example:" ...

"In 2008, he was elected to the board of directors of the National Rifle Association, and currently, he is co-chairman of the Second Amendment Caucus." ...

AK: NRA endorses Parnell for re-election to governorship
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The political arm of the [NRA] has endorsed Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell for re-election, the Parnell campaign announced Thursday. Parnell has an 'A' rating from the NRA political victory fund for his support of Second Amendment rights as governor and when he was in the state Legislature, the gun rights organization said in the endorsement."

"As governor, Parnell signed into law a measure to require notification to concealed weapon permit holders that their permits are about to expire. ..."

"Parnell also signed legislation to clarify that certain convicted felons who have been released from state supervision, and have had their rights restored under Alaska law, have full restoration of their Second Amendment gun rights. ..."

NM: Captain Jim Wilmeth: A new breed of Constitutional Law Enforcers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although I and many others wish that it had always been so, if Captain Jim Wilmeth is any indication of the current state of local law enforcement, We-the-People are in good hands. During a recent conversation with Captain Wilmeth, he expressed to me what he called a growing nationwide movement within many Sheriffs' departments, a movement away from viewing citizens as merely 'potential lawbreakers' and back toward the original intent of peacekeeping as indicated in the US Constitution. He also identifies the problem posed by federal law enforcement agencies as their largely unconstitutional incursion into local law enforcement continues. Below is my interview with Jim." ...

AK: Miller candidacy stirs hope, yawns in Alaska militia community
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Leaders in Alaska's militia community seem to be of two minds about the Senate candidacy of Joe Miller. Norm Olson ... formerly of the Michigan Militia and now commander of the Alaska Citizens Militia, tells, 'It's safe to say that Joe Miller is a friend of patriots. His beliefs and platform favor Second Amendment rights as well as the power of nullification when the federal government intrudes into the private lives of Alaskans.' But Schaeffer Cox ... commander of the Alaska Peacemakers Militia, tells Salon he isn't a Miller supporter. 'He's going to try to run things in a more conservative way, but he's still trying to run things -- so he has the same fundamental problem of all the other politicians,' Cox said." ...

Submitter's Note: Nice allusion to Webster's "There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."

CT: Candidates for attorney general offer contrasting visions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although not physically present, outgoing state Attorney General Richard Blumenthal dominated the conversation during a debate between the Democratic and Republican nominees looking to replace him."

"Democrat George Jepsen and Republican Martha Dean sparred over their contrasting visions for the attorney general's office in front of about 300 spectators in the University of Connecticut Law School's William Starr Hall." ...

"Jepsen said he would uphold the state's gun laws while Dean has been an avid supporter of the Second Amendment."

"'I am very proud of the F-minus I received as a rating as a legislator from the National Rifle Association,' Jepsen said." ...

AK: The militias' man in the Senate?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back in July, before Joe Miller won a stunning upset over Lisa Murkowski in Alaska's GOP Senate primary, national attention briefly focused on his campaign when supporters were videotaped marching in a community parade with assault rifles over their shoulders and handguns strapped to their legs. (Watch below.)"

"At the time, Miller dismissed the media scrutiny, saying that guns are 'not unusual in political rallies' in Alaska. But the so-called 'open-carry' display actually underscores the unusual enthusiasm Miller's candidacy has generated among members of militia and Second Amendment absolutist groups in Alaska who are excited about his hardline stance against the federal government." ...

VA: Hurt, Perriello both claim NRA support
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Both incumbent Congressman Tom Perriello and challenger state Sen. Robert Hurt say they are supported by the National Rifle Association, but both also expect Perriello to get the NRA's endorsement in the 5th District congressional race."

"In a news release issued Thursday, Hurt, R-Chatham, said he expects the NRA to back Perriello, D-Albemarle County, due to the association’s 'friendly incumbent rule.' That is despite the fact that Hurt said he consistently has received 'A' ratings from the NRA and had its endorsement in 2003, 2005 and 2007." ...

DISCLOSE Act Defeated in Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Senate today defeated the so-called DISCLOSE Act when it failed to garner the 60 votes necessary to overcome Republican objections to the bill. The final vote was 59-39."

"Even though the exact same bill, sponsored by Chuck Schumer (D-NY), had been defeated just two months ago and was unlikely to pass, anti-gun Majority Leader Harry Reid (NV) brought it up for another vote to 'stir up' his left-wing base."

"Instead of protecting the most important type of speech protected by the First Amendment – political speech — with this bill Congress attempted to force groups like GOA to 'disclose' the names of donors in certain political advertisements." ...

Senate voting on DISCLOSE Act
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"UPDATE 2:50 pm: Yea-59, Nay-39--Not agreed to."

Boozman tells Hillary to repeal gun ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Earlier this month, my counterpart David Codrea wrote about a recent decision by the Obama Administration to ban the import of old, surplus army rifles from South Korea. The administration, after previously approving the transaction, says the firearms could fall into the wrong hands ..." ...

"However, Congressmen John Boozman of Arkansas and Paul Broun of Georgia, in concert with a bipartisan group of 60 other legislators, are fighting to save the rifles."

"Boozman and Broun drafted a letter of disapproval (signed by all 62 members of Congress) and sent it on September 17 to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The letter spelled out their disagreement to the ban on these historic firearms." ...

Madison Five 911 caller told police "there's no problem" (audio available)
Submitted by: Mike Stollenwerk

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"Last Saturday the Madison, WI police department responded to a 911 call about five men openly carrying holstered handguns near a Culver's restaurant. Police soon arrived, detained the men, now referred to by some as 'the Madison Five,' and demanded they produce identity credentials."

