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North Carolina governor suspends gun rights
Submitted by: F. Paul Valone

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"State of emergency order makes criminals of concealed handgun permit-holders, sport shooters and hunters."

"Yesterday, North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue signed Executive Order No. 62, declaring a State of Emergency in advance of Hurricane Earle. In doing so, Perdue suspended the right of state residents to use or carry firearms outside their premises." ...

"... Critics note that dove-hunting season begins on Saturday (September 4), potentially making criminals of thousands of hunters." ...

Shooting yourself in physical butt, or political foot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Full confession: This column took Sept. 1 off for the opening day of Washington State's grouse season, a truly glorious event that should mark an official nine-week holiday for outdoorsmen and women who – as our all-time-favorite former Game commissioner Terry L. Karro of Winthrop once put it – 'work to hunt.'"

"Time from the office to 'bring law and order' to game birds, deer, elk and other prey is time well spent."

"It also allows one the opportunity to sort of digest certain events, bringing us around to an incident that occurred over the past weekend on the trail. ..." ...

Time: Can A Gun Buyback Program Stem Violence In Detroit?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nope. And I have to say it's incredibly refreshing to read a piece from the Time magazine's ultra-left-leaning media moguls that shoots down Detroit's gun buyback program with TTAGian gusto. Darrell Dawsey penned the polemic. Yup, the same writer we recently excoriated for suggesting that carrying a concealed weapon at the Eats, Beats and Arts Festival was a sign of paranoid delusion. This time 'round, Dawsey gets it right, at least initially . . ." ...

Backdoor gun control missed target ... this time
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... I do now enjoy 'plinking' at the range with friends. I practice with my dad's old .22 rifle and my own 9 mm pistol. Besides having fun in casual marksmanship 'competitions' with friends, I want to make sure I am safe in my handling and my aim is effective if there is ever need to feed or defend myself. I also take most seriously the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution ..."

"I pay attention when laws or regulations are proposed that will affect these things. Last week I learned the Environmental Protection Agency was considering a petition to ban lead in ammunition and fishing gear. ..." ...

Good News: Federal Gun Control Efforts a Total Failure
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"WHEN A LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC majority took control of Congress and the notoriously anti-gun Obama administration was seated in the Executive Branch in January 2009, pro-firearms groups were understandably nervous that Washington would start rolling back Americans' Second Amendment rights. But with only a few months remaining in the 111th Congress, it's looking increasingly likely that this is not going to happen."

"In fact, according to a new report, the situation is so good that some anti-gun legislators are whining that they cannot even initiate a hearing to talk about gun control, let alone shepherd a bill to the floor for a vote." ...

Domestic Violence Fairytales Threaten Constitutional Protections
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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... "This tale is not so much about a distraught woman sorely in need of psychological help. Rather, it’s a story of a police department, a prosecutor, and a judge that allowed themselves to be duped by a conniving perjurer. And it's about a criminal justice system that has all but abandoned due process in a frenzied attempt to curb domestic violence."

"Like everything in the law, the problem begins with definitions. The Violence Against Women Act ... includes a definition of domestic violence that is so wide you could drive a Mack truck through it."

"States picked up on the loophole, and now most states include within their definitions of abuse, actions like making your partner 'annoyed' or 'distressed.'" ...

Magistrate Recommends Dismissing States’ Gun Suit
Submitted by: Eric Lewis

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A federal magistrate is recommending dismissal of a lawsuit filed by eight states seeking freedom from federal gun laws.

The recommendation now goes to the federal judge hearing the case.

The states argue they should decide which rules would control the sale and purchase of guns and paraphernalia made inside their borders.

The federal magistrate sided Wednesday with the U.S. Department of Justice and gun control advocates who say the courts have already decided that Congress can set standards on such items as guns through its power to regulate interstate commerce.

The states in the lawsuit are Montana, Utah, Alabama, Idaho, South Carolina, South Dakota, Wyoming and West Virginia.

KABA Note: Conveniently ignoring the fact that the state laws specify that the firearms have not traveled in iterstate commerce.

Magistrate recommends dismissing states' gun suit (another view)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "The states argue they should decide which rules, if any, would control the sale and purchase of guns and paraphernalia made inside their borders. They say the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution assures that the federal government only has those powers that are specifically given to it by the U.S. Constitution."

"Federal magistrate Jeremiah Lynch beat back that argument in his recommendation dated Tuesday."

