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Newslinks for 9/30/2010

Who is NRA giving money to--and why?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "My recommendation for political contributions is to cut out the middleman and give directly to candidates who have earned your support. Otherwise, there's no guaranteeing where your donation will end up." ...

'Constitutional carry' and the challenges it presents
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Its advocates call it 'Constitutional Carry,' and three states now have it, Vermont, Alaska and Arizona; the full exercise of the right to keep and bear arms without the necessity of a license or permit of any kind."

"This past weekend at the Second Amendment Foundation's 25th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference (more about GRPC in a moment), author and gun rights advocate Alan Korwin told the audience in San Francisco, 'I'm from Arizona, and I don't need no stinking permit.' For several years, Korwin has written a book on Arizona gun laws, same as this writer publishes a book on Washington gun laws." ...

Jon Stewart attacked by Brady Campaign
Submitted by: John Pierce - Minneapolis Gun Rights Examiner

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"As Jon Stewart continues to grow into his role as 'America’s most trusted news anchor,' he appears to be becoming more libertarian in his views regarding the Second Amendment." ...

Author's Note: Over the last two months, his show has featured an astonishing apology to Charlton Heston while his recent appearance on Oprah ended with a claim that banning guns is not the solution to school violence which prompted a freakout by Paul Helmke of the Brady Campaign.

Mayors’ gun tracing report: The latest sound bite for gun control
Submitted by: Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner

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"A cautionary tale of how phony facts about guns become 'what everybody knows…'" ...

Amazing "Coincidence": UT Shooting Cancels Pro-Gun Speech
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"UPDATE: John Lott appeared on The Alex Jones Show today and indicated that University officials were looking for a reason to cancel the speech before the incident today. 'The Dean for the law school expressed concern about me talking about this subject so I think they had some trepidation to begin with,' said Lott."

"A shooting at the University of Texas campus that was initially blamed on a lone nut took on a political aspect after it emerged that the incident coincided with a speech by second amendment expert John Lott about the right to concealed carry that was due to take place tonight but has since been cancelled." ...

"Safety Bullets" is not an oxymoron
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My brother and I came across this item at our local gun show this last weekend. This product is a workable solution to the problem of keeping a loaded gun available for instant use while also being safe from accidental discharge. Many states and localities require that all guns in any home be disassembled or locked up when not in use. Grabbing your gun and the finding the key for the trigger lock at 3AM requires more time than you might have if someone is crashing though the door. On the other hand, having a loaded handgun in your house unprotected is a risk to small children and idiots. It could even be dangerous to you if bad guys were to get to your weapon before you do." ...

IL: Suspect charged with murder after home invasion
Submitted by: Raymond Shaw

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"A Melrose Park man was ordered held on bail today after he and another man were shot by an elderly homeowner as they tried to break into the man's Ukrainian Village home, officials said." ...

"On Monday, Martinelli and Obrachta allegedly went to the home on Huron and were yelling and pounding on the door to be let in. After the elderly man opened the door, Martinelli wrapped his arm around the man's neck as Obrachta dosed his eyes with pepper spray while Martinelli began hitting the man in the stomach, Conklin said."

"As he was being pummeled, the man reached into a pocket of a coat hanging in the vestibule of the home and pulled out a gun, Conklin said."

"After shooting the men one time each, the men fled out of the building ..." ...

IL: Woman who shot 12-year-old: 'What was I supposed to do?'
Submitted by: Raymond Shaw

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"A 68-year-old woman who shot a 12-year-old boy has told a neighbor she was only trying to scare him off and feels remorseful about wounding him in the shoulder." ...

"Late Tuesday afternoon, the woman returned home from grocery shopping and noticed all the windows broken, according to police. The woman saw the 12-year-old and a 13-year-old friend running away."

"The woman called police and was putting away her groceries when the boys showed up again ... The woman walked out onto the porch and the boys began shouting obscenities and throwing bricks at her ..."

