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Responses to Clearing the Air... and Moving On

The Fourth Wave, and still coming in
but we really gotta stop printing all of these and Move On.
If yours response to this situation is one we didn't print,
We do appreciate your kind words of support. Thank you.



December 22, 2000

Dear Angel,

In response to the accusations by law enforcement about you "fabricating" the story about the ATF up to their usual shenanigans in Arizona, I firmly align myself with you 100 percent. You have done more for the Second Amendment rights community than the NRA could ever dream of. You have a lot of courage, integrity, and intelligence. I greatly admire and respect you for getting the truth out about lying, oath breaking, police statist politicians and their lackeys. I am sorry if the truth bothers some people, but what has been going on in Arizona needs to come out. Again, you have my full support.

Best regards,

Sam Levin

Dear Angel,

I know that you are busy so I will keep this brief. As a former patrolman and Deputy Sheriff I DO NOT doubt your honesty or integrity and fully accept your reporting ot the BATF and Mesa, AZ PDs activities.

I DO NOT trust any federal law enforcement agency and believe the BATF is one of the most corrupt deceitful agency in the United States.


Marvin L. Ivie


It never ceases to amaze me how so many attack those who stand for what is right. I've been following this since the beginning and I have determined that Mr. Pyle is a pile. He seems to be of the Clinton type. 
There is a saying I learned in the USMC, It is a gift for you:

"The difference between a Warrior and an ordinary man is, the warrior takes everything as a challenge while the ordinary man takes everything as a blessing or a curse."

Angel, you are the warrior. Keep the faith and the fight and we shall prevail.

Semper Fi


Clearing the air

Don't every give up Angel! We all must stand against evil everywhere it can be found, routed out and destroyed. If we continue to let it slide then we are all doomed! Keep up the good fight and know many of us are with you.


Clearing the Air... and Moving On


Remember the Elian controversy? Remember Leroy’s defense of the INS “Assault Team” for their “Style Points”. Don’t feel pregnant ! These guys seem to have another agenda.
Keep the Faith,


RE: Clearing the air

Dear Angel:

I do not know you except through your writings and your work vis a vis Keep And Bear Arms, but my 41 years of experience on this planet lead me to believe your version of the events involving the BATF gestapo raid in Arizona.

The responses of LEO Pyle and his brethren in blue also ring true with my experience in interacting with these fascists. He and his ilk have a long tradition to uphold and are as jealous and protective of that tradition as any crack addict is of his pipe. 

There may be police officers out there who are friends of liberty, but I've never met one. All the ones I've ever had the misfortune to know or interact with were bullies and thugs who don't give a hoot in hell about freedom or rights of any kind. 

My only criticism of your actions would be that you have literally "cast your pearls before swine". There's a reason that totalitarian societies are known as police states. 

Sincerely and in liberty,

Paul Zimmerman

Defense of Angel

Just wanted to write quickly to say way to go on your response to your accusers. I just love it when someone actually exposes the fallacies and lack of logic of an argument. As for divisiveness, I wholeheartedly agree with you and will add that people who cannot defend their position often resort to the tired old divisiveness or intolerance play. As if the truth should be below political correctness. I'm getting pretty tired of it in the popular culture at large that the truth is not embraced but muzzled. Well, not with me, and not on KABA, thank you. 

I believe most if not all KABA readers know you to be an honest and forthright person who has sacrificed much for the cause. So hang in there. Gain strength from all of us out here and Phil 4:19 and continue on. God bless you and yours and Merry Christmas.

Mark Wolf


Right On Angel. You know where I stand. With You!



I certainly do not find your situation to be unique. I therefore make this response to the super critics.

The BATF has been and continues to be a criminal organization. I wonder just how many pounds (tons?) of documents some people need before they realize that the BATF is NOT a law enforcement agency. They are NOT fellow law enforcement fellows. 

Are these other individuals (critics) trying to tell us something about themselves? Wake up guys! It's coffee time. You don't suppose that it was YOU who were led down a primrose path. If you had a problem with Angel, why did you not go to Angel? Your "documentation" doesn't carry one ounce more weight. Sorry guys, but your actions (methods of handling this) sure look Clintonesque.

Yea I know that I am putting my own reputation with you in jeopardy. I still say, if you were truly conservative why did you handle this in this manner. Question: Well then why are you (John) violating your own rules and bringing your opinion out in public. Answer: You apparently think that all laundry is public. Hope you like GI soap. You have made enough blunders to make many of us yellow flag you. I too have been led down primrose paths. But surely we all should learn from our mistakes.