"'Because federal firearms laws are a valid exercise of Congress' power under the Commerce Clause as applied to the intrastate activities contemplated by the act, there is no 10th Amendment violation in this case,' Lynch wrote." ...

KABA Note: So Congress' power under the interstate Commerce Clause can be used to regulate intrastate activities?

Effect of Court Decisions on Guns Remains Murky in California (video & mp3)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Correspondent Spencer Michels examines how U.S. Supreme Court rulings limiting local gun-control laws are playing out in California."


"JUDY WOODRUFF: Next: how recent Supreme Court rulings limiting gun control laws are playing out in California. NewsHour correspondent Spencer Michels reports." ...

Praxis: Load Bearing Equipment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Go here for info on USGI load bearing equipment from ALICE onward. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the newer MOLLE II gear, they have a copy of the Care and Use Manual you can download and print out.

Running and Gunning
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is my quick practice course when using an AR15 carbine (aka M4gery) or an AK47 and my Sig P226. The rifles have non-magnified reflex sights or iron sights. Each distance noted below involves 3 shots fired at a steel target (to hear how I’m doing) before walking forward at a brisk pace and engaging the next target. Shooter should also be looking side to side for threats."


300 standing but supported on fence post or tree at torso silhouette
250 kneeling at torso
200 kneeling at head
200 standing/torso
150 standing/torso
125 standing/torso
100 standing/head
100 standing/torso
75 standing/mixed
50 standing/mixed

Transition to pistol ..." ...

H/t to WRSA.

Guns, drugs, and La Barbie: Why America is responsible for Mexican drug cartels
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"After the arrest this week of one of Mexico's most ruthless drug lords, 'La Barbie,' media coverage has highlighted his American-born, football star origins. But the kingpin is the product of America in a more profound way: We are morally responsible for his career. ..."

"To attribute moral responsibility to one nation for another’s domestic problems is usually a fraught process, since there are so many causal forces in play. But in this case, the connection is crystal clear. Mexican drug lords exist to feed the US drug market. And they get their guns through the US weapons market. We give the bad guys their money by buying their drugs; we sell them the guns that enable their continued existence ..." ...

New Publication Details Year's Developments in Gun Law and Policy Nationwide
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today, Legal Community Against Violence (LCAV) announced the release of the 2010 Report: Recent Developments in Federal, State and Local Gun Laws. The 2010 Report recaps the year's significant firearm-related law and policy developments and is designed to educate the public about the nation's gun violence epidemic and present solutions to this preventable problem. The 2010 Report also discusses the significance of the Supreme Court's recent decision in McDonald v. Chicago, which held that the Second Amendment applies to state and local governments in addition to the federal government." ...

TX: Woman puts bullet hole in attacker's car at Walmart
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A 56-year-old woman fended off an armed attacker in a Walmart parking lot in La Marque, pulled a pistol and put at least one hole in the assailant's fleeing vehicle, La Marque police said today."

"The woman ... struggled with a man trying to take her car shortly after 3 p.m. Wednesday, Detective Danielle Herman said in a written statement."

"The woman, a concealed handgun permit holder, managed to grab a pistol from the car console and pointed it at the man, who fled to a silver or gray SUV driven by an accomplice, Herman said."

"The woman fired several shots at the SUV as it sped away, at least one bullet striking the rear of the vehicle, she said."

"Herman said the attacker was armed with a pistol." ...

CA: Use a gun, or run, hide
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A recent letter writer suggests we start with the Second Amendment if we are going to amend the Constitution."

"He implies that our great country would be safer without guns. Without guns in the hands of responsible American citizens, that letter writer would not have freedom to express his opinion."

"Deaths due to tobacco, lack of physical activity, alcohol and microbial agents add up to over a million per year. So, if he really wants to save people, get on the soapbox and tell people to stop smoking, get off the couch, sober up and wash their hands." ...

"Those who choose to take a stand against evil use guns to enforce the fact that we are not going to run, hide or be victimized. We also use them for leisure." ...

NRA mans up to Harry Reid
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This week's hostage standoff at the Discovery Channel headquarters in Maryland offers a scary reminder why it's important for Americans to be able to own and carry firearms. When the public is packing heat, it's more dangerous for deranged criminals to threaten innocent life because individuals can defend themselves. No organization does more to protect our right to keep and bear arms than the National Rifle Association, and when you go against the NRA, you get thumped. Just ask Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid." ...