"The woman then pulled out a gun and opened fire ..."

"... The retired widow fired when one of the bricks struck her in the thigh, said the neighbor ..." ...

Chuck is Back to Trigger the Vote
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Action hero Chuck Norris is riding to the rescue of the Second Amendment with a new ad encouraging gun owners, hunters and shooters to register to vote." ...

TN: Tennessee gubernatorial race - final days
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The primaries are over. There are several independant candidates out there, but history has shown that are not just going to be real players. That means the only real choice one has is to go with either Haslam or McWherter."

"So, between the two, who do you choose?"

"Last January, the big Tennessee newspapers, including the News-Sentinel of Knoxville, ran a piece titled, Candidates on the Issues - Guns. I followed up with my analysis of their report HERE. The scores could range from +12 to -12." ...

CA: Fiorina Would Allow Gun Sales to Terrorists
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Carly Fiorina, the Republican candidate for the United States Senate from California, opposes pending Federal legislation to give law enforcement the authority to prevent terror suspects from buying guns, including AK-47s, Uzis and other military-style assault weapons. Ms. Fiorina publicly stated her opposition to this common-sense 'terror gap' legislation at the May 6 debate for Republican gubernatorial candidates." ...

H/t to David Codrea who urges us to close the giant inflatable pink pig loophole.

IA: More endorsements from the NRA in Iowa
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was reported today that Brenna Findley has received the endorsement of the NRA in her race for the Iowa's Attorney General position over the anti-gun Tom Miller. Findley was covered in a previous article, but it bears repeating that many of the issues that Iowa firearm owners face need the support of a pro-gun AG. Brenna Findley is exactly what Iowa needs to continue pushing gun rights into what our citizens deserve and our founding fathers intended."

"Senator Chuck Grassley has also received the support and endorsement of the NRA in his race against Roxanne Conlin. This should be a no-brainer, as Senator Grassley has been a supporter of gun rights for a long time." ...

AR: The NRA errs on Beebe endorsement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Monday, September 27, the NRA endorsed Governor Mike Beebe as their choice to continue as governor of Arkansas. Tuesday night, I made a Facebook post on gubernatorial candidate Jim Keet's 'wall', saying I thought the NRA had erred in its endorsement."

"Governor Beebe has always been a 'friend' to Arkansas gun owners. Some salty gun rights advocates in Little Rock believe if you put any firearms law on his desk he will sign it, this is the type of politician he is. Mike Beebe doesn't publicly fight pro-firearm legislation - he kills it behind closed doors." ...

PA: NRA endorses Kanjorski
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The nation's premier gun-rights group endorsed U.S. Rep. Paul E. Kanjorski for re-election Wednesday, but also gave his opponent, Lou Barletta, a high rating."

"The National Rifle Association's Political Victory Fund urged its members and gun owners to vote for Kanjorski, D-11, Nanticoke."

"'The NRA-PVF is endorsing Paul Kanjorski because he has defended the Second Amendment freedoms of law-abiding gun owners, hunters and sportsmen in Pennsylvania and across America,' said Chris W. Cox, the victory fund's chairman, in a statement."

"The group gave Barletta, a Republican and Hazleton's mayor, an 'AQ rating,' its highest rating for candidates with no congressional voting record ..." ...

PA: NRA endorses Toomey for Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"During an appearance at the Ramada Clarks Summit Hotel, 820 Northern Blvd., Clarks Summit, Pat Toomey accepted the endorsement of the National Rifle Association's political action committee on Tuesday, Sept. 28."

"Toomey, a Republican, is facing Democrat Joe Sestak in a race for Arlen Specter's seat in the U.S. Senate in the November 2 general election."

"'There's a strong bipartisan tradition of support for gun ownership rights in Pennsylvania that I’m proud to be associated with,' Toomey said in a prepared release Tuesday. I am a defender of all our Constitutional rights, including the Second Amendment." ...

