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Newslinks for 9/25/2007

CT: Dodd’s Other Campaign: Fixing Dad’s Reputation
Submitted by: Anonymous

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On June 23, 1967, Senator Thomas J. Dodd, Democrat of Connecticut, was censured by the United States Senate for diverting $116,000 in campaign funds for his personal use. The vote was 92 to 5.

DC: Few converts for Giuliani at NRA candidate forum
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sitting next to Bell at lunch Friday, Joe Rogers was keeping a scorecard for each of the presidential candidates on the conference’s brochure. While some speakers had check marks, Giuliani was the only one with a zero next to his name. The Wilmington, NC salesman said even Democratic presidential candidate Bill Richardson scored better during his taped remarks. “I don’t think there’s anything he could have said and been truthful about to win over the crowd,” Rogers said of Giuliani.

NY: Giuliani Opposes Bloomberg on Key Gun Law
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Opening a new rift with his successor at City Hall, Mayor Giuliani has endorsed a gun law that Mayor Bloomberg has spent the better part of a year trying to get repealed. In his appearance Friday before the National Rifle Association, the former mayor highlighted the Tiahrt amendment in describing the shift in his view on gun rights, saying the law was "sensible" and that law enforcement was "comfortable" with it. The amendment, which has been added to congressional spending bills since 2003 with the backing of the NRA, places restrictions on how gun trace data can be used, and it lies at the center of the national campaign Mr. Bloomberg has waged on illegal guns.

On Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs - Dave Grossman
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Short summary of great article "On Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs" by Dave Grossman with link to the full article.

CA: MicroStamping Bill Hits Governor's Desk
Submitted by: Jennifer Freeman

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California Assembly Bill 1471 has been forwarded Governor Schwarzenegger and can be signed into law at any time. The question of whether or not there is enough opposition from California residents to encourage a veto remains to be seen.

It is widely believed that the cost to accommodate such a requirement would put handguns financially out of reach for most people. In fact, it might be more feasible for firearm manufacturers to simply not sell handguns in California. The effect is an unoffical handgun ban.

IL: West Side Store Clerk Shoots Alleged Robber
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A store clerk on the West Side fought back against an alleged robber, shooting him in the head. Chicago police say Monday evening the suspect is in stable condition.

As CBS 2's Mike Flannery reports, the hardware store is just one block from another store that police say was robbed at gunpoint last week.

Police believe a hole in the front door of South Side Hardware was created by one of the shots fired as a clerk tried to defend himself from an armed robber.

FL: Murder charge dropped in shooting case
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Prosecutors have declined to file a murder charge against the suspect in the shooting of a 28-year-old man during a botched drug deal.

"I cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it was not self-defense," Prosecutor Brian Iten said today.

But the State Attorney's Office did file amended drug and gun charges against Ronald Oats, 20, who was arrested in connection with the June 24 shooting death of Jeremiah Matteson, 28.

Since Oats' arrest, his attorney, Mark Lipinski, has argued that Oats shot Matteson in self-defense.

Anti-gun rationale vs. Pro-gun rationale, my responses to the anti-gun claims
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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1. Guns kill [insert number here] people every year - Okay, yes, guns do kill a given amount of people per year from both crimes and accidents, but people still die from car, bus, train, airplane, machinery, insert-object-here accidents. Let's face it, accidents happen and crimes happen. A criminal doesn't care if they're using a gun, knife, or crow-bar, as long as they know they'll more than likely have the upper hand in a confrontation.

DC: The Supreme Court and the Butterfly Effect
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Supreme Court decision in District of Columbia v. Heller could play an even larger role in the 2008 Presidential election. In March of this year, the D.C. Circuit decided Parker v. District of Columbia, holding that the District's gun control law violates the Second Amendment. Although the Supreme Court has not yet decided whether to review the case, it likely will hear it, given that the ruling creates a division of authority among the federal appeals courts on the meaning of the Second Amendment and the scope of permissible gun control.

NY: Giuliani v. Bloomberg
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Mayor Giuliani's speech to the NRA is a reminder of one of the great things about democracy — the education it provides not only to voters but also to candidates. When Mr. Giuliani was serving as mayor he was inclined toward a crabbed, provincial view of the Second Amendment, which says that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed and which has been called the palladium of our liberties. He derided the NRA, the civil rights organization that focuses on the Second Amendment, and he launched a lawsuit against gun makers. Now that Mr. Giuliani has been campaigning to transform himself from mayor of a northeastern metropolis to president of America, he's been getting something of an education on the issue.

David Ramsay, "The inhabitants had no means of security, but to abandon their habitations, and take up arms", July 30, 1777
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"...In a few days after the evacuation, general Schuyler issued a proclamation, calling to the minds of the inhabitants the late barbarities and desolations of the royal army in Jersey—warning them that they would be dealt with as traitors, if they joined the British, and requiring them with their arms to repair to the American standard...."

"...Hundreds seized their firelocks, and marched on the general call, without waiting for the orders of their immediate commanders. The inhabitants had no means of security, but to abandon their habitations, and take up arms. Every individual saw the necessity of becoming a temporary soldier...."

HI: Lawsuit Filed in Hawaii Over Denial of 'Right to Concealed Carry'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Aug. 24, 2007, I filed a civil lawsuit in the United States Federal District Court for the District of Hawaii, CV 07-00450HG/KSC. The purpose of the lawsuit is to seek damages, under 42 U.S.C. 1983, 1985, and 1986, for denying and prohibiting the free exercise of my Second Amendment Right.

