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Does he realize what he's done?
About that Pawnshop Lawsuit Settlement

from Joel Clyde

Just a quick comment on the Lake Worth Pawn Shop farce. IS THIS PAWNSHOP OWNER A COMPLETE MORON OR DID HE GET HIT IN THE HEAD TOO MANY TIMES???!!!!! Does he realize what he's done? In settling with the widow, he has opened the door for thousands more of these asinine lawsuits, and allowed the court to set a precedent. He has just shot every one of us in the back! If the widow needed money, why didn't McCray suggest that Mrs. Grunow sue the one responsible, little Nathaniel Brazil and his parents, or how about the school, who let him walk the halls asking to talk to girls in the classroom, and carry a pistol. When we were in school, you were not allowed in the halls at class time without a hall pass from your teacher, yet this delinquent was allowed to roam the halls freely, unchallenged and armed. HAS THE ENTIRE COUNTRY LOST IT'S COLLECTIVE MIND???!!!!!!!!!!

This goes way beyond gun control. This is just plain ..........I can't even come up with an appropriate word for it.......maybe scary? Does this mean that since I am disabled because of a car wreck caused by a reckless teenager 5 years ago that I can sue the dealership that originally sold the car? How about Ford, for manufacturing it in the first place? Because after all, their products kill children and innocent people and have crippled me for life. It could have been prevented by a simple Steering Wheel lock and a background check on the lad (who had 6 previous tickets in the last year for speeding and reckless driving, along with 2 wrecks). The car manufacturer was obviously negligent since they oppose sensible legislation such as this and are busy marketing their cars to drunk drivers. No one needs a car (in fact, the law in every State say's you don't. Driving is a privilege, right?). If you have to go somewhere, there are buses and taxis, horses, bicycles and your own feet. They're not efficient, but it will keep cars out of the hands of criminals (drunks, speeders, etc...). There are entirely too many cars on the street and something needs to be done about it! Only the Police and Military and a few select trained individuals should be allowed to own cars.

If I knew how to publish things [You just did, Joel.], you think maybe this would show the public how STUPID this line of reasoning is? I hope I didn't bother you with this, but it has upset me beyond description. I will send you my membership dues as soon as I get home (I'm still on the road with the band), if you'll have me. We gotta do something and do it fast and decisive. This is going to require some serious damage control, and if Mr. McCray is a member, maybe it would be appropriate to chastise him severely in writing, or throw him out! No amount of money was worth the potential damage this can cause to our 2nd Amendment efforts. If it was a matter of money, I'm sure all the gun owners in the country would have donated to help him fight this suit. I would have in a heartbeat! It's bad enough to have to fight the government. We don't need trouble from our own ranks! Absolutely no lawsuits should be settled. This is guerilla warfare and we need to make it as expensive for the opposition as possible. That's exactly what they are trying to do to us with these insane lawsuits, HUD suits and City suits. We gotta start fighting back! These suits would go nowhere if they were dragged out to full term. Even if we lose the suit, we'd still win the battle by draining their resources. Regardless of what they think, I believe there are more of us than of them. I really wish now I'd gone to law school when I was younger.

Have a happy New Year!

Joel Clyde
Crandall, Ga.


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The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed;... — Thomas Jefferson to Justice John Cartwright, 1824. ME 16:45.

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