AL: James Anderson Receives High Rating From National Rifle Association
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association (NRA) announced today that James Anderson, the Democratic candidate for Alabama Attorney General, has been given an 'A' rating by its nearly 4,000,000 members. According to the NRA, the high rating was based on Anderson's 'enthusiasm for the Second Amendment and the attention to firearm-related issues' during his campaign." ...

PA: Kanjorski receives NRA backing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One day after announcing their support of U.S. Senate candidate Republican Pat Toomey, the National Rifle Association's Political Victory Fund announced on Wednesday their endorsement of long-time U.S. Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D, PA-11) in his bid for a return to Congress."

"Kanjorski, who was first elected in 1984, faces Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta in the November 2 general election."

"Full text of the press release from the NRA follows:" ...

IA: What's up with the NRA?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's now official. At first, I thought the [NRA] was off its rocker. Now, I know it’s just plain bipolar."

"News was made earlier this week when the NRA, about as conservative of an organization as you can find when it comes to Second Amendment rights, endorsed Gov. Chet Culver for re-election. ..."

"However, on Wednesday they came out and endorsed Brenna Findley for attorney general, preferring her to incumbent Attorney General Tom Miller."

"Now, if anyone can possibly explain that, I'll give them 100 bucks (no, not really)."

"Miller and Culver are two peas in a pod. I can't imagine they disagree with each other on much, at least politically."

"Yet the NRA rates Miller with an F ... and Culver passes with flying colors." ...

TN: Stacey Campfield is the Democrats' new boogeyman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In watching Tennessee This Week last week, it was fascinating to see just how much State Representative Stacey Campfield has become the Democrats' boogeyman, the poster-child, they say, for extremism. ..."

"Liberals are quite fond of calling Stacey Campfield and his positions extreme, but they do so without examining those positions closely, because in a uniquely Tennessee political sense, what is it that is so extreme about Campfield's positions? ..."

"Stacey Campfield strongly supports the Second Amendment and has voted to dramatically increase our gun-carrying abilities. A majority of legislators also voted for those same pieces of legislation. ..." ...

WA: The Brady Campaign vs. Rossi: Who's got the gun politics right?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here's an interesting take from the other side of the continent on Washington's attitude toward guns. I personally don't see much evidence that most Washingtonians are anxious to restrict firearms. If so, our laws don't reflect the fact. 'Assault rifle' bans go nowhere, even when Democrats own the Legislature."

"The claim that Rossi would 'allow the carrying of loaded, concealed handguns in Washington state by people legally barred from possessing guns in Washington, if they are able to carry elsewhere' is mystifying." ...

NY: Schneiderman proposes coalition to crack down on illegal guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While attorney general candidates Eric T. Schneiderman and Daniel M. Donovan have been clubbing each other quite regularly over the past few days, every once in a while they make some substantive statements on the issues."

"Democrat Schneiderman today proposed combating illegal guns and gun smuggling through an eight-point plan that uses new technology, and a special 'I-95' coalition to crack down on illegal guns, while upholding the Second Amendment rights."

"'As attorney general, I am committed to keeping all of us safe from the scourge of gun violence,' he said. '... Together, we will advance a smart-on-crime approach that protects Second Amendment rights and public safety at the same time.'" ...

ID: Governor Otter Endorsed by NRA-PVF
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter received an endorsement Wednesday from the National Rifle Association's Victory Fund.
The organization's endorsement was given to Governor Otter for his solid pro-gun record.

Chris Cox, chairman of the NRA-PVF says the Governor's commitment to preserving our second amendment rights and hunting heritage makes "Butch" Otter the clear choice for Idaho gun owners and hunters.

During his first term in office, Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter signed the Idaho Sport Shooting Immunities act into law. He also signed legislation that encourages business owners to allow employees to keep firearms locked in their vehicles while parked on company property.

Senator Frank R. Lautenberg on Lead Ammunition – WTF
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anti gun Senator Lautenberg is well known for his hatred of freedom and firearms ownership by the sheeple and we are well aware of his many, many attempts to strip law abiding Americans of their right to keep and bear arms."

