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The Slavery Test

by Richard Travers
A founder of the "New Left" in Berkeley, CA, in 1964

What is gun control all about? People control of course! I have devised a test I give to liberals that illustrates this point:

Q: What was the political party of slavery before the Civil War?

A: The Democratic party.

Q: What did the slave owners provide the slaves with?

A: Food, clothing, housing and medical care (sick slaves were of no value).

Q: What did the slave owners get for all this?

A: The fruit of the slaves' labor, i.e., they were "taxed" at 100%.

Q: What did the slave owners not want their slaves to have?

A: Three things:

a.. Mobility- They tried white slaves at first (indentured servants), but they just walked off the plantation and you could not tell they were slaves. Natives could disappear into the wilderness. Blacks could not leave the plantation!

b.. Education- If the slaves were educated, they might get ideas about liberty and human rights.

c.. Guns- If slaves had guns, they were not slaves, but threats.

Q: What is the political party of SLAVERY in 2001?

A: Let us figure it out! The slave owners provide the slaves with food, clothing, housing, and Medicare (sound familiar?). And the three things their slaves must not have are:

a.. Mobility- don't let them leave the inner city, where they VOTE.

b.. And while the masters give them the choice of killing their children before and during birth (soon it will include after being born), they will not give them a choice of where to send their children to school (they do not want slaves to THINK!)

c.. The third is guns, for obvious reasons.

Q: What do the slave owners get for this in 2001? (By this, we will know the owners and their political party.)

A: The slave owners get their VOTE!! And what party do the slaves vote for? That's right, the DEMOCRATIC party. The "masters" who provide more food, clothing, housing, and medical care, all from the fruits of labor provided by... the slaves. Gun control is about people control and SLAVERY. I know. How?

I was a founder of the "New Left" in Berkeley, CA, in 1964, and this is just what they want, SLAVERY OF US ALL. They are not "liberal," but are committed national socialists, a term better known as "Nazis". I knew Democrats Willie Brown, Terrance ("Kayo" to his friends) Hallinan and young congressman Don Edwards. These people are dangerous because they will wait and wait. They know that if they can dumb down the American people long enough, they will WANT TO BE SLAVES. They know they have no shortage of ambitious Democrat accomplices, such as Jesse Jackson and his kind, betraying their brethren, vying for positions as overseers of the New Plantation, and devising new slavery tests, eager to note who will pass and who will fail.


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The writings of scholars who have written on the subject are virtually united on the point that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms, not simply the state national guards. — PROFESSOR GLENN HARLAN REYNOLDS

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