NRA Freedom Action Foundation Launches 2010 Trigger the Vote Effort
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The [NRA]'s Freedom Action Foundation (NRA-FAF) today launched the 2010 Trigger the Vote campaign, featuring its Honorary Chairman Chuck Norris in a new series of advertisements."

"'Tough Like Chuck,' the first in the new series of ads can be viewed here:"

"'With each election, Americans go to the polls and make choices that affect – for better or worse – the future of our rights ...' said NRA-FAF Chairman Chris Cox."

"'We're are honored to once again be working with our friend and stalwart Second Amendment supporter, Chuck Norris, to educate voters on the importance of registering to vote to protect our Second Amendment rights.'" ...

IL: Green Rich Whitney says he is the better choice for true conservatives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "On the Second Amendment, Bill Brady and I both support the right of law-abiding citizens to possess firearms, including the right to carry firearms. However, I realize that in order to get a right-to-carry bill passed, we also have to recognize the political realities of strong local opposition in and around Cook County. Therefore, I propose that a right to carry bill should also include a provision allowing individual counties to opt out. That is the only way we are going to get a right to carry bill passed in ... In addition, I take a much stronger position on other steps needed to reduce violent crime in our state, addressing the social causes of violent crime and the need to crack down on illegal gun sales on the streets." ...

States being asked for 'right-to-hunt' amendments
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lifelong hunter Bill Haycraft of Kentucky sees his treasured outdoors heritage under siege and in need of constitutional protection from animal rights advocates."

"He's one of many hunters backing a 'right-to-hunt' amendment that's expected to be on his state's 2012 ballot."

"Kentucky is just the latest in a long line of states that have passed or are considering right-to-hunt measures to head off a feared hunting ban."

"Animal rights activists, however, say it's all unnecessary."

"'It's a solution in search of a problem,' said Michael Markarian, chief operating officer for The Humane Society of the United States. 'These measures don't accomplish anything.'" ...

NY: Westchester gun owners take aim at county's firearm safety laws
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & PIstol Association

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"Westchester gun owners are balking at the county's firearm safety laws."

"With the echo of the Supreme Court decision upholding the Second Amendment right to bear arms still ringing in their ears, they want the county to stop scrutinizing applicants for permits and licenses."

"Scott Sommavilla, president of the Westchester County Firearm Owners Association, criticized police for using 'no-knock' (if need be) search warrants issued by local judges."

"The warrants allow police to enter homes - by force if needed - to verify weapons listed on permit applications are safely stored."

"'This is an invasion of privacy and denies a gun owner's civil rights,' charged Sommavilla ..." ...

KABA Note: Let me get this straight: In Westchester County, merely being a registered gun owner provides probable cause for a search warrant?

CA: Assembly Session Ends in Acrimony; Gun Bill Dies
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"It ended in fighting and acrimony."

"For the Assembly, the curtain fell at midnight Tuesday after a final hour marked by animosity that began with a partisan fight that ultimately killed legislation to ban the open display of unloaded guns in most public places." ...

Submitter's note: This came as close as it gets. God was with us and the workers of evil fought amongst themselves and ran out of time. Slimeball sponsor Lori Saldana, D-San Diego, is being thrown out of office by term limits. Ahhhhh, poor thing. Who says there's no good news.

We're the Only Ones Custodial Enough
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nearly 90,000 raped in lockup, study finds [More]"
"Would you look at that--a population under total state control, disarmed, guarded, watched, confined..."

"Anyone who doesn't think sadistic degradation doesn't fit into the old behavior control punishment-for-displeasing us-or-we-just-want-to-break-you toolkit..."

"Not to mention the entertainment potential!" ...

IL: Gang Members Blast City, Police Policies
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"At a news conference organized by self-identified gang members Thursday morning, several speakers complained that police and city officials do not respect them, and that the only way to curb violence is to provide jobs and improve their community."

"The men who spoke out Thursday morning blamed poverty, drugs and a lack of jobs for the problems in the streets. They also said that Chicago Police Supt. Jody Weis' meeting with so-called gang leaders was a waste of time." ...

"The self-described current and former gang members held a news conference ..." ...

"'We have a serious epidemic going on in our communities. That is poverty. You say it's gangs, drugs and guns. We say we need jobs, opportunities and contracts,' Barry said. 'That's the resolution.'" ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: Is this a news story or a Rodney Dangerfield routine?

IA: Police shooting victim was state correctional officer
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A Webster City man who was shot and critically wounded by a policeman during a traffic stop last week worked for more than four years as a correctional officer at the state prison in Rockwell City.

