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Newslinks for 9/27/2001

Arms in the Air: Thinking through arming pilots
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"Rep. Ron Paul (R., Texas) has introduced H.R.2896, a bill that, if passed, would arm airline pilots. Although current federal regulations allow pilots to be armed if both the airline and the FAA consent (14 Code of Federal Regulations section 108.11), bureaucratic inertia appears to have prevented the widespread arming of pilots.

That policy must change, because it is the only reform — unlike the panoply of freedom-restricting measures currently being promoted by the Department of Transportation — that actually would have foiled the September 11 acts of war." --Dave Kopel

Let our Pilots Fight Back Against Terror
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"SELF-DEFENSE is the ultimate civil right. If a citizen loses that right, all other rights become illusions." --Tanya K. Metaksa

Teacher Accused of Burning Flag in Classroom
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A Sacramento elementary school teacher is under fire for allegedly burning an American flag in front of his students.

About 30 6th graders at Sacramento's North Avenue Elementary apparently watched as their teacher burned part of the flag. Students say he asked them to keep quiet, but one student later told the school principal.

The teacher is now on paid administrative leave. A school board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday night so parents can discuss their concerns.

Pacifism and War
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"Pacifists of the 20th century had a lot of blood on their hands for weakening the Western democracies in the face of rising belligerence and military might ... Then as now, pacifism was a "statement" about one's ideals that paid little attention to actual consequences. At a Labor Party rally where Britain was being urged to disarm "as an example to others," economist Roy Harrod asked one of the pacifists: "You think our example will cause Hitler and Mussolini to disarm?" --Thomas Sowell

U.S. chief law officer urges public to be on alert
Submitted by: KABA Newslinks Director

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Attorney General John Ashcroft said that possible suspects in the Sept. 11 attack had obtained licenses to transport hazardous materials, and urged the public to be on alert.

"I urge Americans to notify immediately the FBI of any suspicious circumstances that may come to your attention regarding hazardous materials, crop-dusting aircraft or any possible terrorist threat."

This Man Wants You Dead
Submitted by: Kevin

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"Having borne arms against the Russians in Afghanistan," Bin Ladin has declared, "we think our battle with the Americans will be easy by comparison. We are now more determined to carry on until we see the face of God. "Bin Ladin, now about 43 years old, is one of some 65 children of a Saudi construction magnate. When family patriarch Mohammad Bin Ladin died in the late 1960s, his children inherited a financial empire that today is worth an estimated $10 billion.

Two Boynton officers faulted over DUI stop of police lieutenant
Submitted by: Kevin

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An award-winning officer on the city's police DUI squad and a supervisor were reprimanded after the officer stopped a lieutenant because she suspected him of driving drunk, said she smelled alcohol on his breath and didn't take any action, according to documents obtained recently.

Investigators, hoping that the video camera in Perry's car would clarify the discrepancies, sought the camera's tape to no avail. "The videotape that should have been in Officer Perry's vehicle at the time of the stop cannot be found."

Art teacher accused of showing how terrorists cut throats (followup)
Submitted by: Kevin

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"The deal is, I was answering their question. The kids said, 'Oh. OK.' And went back to drawing," Bowes said. "It was no big deal. The parents are the ones who made it a big, big deal."

"This is a dreadful thing," she said. "They shouldn't have to pay for this. All they were trying to do is express themselves, and all I was trying to do is let them."

Violent Mass Killer Released from Prison (FL)
Submitted by: Kevin

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'Yahweh' directed followers to commit 14 murders, two attempted murders and the firebombing of a Delray Beach neighborhood. Several of the victims were decapitated with a machete and others had their ears cut off as proof of the slayings.

Although "the Parole Commission opposed his release after less than 11 years" because of the nature of his crime, Yahweh was eligible for parole for his "good behavior while in custody".

We Must be Ready
Submitted by: serinde

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"We are not fighting Islam; we are fighting those who use Islam — or any other religion or cause, for that matter — as a crutch for a worldview that calls for the destruction of those of us who espouse individual liberty and freedom.

Jesus did not command his followers to turn someone else’s cheek. We must defend people of freedom, with violence if necessary. We must be prepared, every one of us, for the trials ahead. We must win this war." --JON L. GARDNER

Terrorist Suspect may have sought loan for crop-dusters
Submitted by: Kevin

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The FBI is looking into whether suspected terrorist pilot Mohamed Atta sought a government business loan in South Florida to buy a crop-duster, according to a bank official in Homestead.

Atta, 33, and a group of men visited a crop-dusting business in Belle Glade, asking how much chemical the plane could carry and how far it could fly.

KABA NOTE: We have to wonder what businesses are going to be included in the terrorist scare checks, and if this person was possibly connected.

Suspect Shot In Burglary (OpSD)
Submitted by: David Bowman

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Homeowner was awakened in the middle of the night and had a wife and three small children in the home at the time, all of whom are unhurt.

2nd Amendment Auto Tag Proposed (FL)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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A Tampa Bay area lawmaker is taking a shot at giving gun owners a license plate of their own, while raising money to teach children about gun safety.

The proposed plate would be emblazoned with an image of "a Revolutionary War soldier, standing with his family and a 13-star United States flag and holding a musket."

Sun-Sentinel version

Students Across America Join First Monday 2001, Launch 'Gun Industry Watch'
Submitted by: Kevin

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"This year's 'First Monday' film Deadly Business, by award-winning documentary filmmaker Glen Pearcy, is a powerful expose of the gun industry and the methods it uses to ensure guns remain the least regulated and most deadly consumer product sold in America."

Red-light cameras start trial period today (Fresno)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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A trial run of Fresno's red-light cameras begins today at Herndon and Blackstone avenues. No fines will be charged to violators for 30 days to meet state requirements and ensure the system is operating properly, District 2 Council Member Brian Calhoun said.

Over 200 residents turn out for Freedom Rally (CA)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A proud moment for America, an even prouder moment for Coalinga", CA.

Cop Group Joins Pilots' Union In Call To Arm Airline Pilots
Submitted by: Kevin

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"Pilots are some of the most highly trained and skilled professionals in the world, they are ideally suited for the kind of training necessary to use a firearm in defense of themselves and their passengers."

FAA regulations currently contain provisions for the carrying of a firearm by pilots, at the discretion of their employer.

Ashcroft: Anti-Terror Effort to retain Civil Rights
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Attorney General John Ashcroft yesterday told a Senate panel that civil liberties will not be trampled in the Bush administration's effort to capture terrorists responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

Michigan Gun Foes Drop Campaign For Anti-Gun Ballot Initiative
Submitted by: Kevin

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"This is a lousy time for gun haters to be arguing that guns are bad. The nation just saw what happened when you create gun-free zones, such as what airplanes are. Our ridiculous laws have even made it impossible for pilots to protect their passengers and as a result you give the advantage to criminals," said Erich Pratt of GOA

DetroitFreePress version

Rep. Ron Paul's speech to Congress: the War, Causes and Solutions
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Unbelievably, to this day our foreign aid continues to flow into Afghanistan, even as we prepare to go to war against her. My suggestion is, not only should we stop this aid immediately, but we should never have started it in the first place."

"Dominating the Persian Gulf is not a benign activity. It has consequences. The attack on the USS Cole was a warning we ignored."

...and lots more.

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you. — PERICLES (430 BC)

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