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Second Amendment Foundation Hails PR 'Coup' In San Francisco
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As national gun rights leaders are preparing to hold the 25th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference in San Francisco later this month, they are also celebrating a significant public relations victory in the famously liberal city."

"More than 15 ads promoting the event have appeared in transit locations around San Francisco, which the Second Amendment Foundation called 'something of a coup.'" ...

"'We suspect the MTA is allowing our ads despite their policy because they believed we were prepared to file a lawsuit on First and Second Amendment grounds if the city didn’t take them,' said Alan M. Gottlieb, SAF executive vice president." ...

Firearms in commerce hearing to examine BATFE practices
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "I just received the following by email from a Senate press secretary who chooses not to be identified for attribution." ...

Senate committee to hold firearms in commerce hearings-why is information so scarce?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "It will be a 'full committee' meeting. What's it all about?" ...

Author's Note: Good luck getting a straight answer.

Mayors and guns to Mexico: The Evergreen Connection
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to a new report from the anti-gun Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), from 2006 through 2008, Washington State was the source of 241 firearms recovered by Mexican authorities in relation to the bloody drug wars ripping that country." ...

"'Since 2006,' the report says, '90% of the Mexican crime guns submitted for tracing originated from gun dealers in the United States.'"

"But there's a fly in the ointment here, as this column detailed about 17 months ago, on April 2, 2009. The traced guns do not represent all guns recovered in Mexican crimes. ..." ...

Illegible sign language needs better purpose
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have come to enjoy the three and a half hour drive between Charleston and Chicagoland ..."

"But as I drove Interstate 57 this past weekend, my usual revelry was rudely interrupted."

"Four small signs, erected in a roadside field and spaced about 200 feet apart, read 'Young Thugs...Don't Dare Attack...If a Teacher...Might Shoot Back,' with a fifth sign directing drivers to a pro-gun website."

"The message: We could stop school shootings by giving every teacher a gun."

"Anyone with a basic understanding of the words 'gun' and 'school' should find this absurd, no matter how they interpret the Second Amendment." ...

Submitter's Note: What I find absurd is that children, our most precious resource, spend hours every day in well-known and publicized Criminal Friendly Zones. Since teachers in Israel started arming themselves, the only successful attack on schoolchildren was carried out in a gun free zone.

The 5 Percent Doctrine
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "When this sort of thing happens, it is important to remember that about 5 percent of our population is and always will be totally crazy. I don't mean mentally ill. ... I mean crazy in the sense of 'Thinks it is a good plan to joke with the flight attendant about seeing a bomb in the restroom.'"

"There is nothing you can do about the crazy 5 percent except ask the police to keep an eye on them during large public events, where they sometimes appear carrying machine guns just to make a political point about the Second Amendment. And, in situations like a Koran-burning, make it clear that the rest of us disagree." ...

"Tea Party' is today's "Know Nothing" movement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With Labor Day behind us, the nation's voters now are expected to treat more seriously the election campaigns they thus far have given short shrift."

"To say that up until now Americans have not paid much attention to the election process would be a reassuring explanation for the success of the Tea Party candidates who espouse views that threaten to turn this nation and its founding document upside down."

"Tea Party-backed candidates who have won the Republican U.S. Senate nominations in Kentucky, Alaska, Utah, Nevada and Colorado harbor views on a range of issues — like immigration, and the Second and 14th Amendments — that ought to frighten thinking voters into the arms of their opponents." ...

Submitter's Note: More info on the "Know Nothing" party here.

WV: Would Be Robber Gets A Surprise in Kanawha County
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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"A would be robbery in Kanawha County had the tables turned when he went to hold up a video-lottery parlor early Wednesday morning."

"... the suspect had his face covered with a bandana and was armed with a shotgun when he burst into Theresa's Cafe in Pinch, ordering everyone to the floor and demanding money."

"'As soon as the patrons hit the floor, one employee retrieved a .44 caliber and quickly stood up firing a shot striking the subject in the arm and torso area,' said Kanawha County Chief Deputy Johnny Rutherford. 'The suspect then immediately fled the store, apparently quite surprised.'"

