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July is Now Officially Independence Month announces Independence Month Writing Contest


Ladies and Gentlemen,

With everyone else calling Independence Day "4th of July," we are focused on what happened on July 4, 1776 -- and what it signified then and still means today.

To that end, beginning on the "holiday" where people are out partying and blowing up gunpowder in the skies, we'd like to begin sharing your focused thoughts and feelings on LIBERTY and INDEPENDENCE with the thousands of people who'll be visiting our site.

We're also, right here and now, officially dubbing July INDEPENDENCE MONTH.  And so it is.

So here's the scoop:


We will gladly receive and eagerly publish all good works of prose up to 1,500 words that speak directly to the true meaning and purpose of Independence, Liberty, 4 July 1776 and anything else that will speak LIBERTY to the hearts and souls of the good people with whom we share your writing.  An INDEPENDENT panel of peers will critique all submissions, and the winner will be given an honorary Life Membership with, complete with all present and future benefits.


The same prize awaits she or he who produces the most inspiring, original piece of poetry.


To have our home page splashed with inspiring original work by liberty-loving Americans, beginning on the anniversary of our beloved Day of Independence and continuing throughout LIBERTY MONTH, resulting in directed, results-oriented activism to restore the Republic.


  • Your writing must be your own. Having some editing assistance from someone is great; having someone ghost write for you isn't.  It's your heart we'd all like to savor.
  • Your submission(s) must be received by the end of the day (midnight) on July 20, 2001.  (And we'd like to have a few of you energetic writers get them in by the 3rd, too.
  • Your submission(s) must be delivered in only one of two ways:

    PREFERRED: You can place it in our usual online submission form for publication:

    ACCEPTABLE:  You can send it to with a subject of CONTEST SUBMISSION.  This is the method of submitting if your submission includes formatting (italics, bolding, underlining, etc.) that gets lost in web forms.  If that is the case, MS Word, Word Perfect or an .rtf file are the acceptable formats.

  • Your submission(s) must be completely edited for grammar, punctuation and spelling.
  • Your submission(s) must be under your real name and include your email address. If you're not yet ready to speak your truth on Independence Day and be heard for who you are for freedom, you need to be reading others' words on Wednesday, not writing your enslaved version of what Liberty is.

Barring sheer overload of thousands of submissions, we'll publish everything that comes through -- so you will get "air time."  Let 'er rip.  If you're on our main email list, you'll receive the first of several nice messages some time on Independence Day inviting you to revel in the spirit of FREEDOM, on


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...but if circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude, that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people, while there is a large body of citizens, little if at all inferior to them in discipline and use of arms, who stand ready to defend their rights... — Alexander Hamilton speaking of standing armies in Federalist No. 29.

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