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When being chased in your car by men firing guns, you....
Submitted by: BlackSnake

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(A) Fire back from your own moving car window?
(B) Try to outrun and ellude them, keeping your handgun ready?
(C) Say Ten Hail Marys?
(D) Use your cellphone to call the cops WHILE outrunning and elluding them, keeping your handgun ready?


When a car with two men firing pistols into the air raced up behind him, he stopped the car and reached for a cellphone to report the incident -- which gave the men time enough to turn their guns on him and fire 5 fatal shots.

Guns in a safe can't help protect you.
Submitted by: BlackSnake

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A South African homeowner, apparently unable to get to his guns, is killed and his wife kidnapped (and, of course, his gun safe emptied).

Confusion in Beck Shooting - Deputy may have been shot by fellow LEO
Submitted by: Mark Anderson

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Dozens of officers surround the home of James Beck, allegedly a "felon in possession of a gun", police impersonator and "different", "goofy" guy.

An officer is killed, and Beck's house burned to the ground by fire, likely started by tear gas canisters fired into the home by police.

Now it turns out that that the cops were shooting at the wrong houses. And the dead deputy appears to have been killed by a fellow officer.

Another sad day for law enforcement. Not to mention Mr. Beck.

Other Online Versions:
LasVegasSun | SierraTimes | L.A.Times

IRELAND: Catholic Schoolchildren Threatened By Riots in Belfast
Submitted by: Jeff

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Local Protestants said Monday that they were responding to Catholic attacks on their neighborhood, which is separated from the Catholic part of the district by high metal fences. Houses on both sides have been attacked in recent months with stones, gasoline and pipe bombs and even bursts of gunfire, prompting many residents to abandon their homes indefinitely.

- Bursts of gunfire??!! Doesn't Ireland have strict gun control laws? How can this be?

Hawaii Police Admit 911 Problems
Submitted by: skypod

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Honolulu police officials admit that a technical failure, and not human error, is most likely to blame for problems with its 911 system Tuesday during a test of the department's back-up communications system.

"The emergency system cut off hundreds of callers seeking police assistance" ... and they don't even know what went wrong (so it might happen again).

And this is from a state that doesn't want you to take responsiblity for your own life.

"An Unlocked Gun Could Be The Death Of Your Family"
Submitted by: Joe Brandon

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- I saw their "Omar" commercial on Sunday night... The fact that they are trying to use the children to manipulate your feelings makes me ill. Though their message has good intentions, I question their methods of bringing that message to the people.

KABA NOTE: Making sure that children do not harm themselves or others with ANY item in your household is very, very important. Most urgently, we need to take the time to TEACH them about how everyday items, such as guns, work, so they will KNOW not to use them in a harmful way.

For more information, see:
Kids & Guns

UK: Man killed by Crime-Spree Gang
Submitted by: BlackSnake

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"Detective Inspector Andrew Sladen said: These 15 or so youths were bent on criminal activity and carrying weapons... knives, a baseball bat, a hammer, and glass bottles"...

I wonder how this verminous gang would have reacted to, say, an ex-Parachute Regiment man with a fistful of .455 Webley? Sorry, I forgot you are not allowed to defend yourself or help others in London anymore, much less with a "banned" firearm...

Cellular Guns???
Submitted by: Brendan McCormick

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The ATF/FBI are really worried that Americans will gain access to firearms disguised as your typical wireless phone. All firearms are protected by the 2nd Amendment, Right?

Gun Suits Running
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"Owning a gun is no different than owning an automobile or, for that matter, a knife. All three result in numerous deaths each year because they were used maliciously. Blaming the manufacturer for misuse of his product is business for lawyers and has nothing to do with right or wrong -- and everything to do with a fee or a share of the loot if they win." --Dick Boland

"Secrecy is the keystone of all tyranny. Not force, but secrecy ... censorship. When any government, or any church, for that matter, undertakes to say to it's subjects, 'This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know,' the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything. You cannot conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." --Robert A. Heinlein, "Revolt in 2100" (Pg. 68-69, Baen Books paperback edition, 1999 printing)

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