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Newslinks for 9/25/2001

NewYorker pleads guilty smuggling arms to Trinidad and Tobago
Submitted by: Kevin

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A New York man pleaded guilty to possession of firearms Wednesday in an alleged plot to smuggle 70 machine guns to an Islamic fundamentalist in the Caribbean nation of Trinidad and Tobago.

Airlines had resisted extra security, citing costs
Submitted by: Kevin

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"If it weren't for the fact that (more than) 5,000 people are dead, it would be comical," said Bob Monetti, who lost his son in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 and has sat on a number of federal task forces on aviation security. "Here these people have been fighting spending every penny on airport security, and now they want a bailout?"

KABA NOTE: And now they are resisting allowing citizens and pilots to help protect flights for free.

Man shot by 2 officers takes them to court
Submitted by: Kevin

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"I can't tell you if his shoes were polished. I can't tell you if his clothes were ironed. But I can tell you he didn't have anything in his hands," he said. "That's the one constant in this deposition."

Civilization Will Win
Submitted by: serinde

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"It is important that we do not become a police state in order to root out terrorism and destroy it. If we do this, the terrorists have won." --NORMAN L. BEAL

Save the Economy - Arm the Pilots
Submitted by: serinde

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"There is only one step that will immediately increase public confidence in the airlines: The U.S. government must move swiftly to allow the airlines to arm their pilots while in the cockpit." --NewsMax

AZ Attorney General wants reports on anyone who utters a racial slur
Submitted by: Michael Lewis

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Attorney General Janet Napolitano says she wants reports on anyone who utters a racial slur.

"If you hear someone using epithets, we want to know who that person is," she said last week. "There are some people who need to be watched to prevent an act of violence, and we want to be able to do that."

It would be "perfectly legit," she said, for officers to visit people who've been reported as using slurs.

Pilots' Union asking Congress for armed pilots and arrest authority
Submitted by: BobL

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Officials with the Air Line Pilots Association say pilots have no choice but to arm themselves to maintain security in the sky.

Pilots should receive extensive classroom and firearms training to become actual law enforcement officials, with training to be done on a voluntary basis, union officials say.

Poll: Third of New Yorkers support internment camps for some
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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One third of New Yorkers favor establishing internment camps for "individuals who authorities identify as being sympathetic to terrorist causes," according to a poll from the Siena College Research Institute. 50% were opposed to the idea, and 15% had no opinion.

VOTE: Expand DOJ's Power to Wiretap, Search and Seize?
Submitted by: JamieM

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o YES -- With the ongoing terrorist threat, this is necessary to protect Americans.

o NO -- Civil liberties must never be compromised.

VOTE.COM will send your vote to Congress, President Bush and Attorney General John Ashcroft.

VOTE: Does America Need A National I.D. Card System?
Submitted by: JamieM

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o YES -- Authorities need this tool to help detect suspicious characters.

o NO -- Law-abiding citizens should not be expected to carry the equivalent of electronic dog tags.

VOTE.COM will send your vote to Congress and President Bush.

VOTE: Should Airline Security Be Federalized?
Submitted by: JamieM

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o YES -- In light of what happened, it is clear that the government must be in charge of securing our nation's airports.

o NO -- Individual airports should handle security, not the heavy hand of government.

VOTE.COM will send your vote to Congress and the FAA.

Website Tribute to the Heros of United Flight 93
Submitted by: skypod

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"On September 11, 2001 the world witnessed one of the most horrific criminal acts in human history.

We lost many great people that day, and many people exhibited great heroism. Other important memorials are being created to honor these heroes.

This memorial is devoted specifically to the people of United Flight 93 who courageously took control of their destiny and stopped the terrorists from using their plane as another weapon."

Declaring War -- a Threat to Freedom
Submitted by: skypod

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The Constitution itself explicitly allows for only one emergency power:

"The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."

But as early as the Civil War, officials created new "temporary" powers for themselves out of whole cloth. They acted in the heat of the moment, with necessity as their defense and opposing voices few and largely muzzled by wartime passions.

Responding to terror with Justice, not Revenge
Submitted by: skypod

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How should the United States react?

Finding the murderers and bringing them to justice is a logical option. Once they are positively identified, mass murderers must not be allowed to roam free.

[But] If the past is any guide, the U.S. government may respond to this attack in two counter-productive ways. American intervention overseas is likely to be stepped up, and the authorities can be expected to impose authoritarian curbs on domestic liberties.

Freedom's Value: Paramount in the war against terrorism
Submitted by: skypod

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"we hear calls to allow government to step up electronic surveillance, and to require national ID cards so that government can monitor our travels. Even before last week's bombings, the Supreme Court struck down by a slender 5-4 vote the use of thermal imaging in law enforcement. The requirement of warrants is an essential protection of civil liberty — in times of peace as well as war." --Clint Bolick, vice-president of the Washington-based Institute for Justice

Why We Are The Good Guys (The Secular Reasons)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Not only do we have an incontestable moral right to defend what we are doing: we are also eminently entitled to insist -- firmly -- on our freedom to do it."

by John G. Lankford

U.S. Commission On National Security/21st Century
Submitted by: skypod

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The Phase III Report of the U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century
Road Map for National Security: Imperative for Change
DRAFT FINAL REPORT: January 31, 2001

"in Phase III, it recommends a new National Homeland Security Agency to consolidate and refine the missions of the nearly two dozen disparate departments and agencies that have a role in U.S. homeland security today."

--Planned in detail LONG before the terrorist attacks of September 11.

A Citizen’s Air Marshall Program
Submitted by: skypod

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"The FAA is scrambling at this moment to get sky marshals aboard commercial aircraft. But there are not nearly enough, and we are the potential victims. So why rely on full time sky marshals? Why not implement a program to allow anyone with a CHL to apply for certification as a Citizen Sky Marshall?"


by Kevin Southwick

Airlines, Pilots Differ Over Armed Crews
Submitted by: skypod

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"We have never allowed pilots to carry firearms on board," said Jenna Ludgate, spokeswoman for United Airlines.

But United co-pilot Aaron Benedetti, who has received specialized firearms training for pilots from the Front Sight Firearms Training Institute in Las Vegas, Nevada disagrees with his employer's policy ...if the airline allowed its pilots to carry side arms, "United could once again claim they fly the friendly skies."

Gun Battles Expected on Capitol Hill
Submitted by: skypod

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"Democrats thought the Schumer amendment was something that would not stir up people on the outside. But all of a sudden, lots of faxes and e-mails from GOA activists started pouring into their offices, and the idea was shelved. Great work! We'll let you know if Schumer makes another attempt in the future."

GOA Alerts:
* Hostettler To Expand Gun Rights
* Demil Gun Grab Is Back

(see link for full details)

Lufthansa puts skymarshals on their flights
Submitted by: JUH

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Lufthansa's CEO Jürgen Weber informs that Lufthansa is placing skymarshals on their flights and strenghtening the cockpit doors. They will not publish the number of skymarshals hired, but it is calculated there will be a need for 3 to 8 marshals on each plane, depending on the type and size.

Note: This article is in Norwegian. You can translate using Babelfish.

Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Nations and peoples who forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms. — Robert Heinlein

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