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Gun sales in Turkey falling
Submitted by: BlackSnake

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"Sales of personal firearms in Turkey fell by around 50% in 2000". Shows a list of guns and prices, calling it an "expensive hobby" and ends with the quote "Remember, Guns don't kill people, People kill people"...(Those Turks have attitude)...

Weapons bill may change to gain backing
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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Patrol spokesman Lt. John Born said, "If (House Bill) 274 passes, we’ll have at least 200,000 more guns in cars and on people."

He makes that sound like a bad thing.

Handgun testing law misfires
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"SACRAMENTO -- A tough new handgun safety test designed to pinch the supply of cheap, disposable Saturday night specials doesn't appear to be pushing many guns to the sidelines."

"'They tried to make the test so tough that those guns wouldn't survive, but it obviously hasn't worked,' said Bruce Cavanaugh of San Diego, a former president of the California Firearms Dealers Association."

"AG Bill Lockyer publicly accused at least one manufacturer of attempting to manipulate the tests..."

Can Stricter Gun Laws Curb Criminal Activity?
Submitted by: BobL

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Time article about Johns Hopkins study. No mention of the real conclusion: L&R laws prevent criminals from buying guns AT RETAIL STORES.

Email to the editor, anyone?

JESSICA REAVES, Article Author | Editor of | Editor of TIME Magazine

Blazes of Glory: A Simple Analysis of a Prevailing Pattern
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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Wayne Hicks detects a pattern here, with the latest examples of people deciding to "go out in a blaze of glory" instead of letting the authorities take them in.

"Perhaps it's just that the type of people who get police officers knocking on their doors are the types who collect guns and hate unconstitutional authority... if so, how many of us would fit that category? Will the next knock be on your door?

Don't answer too hastily..."

The Killing Of America: Ruby Ridge, Waco, Lubbock, & Santa Clarita
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"One of the SUSPECTED offenses reported to be included in the warrant was "stockpiling weapons". If we think a suspect is stockpiling weapons, why would we try to arrest him AT HOME WHERE THE WEAPONS ARE? ~ John Tarsikes, Jr., and Kathryn A. Graham of Safetynet Associates

-My short, hasty list of possible answers:

1. Stupidity.
2. Publicity-seeking authorities (e.g. Waco).
3. Need to justify all those new ninja suits.
4. Militaristic attitude.
5. Dead men don't talk.
6. All of the above.

Utah Challenges Mandatory Guns Law
Submitted by: BlackSnake

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Update on the "Kennesaw" type keep a gun for self-defense at home law a town recently instituted. AG says "State law limits the authority of municipalities to pass their own gun laws" (This from a State that was found to be running illegal regular backround & warrant checks on CCW holders, treating them like criminals?!)...

Residents pick up the pieces in Santa Clarita
Submitted by: skypod

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Bulldozers demolished the charred ruins of Beck's home as Santa Clarita mourned the deputy that police said Beck shot in the head.

**Haven't they heard? They now think it was his fellow officers who shot Jake.

"rounds fired by deputies hit the 2 houses next to Beck's...neighbors said that deputies aimed directly at those homes"

**But of course that's not the Official Version.

Suspicious neighbors tipped LEOs that Beck had said that he was a US marshal and stockpiling weapons.

**Would they have done it had they known it was going to be such an inconvenience for them?

Shooting "victim" may be Burglar, Police say
Submitted by: BlackSnake

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Man calls Police, says he was shot in chest during a robbery. Investigation indicates he was actually shot by a homeowner during an attempted burglary... "Homeowner told Police he shot a burglar... who fled in a car driven by another man"... (Note that the report calls the alleged burglar a "victim" of the armed citizen)

New Mexicans must give up Texas concealed gun permits
Submitted by: BlackSnake

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Texas is sending letters to New Mexico residents, ordering them to surrender their Non-resident CCW permits or have them revoked(!), a move that has set off a firestorm of controversy and a war of words between citizens and authorities...

'Never again!' or 'Victims again'?
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"Are self-anointed Jewish political "leaders" trying to turn America into the kind of hell from which our people have repeatedly been forced to escape for the last two millennia? ... Jews who today crusade for the omni-benevolent, but omni-controlling nanny state have forgotten the proud Jewish traditions of self-defense, self-reliance and armed opposition to tyranny." --Aaron Zelman, Executive Director, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO)

Letter: High court should define 'arms'?
Submitted by: Steve Christianson

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The Lehigh Valley region of Pennsylvania is a focal point for gun control efforts in the state. The Joyce Foundation is funding an anti-gun study at St Luke's Hospital, the Million Moms marched through town, Jim Brady came to fund raise for an anti-gun legislator, and on and on. This letter-to-the-editor signals the beginning of the traditional Fall push for more gun control. Responses to the letter writer with a CC: to the newspaper would be appreciated.

Ronald Pizarie | Morning Call Editor

Bible saves child from mother's shotgun attack
Submitted by: Tom

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I'll bet the government passes a new law to lock up your guns from your spouse. (This is a tragic story, though.)

Indiana criminals prefer to prey on unarmed Ohioans
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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Columbus Dispatch printed my letter to the editor. The chief editorial writer told me it was the only letter he's read that made him laugh out loud. If you live next to a state that denies CCW (other than Ohio or Illinois) and want to use a variation of it with the newspapers or politicians please feel free to do so.

FRANCE: Killer dies in rocket-launcher duel with Police
Submitted by: Michael Lewis

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Daniel Vaillant, the Interior Minister, flew to Béziers and said: "Weapons of war must only be held by the military. All others must be eradicated."

New York Researchers find Most Cops Don't Use Trigger Locks
Submitted by: Julie Cochrane

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So, does the biased commentary in the second paragraph come from the study authors or the reporter? Notice the
reporter states that "easy access" to guns "is thought" to cause whatever--with no evidence nor opportunity for rebuttal. And the media wonder why people call them biased.

KABA NOTE: And yet the cops themselves don't use locks. Why doesn't this paper take their own advice and take the cops' word for it?

Is Government Declaring War on Citizens?
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"I recently received an email from someone who has sent me a lot of good information in the past, and one of the things he deduces from the marked increases in government atrocities against citizens is that the government has "declared war" on us. They're taking our property, filing bogus charges against people they don't like, burning our homes while claiming we're criminals, but usually without proof we are and claiming we "torched" our own property..." ~Ray Thomas

Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"Our investigations have established that even the NRA Board of Directors has been incompletely briefed about the chilling ramifications of CARA... use the communications links following the KeepAndBearArms story mentioned above, soon to appear on SierraTimes's "Sound Off" page... Use your standing as a member, and let it be known "I'm the NRA and I vote" applies to NRA policy as well as governmental elections." ~ John G. Lankford

In the end, more than freedom, they wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all — security, comfort, and freedom. When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give to them, when the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again. — EDWARD GIBBON [On ancient Athens]

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