"Rutherford said the employee and the suspect exchanged more gunshots in the parking lot before he fled in a vehicle." ...

WV: Robber flees after gambling parlor worker opens fire (another view)
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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"A man tried to rob a video lottery parlor on North Pinch Road in Elkview with a shotgun Wednesday, according to Kanawha County Chief Deputy Johnny Rutherford."

"Chad Wehrle, 30 of Elkview, walked into Teresa's Café just after midnight wearing dark clothing and a red bandana over his face and ordered everyone onto the floor, Rutherford said."

"When Wehrle demanded money, store worker Douglas James rose from the floor with a 44-caliber handgun and fired two rounds, Rutherford said. One of the shots hit Wehrle in the arm and upper torso, he said."

"Wehrle fled the building and started firing the shotgun outside, according to police. Wehrle and James exchanged gunfire, and Wehrle ran from the scene, Rutherford said." ...

Long Island Man Could be Disarmed for Life
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Law-abiding New York resident, George Grier, might be disarmed for life after firing warning shots into the ground."

"Mr. Grier, the lawful owner of an AK-47, was leaving his Long Island home when he noticed five gang members in his driveway. ... Mr. Grier immediately ran back inside the house and told his wife to call the police. He then grabbed his rifle, went outside, and asked the gang members to leave."

"The gang members did not leave. ... They also threatened to kill him and his family. Upon hearing all of the commotion, an additional 20 gang members showed up in Mr. Grier's driveway."

"Fearing for the safety of his family, Mr. Grier shot into the ground four times knowing that shots-fired calls get top priority ..."

NRA lawsuit to secure right of 18 year olds to buy handguns from dealers makes sense
Submitted by: Mike Stollenwerk

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"Yesterday the National Rifle Association (NRA) filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas Lubbock Division. James D'Cruz of Lubbock, TX is the plaintiff in this case." ...

"If there ever was a law that failed rational basis scrutiny (essentially a judicial giggle test), this would be it. The NRA lawsuit makes sense, and should be a home run."

Lubbock man files federal gun suit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Lubbock man is the plaintiff in a National Rifle Associationlawsuit claiming the federal ban on 18-to-20 year-olds buying handguns is unconstitutional.

The suit claims the Second Amendment, which guarantees the right to bear arms, doesn't specify that it only applies to those age 21 and over.

James D'Cruz of Lubbock claims in his suit that he is trained in the proper use of handguns and believes thatif 18 year olds can vote and serve in the military, they should be able to buy a handgun from a registered dealer.

FOX 34 follow the progress of this suit as it develops.

When is an adult not really an adult?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA) has prohibited, since passage, young adults from purchasing handguns from Federally licensed dealers."

"Many young people coming of age since then have been able to drive a car (since 16), potentially a very lethal weapon. They have been able to enter into contracts and marriage, voluntarily join the armed services, and in times past, they have been involuntarily drafted into those services."

"Yet, they are not really considered 'fully adult' until they reach age 21. They can not go down to Joe's Gun Shop and buy a handgun."

"Now, the NRA has filed suit to change this situation. The case is D'Cruz v. BATFE." ...

NRA challenges constitutionality of federal handgun ban for law-abiding 18-20 year-olds
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The suit asserts: 'At eighteen years of age, law-abiding citizens in this country are considered adults for almost all purposes and certainly for the purposes of the exercise of fundamental constitutional rights. Indeed, at eighteen, citizens are eligible (and male citizens could be conscripted) to serve in the military-to fight and die by arms for the country. Yet, Section 922(b)(1) prohibits law-abiding adults in this age group from lawfully purchasing -- from the most prevalent and readily available source -- what the Supreme Court has called 'the quintessential self-defense weapon' and 'the most popular weapon chosen by Americans for self-defense in the home.'" ...

Lufkin gun-shop owners favor allowing handguns for younger Americans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"East Texans' love for their guns and the gun sports and hobbies they're used for is well known."