"But as one of his unfortunate new jersey subjects found out, that same campaign of misinformation is being applied at all levels of his organization where they seemingly never miss opportunities to spread miss truths." ...

TX: Students seeking to get law passed to allow concealed handguns on campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tuesday’s events at UT-Austin and the Texas Legislature around the corner could be the catalyst the Students for Concealed Carry on Campus organization needs to get started, interdisciplinary studies junior Kenny Jacobs said."

"Jacobs said the group has always been around, but couldn’t make the jump to an official organization. He said the group still needs an adviser before it can become a university-recognized organization."

"Jacobs traveled to Austin in 2009 to lobby for the legislation to allow concealed carry of handguns on college campuses. The bill in the Texas Senate passed but did not make it to the Texas House. He said if it comes up with the Legislature again, it will pass." ...

PA: Alloway: 'Castle doctrine' would protect gun owners who act in self-defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Sen. Rich Alloway is trying a different tactic to enact one of the [NRA]'s top priorities -- preserving the right to self-defense."

"Alloway, R-Chambersburg, wants to attach the Castle Doctine to a piece of crime legislation. The 'castle doctrine,' ... would protect gun owners who act in self-defense."

"'We are coming down to end of legislative session, and we're trying to get it done,' Alloway said. 'We're making a big push now. We're real close to getting this done. This is the right of self-defense and an extension of the Second Amendment.'"

"Alloway's amendment mirrors House legislation (H.B. 40) that was introduced in January 2009 and has been crawling through the legislative process." ...

CA: Open-carry gun debate surrounds Hometown Fair
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Since their introduction in Hermosa Beach went so well, the couple prepared to openly carry at this weekend’s Manhattan Beach Hometown Fair and perhaps even pass out educational flyers in the free speech zone."

"In the weeks that followed, the Greens, the Hometown Fair Board and the city would enter a contentious battle over differing interpretations of the law, leading to Green and his legal team threatening lawsuits for civil rights violations and Manhattan Beach Police Chief Rod Uyeda threatening arrests." ...

"Green hopes he never has to step foot in a courtroom."

"'I don't want any special treatment … I don't want any of their money, I just want (the city) to follow the law,' he said."

CA: Guns cleared for Hometown Fair
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Though the guns that will be holstered to dozens of people at this weekend's Hometown Fair won't be loaded, the debate over the right to carry them has been."

"Despite initial warnings from Hometown Fair Board members and the Manhattan Beach Police Department that people with firearms at the event would be arrested, volunteers of South Bay Open Carry (SBOC) made it clear that they will not leave their guns at home, citing their Second Amendment right to bear arms."

"A quarrel over guns at the event began with the fair board threatening arrests."

"'They are opening themselves up to a huge lawsuit,' Harley Green, founder of SBOC, said on Monday. ..." ...

WI: Open Carry Group Plans To Sue Madison
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Wisconsin group said it plans to file a federal lawsuit against the city of Madison on Wednesday for violating their Second Amendment rights."

"Wisconsin Carry ... said the rights of some of its members were violated on Sept. 18 when police issued citations to men for wearing their guns while eating at a Culver's restaurant."

"Police issued disorderly conduct charges against the five men after they were approached by Madison police officers at the restaurant and were asked to see identification. ..."

"The men -- all members of the group Carry Wisconsin -- said they were simply enjoying a bite to eat while exercising their constitutional right to bear arms." ...

WI: Gun-rights group sues city of Madison, police chief after 5 armed restaurant patrons cited
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun-rights group Wisconsin Carry is accusing the city of Madison and police Chief Noble Wray of violating the Second Amendment rights of five men."

"A federal lawsuit filed Wednesday says officers violated the rights of five armed patrons at a fast-food restaurant by asking them to produce identification or face arrest."