"The police ultimately cuffed, searched, and charged two men who refused to provide ID with 'obstruction of justice.' Days later 'Madison Police North District Capt. Cameron McLay said he believes officers acted appropriately in responding to . . . the [911] caller's concern that something might happen.'"

"However the 911 call recording obtained by the pursuant to an Open Records Act request from Dane County does not support Capt. McLay’s characterization. ..." ...

Justice Department Report Criticizes FBI Spying On Anti-war Groups
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Justice Department's Inspector General has issued a report critical of the FBI for its spying on anti-war activists, animal-rights groups, and environmentalists. ..." ...

"The Justice Department report underscores a pattern of continuing government abuse. Last week it was revealed that the Pennsylvania department of Homeland Security had hired an Israeli company to spy on Second Amendment activists and the Tea Party. ..."

"The release last year of a federal Department of Homeland Security report on 'right-wing extremism' reveals that the government is concerned about the political activity of returning veterans, Second Amendment advocates, pro-life activists, and members of the sovereign citizen movement."

Economic Collapse Leading to Privatized Police and Corporate Mercenaries
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pastor Terry Jones was recently sent a security bill of $180,000 by the local authorities for his 'burn the Koran' uproar. ... [F]or the police to charge a tax-paying citizen for securing an event that never happened is just, well, mind-boggling." ...

"Charging private citizens seems to be a growing trend by public police forces, apparently to cover their budget shortfalls. Anchorage police have begun sending bills to people if officers have to make more than eight trips per year to their homes. In the UK, police sent a man a bill when their car was damaged pursuing the victim's stolen vehicle. These are extreme cases but the precedents threaten to turn the police into a 'private' security force." ...

Pennsylvania videographer learns there is no justice in court system
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After facing eight years in prison for the 'crime' of videotaping a court security officer, George Donnelly accepted a plea deal where he only had to pay a $500 fine." ...

"Donnelly, who finalized his plea deal during a September 1 hearing, produced the above video with clips from the May 11 incident in which he was accused of striking a female court security officer."

"The video shows it was actually him who was assaulted by a male security officer."

"Not surprisingly, federal marshals deleted footage from two video cameras as well as audio from a voice recorder before returning the devices to him months later."

"However, he was able to retrieve footage from one camera ... to include in the above video ..." ...

FL: Manatee deputy banned from Trop after confrontation over T-shirt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An off-duty Manatee County sheriff's deputy attending a Tampa Bay Rays game lost his cool when security officers told him his T-shirt violated Tropicana Field's obscenity rules."

"Deputy Kevin White became more belligerent when two off-duty St. Petersburg police officers tried to diffuse[sic] the situation, according to a sheriff's office internal affairs report." ...

"St. Petersburg police Sgt. Paula Melanson told Manatee investigators that White's behavior 'rose to the level of a criminal violation and the only reason he was not arrested was because he was a deputy sheriff.'" [emphasis added]

H/t to David Codrea who points out: "You know, a two-tiered justice system. The St. Peterburg police just admitted it's official policy."

FL: Man arrested after lawmen mistake heart medicine for cocaine
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"George Funti spent three days in jail for possession of a controlled substance he never possessed."

"The arrest came more than a month after a state lab report clearing him of any wrongdoing had made its way back into the hands of the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office."

"Funti said he felt like an animal as he was handcuffed and shackled and shuttled through first the Walton and then the Okaloosa County jails, and now he’s contemplating legal action."

"'This was not a mistake, this was neglect,' he said. 'Somebody just didn't care to follow through with the paperwork to keep a man out of jail.'" ...

MN: Former Minneapolis Police Officer Pleads Guilty to Five Armed Robberies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A former Minneapolis police officer pleaded guilty to five armed robberies.

Timothy Carson is already serving eight years in federal prison for robbing a bank in Apple Valley. In court Wednesday, Carson pleaded guilty to robbing a woman at a bus stop and several businesses -- all at gunpoint.

His lawyers have said that Carson was trying to get money to pay medical bills for his daughter who was sick.

Carson will be sentenced in two weeks.

SC: Ex-Lee County sheriff indicted on 47 new charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Lee County Sheriff E.J. Melvin has been indicted on 47 new charges, including racketeering and money laundering, and prosecutors said Wednesday the allegations represent more layers of a complex drug conspiracy case."

"They say Melvin's cooperation with drug dealers dates to early 2001, the year he was sworn in as sheriff. That year, prosecutors said in the 45-page indictment, Melvin began soliciting bribes from dealers in return for his protection."

"Melvin also trafficked drugs himself, prosecutors allege, 'describing himself to an associate as 'untouchable.'" ...

CA: Firearms sales from Mission Hills home opposed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An appeal of a permit that would allow the sale of firearms from a Mission Hills home is expected to reach the Santa Barbara County Planning Commission this fall ..."

"A public hearing on the matter has yet to be scheduled, but it should reach the planning panel in about two months ..."

"After the commission has decided on the appeal, the losing party could petition the county Board of Supervisors ..."

"In an appeal filed Sept. 3, Deborah Fletcher is challenging an administratively approved home occupation permit ..." ...

"Hurricane Deck Cutlery sells various knives, swords, rifle scopes and other gun accessories, according to postings on the Internet. However, there is no specific mention of firearms sales." ...

Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from a slave. — Andrew Fletcher 1698

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