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Attack on another gun rights organization

Agent Provocateurs Going After Allies

from Brian Pucket
Co-Founder, Citizens of America

Ladies and gentlemen:

A COA correspondent recently received an email that contained a startling quote regarding COA. Here's the text of it:


"Well we're glad to have you participating on our message boards, I did remove your posting about because we have a policy of only promoting organizations that we officially recognize and it's definitely not in the interest of our organization to advertise Citizens of America.

I don't know how much you really know about them, but they're widely alleged to be a fraud. This is the opinion of many associated with various statewide gun groups that we associate with, and we don't want to promote them in the slightest on our website until questions about their fundraising and expendatures are answered. As of this time, COA refuses to report how much money they've collected or what it's really spent on."


We at COA don't know which message board this was, nor who wrote the actual message, nor do we much care. Nor do we believe that COA is "widely alleged to be a fraud". However, our correspondent asked that we respond to this email, so here it is --


COA has not received any unanswered inquiries as regards our expenditures. We would be happy to respond to any such inquiries. Just for the record, in the year 1999 (we began in September of that year) we took in (in rounded figures) $16,000. In the year 2000 just ended, we took in $102,000. We're sorry it wasn't $102 million, because we think COA -- or ANY organization doing what COA does -- could make a tremendous difference in halting the citizen disarmament agenda.

As require by law, we have ample records of all expenditures, including funds paid to run print and radio ads. Considering the relatively small amount of funds we've taken in -- most of which came in the form of $50-and-under donations from individuals -- we have been able to run, or help others run, an amazing amount of pro-gun advertising. This is due in part to the many stations that have run our ads for free as Public Service Announcements, or that have given us discounts because they believe in the cause, or because we're a non-profit corporation, as well as the dozens of community access TV stations that have run our program of repeating COA pro-gun ads at no cost to us.

There are no false statements on COA's website. COA is a CA tax exempt non-profit organization, and thus if it were a "fraud" we would be criminally liable.

In fact, I can't quite figure out where the "fraud" would be: The broadcast-quality radio ads that we produced are right there on our site, to be downloaded and used by ANYONE (and they have been). The publication-quality print ads that we produced are right there on the website to be downloaded and used by ANYONE (and they have been). We send out -- free of charge -- CD's, DAT's, audiocassettes, or VHS tapes of our ads to any legitimate radio station or individual that requests them.

COA has worked with or corresponded on pro-RKBA ideas with Gun Owners of America, JPFO,, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners and many others across the country. Call them if you wish.

COA is the creation of a group of dedicated pro-RKBA activists in the LA area:

* Steve Silver, co-founder of Lawyers Second Amendment Society and;
* David Codrea, co-founder of and nationally known gun magazine/internet writer;
* Dan Schultz, co-founder of Lawyers Second Amendment Society and;
* Charles Carner, co-founder of and a television and motion picture writer/director;
* Jim Houck, advertising professional and internet writer;
* and myself, Brian Puckett

Personally, I am not really enjoying the job of running COA. Like the writing I have done on Second Amendment issues, which I am humbly grateful to say has been seen fit to be published in national magazines and on many internet sites, I do it because I believe it's necessary. I look forward to NOT spending all my time on these matters.

It is possible that some person or group is not happy with Citizens Of America because COA has taken a firm stand against a program pushed by the current NRA management called "Project Exile". "Project Exile" is a call for strict enforcement of existing gun laws, and as such is directly OPPOSED to what COA directors believe in, which is the REPEAL of all unconstitutional gun laws, NOT their enforcement. This is not an indictment of the NRA organization and its fine membership, but it IS a profound criticism of the NRA's current management, which has effectively turned the NRA into the nation's largest gun control organization. In an effort I initiated (and which was brought to fruition by the hard work of colleagues in the pro- RKBA movement), COA and dozens of other gun rights organizations have gone on record in officially condemning "Project Exile". For more on this subject, read:

Finally, we would like to list a few people who have helped promote COA in the past (some continue to do so regularly):

* Guns and Ammo Magazine (promotion via "What's New" mini-article).
* Tom Gresham, gun writer, talk show host (interview on syndicated show "Gun Talk")
* Jon Dougherty, Senior WorldNet Daily Columnist (two columns specifically on COA)
* Aaron Zelman, exec. dir. of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership: mutual promotional help
* Derry Brownfield (nationally syndicated radio show): interview
* Johnny Rowland (interview on syndicated "The Shooting Show". Mr. Rowland also forwarded COA ads to his syndicators for airplay as PSA's)
* Cal Smith, American News Network (interviews on "The Tyranny Response Team Show")
* Jeff Rense (nationally syndicated, top-rated radio show "Sightings" has run our ads)
* Bob Evans of "Vilcom Outdoor News" (has run multiple COA print ads)
* Waller and Son, mfg. gun cases: promotional tie-in to COA
* Springbok Holsters, mfg. holsters: promotional tie-in to COA
* Air-Soft pellet guns: promotional tie-in to COA
* Marathon Long Distance: affiliate partner to COA
* Fred's Column in Shotgun News: repeated promotions of COA
* permanent repeated promotion of COA [And that promotion will continue as long as COA & KABA exist. ~~]
* Dozens of websites voluntarily linked to COA
* Plus, thousands of citizens have donated, scores of radio station managers have played the ads as PSA's, dozens of local and national talk show hosts who are not listed who have arranged interviews specifically to help COA in the area of public relations.

Whether or not COA remains "in business" rests, at this time, upon its ability to raise funds -- soon -- from the millions of gun owning Americans and hundreds of gun-related businesses who wish to have OUR side of the gun rights issue placed before the nation at large in an aggressive manner.


Brian Puckett, President, Citizens Of America, Inc.

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PS.  From Angel Shamaya, Founder/Director,

Go read Brian Puckett's archive. If the above nonsense slur was written by someone in the RKBA community as opposed to an agent P, it's nothing more than petty jealousy: Brian Puckett's passion for freedom inspired ME to get busy for Liberty.  Nuff said.


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Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. — James Madison, The Federalist Papers, No. 46

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