"A woman called 911 on Sept. 18 after seeing the men's holstered guns. Responding officers asked the men for identification. All five were eventually cited for disorderly conduct." ...

Submitter's Note: Madison cops didn't violate their Second amendment rights, the cops violated their civil rights, just as much as if they'd been arrested for "dining while black".

MA: Boston police investigate missing evidence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Boston police are investigating how possible evidence in a drug investigation disappeared from a home that was secured by officers while investigators waited for a search warrant."

"Police say two robbery suspects were traced to a Dorchester house on Sept. 2 where officers thought they saw marijuana and digital scales."

"Police requested a search warrant, saying they also expected to find a gun."

"But when the warrant arrived hours later, there was no marijuana, no scales and no gun. Police think someone removed the objects without police noticing." ...

Submitter's Note: Harry Potter must have snuck in under his cloak of invisibility and spirited the evidence away. I mean, there's no way cops would lie to get a warrant, right?

PA: Anti-tax, pro-gun? Then you are a 'terrorist'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Don't like being taxed to pay for wasteful government programs? Want to ensure your Second Amendment rights aren't infringed upon? Willing to attend rallies to peacefully and legally demonstrate how important these issues are to you?"

"Then you -- yes, you! -- just might be a 'terrorist.'"

"According to bulletins issued to the Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security in April and June by the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response, anti-tax and Second Amendment rallies staged in Harrisburg this year warranted 'terrorism-alert' warnings." ...

NV: Nevada Sheriff’s and Chiefs’ Association Hosting Fourth Annual Concealed Carry Forum (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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NRA-ILA grass roots news recently debuted a new and improved format for the “Grassroots News Minute” video!

To view the current video in its new format, please click above:

UT: 2 Millard County cops out after investigation
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"A Millard County sheriff’s lieutenant has retired and a detective has been terminated after allegations they covered up for a registered sex offender who had a gun in his home." ...

Submitter's note: So if you or I helped a felon keep their guns and committed ACTUAL obstruction of justice, we wouldn't be charged either. Riiiiight. There would be a paramilitary squad with a battering ram smashing their way into our homes and then our dogs would be shot for barking.

MD: Motorcyclist wins taping case against state police
Submitted by: mickey

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"A Harford County Circuit Court judge ruled this afternoon that a motorcyclist who was arrested for videotaping his traffic stop by a Maryland State Trooper was within his rights to record the confrontation." ...

"The judge ruled that Maryland's wire tap law allows recording of both voice and sound in areas where privacy cannot be expected. He ruled that a police officer on a traffic stop has no expectation of privacy.

"Those of us who are public officials and are entrusted with the power of the state are ultimately accountable to the public," the judge wrote. "When we exercise that power in public fora, we should not expect our actions to be shielded from public observation."

DC: 1 Killed in Incident After Funeral in U Street Corridor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One person was killed and at least one was injured at about noon Tuesday in an incident in the busy lunchtime area of 13th and U streets NW, News4's Pat Collins reported."

"As the funeral for 21-year-old Ashley McRae at Walker Memorial Baptist Church in the 2000 block of 13th Street let out and cars lined up for the funeral procession, shots rang out, Collins reported." ...

H/t to David Codrea who blames the Heller decision: "We knew this would happen if you let 'law-abiding' citizens keep their homes..."

I do believe that where there is a choice only between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence. Thus when my eldest son asked me what he should have done had he been present when I was almost fatally assaulted in 1908 [by an Indian extremist opposed to Gandhi's agreement with Smuts], whether he should have run away and seen me killed or whether he should have used his physical force which he could and wanted to use, and defend me, I told him it was his duty to defend me even by using violence. Hence it was that I took part in the Boer War, the so-called Zulu Rebellion and [World War I]. Hence also do I advocate training in arms for those who believe in the method of violence. I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honor than that she should in a cowardly manner become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonor. — Mohandas K. Gandhi, Young India, August 11, 1920 from Fischer, Louis ed.,The Essential Gandhi, 1962

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