"But not everyone can participate based on age requirements for handguns. Now, the [NRA] hopes to change that."

"Casey Evans, co-owner of Evans Brothers Gun Store and Range in Huntington, believes they can do it." ...

"Long guns and handguns are both used for target practice, self-defense and hunting. The main difference: you have to be 21 to purchase a handgun." ...

"The age issue hits home to Allen Rebb of Bill's Gun Trader, who is a Vietnam veteran and says he's never understood laws that limit 18-year-olds."

"'I've seen 17-year-olds die in war,' Rebb said. 'Why should you hold back their freedoms?'" ...

GA: Pistol Packing at Hartsfield Jackson: Deal Says "Yes."
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Standing in the baggage claim area of Hartsfield Jackson International airport, Richard Mickley of Roswell was asked if it's a good idea for folks to carry guns at the airport."

"'No, Idon't think so. I'd feel very unsafe. I don't like guns anyway. They make me very uncomfortable,' Mickley answered."

"It's a tough sell for a lot of folks who use Hartsfield Jackson airport. But to second amendment purists like Jerry Henry, the non-secure terminal of the airport represents a legitimate battleground for gun rights."

"'The only gun control laws that affect anybody, affect law abiding citizens,' said Henry, who runs, a gun rights group. ..." ...

DE: Poll: Castle leading Coons
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"A new Rasmussen poll shows support for Republican Congressman Mike Castle, who's seeking the Senate seat once held by Joe Biden, falling just short of 50-percent for the third month in a row. " ...

Submitter's note: There is only ONE pro gun candidate in the Delaware primary: Christine O'Donnell (R), and the NRA utterly refuses to endorse her, even though the supposed "republican" (Mike Castle) has an "F" rating from NRA. I called NRA-ILA and was told "we don't endorse every race." I said this was a major U.S. senate race. NRA needs more calls (until 5pm est 800-392-8683)

MA: Gun Owners back Lamb; McGovern makes it official
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Marty Lamb of Holliston, one of five Republicans running for Congress in the 3rd District, has been endorsed by the Gun Owners of America."

"'Gun Owners of American Political Victory Fund is proud to endorse Marty Lamb for Congress in the Republican Primary in Massachusetts' 3rd District,' Tim Macy, vice chairman of the group, said."

"'Mr. Lamb is 'A' rated by Gun Owners of America, thanks to his unwavering commitment to the Second Amendment. Marty understands that the Second Amendment enshrines a fundamental liberty, and that law-abiding citizens should not have their gun rights taken away because of the actions of criminal element.'" ...

Judiciary Committee hearing next week on ATF modernization bill
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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... "... The description of the bill from the legislative text shows that it mainly focuses on management of federal licenses and does so in a manner that 2nd Amendment activists will support:" ...

Senate Judiciary Committee to hold a "Firearms in Commerce" hearing next week
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hidden among the volumes of information that churns out of the U.S. Capitol on a daily basis is a notice for a hearing that is to take place this coming Tuesday in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The formal name for this hearing is 'Firearms in Commerce: Assessing the Need for Reform in the Federal Regulatory Process' and it is scheduled to start at 10:00 AM EDT (9:00 CDT) on Tuesday. (There is a link to a webcast of the meeting on the hearing's website.)"

"Our own Senator Grassley is a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and I've placed a call with his office to try to find out what this hearing is really about. Speculation abounds, as there is no information about the hearing on any of the mainstream new outlets. ..." ...

UT: Davis County rolls back gun ban
Submitted by: David Nelson

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"The Davis County Commission has admitted it made a mistake; changing gun laws is not within its jurisdiction."

"On Tuesday, the commission rolled back a two-week old ban on discharging firearms in an area that included most of the county's mountainside along the Wasatch Front."

"'The county did not have the authority to amend the ordinance, as we did,' said Gerald Hess, of the Davis County Attorney's Office."

"The ordinance change began with complaints from neighbors living near the county's unincorporated areas that stray bullets from illegal gunplay in the woods kept slamming into homesides." ...