On three previous ocassions, I have applied for either a concealed or unconcealed permit to carry a firearm and was denied. Since no attorney in the State of Hawaii is willing to take this case, I filed Pro Se.

The Defendants are the state of Hawaii and Gov. Linda Lingle; Mark Bennett, State Attorney General; County of Hawaii and Mayor Harry Kim; the Hawaii Police Department and Chief of Police Lawrence Mahuna.

NY: Bill-Rudy Letters Show Just How Anti-Gun Giuliani Used to Be
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Today the Post tells us about the "love notes" between Rudy Giuliani and Bill Clinton that the pair exchanged while Clinton was president and Giuliani was mayor of New York City. The missives were sent after Giuliani supported national legislation that was also backed by Clinton, and boy are they steamy. "You can be proud of your efforts to promote this bill," cooed Clinton, who send Giuliani a signed photograph. "Thank you for the signing pen," gushed Giuliani. "I greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness." It's practically pornographic! The Post dug up the correspondence after Giuliani hinted that he had flattering letters from Clinton that he might use against Hillary if the race got tight.

NY: 2nd Circuit Hears Arguments on Letting NYC's Gun Suit Go to Trial
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Corporation Counsel Michael Cardozo insisted Friday that New York City should be able to go to trial in its efforts to force gun manufacturers and distributors to put a lid on the illegal sale of firearms. In arguments before the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Cardozo said a law passed by Congress to limit suits against manufacturers and distributors whose guns end up in the hands of criminals was unconstitutional and, in any event, does not apply to the suit brought by the city in 2000.

NY: Guns Provide Opening for Giuliani Rivals
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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For as long as he has contemplated a run for president, Rudy Giuliani has been dogged by the sneaking suspicion many political players and observers hold: That because of his positions on certain issues, he just can't win a Republican primary. During Giuliani's tenure as mayor in a city where Democrats outnumber Republicans, some estimate by as much as fifteen to one, he had to tack left on several issues, including abortion rights, gay rights and gun control. Now, as he faces a GOP primary electorate far more conservative than those who voted for him in New York, those positions are coming back to haunt him.

NY: Secret pen pols
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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They're on opposite sides now, but Bill Clinton and Rudy Giuliani were bosom buddies during their days as president and mayor. Giuliani, the Republican front-runner for president, recently blasted Clinton as weak on terrorism during his White House tenure. He's also hammered Clinton's wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the leading Democratic presidential candidate, for wanting to cut and run in Iraq. But letters in Giuliani's archives show that Rudy and Bubba were mutually admiring pen pals while in office - praising each other particularly on anti-crime initiatives then opposed by the National Rifle Association.

CA: An Opportunity for Mr. Schwarzenegger
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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California’s Republican governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has a laudable record of splitting with his party’s orthodoxy to support pathbreaking state initiatives on global warming and stem cell research. Now Mr. Schwarzenegger has a chance to make Californians safer, and set a new national standard, by signing into law the Crime Gun Identification Act of 2007.

Senate Democrats Seek Deal To Speed Action on Gun Bill
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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In a significant reversal, Senate Democrats are shopping an agreement that would expedite action on legislation to try to improve state-federal sharing of mental health data and weed out dangerous gun purchasers. The House approved a similar bill three months ago following on the killing of 32 people at Virginia Tech in April by a student with a history of mental health problems.

Ed.: Wall Street Journal subscription required.

OH: Lima News: 'Who's packing? Almost 2,000 area residents'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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From the Lima News article:

Defining rights and privileges is important to this debate. You shouldn’t have to license yourself in order to exercise a freedom. It’s another thing if you look to take advantage of a privilege such as driving.

For example, as the "public" owns the airwaves, we have government regulators who monitor what is aired on television and radio. There’s no government restriction on what we can print in the newspaper, although the threats to call the FCC do amuse us. There is the threat of libel, but while we can be sued, there’s no license for government to yank.

UT: Woman who assisted burglar goes to prison for evaluation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When Barbosa began beating resident Danny Dutton with a pipe, Dutton retrieved a gun and killed Barbosa. Prosecutors determined Dutton fired in self-defense but have charged him with illegal firearms possession because he has a felony conviction.

Dutton has pleaded not guilty.

DC: Who the Hell Called Rudy At the NRA?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But maybe his wife wasn’t actually the one who was calling him! If you watch the video, and you’re a fan of either guns or the Constitution (or both!), you might notice that America’s Mayor is, in fact, in the middle of fundamentally misquoting our beloved Second Amendment when his wife calls. Our patriotic colleagues at FreeRepublic certainly noticed.

“After all the second amendment is a freedom every bit as important as the other freedoms in the first ten amendments. Just think of the language of it — ‘the people shall be secure’ —let’s see, this is my wife calling…”

FL: Firearms didn't protect Miami-Dade officers who were shot
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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About the mayhem in Miami on Sept. 13, regarding a societal misfit's gunning down four of Miami-Dade's finest: Why do we tolerate AK-47s in our society? To "protect" ourselves?

Not even the four policemen in South Dade were able to "protect" themselves against a 25-year-old cop-hater armed with not one, but three of those battlefield machine guns.

AZ: Gun at your side lessens your fear
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Many of us remember Khrushchev defending the lack of civil rights in the Soviet Union by stating that they may not have some freedoms but that they do have freedom from fear.

Fear is a persistent emotion in our society. We fear "nukes," and we fear personal attacks in our streets and in our homes.

I sort of feel that any effort should be made to lessen fear in our society. That may mean that people do have the right to carry weapons to defend themselves.

The triumph of persuasion over force is the sign of a civilized society. — MARK SKOUSEN

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