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Random Thoughts on Various Gun Control Problems

from Melissa

"If criminals ignore gun laws, and only honest citizens obey them, how do gun laws reduce the incidence of violent crime?"


There are two main problems with Project Exile in my opinion:

1) It allows the Federal government take over the State government. If the Feds decide tomorrow that buying, selling, and eating steak is illegal, under Exile they could come in and arrest anyone in the state who engaged in these practices. And the state could not tell the Feds to bug-off. This sets a very dangerous precedent for a centralized government that could eradicate the state governments.

2) Many of the laws that the Feds want to use to arrest people are anti-rights laws that have no effect on lowering crime. People who break these laws, unless they are violent criminals, should not be held accountable, and the states should not let the Feds arrest them. One such law is the high-capacity magazine ban. Another is the "assault weapon" ban. In fact, these laws should be struck completely.

If the Feds are so hot on reducing crime, let them start with the criminals within their system.



1) What are violent criminals doing out of jail and able to buy a gun? They should be behind bars.... but you see, the "gun-control" (i.e. gun ban) advocates don't want the violent criminals behind bars because having them loose gives them more of an excuse to legislate toward their goal of a total gun ban.

2) Non-violent criminals should be able to have a gun. If the person undergoing a background check is a violent criminal, he should not be out of jail. If the person isn't a violent criminal, he doesn't need to get a background check. Therefore the question of background checks becomes null and void when the justice system is fixed.



1) A person who has passed a background check is not a criminal, obviously. He should be able to buy as many or as few guns as he wants.

2) If he has knowledge of a crime being planned and wants to take part in it by supplying criminals with weapons bought on his clean record, he is not only a moron, but also a criminal. If violent criminals were locked up for life instead of let free, he would hopefully think twice about engaging in such stupidity. There would also be way less market for underground sales if violent criminals were locked up.



FACT: Criminals, by definition, do not obey laws -- and will happily ignore any law that purports to prevent them from obtaining a gun.

FACT: Honest citizens DO obey laws, but they are not disposed to commit violence anyway. Such citizens generally comply with all purchase limitations and conditions, because they are not the ones committing the crimes.

QUERY: If criminals ignore gun laws, and only honest citizens obey them, how do gun laws reduce the incidence of violent crime?

If crimes involving a gun bother people so much (as well they should), why aren't they upset with the CRIMINAL for breaking the law? I will tell you why: You can't control what a criminal does. He will always FIND a way to get a gun. However, you CAN control what normal, law-abiding people do, if you can get the laws passed to do it.


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War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. — John Stuart Mills

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