Iowa Department of Corrections spokesman Fred Scaletta said he isn’t allowed to comment on whether 34-year-old Justin Jensen had any disciplinary actions at the prison job, which he left on Aug. 12. Jensen began work at the prison Sept. 16, 2005.

Police said Jensen got out of his car with a gun before Webster City police Sgt. Scot Ely shot him.

Ely is on paid administrative leave while the case is investigated by the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation. Webster City also will investigate.

Canada: Staff watched female inmates have sex: reports
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The RCMP has launched a criminal investigation into the conduct of four officers and three civilians working at the force’s Kamloops, B.C., detachment who allegedly looked on as two female inmates — one of whom may be HIV-positive, according to media reports — engaged in sexual activity."

"The women were placed in the same holding cell on Aug. 18, during which time they began a sexual encounter that lasted close to an hour, according to an inside source cited by Global News."

"The source alleged that the officers and municipal staff on duty that day watched the encounter through cameras mounted inside the cell block for up to seven minutes without intervening." ...

NC: Gun Confiscation in Response to Hurricane Earl?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On September 1, North Carolina’s governor, Bev Perdue, declared a state of emergency by executive order as Hurricane Earl approaches." ...

"Blogger John Jacob notes a possible sinister side to North Carolina’s declared state of emergency — citizens will not be allowed to carry weapons. In other words, the governor has in effect suspended the Second Amendment at a time when crime will almost certainly increase." ...

WA: Kent man ends court challenge to Seattle gun ban
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Kent man has ended his federal court challenge of Seattle's ban on carrying firearms in city parks and community centers."

"But the gun ban remains on indefinite hold pending the outcome of a separate, state court case, according to the Seattle City Attorney's Office."

"Robert Warden sued Seattle in November after carrying a pistol into a community center and being asked to leave. In March, a federal judge in Seattle ruled against Warden, finding the city was within its rights to restrict guns in 'sensitive' areas such as schools and courthouses." ...

LA: Sales tax holidays hit La. hunters' bull’s-eye
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Louisiana's second annual sales tax holiday on hunting supplies is the key reason that Mike Melancon will likely buy a rifle scope today."

"'That is going to make the difference,' Melancon said of the tax break, which will be in effect statewide today, tomorrow and Sunday."

"The three-day state and local sales tax exemption stems from a 2009 law called the 'Louisiana Second Amendment Sales Tax Holiday.'"

"It means that customers can save money — 9 percent in Baton Rouge — on an array of hunting supplies, including shotguns, rifles, pistols, bows and arrows, decoys, hunting boots, knives and even off-road vehicles used for hunting." ...

CA: In defense of reason
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a conservative and former military sworn to defend our Constitution, I must introduce my two cents into the Park 51 Cultural Center debate."

"On the surface a local zoning issue, we must recognize sympathies and symbolism surrounding this project. Mayor Bloomberg stated it is a First Amendment right that a mosque be built at this site. Ironically, Bloomberg denies the Second Amendment but defends the First." ...

"With God-given rights enumerated in our Constitution comes responsibility to exercise them with reason. Most importantly, we must always remember our rights granted by our creator, and not by any manmade government."

CA: Muni Admits Ban on Ads 'Promoting Use of Firearms' May Be Illegal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Earlier this week, we reported on Muni pulling an about-face regarding ads advocating gun use -- faster than a speeding bullet."

"While the transit agency edited the guns out of ads for the cop comedy The Other Guys due to policies forbidding billboards that 'appear to promote the use of firearms,' it subsequently accepted the Second Amendment Foundation's ads hyping a forthcoming gun-rights conference. These ads depict a shotgun-toting woman and the phrase 'Can you afford to be unarmed?'"

Clearly, this 'promotes the use of firearms.' So what gives?"

"It turns out that Muni's anti-firearm advertising policy may have to give -- give way, that is." ...

OH: Cuyahoga County concealed carry office closing today for relocation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting that the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Office is closing its Cleveland concealed handgun licensing (CHL) office today and moving it to Parma."

"According to the article, the new office will open Sept. 15 at the auto title office at 12100 Snow Road." ...

NY: Selective use of constitutional right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Liberal Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City made a statement in support of building the potential mosque at Ground Zero saying that they have the First Amendment right to do so.

Since when do liberals care about constitutional rights? I would like to see someone try to open up a potential gun store on the same block and see if the mayor would support the gun store owners Second Amendment right to do so.

Liberalism and hypocrisy are one in the same.


There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come. — Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

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