NC: Former Durham deputy surrenders on embezzlement charges
Submitted by: jac

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"A former Durham County deputy surrendered Wednesday and was released on bond, one day after being indicted on charges that he stole money used in undercover drug operations."

"A grand jury indicted Derek O'Mary, who was a lieutenant with the Durham County Sheriff's Office, on 25 charges of embezzlement involving 'buy funds' used by the department's vice officers. He also was indicted on another embezzlement charge, obstruction of justice and cocaine possession involving the alleged theft of drug evidence from the department."

"Noelle Talley, a spokeswoman with the state Attorney General's Office, ... said the alleged embezzlement involved $97,976 in county funds and occurred between July 2003 and March 2009." ...

MI: Charges aren't 1st ones for Detroit cop
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An off-duty Detroit police officer arraigned Tuesday on charges of drunken driving and fleeing the scene of a hit-and-run accident Saturday in Detroit has a previous conviction for misdemeanor assault and battery in Clinton Township, an official with the Macomb County Prosecutor's Office confirmed." ...

MI: No drop in complaints against Detroit cops
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Citizen complaints against the Detroit Police Department continue to rush in at more than 1,700 a year, showing that more needs to be done to clean up alleged misconduct, according to a report released Tuesday by the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners."

"The board, which oversees the department and handles internal investigations, said the complaints range from sexual harassment to excessive force. Twenty cases from 2009 were considered major offenses, resulting in the suspension of officers without pay."

"The number of complaints has hovered around 1,700 annually since 2007, a 36% increase over 2002." ...

MN: Fletcher's Follies Continue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When we last visited Ramsey County, Minnesota Sheriff Bob Fletcher, he was left trying to explain just why his handgun carry permit denial rate was so much higher than any other county in Minnesota, and exactly why the data that his own office reported to the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (the state agency required by law to collect such numbers once a year from each of the 87 counties in Minnesota) appeared to provide direct evidence that someone in Fletcher's office was trying to hide an even higher denial rate from the BCA as well as the public at large." ...

Submitter's Note: MN is a 'shall-issue' state.

AR: Gypsies, Tramps and Thugs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'This guy ... just tried to run my husband over!' exclaimed Arkansas resident Cindy Nelson in a frantic 911 call on July 21. 'Oh, my God -- he's shooting at us! Oh, my God!'"

"A few minutes later, Fred Ensminger -- the deranged assailant -- placed a 911 call of his own."

"'This is Diamondhead 1106,' Ensminger told the suddenly swamped dispatcher. 'I have been shot and I need medical at my front gate ASAP.'"

"Ensminger is a recidivist criminal. Thanks to the fact that practically any bipedal simian with a pulse can become a police officer in Arkansas, Ensminger -- who just barely meets those criteria -- is employed by the Police Department of Diamondhead Arkansas, a gated community located south of Hot Springs." ...

WI: State AG won't rule on enforcing gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen will not issue an opinion on gun law prosecution in the wake of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that prompted the Jackson County district attorney to forego charging some violations."

"The attorney general's office said no official requests have been made to weigh in on the high court's ruling in June that struck down Chicago's 28-year firearm ban as a violation of the Second Amendment."

"Jackson County District Attorney Gerald Fox later announced he would no longer prosecute carrying a concealed weapon, including switchblade or butterfly knives, possession of a firearm in a public building or bar, or having an uncased or loaded firearm in a vehicle." ...

CA: Gun shop remains after permit OK'd
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The City's lone gun shop dodged a bullet Wednesday."

"Despite neighborhood objections, police gave conditional approval to renew a license for High Bridge Arms in the Mission district. The gun store will be allowed to continue operating after shutting down when its permit expired in February."

"The business has been around for more than a half-century, but in recent years has been targeted by anti-gun activists in a city with a history of snubbing the Second Amendment. In 2005, voters approved a law that would ban handgun sales within city limits, an initiative that was later nullified by the courts." ...

That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there. — GEORGE ORWELL

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