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CANADA: Privacy and Guns
Submitted by: skypod

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TheStar -- "Controlling guns means intruding on individual privacy. That has been clear through Canada's long struggle to enact firearms legislation. The Star believes this is a reasonable trade-off.

In our view, the benefits of keeping weapons out of the wrong hands outweigh the drawbacks of requiring gun owners to answer certain personal questions.

This does not mean, however, that federal authorities have the right to collect information they do not need to protect public safety."

MA: Senators Jacques and Lynch are BOTH gun-controllers
Submitted by: skypod

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In a television spot that began airing yesterday, state Sen. Cheryl Jacques touts her record on gun control and accuses Sen. Stephen Lynch of being "a friend of the NRA" who voted against an assault weapons ban in the Senate in 1996.

What she doesn't say is that although Lynch voted against a version of the bill in 1996, he also cast votes in favor of it, and he was a strong supporter of the 1998 gun control legislation Jacques calls "the toughest in the nation".

NRA, CARA and the Café Constitution
Submitted by: Wesley E. Lively

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NRA Members must force the NRA to withdraw its support for this unconstitutional measure!

KABA NOTE: To contact the NRA Staff, please see our article,
NRA vs. Land Rights: You Decide Who's Right

JAPAN: Police Gun Rules to be "Relaxed"
Submitted by: skypod

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The National Police Agency is now undertaking a review of the regulations regarding the use of handguns ... The revisions are aimed at enabling police officers to respond more quickly to emergency situations and to enhance the deterrent power of firearm possession. (emphais mine)

Support the Second Amendment - Online Petition
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Support Rep. Ron Paul's Second Amendment Protection Act (H.R.1762) to repeal the five-day waiting period and instant check system (which can be abused to build a database of gun owners, repeal the semi-auto ban, and amend GCA'68 to prevent "non-sporting purpose" firearms from being decreed "destructive devices" and banned by the Treasury Secretary.

Open Season on Police in "Gun-Free" Chicago
Submitted by: Ken Bach

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Almost 800 attacks against on-duty officers were reported during the first seven months of this year -- up 31% from the same period in 1996, according to department figures. Those figures include slain officers and incidents where guns were pointed at police but not fired.

KABA NOTE: But how can this be in gun-free, "safe" Chicago, where lawful citizens are denied the right to self-defense... oh, wait, maybe that IS part of the reason.

The Unconstitutional Origins of the Endangered Species Act
Submitted by: skypod

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Most Americans do not realize that hundreds of thousands of their fellow citizens, primarily in rural areas, are needlessly being stripped of their livelihoods and decimated economically by these laws as our government uses them to nationalize their property.

The Endangered Species Act of 1973, the granddaddy of all these anti-human U.S. laws, derives its authority and power from five international treaties, the most prominent being the Western Convention.

Report by Michael Coffman, PhD

Guns in wrong hands are a problem; guns in right hands aren't
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"I more or less conceded that fear has become a part of our lives, and there's nothing we can do about it. I couldn't think of anything, anyway, other than to live more cautiously, to lock my doors, check shadows, the usual drill. What I hadn't considered is carrying a concealed weapon, the only plausible answer, according to many who took time to write." --Kathleen Parker

Government-Funded Anti-Gun Research
Submitted by: skypod

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"Two years ago, 294 academics from universities such as Harvard, Stanford, UCLA, the University of Chicago and Northwestern signed an open letter on gun control asking that Congress "before enacting yet more new laws ... investigate whether many of the existing laws may have contributed to the problems we currently face." These academics concluded that "new legislation is ill-advised." Yet not a single one of them was included on the National Academy of Sciences panel." --John Lott

Virgina Governor Race Getting Dirty?
Submitted by: skypod

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The Washington Post -- "The flier states that Mr. Warner "supports new gun control laws." In fact, Mr. Warner has been flirting with the NRA and has assured hunters and other sportsmen that he believes enough laws are on the books and that they need enforcement. That's not our view, but neither is it what the Earley smearsheet says."

~ "Assuring" people is meaningless. What does his RECORD say?

Letter: Guns protect us from government tyranny!
Submitted by: skypod

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"Letter-writer Leo Mayers has fallen prey to his own argument ["Bearing arms is a state's right, not a personal one," Aug. 23]. The all-too-often-repeated unfounded mantra of the "well regulated militia" being our modern National Guard makes about as much sense as pornography being "protected speech!" It wasn't the intent of the amendment...." --Steve Reed, Fredericksburg

UK: Alleged attack by Policewoman caught on film
Submitted by: BlackSnake

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Anti-gun media bias and downplaying of UK violent crime is rampant. "Apeing" U.S. precedent, UK media avoids reporting criminal depredations and focuses on alleged Police misconduct. (This story seeks to be a UK version of the infamous Rodney King incident).

I'm uncomfortable reporting "Maniac Cop" stories, they are not the norm, but UK press are gleefully reporting a "gun free" spree killing done by a Police Constable at

Has the nation overreacted to the threat of teen violence?
Submitted by: skypod

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MSNBC -- The biggest misconceptions involve what happens on school property. According to the Justice Policy Institute, 99% of all youth homicides in the United States take place outside of school. While 71% of respondents to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll last year believed a school shooting was likely in their community, the actual odds of being killed in an American school in 1999 were less than one in 2 million.

Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands? — Patrick Henry, 3 J. Elliot, Debates in the Several State Conventions 45, 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1836

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