Those who are goading the Satanic New Order, Worldwide, are really in for persecution. Think not? Read your history books (not modern propagandists writings, purporting their lies to be history). Those who do not learn from history curse themselves to repeat it. The SNOW is knee deep, quit shoveling back onto the path.

I do know one FACT, and that is that ALL will be held responsible for our actions. Proceed with caution and wisdom. The price for failure is far too high for either your or my budget. Our enemy is one bloody sucker.
John (from Minnesota)

Dear Mr. Shamaya:

Mr. Pyle's reaction is born of fear. The kind of fear only a TYRANT feels when he is under threat. You are obviously a threat to his way of thinking. This makes him all the more dangerous, so beware.

ALL Tyrants operate the same. First they IGNORE. Second they DISCREDIT. FINALLY and in Desperation they try to DESTROY...

In so trying, however, they end up destroying the very SYSTEM that gives them the POWER to Infringe ...LONG TERM Consolation???

Be more careful about the ALLIES you choose and may the Power of TRUTH be with you,

Roger Frazer

In Liberty

Mr. Shamaya,

Thank you for the continuing efforts put in by your website and your priority towards the liberty of this country's citizens. I must say that the whole Arizona ATF raid had been a real thorn in my side, especially by those who continue to defend the ATF's loathsome and illegal actions. Keep up the good work. I just want you to know that there are many of us out there who can tell the difference between fact and fiction and we are behind you 100%. Good luck and take care.


Alex Tham


I have read some of the writing of Mr. Pyle and have been disturbed by it, and have disregarded it as what it was a long time ago. It is quite obvious that he has the cop superiority attitude.

I have had long relationships with various cops. I graduated with one, had one for a brother-in-law, and shoot competition with several. One thing is clear, they ALL have an attitude that they are better than the unwashed masses and enjoy wielding power over all they come in contact with. When someone does not roll over, they get pissed. There are few I ever came in contact with that know law or the Constitution. Procedure is what it is about. I had a St. Louis cop working for me who admitted that they were given classes on how to write reports, that everything had to lead to something else. Start with the end and fabricate to the beginning to justify what you did, because " know the slimeball is dirty."

Police and not Constitutionally authorized. They are private security personnel hired by corporations (town and cities and states) to enforce their rules. Those rules exist within equity or corporate law, not common law. Therefore the police have no incentive to pay attention to rights of man. The feds are hired hatchet men of the IRS, a private company hired by the government to collect taxes, so are also in equity law. The Sheriff is the one that is responsible for carrying out the duties of law enforcement officers. The ATF assassins will get you yet, or one of the assholes associated with Pyle. Its just a matter of time with many of the pro-freedom groups when it will happen. Believe me when I tell you to not take their threats lightly. Many have already died at the hands of cops that didn't even deserve attention under their own "procedures".

On a lighter note: Nice web site. Just got done with Unintended Consequences, good novel.

Bill M.

Mr. Shamaya,

I don't know you, your character or any number of sundry things about you. I know nothing of the detractors of your version of the story RE: Jerry Michel. About all I found of substance was the text of the affidavit for search warrant.

I have a few comments.

The purpose of a license, like a pawnbroker license is to raise revenue and on occasion to preserve the public interest, like health inspectors. I doubt Mr. Michel was classified in the latter, after all if a restaurant is crawling with cockroaches, it gets shut down. Mesa KNEW he was selling used firearms, and did nothing for quite some time, so clearly Mr. Michel license was required for revenue purposes.

Used firearms? The Shotgun News is FULL of wholesale dealers who resell police turn-ins, nowhere in the warrant is it ever revealed that they investigated the backgrounds of the weapons they purchased, indeed, I believe had they done so it would have been shown that they were wholesale weapons, and if they were NOT wholesale weapons, the violation is a technical one of a local ordnance, for which there apparently exists NO criminal penalty, just a fine, once again pointing to the indication that the regulation in question was a REVENUE ordnance.

Straw purchases. It's so damn easy to set a dealer up to be accused of a straw purchase, so easy if the two people are cooperating to make it so. For the last ten years CBS news has had tiny microcams to record secret meetings, but the power of the ATF cannot provide these? Only audio tapes, clearly a straw purchase is a culmination not only of words but of physical actions, so claims that the money was handed over by a second party can be fabricated. And gee, the ATF NEVER fabricates anything, right? Even so. The 2nd amendment to the constitution states that the right shall not be infringed, the brady law is unconstitutional, the GCA of 1968 is unconstitutional and the seizure of the gun store contents was in fact theft. Just because the courts have never struck down either law does not make them constitutional, in fact the law has been tested ONLY ONCE (US v Miller) and the defendant didn't show up to file a brief, so even that case is suspect.

