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Woe to the Deceitful and the Deceived

by Alan L. Lundy


Let's see, I'm not a lawyer, a cop, a military officer or a government official. Now that I have established my non-credentials, I can get on with it. 

After waiting with baited breath for Angel's reply to the vicious attacks on his name, character and threats to do him bodily harm I have a few comments to make. 

First to Angel:

Keep up the good work and never, ever give up on the idea of individual liberty and freedom. This country began as a nation that respected our individual God-given rights that included the right to defend ourselves, our families and our property. Any infringement on these rights by another (regardless) should be looked upon as unlawful. Our Founders held the belief that no one should be above that law, whether rich or poor, official or unofficial. KABA must be making a big noise in the movement and I'll tell you why:

No one would try so hard to discredit and destroy a nothing or a nobody! 

So take heart that you and KABA are somebody and are deeply loved and respected by many who love liberty and freedom and obviously seen as a threat by others. Could there be a little jealousy coming from these opposing forces? 

You are reaching the masses who would merely be getting the Milquetoast version of the Second Amendment that the NRA has been pushing on duck hunters and sportsman over the years. You are allowing the Founders to be heard through the many articles that appear on KABA, and not as mere political rhetoric to bolster membership during crunch time. You are helping educate those who are starving for truth and knowledge but may be trapped in the government education system that teaches America's children to abhor the very men who created this republic. 

More importantly, you are exposing the real criminals in our society today who are hell bent on disarming us all, one by one, if necessary. George W. Bush has taken the throne and the gungrabbers will be hoping this will lull us into a comatose state until they gain power once again. You won't let that happen. Loyal Republicrats will applaud every subtle Bush gun grab as necessary measures. You'll expose this and the movement will grow as a result. Again, Angel, keep it up and keep the faith! 

To his accusers:

What is the purpose of the law and law enforcement? Since my lack of credentials will not impress anyone, I'll have to resort to my God-given First Amendment right of free speech that puts me on equal footing with anyone else in this country with a big mouth. 

Law must start with and be based solely on the rights of the individual. Laws can either be administered and carried out by the individual at his/her own discretion (as the good Judge Roy Bean saw fit) or as it has been chosen for our modern society, can be organized into a common force that is supported by the people. Public support is paramount, and fear of losing that public support is the real issue here. 

Every person has the individual right to defend him/herself, his/her family and his/her property, yes, even by force if necessary. Public support for collective law enforcement can only exist as long as it sees as it's primary purpose, protecting the rights of the individual. Once this premise has been abandoned, collective law enforcement loses it's legitimacy, and the roles of master and servant becomes reversed. I know that many LEO's no longer see themselves in a servants role but you are. Since I cannot lawfully attack and use force against another individual, the same can be said for law enforcement which is nothing more than the collective defense of an individual's rights. 

Politicians realized long ago that local LEO's were susceptible to public scrutiny and discipline from the people. 

How to get around this? Simply create a force that does not serve the interest of the people but only that of the government. Condition the populace to believe that these forces are somehow being used in their best interest. Send these forces out to do the dirty work, the real dirty work, the unpopular work, the kind of work that could draw a suspension, dismissal or imprisonment for the ordinary cop. Make sure it's a task force that does not answer to the people in any way, shape or form, and is not swayed by public opinion. When one task force isn't enough create another, then another and another. That's tyranny and Gestapo tactics. 

I have a very good friend and former LEO who explains to me that LEO's don't swear an oath to the Constitution but instead, swear to uphold the laws and statutes of their respective States. Who and what do the BATF swear too? Do they consider themselves bound by anything that remotely protects us from their abuses? My good friend also tells me that he despised the BATF (as did most all of his fellow officers) when he was an active LEO and even more so now that he's retired, which makes me wonder why the 2ampd has taken to task the bold defense of such a group of known traitors and pursued a vicious attack of one who has put his neck on the line and basically thrown his reputation to the wind for our worthy cause. 

Just obeying orders will never cut it with the American people. Since we no longer have the government by the reigns, are we to be trampled over by unconstitutional laws that are continually violating our sacred rights by those whose very existence was created to protect them? 

A few months ago I watched an NRA infomercial shot in Kalifornia and dealt with the current gun grab of militia rifles. I remember how a gentleman was forced to give up his SKS sport rifle and the video of him carrying it to be disposed of and the NRA narrator making this comment, "of course as any 'good' law abiding citizen would do he turned it in"! This stuck with me and opened my eyes wider to the fact that some seem to feel that disarmament is inevitable and there are those within our own movement who are working with the enemy. While I'm not qualified to make accusations, I am qualified to make observations and I'll say in closing, beware anyone who offers up a partial, watered down version of our position or tries and pull seniority on us. They, in many cases, will be the ones who will one day thoughtfully explain to you that turning in your firearms is what the "good" citizen would do.

The law is the organization of the natural right of lawful defense. It is the substitution of a common force for individual forces. And this common force is to do only what the individual forces have a natural and lawful right to do: to protect persons, liberties, and properties; to maintain the right of each, and to cause justice to reign over us all. ~~ Frederick Bastiat 

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