Anti-gun Senator Chuck
Schumer Shooting a TEC-9

"That Picture Of 'Chucky' shooting the TEC-9 was taken around the time that the
Feinstein crowd had all of the "Black" guns sitting on a table in an ante room of Congress to show America (through a photo op.) how evil those black
assault guns are or were. It was back in 1994 if memory serves me."
--Randy Smith
"Yes, this really is Sen. Schumer blazing away with a TEC-9. I remember seeing it, or one like, it on several years ago, and forwarding the story to friends with the note that if Schumer weren't such an anti-gun putz, he'd have NRA-certified instructors on the range who would ensure that he had appropriate eye protection, and a proper grip and stance. The event was a demonstration of the outrageous destructive power of immoral assault weapons, or some
such nonsense." --Sean Flynn
"The original picture was taken at a law enforcement media event at the District of Columbia police range at the time Congress was considering the assault weapons law. Former Treasury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen was also there and shot an AR-15."
--Furio Quegrande
"That photograph was taken in late April, early May 1994, just before the vote on the
'Assault Weapons' vote that was signed into law on 13 September 1994. The photo came from an NRA-sponsored range session in an effort to enlighten Legislators about the firearms they were considering banning."
--Dean Speir,
"He's not wearing any eye protection, the dope, and his stance
stucks." --Melissa Seaman, Newslinks Director