And yes, the ATF would treat the weapons with disdain and show a lack of care for them, I personally helped unload several hundred AK type rifles once from a federal evidence van, and they were stacked like kindling, all had been removed from their shipping carton, and the shipping stuff thrown away because the van couldn't hold that many packaged rifles.

All gun laws are illegal, period, that the Mesa AZ police participated in this action simply goes to show what I've held all along, it doesn't matter WHAT lip service an LEO makes to the 2nd amendment, they'll always toss their support aside in order to 'follow orders' or 'follow the law' when clearly even the oath taken by a member of the armed services tells you to obey only lawful orders. It's the super-citizen syndrome, and I'm glad I'm not part of it anymore. LEO's are people with a job, and they LIKE doing the job. They deserve no more thanks than a store clerk, or a plumber, they can always quit.

Like the 'hero' cops at Columbine. There were none, hero cops protecting children get wounded, and there was a distinct lack of cop blood that day. They were civil servants, nothing more, nothing less.

I understand why you've been attacked over this, super-citizens stick together. You had forgotten this, thinking yourself a 'friend' of law enforcement. I see, now, you've learned the actual truth. There is, indeed, a blue wall that none shall breech - even from within.

James Holmes

Aurora, CO

Dear Angel,

Having been in Public Safety for over 50 years I hear you!!

When you do something good or praiseworthy you are ignored. But when you try your very best, there is always someone to criticize. And Law Enforcement is one of the worst. They cannot get together even if there is only one!! It's the nature of the beast. Anyway "we" love you for what you are trying to accomplish. And as I have said before: Why are there so many more Horses Asses than there are HORSES?.


Attack on your integrity and honor

Hello Angel,

Having studied a fair amount of psychology it has become plainly evident that the majority of individuals who are employed in law enforcement are there because of the power and superiority they derive with their positions.

I talked to an M.D. whom I know personally, who is in the Army Reserves and very Pro-Second Amendment as many Doctors are, and he confirmed what I stated above.

He told me that a Psychology Dr. friend of his that does psychology profiles of police officers told him that there is very little difference between most police officers and criminals, they basically have the same psychological profiles.

If you have read anything written by JPFO and the attorneys interview/s with police officers that pretty much tells the story. It all comes down to their rationalization of their power.

'I am only doing my job.' So also were the Nazi Gestapo only doing their job, but that didn't make it right!! 'If I don't follow orders I'll loose my job and retirement.' They are self serving and in most cases without conscious. Border-line psychopaths who in most cases shouldn't be in the position they are.

This may not be anything new Angel but maybe it is.


David Smith


For about the past 3 months, I've been going to your site. It's the best 2nd Amendment website in existence. I have a liberal viewpoint on a lot of things. I'm for true freedom of religion, and for a woman's right to choose. And nothing bothers me more then narrow minded conservatives who run websites like I'm straight, but, I think homosexuals are just fine. Besides, for every guy that likes another guy, that's one less guy that likes the same girl I'm trying to get, right?

Anyway, back to the point. Your site deals only with the 2nd amendment. You don't clutter it with other junk, or alienate ppl who might disagree with you about one of the aforementioned issues. And you present your information in an excellent way. The site is easy to navigate, well written, a class act all the way.

So I'm writing this to let you know that I think you did no wrong by writing that article. I'm sure you know the article I'm talking about, the Mesa Gun dealer article. The ATF is nothing but JBT's, and their very existence is repugnant to the constitution. Even if you did exaggerate, the question is: were the laws they were enforcing constitutional? If no, then no matter HOW they're enforced, whether kindly with kisses, or roughly with truncheons to the skull, then it's still wrong. And the fact that they had to stretch the existing unconstitutional laws in order to get a warrant is just shameful. Reading that inflamed me as well, and it should inflame every single gun owner in the country.

You were right. You stood in the face of tyranny, and using the only voice available, spread this news to the 4 winds. Some ppl think we shouldn't question our betters. Others would gladly trade freedom for security. Some have just pulled the wool over their eyes, or stuck their head in the sand. And they'll cling to their illusions for as long as they can, kicking and screaming as you drag them into the light. But, there are those of us out there who are already in that light. The light of truth, which we use to scrutinize those to whom we've entrusted the care of this nation. And we need critical people, with the voice and the courage to bring the follies of our leadership to our attention.

You are one of those people, Angel. Good job.

Russ Jennings

Anyone caring to submit full length articles based on the realizations you have as a gun owner after reading Blowing Away Police State Smokescreens can submit here:  We do still welcome a rebuttal provided you adhere to the Rebuttal Guidelines described here:


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A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise, and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks. — Thomas Jefferson, Encyclopedia of T. Jefferson, 318, Foley, Ed., reissued 1967.

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