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UPDATE 1/16/01

from Alfred A. Hambidge, Jr.

Probably the juiciest bit of news is the recent revelation that Judi Nathan, the girlfriend of New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, has two bodyguards being paid for by the people of New York to the tune of about $200,000 a year. As we know, Rudi is no friend of RKBA.

In articles by the Arizona Republic, USA Today, and the New York Post, we see that 

"The two detectives - who get base salaries of about $80,000 a year each - accompany Nathan from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. With the 12-hour shift comes built-in overtime that brings their total annual pay to at least $100,000." 


"While he and Nathan relaxed in her Southampton cottage, detectives sat parked outside and their replacements stayed in nearby hotels. . .The cost was about $3,000 per day, as The Post reported last May." 

Must be nice to have 3 grand worth of protection while you're "relaxing." The Post also said 

"It was unclear why Nathan doesn't have security overnight. But she presumably spends some of that time with Giuliani, who has his own large security contingent." 

I'm sure Rudi's got her covered.

Read more at:

The New York Post also points out that NYC Ex-Police Commissioner Howard Safir was keeping his detail of as many as a dozen sergeants and first-grade detectives. Not bad for someone who doesn't think we peasants should have our own means of protection. And on April 13, 1999, the Post reported that Safir used eight detectives as drivers and bodyguards for his daughter's wedding. New York taxpayers are sooo generous.

Other information that has come in shows that Spike Lee, who wished harm on Charleton Heston, has used 21st Century Security for his bodyguard needs.  (See 

We also hear that Madonna, known anti and friend of Rosie, has availed herself of the services of Spencer Peroni,  

Buddy Spenser has done bodyguard work for the production of HBO's Whitney Houston Live From Washington DC, 1998. He provided transportation and security for her extended family as well as her production crew. Whitney is no friend of RKBA either, but I guess you don't have to be if you're rich and famous. 

Mr. Spenser has also provided security for Beau Bridges (during the movie opening of Hunger in America in DC). Beau, if I recall, played James Brady in the TV movie about Sarah. And Senator Chuck Robb of Virginia (Senator Robb? How appropriate!) has also used Mr. Spenser. (See 

The NY Post on February 13, 1998, mentioned Bill Gates and his armed bodyguards. Bill has donated to anti-gun causes in Washington State.

And the Post also mentioned on February 20, 1998, the fact that James Brolin and Barbra Streisand had a bodyguard with them.

Again we learn from the NY Post of Sept. 16, 1999 that Donald Trump gave girlfriend Marla Maples the boot after she was caught red-handed on a South Florida beach - half-naked in the company of her then-bodyguard Spencer Wagner. I don't know about Donald, but Marla is an alleged anti.

And the Post also mentioned bodyguards on Feb. 13, 1998 and Sept. 7, 1999 in items about Ron Perelman, Pres.,
Revlon, Inc. and his estranged wife Patricia Duff. Mr. Perelman is an Advisory Panel Member of CeaseFire, Inc. Their stated goal is to promote "handgun-free homes and families" by claiming that gun ownership is a public health threat. Obviously, their Executive Protection Specialists' guns are AOK.

David Marks is a private detective who's done a lot of work over the years. He's become known as the "bodyguard to the
stars." On his website at there are several articles about him from local newspapers. One mentions that "when the sun goes down, his day begins... he straps on his .357 magnum, gets into his black Mark IV, and goes to work." Counted among his clients are Lloyd Bridges and Marlo Thomas, both of whom have served on HCI's national committee. 

At least the above mentioned antis hire professionals. We note that Reason magazine reported a tidbit about rabid anti Andrew Cuomo, of HUD. 

"As it turns out Cuomo has a gun problem that is a lot closer to home. His chief bodyguard, Clarence Day, a 68-year-old retired D.C. Metropolitan Police officer has repeatedly left his .38-caliber revolver lying around in public." 

And we also find that 

"A Secret Service agent assigned to protect first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton had her gun stolen while at a bar in Chicago's Fairmont Hotel during a visit to the hotel by the first lady, the Chicago Sun-Times has learned." 

Hey, Andrew and Hillary, call some of your friends listed above. I'm sure they can refer you to competent bodyguards.

On the strategy front, we've gotten some ideas. We've heard that many politicians or their staffers have gotten some form of LEO designation, perhaps Deputy U.S. Marshal, in order to get around gun control laws. That info must be somewhere. For example, in Wash. State, all LEO's must have an oath of office on record. Can someone find out about this? Antis who give themselves a badge so they can ignore the laws they impose on the rest of us are an abomination. Find them. Look locally or around your state for the  least likeable anti-self-defense public servant you can find -- and start doing some digging, to expose them.

Info on the Freedom of Information act can be found at:

Use these resources to gain access to public records. It may be possible to find out who has a CCW in some states by using the FOIA. 

As we mentioned before, we have nothing against bodyguards. Their's is an old and honorable profession. Our beef is not with them, but with those who use their services while denying that the rest of us have a right to defend our lives with a firearm.

We've gotten off to a good start, but we need much more. Do what you can to root out these hypocrites. 

To close this update, I'd like to acknowledge the following good folks who have contributed ideas, information, and encouragement. Thank you to: Barbara Alford, David Codrea, Dr. Rich, Lee Knoper, Melissa, tiggr, Randy, "Steve", Jeff Stewart, Robert Waters and Tim Weaver.

Related Reading:


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